All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Infidel justice waits patiently

Rasmea Odeh, convicted terrorist, pleads guilty to lying about criminal record on U.S. visa

Convicted terrorist Odeh pleads guilty to lying about criminal record on visa application

Convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh, who has lived in the United States since 1995, pleaded guilty Tuesday to lying about her criminal past on her visa application as part of a deal in which she agreed to be deported in exchange for no prison time.

Odeh, a longtime Palestinian activist in Chicago, appeared in federal court in Detroit after signing an agreement admitting that she failed to disclose on the application her conviction in two 1969 bombings in Jerusalem, including an attack that left two dead.

Out you go you deplorable waste of oxygen. To spend the rest of your days in the infidel hoosegow would offer a measure of justice. However, being given the Bum's Rush out of the Great Satan to your Islamic paradise is a fitting end.

Enjoy your stay in Jordan. Hey, isn't the Islamic paradise of Jordan also known as the "honor killing capitol of the world"?

One can only hope.
Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said, “the Arab countries will be ready to give security guarantees to Israel,” if Israel leaves the territories we liberated in 1967 (which includes the Kotel, of course), according to a report in Sputnik News.

Coming from Jordan, the country on the verge of collapse and takeover by ISIS, that’s just a barrel of laughs.

Safadi doesn’t say what those guarantees are.

Let’s think about what they could be:

  1. All the Arab countries will disarm themselves.
  2. All the Arab countries will become peaceful democracies.
  3. Iran will give up its expansionist behavior, nuclear ambitions, and anti-Zionist theology.
  4. ISIS, Al-Qaida, Hezbollah and Hamas will disarm themselves and disband.
  5. Islam will become the religion of peace. (My personal favorite.)
I don’t see any of those things happening.

(full article online)
Shourouk News and Asrar and Al Ghad TV and Arab48and AlArab News and Qatar News Agency all reported that "Jewish settlers" were performing "provocative Talmudic rituals" in the courtyard of "Bab al-Amud," which is Damascus Gate, "under heavy police protection."

Further reading shows that some Jewish kids were dancing ahead of Yom Ha'Atzmaut at the entrance to the Old City.

That's it.

This isn't even in "occupied territory."

So the next time someone tries to tell you that there would be peace f only Israel withdraws from the territories, ask them exactly why so many Arab news sites try to incite their readers into a frenzy with antisemitic overtones over Jews dancing on the west side of the Green Line.

(It is also entirely possible that the Arab world is trying to lay the groundwork for a campaign against Jews in any part of Jerusalem, as the upcoming UNESCO vote will deny any Israeli sovereignty over any part of the city.)

Jews dancing upsets Arabs. (Evergreen headline) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
However, Kerem Shalom is open every day from Sunday through Thursday, and it pumps fuel every one of those weekdays.

Ma'an is making it sound like it is hardly ever open.

What's going on?

Here's what appears to be happening: Israel sometimes opens Kerem Shalom on Fridays when there is reason to believe that Gaza needs extra fuel. So whenever Israel decides to open the crossing on a Friday there are some press releases in the Arab press letting people know the situation.

The Ma'an English editors appear to not understand these stories, and assume that when the Arabic media reports that Kerem Shalom is opening on a exceptional basis on a friday, that means it is not open the other days of the week.

(full article online)

Is Ma'an ignorant or knowingly lying about fuel to Gaza? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
These people want freedom of speech, but only if you agree with them. They want democracy, only for as long as you vote on their side. You are free to hold an opinion, only for as long as it is the same as theirs. You must like what they like and hate what they hate. You are human and have equal rights only for as long as you do not oppose them.

For when you cross that divide, when you raise the flag of opposition, when you dare to question their narrative, you will be evicted from their club. They will dehumanise you. They will remove your right to respect, to hold an opinion and they will remove your right to free speech. Witness how offended they become, just because someone they do not agree with, arrives on the university campus.

How shameful it is that students in 2017 should behave with such a mob mentality, with such cowardice. How truly tragic that they do so mirroring the behaviour of faculty members of their campus.

(full article and videos online)

The day Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev went to SOAS campus
“We will not sell out our faith for an electric bill,” Al-Zahar vowed, confirming that Hamas would rather see Gaza Arabs die as a result of the lack of electric service than consider accepting PA rule in the strip.

In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip and removed Fatah officials—throwing some of them of Gaza rooftops. At least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting.
How can a family whose patriarch was in prison for 27 of the past 31 years afford such a beautiful home?

It is because the terrorists who murder Jews get paid a handsome salary from the Palestinian Authority, which gets its budget from the West.

Yes, your tax dollars paid for the home of Samer al-Mahrum.

You can be sure that 99% of the "pro-Palestinian" protesters who say how awful Israel treats the Palestinians do not live in homes this nice. In fact, 99% of the entire world population does not live in homes that are this spacious and well decorated. Most of the people living in Egypt or Jordan would kill to live so well as this poor, deprived family who openly show their allegiance to terror groups.

(full article and photos online)

Look at the beautiful house of a terrorist family, thanks to your tax dollars ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
After every terrorist attack, politicians and pundits reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true beliefs of the “moderate Muslim majority.” But how many moderates are there? And what exactly does “moderate” mean?

It is not Islamophobic to note the tragic fact that, at this time in history, the Muslim world is dominated by bad ideas and bad beliefs. That is why millions of so-called moderate Muslims do not rise up to denounce Islamist terror – because the word “moderate,” as we understand it, doesn’t really apply. If moderation means you tolerate freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, women’s rights and gay rights, moderate Muslims are a distinct minority. Of course, they exist. Millions of them. But among believing Muslims, they do not represent anywhere near a critical mass.

Oh, dear. It sounds like the two competing recipients of the UNRWA welfare fraud are having a bit of a kerfuffle.

What a shame. It kinda' makes you miss those heady days in 2007 when these fine folks were torturing each other with power drills - drilling through skin and bone and one group throwing members of the competing group from rooftops.

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against Humanity

Mahmoud al-Zahar, co-founder of Hamas and a member of the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip, on Saturday night told a Hamas assembly in Gaza that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is committing crimes against humanity with his recent actions in the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.


On Thursday, the Palestinian Authority announced it would no longer be paying Israel for the electricity it provides to the Gaza Strip, in a move that is certain to increase the suffering of local residents.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip and removed Fatah officials—throwing some of them off Gaza rooftops. At least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting.
There was a time not too long ago when we knew what it meant to be helpless as the world watched as millions of Jews were being murdered. Our memorial day is about the true meaning of Zionism: Jewish self-determination and national liberation. After only seven decades of independence so far, Israelis have come to understand and to mark the integral link between destruction and rebirth, sorrow and gladness.

The cost of freedom on Israel's 69th birthday
Oh, dear. It sounds like the two competing recipients of the UNRWA welfare fraud are having a bit of a kerfuffle.

What a shame. It kinda' makes you miss those heady days in 2007 when these fine folks were torturing each other with power drills - drilling through skin and bone and one group throwing members of the competing group from rooftops.

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against Humanity

Mahmoud al-Zahar, co-founder of Hamas and a member of the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip, on Saturday night told a Hamas assembly in Gaza that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is committing crimes against humanity with his recent actions in the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.


On Thursday, the Palestinian Authority announced it would no longer be paying Israel for the electricity it provides to the Gaza Strip, in a move that is certain to increase the suffering of local residents.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip and removed Fatah officials—throwing some of them off Gaza rooftops. At least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting.
Your source lies.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.
Think of that. ( I know, thinking is the Zionist's short suit.) What does it say?
Oh, dear. It sounds like the two competing recipients of the UNRWA welfare fraud are having a bit of a kerfuffle.

What a shame. It kinda' makes you miss those heady days in 2007 when these fine folks were torturing each other with power drills - drilling through skin and bone and one group throwing members of the competing group from rooftops.

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against Humanity

Mahmoud al-Zahar, co-founder of Hamas and a member of the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip, on Saturday night told a Hamas assembly in Gaza that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is committing crimes against humanity with his recent actions in the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.


On Thursday, the Palestinian Authority announced it would no longer be paying Israel for the electricity it provides to the Gaza Strip, in a move that is certain to increase the suffering of local residents.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip and removed Fatah officials—throwing some of them off Gaza rooftops. At least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting.
Your source lies.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.
Think of that. ( I know, thinking is the Zionist's short suit.) What does it say?

The "angry Islamist" thing is expected, but your usual conspiracy theories really do not serve any purpose.
Oh, dear. It sounds like the two competing recipients of the UNRWA welfare fraud are having a bit of a kerfuffle.

What a shame. It kinda' makes you miss those heady days in 2007 when these fine folks were torturing each other with power drills - drilling through skin and bone and one group throwing members of the competing group from rooftops.

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against Humanity

Mahmoud al-Zahar, co-founder of Hamas and a member of the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip, on Saturday night told a Hamas assembly in Gaza that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is committing crimes against humanity with his recent actions in the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.


On Thursday, the Palestinian Authority announced it would no longer be paying Israel for the electricity it provides to the Gaza Strip, in a move that is certain to increase the suffering of local residents.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip and removed Fatah officials—throwing some of them off Gaza rooftops. At least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting.
Your source lies.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.
Think of that. ( I know, thinking is the Zionist's short suit.) What does it say?

The "angry Islamist" thing is expected, but your usual conspiracy theories really do not serve any purpose.
Nice duck. I knew it would be too complicated for you. You can't recognize a lie when it is in your face.
Oh, dear. It sounds like the two competing recipients of the UNRWA welfare fraud are having a bit of a kerfuffle.

What a shame. It kinda' makes you miss those heady days in 2007 when these fine folks were torturing each other with power drills - drilling through skin and bone and one group throwing members of the competing group from rooftops.

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against Humanity

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against HumanityThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 4 Iyyar 5777 – April 30, 2017 |

Mahmoud al-Zahar, co-founder of Hamas and a member of the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip, on Saturday night told a Hamas assembly in Gaza that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is committing crimes against humanity with his recent actions in the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.


On Thursday, the Palestinian Authority announced it would no longer be paying Israel for the electricity it provides to the Gaza Strip, in a move that is certain to increase the suffering of local residents.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip and removed Fatah officials—throwing some of them off Gaza rooftops. At least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting.
Your source lies.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.
Think of that. ( I know, thinking is the Zionist's short suit.) What does it say?

The "angry Islamist" thing is expected, but your usual conspiracy theories really do not serve any purpose.
Nice duck. I knew it would be too complicated for you. You can't recognize a lie when it is in your face.

Such an angry Islamist.

All this blustering of yours intended to appease your bruised islamo-sensitivities.
Oh, dear. It sounds like the two competing recipients of the UNRWA welfare fraud are having a bit of a kerfuffle.

What a shame. It kinda' makes you miss those heady days in 2007 when these fine folks were torturing each other with power drills - drilling through skin and bone and one group throwing members of the competing group from rooftops.

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against Humanity

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against HumanityThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 4 Iyyar 5777 – April 30, 2017 |

Mahmoud al-Zahar, co-founder of Hamas and a member of the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip, on Saturday night told a Hamas assembly in Gaza that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is committing crimes against humanity with his recent actions in the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.


On Thursday, the Palestinian Authority announced it would no longer be paying Israel for the electricity it provides to the Gaza Strip, in a move that is certain to increase the suffering of local residents.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip and removed Fatah officials—throwing some of them off Gaza rooftops. At least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting.
Your source lies.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.
Think of that. ( I know, thinking is the Zionist's short suit.) What does it say?

The "angry Islamist" thing is expected, but your usual conspiracy theories really do not serve any purpose.
Nice duck. I knew it would be too complicated for you. You can't recognize a lie when it is in your face.

Such an angry Islamist.

All this blustering of yours intended to appease your bruised islamo-sensitivities.
It is not my fault that you cannot understand your own post.
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