All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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You absolutely "MUST" strike:

Hamas prisoners are boycotting the strike, and Gaza Strip Arabs are ignoring the strike.

The PA appears determined to enforce the strike, and many civilians have been blocked from entering the major cities and forced to return home. The streets of towns and villages are almost empty of cars and pedestrians, and banks and factories are closed in a scene reminiscent of the days of the first Intifada of 1987, Arab media reported.

Long lines of cars have been standing motionless in front of the barricaded entrances to major PA cities, with smoke bellowing from areas where impatient motorists may have confronted PA strike enforcers.

(full article online)
Israel unveils Remembrance Hall for fallen soldiers ahead of Memorial Day

The site, located at the entrance to the Mount Herzl national cemetery, will commemorate each of the country’s 23,000 killed
  • Untitled-4-635x357.jpg

    Bricks line a corridor in the Remembrance Hall, each bearing the name and date of death of a fallen soldier, April 27, 2017. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel.

  • Untitled-6-635x357.jpg

    The site's central column, made from 6,000 stone bricks, opens into a "bell light" 18 meters above the ground, April 27, 2017. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)
(full article online)

WATCH: Israel unveils Remembrance Hall for fallen soldiers ahead of Memorial Day
The University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) chapter of a notorious anti-Israel group is being slammed by Jewish students for launching a boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign on Holocaust Remembrance Day, which was observed on Monday.

“The Jewish community here at UCSB is shaken by the insensitivity of this resolution being brought up on Yom HaShoah [by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)],” Gauchos United for Israel told The Algemeiner on Tuesday.

“Of course, we are not taking this sitting down and have mobilized members of our community to come together and carefully organize how we are going to most effectively explain why anti-Zionism is antisemitism as well as where legitimate criticism of the Israeli government ends and antisemitism begins,” said the Hillel-affiliated student group.

(full article online)

UC Santa Barbara’s SJP Slammed for Launching BDS Campaign on Holocaust Remembrance Day
Indeed, CAMERA has multiple postsdedicated to false Zionist quotes, including several from Ben-Gurion and, in 2012, published a thorough refutation of the following quote attributed to the late Israeli prime minister.

“We must expel Arabs and take their place”.

Careful research by CAMERA demonstrated that the words – suggesting Ben-Gurion favoured the ethnic cleansing of Arabs – represented the opposite of the truth. Here’s what Ben-Gurion actually wrote in the letter in question.

“We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.”

Though, it’s rare to see this completely discredited quote appear anymore at ‘mainstream’ news outlets, on April 25th, The Irish News (of Belfast) published a letter which included the following claims:

The scene was set in 1937 when Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in a letter to his son wrote “Negev land is reserved for Jewish citizens, whenever and wherever they wantwe must expel Arabs and take their placesand if we have to use force, then we have the force at our disposal…”. This was, and is, the Zionist mindset before the great Estate Agent in the sky decided who really owned the land of Palestine.

In addition to the false quote concerning “expelling Arabs and taking their place”, the letter also distorts Ben-Gurion’s words concerning the Negev and the use of force. Here’s the actual sentence, again, translated into English by CAMERA.

"All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land [of Israel] — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land[of Israel]. And if we will have to use force, not for the sake of evicting the Arabs of the Negev or Transjordan, but rather in order to secure the right that belongs to us to settle there, force will be available to us."

(full article online)

No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?
The dictionary definition of incitement is "something that encourages people to be violent or commit crimes, or the deliberate act of encouraging violence or crime."

Writers like me, organizations like Palestinian Media Watch and MEMRI, and the State of Isael itself have accurately and effectively documented thousands of cases of incitement in Palestinian media and from Palestinian leaders, directly encouraging their people to act violently and encouraging terror by praising and paying the terrorists and their families.

In this document they portray legitimate political positions and policies as "incitement". Here is every category of "incitement" they list:

"Israel's incitement against the two state solution"
"Expand existing settlements"
"'Land Theft Law'"
"Jerusalem: 'Eternal and Undivided Capital of the Jewish People'"
"Incitement against Palestinian prisoners"
One specific example of "incitement" listed is saying that Marwan Barghouti is a murderer.

Another is a statement from the Prime Minister's office that "We are in the land of the Bible, in the city of Jerusalem. Everything that happened there happened here. This is our land, our heritage, our book, our story, our faith and our hope."

Yes, the PLO officially claims that mentioning that the Bible is the story of the Jewish people is "incitement."

That mentioning the importance of Jerusalem to Jews is "incitement."

That noting that prisoners who tried to, or succeeded in, murdering innocent civilians are terrorists is "incitement."

That making legal claims on parts of the Land of Israel is "incitement."

They know that they are lying. But that is what the PLO does.

(full article online)

  • In the world of the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership, a journalist's loyalty to his leaders and their cause supersedes his loyalty to the truth. In a word, it is the truth vs. Abbas's security forces.

  • As the international media relies heavily on Palestinian journalists and "media assistants" in covering Palestinian affairs, this intimidation of Palestinian journalists heavily colors the reporting of Western journalists. The stories Palestinian journalists tell their Western colleagues are limited to ones that will not endanger their own lives. This censorship, whether by the Abbas's security forces or self-imposed, explains why one rarely reads or sees a story in Western mainstream media about negative things happening in the PA-controlled territories.

  • Even when their Palestinian colleagues are beaten and arrested by Abbas's security forces, these "journalists" fail to report such incidents. This makes some sense: should they open their mouths with the truth, Abbas and his cohorts might indeed stop inviting them to press conferences and banquets in the fancy restaurants of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jericho.
(full article online)

Palestinians: This is How We Intimidate Journalists
The specifics are...unclear.

Maybe he should sue the Arab leaders, including Palestinian Arab leaders, who refused to accept the UN resolution that would have given them a state in 1947!

Please, please sue the British government, Abbas. Sue them to demand an apology. Sue them to demand money. Sue them as publicly and noisily as possible. If you cant find a legal excuse to sue, please continue to threaten a lawsuit anyway.

It is a sure way to lose support for your cause in the West, as people are slowly realizing that the Palestinian Authority is more interested in stunts than peace. The Arab world is already there, and your actions are the surest way to ensure that your people will be whining about their terrible lives in their villas in Ramallah for the next century.

(full article online)

Please, please sue Britain, Mahmoud Abbas! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
as people are slowly realizing that the Palestinian Authority is more interested in stunts than peace.​

I can't disagree with that. Why do you think 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign?
  • In the world of the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership, a journalist's loyalty to his leaders and their cause supersedes his loyalty to the truth. In a word, it is the truth vs. Abbas's security forces.

  • As the international media relies heavily on Palestinian journalists and "media assistants" in covering Palestinian affairs, this intimidation of Palestinian journalists heavily colors the reporting of Western journalists. The stories Palestinian journalists tell their Western colleagues are limited to ones that will not endanger their own lives. This censorship, whether by the Abbas's security forces or self-imposed, explains why one rarely reads or sees a story in Western mainstream media about negative things happening in the PA-controlled territories.

  • Even when their Palestinian colleagues are beaten and arrested by Abbas's security forces, these "journalists" fail to report such incidents. This makes some sense: should they open their mouths with the truth, Abbas and his cohorts might indeed stop inviting them to press conferences and banquets in the fancy restaurants of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jericho.
(full article online)

Palestinians: This is How We Intimidate Journalists
Indeed, CAMERA has multiple postsdedicated to false Zionist quotes, including several from Ben-Gurion and, in 2012, published a thorough refutation of the following quote attributed to the late Israeli prime minister.

“We must expel Arabs and take their place”.

Careful research by CAMERA demonstrated that the words – suggesting Ben-Gurion favoured the ethnic cleansing of Arabs – represented the opposite of the truth. Here’s what Ben-Gurion actually wrote in the letter in question.

“We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.”

Though, it’s rare to see this completely discredited quote appear anymore at ‘mainstream’ news outlets, on April 25th, The Irish News (of Belfast) published a letter which included the following claims:

The scene was set in 1937 when Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in a letter to his son wrote “Negev land is reserved for Jewish citizens, whenever and wherever they wantwe must expel Arabs and take their placesand if we have to use force, then we have the force at our disposal…”. This was, and is, the Zionist mindset before the great Estate Agent in the sky decided who really owned the land of Palestine.

In addition to the false quote concerning “expelling Arabs and taking their place”, the letter also distorts Ben-Gurion’s words concerning the Negev and the use of force. Here’s the actual sentence, again, translated into English by CAMERA.

"All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land [of Israel] — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land[of Israel]. And if we will have to use force, not for the sake of evicting the Arabs of the Negev or Transjordan, but rather in order to secure the right that belongs to us to settle there, force will be available to us."

(full article online)

No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Indeed, CAMERA has multiple postsdedicated to false Zionist quotes, including several from Ben-Gurion and, in 2012, published a thorough refutation of the following quote attributed to the late Israeli prime minister.

“We must expel Arabs and take their place”.

Careful research by CAMERA demonstrated that the words – suggesting Ben-Gurion favoured the ethnic cleansing of Arabs – represented the opposite of the truth. Here’s what Ben-Gurion actually wrote in the letter in question.

“We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.”

Though, it’s rare to see this completely discredited quote appear anymore at ‘mainstream’ news outlets, on April 25th, The Irish News (of Belfast) published a letter which included the following claims:

The scene was set in 1937 when Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in a letter to his son wrote “Negev land is reserved for Jewish citizens, whenever and wherever they wantwe must expel Arabs and take their placesand if we have to use force, then we have the force at our disposal…”. This was, and is, the Zionist mindset before the great Estate Agent in the sky decided who really owned the land of Palestine.

In addition to the false quote concerning “expelling Arabs and taking their place”, the letter also distorts Ben-Gurion’s words concerning the Negev and the use of force. Here’s the actual sentence, again, translated into English by CAMERA.

"All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land [of Israel] — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land[of Israel]. And if we will have to use force, not for the sake of evicting the Arabs of the Negev or Transjordan, but rather in order to secure the right that belongs to us to settle there, force will be available to us."

(full article online)

No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"
Indeed, CAMERA has multiple postsdedicated to false Zionist quotes, including several from Ben-Gurion and, in 2012, published a thorough refutation of the following quote attributed to the late Israeli prime minister.

“We must expel Arabs and take their place”.

Careful research by CAMERA demonstrated that the words – suggesting Ben-Gurion favoured the ethnic cleansing of Arabs – represented the opposite of the truth. Here’s what Ben-Gurion actually wrote in the letter in question.

“We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.”

Though, it’s rare to see this completely discredited quote appear anymore at ‘mainstream’ news outlets, on April 25th, The Irish News (of Belfast) published a letter which included the following claims:

The scene was set in 1937 when Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in a letter to his son wrote “Negev land is reserved for Jewish citizens, whenever and wherever they wantwe must expel Arabs and take their placesand if we have to use force, then we have the force at our disposal…”. This was, and is, the Zionist mindset before the great Estate Agent in the sky decided who really owned the land of Palestine.

In addition to the false quote concerning “expelling Arabs and taking their place”, the letter also distorts Ben-Gurion’s words concerning the Negev and the use of force. Here’s the actual sentence, again, translated into English by CAMERA.

"All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land [of Israel] — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land[of Israel]. And if we will have to use force, not for the sake of evicting the Arabs of the Negev or Transjordan, but rather in order to secure the right that belongs to us to settle there, force will be available to us."

(full article online)

No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"

No, President of "All talk and no facts" Company, and you are very, very accomplished at it.
Because you have not been able to prove even ONE of your accusations of Israel BS.
And never will :)
Indeed, CAMERA has multiple postsdedicated to false Zionist quotes, including several from Ben-Gurion and, in 2012, published a thorough refutation of the following quote attributed to the late Israeli prime minister.

“We must expel Arabs and take their place”.

Careful research by CAMERA demonstrated that the words – suggesting Ben-Gurion favoured the ethnic cleansing of Arabs – represented the opposite of the truth. Here’s what Ben-Gurion actually wrote in the letter in question.

“We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.”

Though, it’s rare to see this completely discredited quote appear anymore at ‘mainstream’ news outlets, on April 25th, The Irish News (of Belfast) published a letter which included the following claims:

The scene was set in 1937 when Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in a letter to his son wrote “Negev land is reserved for Jewish citizens, whenever and wherever they wantwe must expel Arabs and take their placesand if we have to use force, then we have the force at our disposal…”. This was, and is, the Zionist mindset before the great Estate Agent in the sky decided who really owned the land of Palestine.

In addition to the false quote concerning “expelling Arabs and taking their place”, the letter also distorts Ben-Gurion’s words concerning the Negev and the use of force. Here’s the actual sentence, again, translated into English by CAMERA.

"All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land [of Israel] — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land[of Israel]. And if we will have to use force, not for the sake of evicting the Arabs of the Negev or Transjordan, but rather in order to secure the right that belongs to us to settle there, force will be available to us."

(full article online)

No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"

No, President of "All talk and no facts" Company, and you are very, very accomplished at it.
Because you have not been able to prove even ONE of your accusations of Israel BS.
And never will :)
You are still shoveling Israeli shit. For example:

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews​

The liars never mention that these were responses to the Zionist's settler colonial project.
Indeed, CAMERA has multiple postsdedicated to false Zionist quotes, including several from Ben-Gurion and, in 2012, published a thorough refutation of the following quote attributed to the late Israeli prime minister.

“We must expel Arabs and take their place”.

Careful research by CAMERA demonstrated that the words – suggesting Ben-Gurion favoured the ethnic cleansing of Arabs – represented the opposite of the truth. Here’s what Ben-Gurion actually wrote in the letter in question.

“We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.”

Though, it’s rare to see this completely discredited quote appear anymore at ‘mainstream’ news outlets, on April 25th, The Irish News (of Belfast) published a letter which included the following claims:

The scene was set in 1937 when Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in a letter to his son wrote “Negev land is reserved for Jewish citizens, whenever and wherever they wantwe must expel Arabs and take their placesand if we have to use force, then we have the force at our disposal…”. This was, and is, the Zionist mindset before the great Estate Agent in the sky decided who really owned the land of Palestine.

In addition to the false quote concerning “expelling Arabs and taking their place”, the letter also distorts Ben-Gurion’s words concerning the Negev and the use of force. Here’s the actual sentence, again, translated into English by CAMERA.

"All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land [of Israel] — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land[of Israel]. And if we will have to use force, not for the sake of evicting the Arabs of the Negev or Transjordan, but rather in order to secure the right that belongs to us to settle there, force will be available to us."

(full article online)

No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"

No, President of "All talk and no facts" Company, and you are very, very accomplished at it.
Because you have not been able to prove even ONE of your accusations of Israel BS.
And never will :)
You are still shoveling Israeli shit. For example:

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews​

The liars never mention that these were responses to the Zionist's settler colonial project.

Dear President,

<Zionist's settler colonial project>

Equals = aka

Indigenous Jews returning to their ancient Homeland.

And the above three were Arab Muslim 1300 years of Jewish land take over, and not willing to give it up, because Arabs can never give up conquered land, and much less if it is to their despised Jewish dhimmis because Mohammad "said so".
Indeed, CAMERA has multiple postsdedicated to false Zionist quotes, including several from Ben-Gurion and, in 2012, published a thorough refutation of the following quote attributed to the late Israeli prime minister.

“We must expel Arabs and take their place”.

Careful research by CAMERA demonstrated that the words – suggesting Ben-Gurion favoured the ethnic cleansing of Arabs – represented the opposite of the truth. Here’s what Ben-Gurion actually wrote in the letter in question.

“We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.”

Though, it’s rare to see this completely discredited quote appear anymore at ‘mainstream’ news outlets, on April 25th, The Irish News (of Belfast) published a letter which included the following claims:

The scene was set in 1937 when Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in a letter to his son wrote “Negev land is reserved for Jewish citizens, whenever and wherever they wantwe must expel Arabs and take their placesand if we have to use force, then we have the force at our disposal…”. This was, and is, the Zionist mindset before the great Estate Agent in the sky decided who really owned the land of Palestine.

In addition to the false quote concerning “expelling Arabs and taking their place”, the letter also distorts Ben-Gurion’s words concerning the Negev and the use of force. Here’s the actual sentence, again, translated into English by CAMERA.

"All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land [of Israel] — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land[of Israel]. And if we will have to use force, not for the sake of evicting the Arabs of the Negev or Transjordan, but rather in order to secure the right that belongs to us to settle there, force will be available to us."

(full article online)

No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"

No, President of "All talk and no facts" Company, and you are very, very accomplished at it.
Because you have not been able to prove even ONE of your accusations of Israel BS.
And never will :)
You are still shoveling Israeli shit. For example:

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews​

The liars never mention that these were responses to the Zionist's settler colonial project.

Actually, the riots were reactions by the islamists to their settler colonial project being threatened. No more land stealing for muhammedans after the collapse of the Ottoman land grabbing project.
How can we explain this seeming contradiction? Do they want to support us or to help our enemies kill us? Landes’ analysis suggests an answer. If he’s right and the Germans today are primarily motivated by shame, then it makes sense that they would do as much as possible in public to counteract the perception that they are the heirs of the murderous Nazis. On the other hand, their shame drives them to work privately at the same time to transfer the responsibility to Israel, to make the Jewish state into the new Third Reich. And as a matter of fact, German funding for anti-state NGOs in Israel is highly non-transparent. While Germany is a public friend of Israel, in private it helps our enemies drive their knives into our collective back.

Supersessionism, new and old (Vic Rosenthal) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Indeed, CAMERA has multiple postsdedicated to false Zionist quotes, including several from Ben-Gurion and, in 2012, published a thorough refutation of the following quote attributed to the late Israeli prime minister.

“We must expel Arabs and take their place”.

Careful research by CAMERA demonstrated that the words – suggesting Ben-Gurion favoured the ethnic cleansing of Arabs – represented the opposite of the truth. Here’s what Ben-Gurion actually wrote in the letter in question.

“We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.”

Though, it’s rare to see this completely discredited quote appear anymore at ‘mainstream’ news outlets, on April 25th, The Irish News (of Belfast) published a letter which included the following claims:

The scene was set in 1937 when Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in a letter to his son wrote “Negev land is reserved for Jewish citizens, whenever and wherever they wantwe must expel Arabs and take their placesand if we have to use force, then we have the force at our disposal…”. This was, and is, the Zionist mindset before the great Estate Agent in the sky decided who really owned the land of Palestine.

In addition to the false quote concerning “expelling Arabs and taking their place”, the letter also distorts Ben-Gurion’s words concerning the Negev and the use of force. Here’s the actual sentence, again, translated into English by CAMERA.

"All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land [of Israel] — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land[of Israel]. And if we will have to use force, not for the sake of evicting the Arabs of the Negev or Transjordan, but rather in order to secure the right that belongs to us to settle there, force will be available to us."

(full article online)

No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"

No, President of "All talk and no facts" Company, and you are very, very accomplished at it.
Because you have not been able to prove even ONE of your accusations of Israel BS.
And never will :)
You are still shoveling Israeli shit. For example:

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews​

The liars never mention that these were responses to the Zionist's settler colonial project.

Same riots happened a 100 years prior to that, in the same locations (Hebron ,Jerusalem, Sefad, Tiberias) because some guy decided to incite hatred in a marketplace, calling to rob all Jews.
Or because Arabs who fought each other (Peasant revolt) actually started with the Jews before fighting those who actually rebelled.

All this was before Zionism, and You already knew it.
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"

No, President of "All talk and no facts" Company, and you are very, very accomplished at it.
Because you have not been able to prove even ONE of your accusations of Israel BS.
And never will :)
You are still shoveling Israeli shit. For example:

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews​

The liars never mention that these were responses to the Zionist's settler colonial project.

Same riots happened a 100 years prior to that, in the same locations (Hebron ,Jerusalem, Sefad, Tiberias) because some guy decided to incite hatred in a marketplace, calling to rob all Jews.
Or because Arabs who fought each other (Peasant revolt) actually started with the Jews before fighting those who actually rebelled.

All this was before Zionism, and You already knew it.
You had to go back a hundred years? It does not look like a systemic problem.
1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"

No, President of "All talk and no facts" Company, and you are very, very accomplished at it.
Because you have not been able to prove even ONE of your accusations of Israel BS.
And never will :)
You are still shoveling Israeli shit. For example:

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews​

The liars never mention that these were responses to the Zionist's settler colonial project.

Same riots happened a 100 years prior to that, in the same locations (Hebron ,Jerusalem, Sefad, Tiberias) because some guy decided to incite hatred in a marketplace, calling to rob all Jews.
Or because Arabs who fought each other (Peasant revolt) actually started with the Jews before fighting those who actually rebelled.

All this was before Zionism, and You already knew it.
You had to go back a hundred years? It does not look like a systemic problem.

The condition of Jews in that area, the special Jew taxes, dhimmi, some riots here and there for the casual fun...sure
1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"

No, President of "All talk and no facts" Company, and you are very, very accomplished at it.
Because you have not been able to prove even ONE of your accusations of Israel BS.
And never will :)
You are still shoveling Israeli shit. For example:

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews​

The liars never mention that these were responses to the Zionist's settler colonial project.

Same riots happened a 100 years prior to that, in the same locations (Hebron ,Jerusalem, Sefad, Tiberias) because some guy decided to incite hatred in a marketplace, calling to rob all Jews.
Or because Arabs who fought each other (Peasant revolt) actually started with the Jews before fighting those who actually rebelled.

All this was before Zionism, and You already knew it.
You had to go back a hundred years? It does not look like a systemic problem.

Nah, Mr. President, it looks like the Arabs could do anything they wanted to the Jews in that area and get away with it without any Westerners telling them not to do it.
And it had been going on for 1300 years, on and off.

On = attack Jews

Off = rest

On = attack Jews

Off = rest

We are in the ON part of it for the past 100 years, non stop.
There's already enough massacres mentioned above by me and You, that took place in the same centers of Jewish population in a span of 150 years- it didn't all happen on the same day.
And that's just the recent history.

Even the Egyptians who came to calm the Arab riots, first 'warmed-up' on the Jews of Jerusalem.
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