All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Why did you think that we would not discuss Jewish terrorists? Oh yeah, you don't think.


Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't you the one who posed as "NaziMick" and therefore is a Nazi in each and every way?

Discuss "Jewish Terrorism" all you like. Jews defending their ancient land from invading Arabs and British interests (the British really wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves, that is why they refused to leave and stopped Jewish immigration to the area, and THAT, after giving 77 % of Jewish land to the Hashemite Arabs in 1925)

The British, the Germans, the Arabs and many others = First class thieves and murderers

Call Any Jew a Terrorist all you like.

Because you are terrified of looking at yourself in the mirror :)

The Zionists were in Europe. The native people, Christian and Muslim, were in Palestine. Ergo, the native people could not be the invaders. The Jews are the invading terrorists.

Your so-called "native people, Christian and muslim", were simply invaders and colonists from earlier Crusader colonist - invasions and Muslim invaders - squatters. Ergo, your arbitrary use and assignment of the "Joooooo invader" slogan is merely a reflection of your biases and hatreds.
The dictionary definition of incitement is "something that encourages people to be violent or commit crimes, or the deliberate act of encouraging violence or crime."

Writers like me, organizations like Palestinian Media Watch and MEMRI, and the State of Isael itself have accurately and effectively documented thousands of cases of incitement in Palestinian media and from Palestinian leaders, directly encouraging their people to act violently and encouraging terror by praising and paying the terrorists and their families.

In this document they portray legitimate political positions and policies as "incitement". Here is every category of "incitement" they list:

"Israel's incitement against the two state solution"
"Expand existing settlements"
"'Land Theft Law'"
"Jerusalem: 'Eternal and Undivided Capital of the Jewish People'"
"Incitement against Palestinian prisoners"
One specific example of "incitement" listed is saying that Marwan Barghouti is a murderer.

Another is a statement from the Prime Minister's office that "We are in the land of the Bible, in the city of Jerusalem. Everything that happened there happened here. This is our land, our heritage, our book, our story, our faith and our hope."

Yes, the PLO officially claims that mentioning that the Bible is the story of the Jewish people is "incitement."

That mentioning the importance of Jerusalem to Jews is "incitement."

That noting that prisoners who tried to, or succeeded in, murdering innocent civilians are terrorists is "incitement."

That making legal claims on parts of the Land of Israel is "incitement."

They know that they are lying. But that is what the PLO does.

(full article online)
UNRWA-USA doesn't want to talk about the infighting between Palestinian leaders over who pays for the fuel. No one will donate to help a dysfunctional "state" which can't even get it together to help their own people.

Actually, the Gaza power plant never reached anything close to full capacity since it was built in 2002, because Gaza power lines couldn't handle that amount. The most it ever generated was 90 MW out of 140 MW capacity; recently it was generating around 70 MW while Israel supplies 120 MW directly to Gaza.

And Israel has not limited the amount of fuel to Gaza in years. The "blockade" has nothing to do with why the power plant has no fuel.

UNRWA does not buy or provide fuel for Gaza. This fundraiser is meant to appeal to the donors by saying how terrible those sieging, blockading Israelis are for making Gazan lives awful, without noting that UNRWA is not even helping them get electricity or fuel.

And all without saying a negative word about Hamas and the PA who every Gazan knows are the ones to blame for this problem.

Of course, we already knew that UNRWA-USA workers arerabidly anti-Israel.

UPDATE: JPost reports
The Palestinian Authority informed Israel that it is stopping all payments for electricity that enters Gaza through 10 electrical lines, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories said on Thursday.

(full article online)

UNRWA-USA lies again to fundraise, falsely blaming Israel for Gaza power woes (UPDATE) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Indeed, CAMERA has multiple postsdedicated to false Zionist quotes, including several from Ben-Gurion and, in 2012, published a thorough refutation of the following quote attributed to the late Israeli prime minister.

“We must expel Arabs and take their place”.

Careful research by CAMERA demonstrated that the words – suggesting Ben-Gurion favoured the ethnic cleansing of Arabs – represented the opposite of the truth. Here’s what Ben-Gurion actually wrote in the letter in question.

“We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.”

Though, it’s rare to see this completely discredited quote appear anymore at ‘mainstream’ news outlets, on April 25th, The Irish News (of Belfast) published a letter which included the following claims:

The scene was set in 1937 when Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in a letter to his son wrote “Negev land is reserved for Jewish citizens, whenever and wherever they wantwe must expel Arabs and take their placesand if we have to use force, then we have the force at our disposal…”. This was, and is, the Zionist mindset before the great Estate Agent in the sky decided who really owned the land of Palestine.

In addition to the false quote concerning “expelling Arabs and taking their place”, the letter also distorts Ben-Gurion’s words concerning the Negev and the use of force. Here’s the actual sentence, again, translated into English by CAMERA.

"All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land [of Israel] — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land[of Israel]. And if we will have to use force, not for the sake of evicting the Arabs of the Negev or Transjordan, but rather in order to secure the right that belongs to us to settle there, force will be available to us."

(full article online)

No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
Still pushing the propaganda. Aren't we lucky to have a Hasbara trained shill in our midst. It is enttertaining, to say the least. A constant stream of propaganda which would make Goebbels proud.
Still pushing the propaganda. Aren't we lucky to have a Hasbara trained shill in our midst. It is enttertaining, to say the least. A constant stream of propaganda which would make Goebbels proud.

This coming from the Shirley Temper YouTube video groupie.
If a future "State" cannot pay its workers, and do anything useful with the Billions of dollars always given to it (where real States being given much less make better use of their donated money), then what is the point of continuing to waste that money of this never to be "State"?

With deepening economic crisis, PA government cuts salaries to productive workers in Gaza but not to non-productive terrorists in prison

PLO Director of Prisoners’ Affairs:
“The cuts approved by the [PA] Palestinian government to the salaries of the state employees in Gaza will not harm the released prisoners or the prisoners in the Israeli occupation’s prisons”

PA Prime Minister calls for release of Palestinian murderers:
We need “to release all of the prisoners without exception”

(full article online)

PA cuts salaries to Gaza workers, but not to terrorist prisoners - PMW Bulletins
I suppose this is rather stupid, but I find "trolling" antisemitic Facebook pages to be kind-of a kick.

There is a page called "Israel is a War Criminal" that I recently became aware of and - as one would expect - they specialize in separating out Jewish people in Israel, if not pro-Israel Jews, more generally, as a unique evil.

Therefore this morning I dropped in briefly to say hello with this little message:

Good morning anti-Zionists! How are you guys today? One of the things that give me a great deal of satisfaction is the knowledge that the Jewish people, after 2,000 years of diaspora have reconstituted our ancient homeland and reclaimed Jerusalem, the ancient capital of the Jewish people. That in itself is a very beautiful thing, I can hardly even tell you. But, y’know, when the Jews who arrived in the Land of Israel from the concentration camps nobody thought that they could actually beat the combined Arab armies. But nobody quite realized that the combined Arab armies were so feminine.

Former dhimmis, along with Jewish women and half-starved Holocaust survivors actually beat the very cream of the Arab fighting forces in 1948 to re-establish Jewish sovereignty on historically Jewish land. And then to see this small struggling country not only survive but thrive just fills my heart with joy and gladness for the redemption of the Jewish people. Now, of course, Israel is a world leader in a variety of areas including technical and medical sciences, water reclamation, agriculture, not to mention arts and letters. Some of the top universities in the world are in that country. It’s really very gratifying.

Peace to you, please, my friends.

Israel Thrives: Fun with antisemitic anti-Zionists
The specifics are...unclear.

Maybe he should sue the Arab leaders, including Palestinian Arab leaders, who refused to accept the UN resolution that would have given them a state in 1947!

Please, please sue the British government, Abbas. Sue them to demand an apology. Sue them to demand money. Sue them as publicly and noisily as possible. If you cant find a legal excuse to sue, please continue to threaten a lawsuit anyway.

It is a sure way to lose support for your cause in the West, as people are slowly realizing that the Palestinian Authority is more interested in stunts than peace. The Arab world is already there, and your actions are the surest way to ensure that your people will be whining about their terrible lives in their villas in Ramallah for the next century.

(full article online)

Please, please sue Britain, Mahmoud Abbas! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Of course, thieves that get away with their thievery and oppressors that get away with their oppression of others are some of the most contented people in the world. What's new? Defeating the native people of any land and colonizing the native people's land is always considered an achievement by the colonizer.

The Europeans that invaded and colonized the Americas were extremely proud of the way they took the land away from the native people. They had a name for it, "manifest destiny".

Cecil Rhodes felt the same way about Rhodesia and so did the Boers about South Africa.

Nothing new.
The specifics are...unclear.

Maybe he should sue the Arab leaders, including Palestinian Arab leaders, who refused to accept the UN resolution that would have given them a state in 1947!

Please, please sue the British government, Abbas. Sue them to demand an apology. Sue them to demand money. Sue them as publicly and noisily as possible. If you cant find a legal excuse to sue, please continue to threaten a lawsuit anyway.

It is a sure way to lose support for your cause in the West, as people are slowly realizing that the Palestinian Authority is more interested in stunts than peace. The Arab world is already there, and your actions are the surest way to ensure that your people will be whining about their terrible lives in their villas in Ramallah for the next century.

(full article online)

Please, please sue Britain, Mahmoud Abbas! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The British covered themselves via Sir Alexander Cadogan's "washing of British hands" regarding the matter.

24th Meeting GA/PAL/76
20 November 1947


The Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question this afternoon heard a statement by Sir Alexander Cadogan (UK) on the position of this Government, which is the mandatory power, toward the reports of the two sub-committees, one on partition and the other on partition and the other on a unitary, independent state in Palestine.

After Sir Alexander had spoken the Committee adjourned to give members time to consult with each other and with their governments. The tow sub-committees were directed to meet later this afternoon, and the Ad Hoc Committee will meet again tomorrow morning.

"Sir Alexander added that it can hardly be imagined that the proposals made by subcommittee I would command the acquiescence of the Arab population, or that the proposals of subcommittee 2 would be accepted by the Jewish population of Palestine.

Sir Alexander then explained that the limits within which his Government are prepared to participate in giving effect to any settlement which fails to win approval of both Arabs and Jews in Palestine were clearly defined by the Colonial Secretary in the statement which he made to this Committee on 26 September. The United Kingdom Government, said Sir Alexander, have not since deviated, and cannot deviate, from the position which had been a at that early stage in the Committee’s discussions, and his task today was simply to apply the general principles contained in the Colonial Secretary’s statement to the specific proposals which are now before the Committee. He then recalled that those principles were:

It’s a safe bet that many Birthright trips visit other parts of Jerusalem that the Arabs likewise consider “settlements”—French Hill, Ramot, Gilo, Talpiot Mizrach and more.

My point is not that the J Street U kids who visit these Israeli settlements are hypocrites. Maybe some are. Or maybe they’re just naive. Maybe they’re so poorly informed that they don’t even realize that when they visit the Western Wall and many other parts of Jerusalem, they are visiting “settlements.”

No, my point is that they—and the entire Jewish left—are kidding themselves if they think that Jewish settlements that are out in the hills of Judea and Samaria are the obstacle to peace. They’re fooling themselves if they think that getting Birthright to boycott Shiloh or Beit El or Kiryat Arba is going to advance the cause of peace. It won’t. Because if the day ever comes that

Israel tears down Shiloh or Beit El, that won’t bring peace. The Arabs consider the Western Wall and the Jewish Quarter to be “settlements,” too. And if they ever take over those places, then Haifa and Tel Aviv will be next on their march to “liberate Palestine.”

(full article online)

J Street embraces an Israeli settlement
Of course, thieves that get away with their thievery and oppressors that get away with their oppression of others are some of the most contented people in the world. What's new? Defeating the native people of any land and colonizing the native people's land is always considered an achievement by the colonizer.

The Europeans that invaded and colonized the Americas were extremely proud of the way they took the land away from the native people. They had a name for it, "manifest destiny".

Cecil Rhodes felt the same way about Rhodesia and so did the Boers about South Africa.

Nothing new.

Was it your lack of knowledge regarding history that caused you to omit including the European xtian Crusaders and xtian Rome in your comment?

Odd that you rattle on with your cut and paste tirades about "native people" with reference to the geographic area of Pal'istan, (as opposed to your invented "country of Pal'istan"), yet you are befuddled about the European xtian invaders some how, like magic, becoming "indigenous Arabs-Moslems".

Your Magical Kingdom of Disney Pally'land must exist in some alternate universe that only you can access.
The specifics are...unclear.

Maybe he should sue the Arab leaders, including Palestinian Arab leaders, who refused to accept the UN resolution that would have given them a state in 1947!

Please, please sue the British government, Abbas. Sue them to demand an apology. Sue them to demand money. Sue them as publicly and noisily as possible. If you cant find a legal excuse to sue, please continue to threaten a lawsuit anyway.

It is a sure way to lose support for your cause in the West, as people are slowly realizing that the Palestinian Authority is more interested in stunts than peace. The Arab world is already there, and your actions are the surest way to ensure that your people will be whining about their terrible lives in their villas in Ramallah for the next century.

(full article online)

Please, please sue Britain, Mahmoud Abbas! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The British covered themselves via Sir Alexander Cadogan's "washing of British hands" regarding the matter.

24th Meeting GA/PAL/76
20 November 1947


The Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question this afternoon heard a statement by Sir Alexander Cadogan (UK) on the position of this Government, which is the mandatory power, toward the reports of the two sub-committees, one on partition and the other on partition and the other on a unitary, independent state in Palestine.

After Sir Alexander had spoken the Committee adjourned to give members time to consult with each other and with their governments. The tow sub-committees were directed to meet later this afternoon, and the Ad Hoc Committee will meet again tomorrow morning.

"Sir Alexander added that it can hardly be imagined that the proposals made by subcommittee I would command the acquiescence of the Arab population, or that the proposals of subcommittee 2 would be accepted by the Jewish population of Palestine.

Sir Alexander then explained that the limits within which his Government are prepared to participate in giving effect to any settlement which fails to win approval of both Arabs and Jews in Palestine were clearly defined by the Colonial Secretary in the statement which he made to this Committee on 26 September. The United Kingdom Government, said Sir Alexander, have not since deviated, and cannot deviate, from the position which had been a at that early stage in the Committee’s discussions, and his task today was simply to apply the general principles contained in the Colonial Secretary’s statement to the specific proposals which are now before the Committee. He then recalled that those principles were:


an absolutely and totally PRO ARABS/PALESTINIANS site,
with the "Palestinian" point of you. [poor us :(]

Any "document" which calls any area in Judea and Samaria "Occupied Palestinian Territory" , when Arabs never did so between 1948 and 1967 is.......what can anyone call it....?

aka, the Palestinian side for Dummies

Like this on page 112:

Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem, 1967

The war of June 1967 radically changed that situation. As a result of the war, Israel occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

When Israel took steps to make a united Jerusalem its capital, the Security Council on 30 June 1980 adopted resolution 476 (1980) urgently calling on Israel, the occupying Power, ......
(When did the UN Security Council EVER require of Jordan to leave Judea, Samaria or the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem they took over in the 1948 war?
When did it demand of Jordan that they give it "back" to the "Palestinians"?
Why did the UNSC EVER call Jordan an Occupying Power?

(read the whole pdf)
Last edited:
Yeah.....ALL JEWS had converted to Christianity......or to later....Islam.....Yeah....Yeah....Yeah....
The artifact, the first of its kind made of the precious material bearing Jewish iconography, was among an assortment of discoveries made by the Israel Antiquities Authority amid new excavations carried out as part of the restoration of the ancient port. It was found close to a Roman-era temple dedicated to Augustus Caesar that was constructed by King Herod in the first century BCE, but dates to the fourth or fifth centuries CE.

Unique mother-of-pearl menorah etching found in ancient Caesarea

Academia Is the Temple of Doom

Archeologists are crackpots in search of cracked pots.
The PA's representative in Washington, Hossam Zamelt, said that Abbas will meet with Trump in the context of "his commitment to a just and comprehensive peace that achieves the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people."

That's not the picture being painted back home in Ramallah, however. Muslim Arab researcher and writer Bassam Tawil writes that Abbas himself approved the rally, which was organized by a movement that opposes Israel's very right to exist, supports Sharia law states, and seeks the establishment of an Islamic caliphate. The movement, Hizb ut Tahrir, is also opposed to Abbas' policies, but Abbas is assumed to have political motives in allowing them to protest in such force.

The Hizb ut Tahrir rally was organized to mark the 93rd anniversary of Turkey's abolition of the Islamic Caliphate in 1924.

In an article for the Washington-based Gatestone Institute, Tawil describes the rally: "One after the other, leaders of Hizb ut Tahrir stood up in Ramallah… to proclaim the need to 'liberate all Palestine' and to restore the Islamic Caliphate. Dr. Maher Ja'bari, a Hizb ut Tahrir leader, said, 'The Islamic Caliphate will be restored only when Palestine is fully liberated… The issue of the caliphate has united the [Islamic] nation and it is the basic case for the liberation of Palestine and the implementation of Sharia for all Muslims under one [Muslim] ruler.'"

(full article online)

Thousands rally in Ramallah for destruction of Israel
At first, the Mandatory government denied having received a phone warning, but testimony submitted to the interrogating judge made it clear beyond a doubt that such a warning had in fact been given. Moreover, The Palestine Post phone operator attested under oath to the police that, immediately after receiving the message, she had called the duty officer at the police station. The French Consulate staff opened their windows, as they had been told to do by the anonymous woman who had phoned; this was further evidence of the warnings.

Other evidence suggests that the large number of casualties was due to numerous flaws in the security arrangements at the King David and a series of errors. The phone warning was disregarded, and although a warning signal was given, an all-clear was sounded shortly before the explosion.

The King David Hotel bombing: Letting the people judge the truth
The Ewe Qae in Perfidious Albion

British foreign policy had been taken over by the appeasement generation, this time kowtowing to the Nazislamis.
  • Abbad Yahiya's novel takes aim at Palestinian taboos such as fanaticism, Islamic extremism and homosexuality. The novel's publisher has been arrested and a warrant has been issued for the arrest of Yahiya.

  • The head of the Union of Palestinian Writers, Murad Sudani, attacked the writer and called for an exemplary punishment. Ghassan Khader, a Facebook user, wrote on his page that Yahiya "should be killed".

  • We could go on with this list of Palestinian intellectuals who paid a high price for daring to speak the truth to Mahmoud Abbas and his corrupt circle on many issues: coexistence with the Jews, secularism, sexual freedom, freedom of conscience, human rights, or telling the truth about the Holocaust.

  • A Palestinian state created with the current Palestinian Authority would destroy freedom of conscience for journalists and writers; exile Christians and homosexuals; torture Arab inmates; impose sharia as the only law, and put people to death for "atheism" and "apostasy" (read, conversion to Christianity).

    (full article online)
A Palestinian State or an Islamist Tyranny?
And then there was that campus commie mascot, Edward Said.
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