All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Baruch Mizrahi was born Hamuda Abu al-Aynin, son of Mahmoud and Fatima, and hailed from a well-known Muslim nationalist family from Safed. After being exposed to Betar activities near his home, Hamuda approached Judaism and Zionism, and after he converted he changes his name to Baruch Mizrahi. He then joined the Betar movement and later joined the Irgun.

(full article online)

Born as a Muslim - but killed as a Jew
(what has been happening to North Africa and Asia Minor since the 7th century CE)

Many Yazidis have been forcibly Islamized throughout centuries, but the truth is that former Yazidis, like the ancestors of the clear majority of Muslims, did not become Muslim of their own free will.

All Muslims should be encouraged to investigate the true history of how their communities were Islamized. The ancestors of today’s Muslims were once non-Muslim – they were Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Yazidi, Zoroastrian, or Shamanist, etc.

The history of the Islamization of today’s “Muslim world” is a history of genocide and persecution in which several brutal methods were systematically used to Islamize non-Muslim populations - such as slaughters, rapes, kidnappings, sexual slavery and forced conversions, among others.

Muslims – particularly those who claim that “Islam is a religion of peace” - should be asked this vital question:

How did your ancestors become Muslim?

Yazidis in Turkey on the verge of extinction
It's as though there are special dispensations made by Arab-Moslem Death Cultists to allow themselves to be represented by the very worst social misfits and low IQ dregs.

Abbas' appointee: Israel uses sex to fight Arabs and Muslims - PMW Bulletins

Abbas-appointed dean of Islamic schools and PA TV host:
Israel uses sex to fight Arabs and Muslims

Imad Hamato, appointed by Abbas as dean of Gaza Al-Azhar schools:
  • "Israel's war against the Arabs and Muslims is through sex mania which it distributes globally. Israel had to use this sex mania... to destroy the spirit of Arabs and Muslims"
  • "The Jews... believe only in the body, not in the spirit"
  • Israel has given the world "moral corruption", "degeneration of values", and the "use of drugs and pills"
PA Shari'ah judge:
  • "Drugs are a weapon that the occupation has taken advantage of in order to crush our young"
Yeah....sure......Hebrew was a "dead" language.....until the Zionists brought it back (cough, cough)

Among the highlights of the exhibit are the scratchings of a young student first learning the Hebrew alphabet, with doodles in the margin; an 11th-century prenuptial agreement requiring an unruly would-be groom to curtail his future behavior; letters and treatises written in Maimonides’ hand; and one of the earliest known examples of an engagement deed, from the 12th century, ensuring brides-to-be wouldn’t be locked into a dormant marriage if their husband disappeared while traveling overseas.

Sex and business among medieval Cairo’s Jews go on display at Cambridge
Muslims = Brave

Jews = Cowards

Some 400 demonstrators came out to protest Israeli Ambassador to the UK Mark Regev’s appearance at a prominent London university on Thursday, with one protester recorded saying that the Jews murdered in the Holocaust were “cowards.”

According to footage posted on social media, the demonstrators filled the campus of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), waving Palestinian flags and “bloodied” Israeli flags, blaring music and chanting the popular call for the destruction of the Jewish state, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free.”

(full article and video online)

Jews Murdered in Holocaust Called ‘Cowards’ at London Protest Outside Israeli Ambassador’s SOAS Lecture
But Mark Hendrick, Labour MP for Preston, doesn’t have to campaign. He will undoubtedly be re-elected on June 8th as he has a 12,000 majority. So while all other MPs are currently back in their constituencies working hard to keep their jobs Hendrick is in London helping the Palestine Return Centre pursue its ultimate goal; the annihilation of Israel.

That’s Labour politics under Jeremy Corbyn for you.

(full article online)

MP calls armed police to evict Jewish blogger from Parliament event on ‘Palestine’

Another report :

Israel vilified in Parliament, four Jews protest and get thrown out
Over the years, I have covered the hostile working conditions as well as dis-invitations that truth-tellers about Islam and about Israel have faced on campus: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Brigitte Gabriel, David Horowitz, and Robert Spencer, etc.

In what way is my dis-invitation different?

I was not delivering a stand-alone lecture but was a key part of a conference on a subject that I've been studying for many years.

(full article online)

Being a Zionist is even worse than being an Islamophobe
But Mark Hendrick, Labour MP for Preston, doesn’t have to campaign. He will undoubtedly be re-elected on June 8th as he has a 12,000 majority. So while all other MPs are currently back in their constituencies working hard to keep their jobs Hendrick is in London helping the Palestine Return Centre pursue its ultimate goal; the annihilation of Israel.

That’s Labour politics under Jeremy Corbyn for you.

(full article online)

MP calls armed police to evict Jewish blogger from Parliament event on ‘Palestine’

Another report :

Israel vilified in Parliament, four Jews protest and get thrown out
You're just a rote cut and paste buffoon (thanks Hollie,lol).

And do really think Muslims want to annihilate Israel? Do you even think? Muslims make up nearly 25% of our world with over 1.5 billion people. Israel and their Jews are but a speck, or more like a shitstain on humanity.

Why is it still there if the Muslims really wanted Israel destroyed?

Effin moron.
But Mark Hendrick, Labour MP for Preston, doesn’t have to campaign. He will undoubtedly be re-elected on June 8th as he has a 12,000 majority. So while all other MPs are currently back in their constituencies working hard to keep their jobs Hendrick is in London helping the Palestine Return Centre pursue its ultimate goal; the annihilation of Israel.

That’s Labour politics under Jeremy Corbyn for you.

(full article online)

MP calls armed police to evict Jewish blogger from Parliament event on ‘Palestine’

Another report :

Israel vilified in Parliament, four Jews protest and get thrown out
You're just a rote cut and paste buffoon (thanks Hollie,lol).

And do really think Muslims want to annihilate Israel? Do you even think? Muslims make up nearly 25% of our world with over 1.5 billion people. Israel and their Jews are but a speck, or more like a shitstain on humanity.

Why is it still there if the Muslims really wanted Israel destroyed?

Effin moron.

You're left to plagiarize my comments.

Absent cutting and pasting others peoples comments, you really can't string words together into coherent sentences.
It's easy to overlook (because it gets consistently ignored in media coverage) the pro-terror culture that permeates Palestinian Arab society in general and especially its prisoner sub-class. A person needs, we think, to bear in mind that the claims made by them on behalf of the prisoners are about killers, about attempted killers and about accessories to murder. From the tone of the demands, you might get the impression that Palestinian Arab society sees them as unfairly-incriminated jaywalkers.

As it happens, we know something about the television access these convicts have under Israel Prison Service rules. We know because a year ago we asked the people in charge there. We wanted to get a better handle on how many different ways terrorists behind bars can watch the weekly television program created by our daughter's murderer, a woman called Ahlam Tamimi.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 27-Apr-17: The pleasures of television and other aspects of terrorist life behind Israeli bars
[The "chutzpah" of Arabs declaring that Arab "Palestinians only", have rights to Jerusalem]

[Let us look at what UNESCO stands for, or used to stand for:
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)[2] (French: Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) based in Paris. Its declared purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the United Nations Charter.[1] It is the heir of the League of Nations' International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation.]

[Now, where exactly does it say that it is a political entity invested in political issues or causes? ]
The draft resolution, submitted by Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan on behalf of the Palestinians, with input from European Union countries as well, states that “any action taken by Israel, the Occupying Power, to impose its laws, jurisdiction, and administration on the City of Jerusalem, are illegal and therefore null and void and have no validity whatsoever.”

UNESCO Draft Resolution Declaring Israeli Sovereignty Over Jerusalem ‘Illegal’ Draws Fire From Israel, Jewish Groups
What is Israel, really?
Israel is a diverse country including Arabs, Christians, Druze, Bedouins and Jews, and all have equal rights under law.

Arabs comprise the third largest political party in Israel and Arab politicians account for 17 seats in the 120 member Knesset, and constitute two of Israel’s 15 Supreme Court Justices.

Jews and Arabs are not only treated together as patients in the same hospitals, but are treated by both Arab and Jewish doctors.

In fact, both Jews and Arabs can be found working together in every industry that Israel has: from hi-tech to high fashion, and everything in between.

What is Azad Essa’s Israel?

(vide online)

The South African Who Doesn't Know What Apartheid Is | HonestReporting
The final irony is that the anti-Israel thugs are the ones claiming that a low-key talk is intimidating - to them. The harassers are claiming that the existence of a Zionist anywhere on campus is provocative, and that their rights are somehow being threatened by the existence of free speech.

The Israel-hating drones, by the way, were instructed by their leaders not to engage in any discussion about Israel. Haaretz notes:

Organizers handed out leaflets urging demonstrators to keep to a code of conduct: “Don’t talk to cops,” “don’t talk to media,” and “don’t interact with Zionists,” were the main suggestions. “Consider covering your face to shield your identity from haters,” was another.A modern college campus spawns students who are explicitly against freedom of speech, who are against dialogue and debate, and who are encouraged to hide their very faces to give them freedom to physically harass anyone who disagrees with them.

(full article online)

The very definition of physical intimidation by anti-Israel thugs at SOAS ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hold on. The Palestinians were just getting to the point of falsely claiming that a million of them have been arrested and detained, but Kairos is now saying that a majority of them - meaning, presumably, more than half of the 4 million Arabs under PA control (or perhaps more than half of the 5.6 million Arabs in Israel and the territories, or maybe even more than half of the 10 million "Palestinians" worldwide) have been arrested by Israel or have been incarcerated in "occupation prisons."

Kairos is claiming between 2 and 5 million Arabs having been arrested by Israel!

It gets better:

(vide online)

"Kairos" claims over 2 MILLION Palestinians have been detained by Israel. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
According to the Education Ministry's directives, every child hospitalized in Israel for over three days is entitled to free education. The exhibition, featuring photographs by Shahar Azran, aims to highlight Israel's uniqueness with regard to human rights, particularly concerning the support and protection of children.

“In Israel, education is not merely a privilege, it is a human and civil right entitled to by all children, without exception. Hundreds of thousands of children hospitalized in Israel, including Syrian refugees and Palestinians, have already benefited from this important initiative,” said World Jewish Congress CEO Robert Singer. “We thank the United Nations for allowing us to host this exhibition at its headquarters in New York, and to expose the true face of Israel to the family of nations.”

(full article online)

Amazing Israeli initiative to educate children in hospitals showcased at the UN ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[Can anyone actually expect justice from the Hashemite Kingdom?
The ones who accepted other people's land in 1925 without doing anything to earn it, and much less pay for it?
The ones who go out of their way to make sure that Jews will not have access to their holiest of sites today, just as they did between 1948 and 1967?
Who continue to provoke if Jews are allowed to ascend the Temple Mount ? ]
Not much more needs to be said about Jordanian notions of justice that is not already obvious from previous encounters.

We're thinking in particular about the shabby matter of Ahmed Daqamseh, a Jordanian armed guard who shot to death in cold blood seven Israeli schoolgirls. He was released prematurely last month to a well-publicized Jordanian celebrity's welcome: "12-Mar-17: What a Jordanian hero and his admirers tell us about the likelihood of peace".

To end, a handful of other recent posts of ours concerning the Jordanians, their idea of justice and their refusal to extradite Ahlam Tamimi, the happy, proud and celebrated killer of our daughter:

(vide online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 28-Apr-17: Calling the Jordanians to account for the cold-blooded murder of three Green Berets
Well, let's look at reality. The Zionists wanted (at least) an 80% Jewish majority for their Jewish state. The problem was that the Jews were only 1/3 of the Population.

There is only one way to solve that problem. What was it?

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews and ethnic cleansing of Hebron and Sfad

1925 Ethnic cleansing of Jews in TranJordan by the Hashemites

1936-1939 Riots against Jews and British White Paper cutting Jewish Immigration into the Mandate.

1948 - 7 Arab newly minted States attack Israel as it declares Independence with the intention on killing every Jew on the land
(where could they have gotten that idea?
- Oh, wait, could it have been from Husseini and his pal Hitler who managed to kill 6 Million Jews in Europe? )

But Tin brain can only count from 1948 and not even tell how the Arabs who fought Israel were the ones expelled instead of killed
Or that the Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave so that they could exterminate the Jews and the Arabs could then return after only two weeks.

Go on Tin brain, sing your song again and again and again against Historical facts.

I vote Tin brain for President. :)
Against Israel's bullshit propaganda "facts?"

No, President of "All talk and no facts" Company, and you are very, very accomplished at it.
Because you have not been able to prove even ONE of your accusations of Israel BS.
And never will :)
You are still shoveling Israeli shit. For example:

1920 Riots against the Jews
1921 Riots against the Jews
1929 Riots against the Jews​

The liars never mention that these were responses to the Zionist's settler colonial project.

Dear President,

<Zionist's settler colonial project>

Equals = aka

Indigenous Jews returning to their ancient Homeland.

And the above three were Arab Muslim 1300 years of Jewish land take over, and not willing to give it up, because Arabs can never give up conquered land, and much less if it is to their despised Jewish dhimmis because Mohammad "said so".

Complete the Trade

These Nazislamis should all be deported from Israel, just like all the Jews were deported from Muslim lands in 1948.
Christian Laporte of La Libre Belgique reports that during a debate on the limitations of ritual slaughter of animals, Véronique Waroux a lawmaker of the Walloon regional Parliament told Philippe Markiewicz, president of the Consistoire organization of Belgian Jewry, that she had just returned from "his" country, i.e. Israel. Thus implying that Jews are not Belgian citizens and that they are citizens of the State of Israel. Unsurprisingly Waroux is a Israel-basher.

Again unsurprisingly, there were no protests.

Challenged by a reader of this blog, she adamantly refused to apologize or express regrets, instead she was furious at his daring to make such a request.

Mr Philippe Markiewicz is a Brussels-based lawyer and his family has lived in Belgian for six generations. Curiously, Ms. Waroux - who is so quick to accuse others of not being true Belgians - chooses an image as the header to her Facebook page that could open her up to charges of dual-loyalty, at best.

(full article online)

Lawmaker apparently doesn't recognize Belgian Jews as citizens ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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