All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The text is clearly misleading, as Gaza shares a border with Egypt as well as Israel. The security fence (“wall”) separates Israel and Gaza, but can’t reasonably be characterised in a way suggesting it’s completely surrounding the territory. The error is not insignificant, as the words “around Gaza” (intentionally or otherwise) reinforce the oft-repeated narrative falsely suggesting that Gaza is a “an open-air prison”.

(full article online)

UKMW prompts improvement to Indy headline suggesting there’s an Israeli wall around Gaza.
Just because it is a joint effort between Israel and Egypt does not mean Gaza is not a prison. The blockade of Palestine's territorial waters removes it from being a border issue.

It moves it into an issue of throttling Islamic terrorists.
4. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against dependent peoples shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their national territory shall be respected.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

You can not possibly have failed to notice the word "peacefully" in there. I highlighted it for you anyway. Peoples have a right to peaceful independence. They do not have a right to commit war crimes against their neighboring peoples. ALL peoples have a right to peaceful independence.

All peoples. As confirmed by your own link:

1. The subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and co-operation.

2. All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

That includes the Jewish people.

And before you go all "but...territorial integrity" on me -- that term has NEVER been interpreted to mean that one of two competing peoples must get ALL of the territory claimed and the other gets nothing. Territory has always been divided to accommodate both peoples.
The text is clearly misleading, as Gaza shares a border with Egypt as well as Israel. The security fence (“wall”) separates Israel and Gaza, but can’t reasonably be characterised in a way suggesting it’s completely surrounding the territory. The error is not insignificant, as the words “around Gaza” (intentionally or otherwise) reinforce the oft-repeated narrative falsely suggesting that Gaza is a “an open-air prison”.

(full article online)

UKMW prompts improvement to Indy headline suggesting there’s an Israeli wall around Gaza.
Just because it is a joint effort between Israel and Egypt does not mean Gaza is not a prison. The blockade of Palestine's territorial waters removes it from being a border issue.

It moves it into an issue of throttling Islamic terrorists.
4. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against dependent peoples shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their national territory shall be respected.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

That's noteworthy.

Discuss for us the Hamas charter and their stated agenda.

And yes, the Israeli right to Independence is confirmed by what you cut and pasted
Calls to apologize for Balfour have been spreading since the 99th anniversary of the document, and even Mahmoud Abbas has been publicly insisting on an apology.

After some 13,000 signatures were received, the British Government responded with a resounding no:

The Balfour Declaration is an historic statement for which HMG does not intend to apologise. We are proud of our role in creating the State of Israel. The task now is to encourage moves towards peace.

(full article online)

British government officially refuses to apologize for Balfour Declaration ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The problem of UN-sponsored schools using anti-Israel textbooks from Palestinian Authority has often been noted. Yet, UNRWA's failure to deal with the problem continues.

Beyond the texts being used, the teachers themselves reinforce the anti-Israel bias. In February 2017, UN Watch came out with its report: Poisoning Palestinian Children: A Report on UNRWA Teachers' Incitement to Jihadist Terrorism and Antisemitism.

This video gives a small taste of the anti-Israel prejudice UNRWA allows:

(full article and video online)

UNRWA, UNIFIL and the Ongoing Problem of the UN's Anti-Israel Bias (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Don’t just take my own word for it. Here is how the Times itself reported the situation, in its May 15, 1948 edition. The newspaper carried the text of Israel’s Declaration of Independence: “In the midst of wanton aggression we call upon the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to return to the ways of peace and play their part in the development of the state, with full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its bodies and institutions, provisional or permanent.”

The newspaper reported that Arab troops were massing for an invasion, and that “the Arab League’s General Secretariat proclaimed last night that a state of war exists between the Arab countries and Palestine Jewry.”

And under the headline “Haganah Reports Capture of Acre,” the Times reported, “a United Press dispatch from Haifa and Arab sources in Beirut, Lebanon, reported the Jewish capture of Ez Zib and El Bassa, two small towns between Acre and the Lebanese border. [Sumaria, in the same region, was also reported captured.]”

As Ephraim Karsh detailed in his 2000 Commentary article“Were the Palestinians Expelled?” some of the Palestinian Arab flight during 1948 was engendered by Arabs. Jews were urging the Arabs to stay. It was a wartime situation in which not only “Zionist forces,” but also surrounding Arab armies, were on the move.

As for the particular case of Al-Sumeiriya, details are scant, but those there are, even from sources highly sympathetic to the Arab side of the story, suggest a narrative that conflicts with the Times fantasy of a Zionist occupation and destruction.

(full article online)

New York Times Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day by Defending Iran and Smearing Israel
My younger brother, Salim, was one such first responder – a dedicated police officer who loved his job, loved serving his country and fellow citizens, and who in 2002 ran straight into danger when he heard a Palestinian terrorist throwing grenades and shooting up the Seafood Market restaurant in Tel Aviv.

With two innocent civilians on the ground dying or already dead and over a dozen others wounded, Salim charged the terrorist and shot him before he could kill more innocent people. But as Salim moved in to see if the terrorist was wearing a suicide explosive belt, the wounded terrorist suddenly thrust a knife into my brother, killing him.

The man who organized that attack was Marwan Barghouti.

When I heard that The New York Times gave him a stage from which to launch his mass prison hunger strike and called him a “Palestinian leader and parliamentarian,” my blood boiled. This is the cold-blooded killer who orchestrated murderous attacks and sent terrorists to hurt innocent people.

My younger brother died and our family has been grieving since.

I am a proud member of Israel’s Druse community.

(full article online)

Barghouti is a convicted murderer. Nothing more
Israel on Tuesday appointed the first-ever female judge to serve in the country’s sharia court system.

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The unanimous appointment of Hana Khatib, hailed by some Arab lawmakers as “historic,” was carried out by the Committee to Elect sharia judges, known as qadis, which is headed by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked.

Khatib is from the town of Tamra, located in the lower Galilee region. She practices family and sharia law, according to an online advertisement for her firm.

Sharia courts in Israel deal with personal status issues for the Muslim community, such as marriage, divorce, conversion, inheritance and prevention of domestic violence.

(full article online)

In ‘historic’ step, first female judge appointed to Israel’s sharia courts
Official PA TV reporter: "Dear viewers, we are transmitting to you from the home of heroic prisoner As'ad Zo'rob..."
Brother of murderer: "He is a hero, and is everything to us. He has made us proud."
Official PA TV reporter: "Of course, this prisoner is a [source of] pride for your family and all of Palestine."
[Official PA TV, I Call You, April 3, 2017]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented the participation of PA TV at a similar birthday party for terrorist Abbas Al-Sayid who is serving 35 life sentences for planning two suicide bombings, one in 2002 at a Passover celebration, killing 30 Israelis, and another in 2001, killing 5 and wounding 100.

(full article online)

PA TV honors murderer by joining family’s birthday party - PMW Bulletins
Calls to apologize for Balfour have been spreading since the 99th anniversary of the document, and even Mahmoud Abbas has been publicly insisting on an apology.

After some 13,000 signatures were received, the British Government responded with a resounding no:

The Balfour Declaration is an historic statement for which HMG does not intend to apologise. We are proud of our role in creating the State of Israel. The task now is to encourage moves towards peace.

(full article online)

British government officially refuses to apologize for Balfour Declaration ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel Is Our Shield

The Jewish Homeland was set up solely as a decoy to the next jihad. The Ottoman Turkish one had just ended. Wise European leaders knew another jihad was inevitable and that the World War had left them too weak to put it down without a decoy to distract it for decades.
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The problem of UN-sponsored schools using anti-Israel textbooks from Palestinian Authority has often been noted. Yet, UNRWA's failure to deal with the problem continues.

Beyond the texts being used, the teachers themselves reinforce the anti-Israel bias. In February 2017, UN Watch came out with its report: Poisoning Palestinian Children: A Report on UNRWA Teachers' Incitement to Jihadist Terrorism and Antisemitism.

This video gives a small taste of the anti-Israel prejudice UNRWA allows:

(full article and video online)

UNRWA, UNIFIL and the Ongoing Problem of the UN's Anti-Israel Bias (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
A Petting Zoo for Plutocratic Multicultie Degenerates

Every civilized nation should get out of the UN. The fact that they don't proves that the transnational ruling class is riddled with feralphile appeasers. Just as the League of Nations was useless against the Nazis, the United Nations is useless against the Nazislamis.
‘I am a Muslim Arab and an Israeli Zionist, and I love the Jewish people’

One of the most patriotic families in Israel lives just a few kilometers from the Gaza Strip. The father—a former Gazan—wears a medallion with the map of Israel and a Star of David around his neck, two of his sons are IDF soldiers who are willing ‘to die for the State of Israel,’ and they all feel a strong connection to Judaism. Years after being smuggled into Israel following the father’s secret collaboration with the Shin Bet, they declare: ‘We have no other country.’

(full article online)

Ynetnews News - ‘I am a Muslim Arab and an Israeli Zionist, and I love the Jewish people’
Calls to apologize for Balfour have been spreading since the 99th anniversary of the document, and even Mahmoud Abbas has been publicly insisting on an apology.

After some 13,000 signatures were received, the British Government responded with a resounding no:

The Balfour Declaration is an historic statement for which HMG does not intend to apologise. We are proud of our role in creating the State of Israel. The task now is to encourage moves towards peace.

(full article online)

British government officially refuses to apologize for Balfour Declaration ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

...establishing a homeland for the Jewish people in the land to which they had such strong historical and religious ties was the right and moral thing to do...

Was then. Is now. And will be into the future, and always.
Calls to apologize for Balfour have been spreading since the 99th anniversary of the document, and even Mahmoud Abbas has been publicly insisting on an apology.

After some 13,000 signatures were received, the British Government responded with a resounding no:

The Balfour Declaration is an historic statement for which HMG does not intend to apologise. We are proud of our role in creating the State of Israel. The task now is to encourage moves towards peace.

(full article online)

British government officially refuses to apologize for Balfour Declaration ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

...establishing a homeland for the Jewish people in the land to which they had such strong historical and religious ties was the right and moral thing to do...

Was then. Is now. And will be into the future, and always.

Removing the native people from their homeland just because they converted to Christianity and Islam was one of the stupidest colonial enterprises.
“When they came in 30 years ago, they took over the city. They outlawed alcohol and made it policy to prevent people from prospering. They don’t take care of the city; they don’t pave the streets, fix the playgrounds or make youth centers. We went without a public library for six years...

“When people ask for the things that cities are meant to have, the municipality blames Israel. They say that Israel charges them so much that they cannot get things done.

“And yet, somehow within days of collecting taxes, city officials have new cars. It’s a closed circle that feeds on itself; a steady diet of corruption, lack of municipal services, and anti-Israel indoctrination. They are sabotaging the city and blaming Israel for it in order to keep the locals isolated and dependent.

(full article online)

How did a Muslim Arab turn into a pro-Israel activist?
The idea of Israel building a visitor center in the site of the most important Jewish graveyard in the world, not to mention a hugely important Christian site, is simply anathema to Peace Now, who believes that Jews have no rights to their ancient capital and the thousands of Jewish graves should be under Muslim control, just as they were from 1949-1967, when Jordan used gravestones for walls of latrines and road construction.

In short, by Peace Now mentioning how "close" this is to the "Haram A-Sharif" it shows that the supposedly Jewish organization is trying to stir up Muslim anger at Israel, not to minimize it. It also shows how little this "human rights' organization cares about the rights of any humans who are not Arab.

This is, as Professor Richard Landes likes to say, proleptic dhimmitude.

(full article online)

Peace Now upset at idea of Israel holding onto ancient Jewish Mount of Olives cemetery ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
If you would have invested equal amounts in all these companies a year ago, you would have made an astounding 50% profit. (The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 16% in that time period. The top funds rated by Kiplinger for the past year made about 30%.)

It is every investor's dream to beat the market. Thanks to BDS, now we can! (And Sodastream, the one company BDS hates the most, has done unbelievably well!)

Invest in BDS-banned companies and make LOTS of money! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
However, the ITIC – quoting Hamas linked sources – reported that al Hindi was presented by UNRWA with the choice of resignation (together with preservation of his social benefits) or dismissal. The ITIC also noted that it is unclear whether al Hindi’s resignation applies both to his position as chairman of the UNRWA staff union and his concurrent post as the principal of an UNRWA school.

(full article online)

Follow up on a Gaza story ignored by the BBC
..Even if you believe (as I do) that BDS campaigns are just the means to inject a steady drip of anti-Israel venom into the minds of impressionable students, we can fight against that campaign more effectively if we don’t treat such votes as stunning victories, harrowing near misses, or terrible blows. Rather, we should see them for what they are: the boobie prize the boycotters are forced to content themselves with in an era when boycotts are nowhere to be seen, investment in the Jewish state continues to skyrocket, and the only sanctions being enacted are by dozens of state legislatures and the US government to condemn the aptly named BDS “movement.”

Should we be Taking Student Government Divestment Votes Seriously? (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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