All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The Independent’s headlines are not an accurate reflection of reality: for example, other major news outlets such as The Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal tell a vastly different story. As part of Bias by the Numbers, HonestReporting has analyzed these and other news sites, and will be presenting our research as part of this continuing series.

While no publication is entirely free of bias, The Independent demonstrates a degree of bias toward Israel that is both unusually prevalent and especially malicious.

(full article online)

Preview: Bias by the Numbers | HonestReporting
“Man is beloved, every man, created in God’s image. This is a sacred obligation that the Jewish people cannot and does not wish to evade. At all times. In every situation. So too, we cannot remain silent in face of the horrors being committed far away from us, and certainly those happening just across the border,” he noted, referring to the Syrian civil war that is estimated to have cost over 300,000 lives. “Maintaining one’s humanity: this is the immense courage bequeathed to us by the victims – and by you, the survivors of the Shoah.”

(full article online)

WATCH: Israel pauses to remember 6 million murdered in Holocaust
“Man is beloved, every man, created in God’s image. This is a sacred obligation that the Jewish people cannot and does not wish to evade. At all times. In every situation. So too, we cannot remain silent in face of the horrors being committed far away from us, and certainly those happening just across the border,” he noted, referring to the Syrian civil war that is estimated to have cost over 300,000 lives. “Maintaining one’s humanity: this is the immense courage bequeathed to us by the victims – and by you, the survivors of the Shoah.”

(full article online)

WATCH: Israel pauses to remember 6 million murdered in Holocaust
Again with this crap?

Oh, yeah...

One hoax on top of another hoax........

<<The actual documents and this was put together by an orthodox Jew>>

Loui's hoax is that Brenner was:

"Brenner was born to an Orthodox Jewish family in 1937. By his teenage years, he was an atheist and a Marxist."

AKA, a man who was born in an Orthodox Jewish family but totally abandoned Judaism later on. (Ya know, like Paul of Tarsus, and Pablo Christian and many others who chose to harm Judaism and Jews as much as they could once they left it )

Brenner's Hoax is fully explained in the article below:

An Antisemitic Hoax: Lenni Brenner on Zionist ‘Collaboration’ With the Nazis
You have no idea what you're talking about....
Anti-Semitic hoax my ass!

Your beloved zionists collaborated directly with the nazis to create Israel.

...the collaboration in the 1930s between Zionist leaders and Nazi apparatchiks, like Eichmann, is a historical fact...

So good were the relations between the Zionist movement and the Nazis that after the Head of the Jewish Desk at the Gestapo, Baron von Mildenstein went to Palestine for 6 months in 1933, at the invitation of the Labour Zionist movement, they struck a medal in celebration of their good relations...


...Ben Gurion argued that in any conflict of interest between saving individual Jews and the good of the Zionist enterprise, the enterprise must come first. Consequently the Zionist leadership opposed the Kindertransport which brought 10,000 German Jewish children to England....

There is so much more here...'
Is Zionism Antisemitic?
According to German prosecutors, Haidar Syed-Naqfi was assigned to identify Israeli and Jewish institutions and Israel advocates in Germany, France and other unnamed Western European countries for possible attacks. He monitored a German-Jewish newspaper’s headquarters in Berlin and Reinhold Robbe, the former head of the German-Israel Friendship Society.

Germany is a hotbed of Iranian spy activity that targets Israel
One hoax on top of another hoax........

<<The actual documents and this was put together by an orthodox Jew>>

Loui's hoax is that Brenner was:

"Brenner was born to an Orthodox Jewish family in 1937. By his teenage years, he was an atheist and a Marxist."

AKA, a man who was born in an Orthodox Jewish family but totally abandoned Judaism later on. (Ya know, like Paul of Tarsus, and Pablo Christian and many others who chose to harm Judaism and Jews as much as they could once they left it )

Brenner's Hoax is fully explained in the article below:

An Antisemitic Hoax: Lenni Brenner on Zionist ‘Collaboration’ With the Nazis
You have no idea what you're talking about....
Anti-Semitic hoax my ass!

Your beloved zionists collaborated directly with the nazis to create Israel.

...the collaboration in the 1930s between Zionist leaders and Nazi apparatchiks, like Eichmann, is a historical fact...

So good were the relations between the Zionist movement and the Nazis that after the Head of the Jewish Desk at the Gestapo, Baron von Mildenstein went to Palestine for 6 months in 1933, at the invitation of the Labour Zionist movement, they struck a medal in celebration of their good relations...


...Ben Gurion argued that in any conflict of interest between saving individual Jews and the good of the Zionist enterprise, the enterprise must come first. Consequently the Zionist leadership opposed the Kindertransport which brought 10,000 German Jewish children to England....

There is so much more here...'
Is Zionism Antisemitic?

You post an article written by a Jew who views everything from the prism of Communism.
Communism = Russia = the country which created the Palestinian National Identity in 1964 because Israel refused to become a Communist Country.

But here is some more about Rosselson for anyone interested in finding out what makes a Jew turn against Judaism and Israel (he has no knowledge or understanding of what he believes in anymore than so many others do)

Comparing Nazis to Jews? Leon Rosselson explains 'The Ballad of Rivka & Mohammed'

Not a nation, not a religion
If you want to understand how Rosselson’s Jewish and communist roots have informed his songwriting you can find it beautifully set out in a song called ‘My Father’s Jewish World‘. Rosselson’s take on the Judaism he inherited from his parents is summed up in the chorus:

It’s not a nation

Not a religion

This Jewish Spirit is still unbroken

It’s like the candle that mocks the darkness

It’s like the song that shatters the silence

It’s like the fool that laughs at the dragon

It’s like the spark that signals rebellion

It’s like the dance that circles unending


Written by a Jew hater (yes, even Jews can hate Jews, as Christians hate Christians and Muslims hate Muslims) for any Jew hater who will listen.

When a Jew does not know the meaning of the word Zionism, and creates another definition for order to help destroy the country he should be defending instead........

It is the definition of being "stupid".

No different from Sand, Fikelstein, Pappe and many others.

Nothing new on this planet.

People misunderstand the group they came from, or have different ideas for it, demand changes, are rejected, turn against it, and work towards its destruction.

Truly....what else is new in the Paul Of Tarsus Syndrome ?
Now, where could Leon Rosselson have gotten the idea that:

<<Like many educated, secular German-speaking Jews, Herzl despised the mass of Eastern European Jews. The first solution to the ‘Jewish problem’ offered by the founding father of Zionism was a mass conversion to Catholicism in Vienna’s St Stephen’s Cathedral. The one language that was forbidden to be spoken in Herzl’s ideal Jewish state was Yiddish.>>>

as stated here:

Is Zionism Antisemitic?

When a biography of Hezl says the absolute opposite:

page 54 and 55

"Mass conversion to Catholicism" ?? Really ??
Yiddish would be forbidden in the Jewish State?? Really?

81 years old, or 18, Leon Rosselson is the perfect Poster Boy to all Jew haters.

"See??? A JEW SAID IT !!!!

So, it MUST BE TRUE !!!!
  • The Arab states that reject Israel today forget that they themselves would not exist without the Mandate system – a point seldom if ever acknowledged in public forums where the legitimacy of Israel is debated.

  • If there is any Palestinian desire for a two-state solution, it is questionable: according to current maps of "Palestine," and the New Hamas Charter, it is supposed to be on its neighbouring state, Israel; not next to it. The wish of Palestinian leaders to have a Palestinian state is never realized solely due to the unending rejection of their Jewish neighbour.

  • Article 19 of the New Charter repeats that there will never be peace so long as Israel still exists. It declares: "We do not leave any part of the Palestinians' land, under any circumstances, conditions or pressure, as long as the occupation remains. Hamas refuses any alternative which is not the whole liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea."

    (full article online)

How New is the New Hamas Charter?
Nasreen Qadri is an Israeli Arab singer who became famous when she won a TV singing competition in 2014.

Qadri has been named to sing in both Israel's Remembrance Day and Independence Day ceremonies.

She says she is part of this country and represents it therefore it's an honor for her to sing at those ceremonies and that it gives her a sense of belonging. She hopes this will convey a message of peace and brotherhood and against racism and violence.

Proud Israeli Arab-Muslim to sing at Yom Ha'atzmaut, Yom HaZikaron ceremonies ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The rediscovery of the original telegram is significant. It confirms that there was a partnership between Nazi-Germany, the Arabs of Palestine and the Arab World. This alliance was based on their mutual support for the destruction of World Jewry, which both sides openly declared to be a shared interest and the basis of their friendship. The purpose of this telegram was to reaffirm publicly the existence of this partnership and the transaction it represented. The following is the text of Heinrich Himmler’s shameless telegram:




(ful article online)

The Recent Discovery of Heinrich Himmler’s Telegram of November 2, 1943, the Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, to Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem
The text is clearly misleading, as Gaza shares a border with Egypt as well as Israel. The security fence (“wall”) separates Israel and Gaza, but can’t reasonably be characterised in a way suggesting it’s completely surrounding the territory. The error is not insignificant, as the words “around Gaza” (intentionally or otherwise) reinforce the oft-repeated narrative falsely suggesting that Gaza is a “an open-air prison”.

(full article online)

UKMW prompts improvement to Indy headline suggesting there’s an Israeli wall around Gaza.
The text is clearly misleading, as Gaza shares a border with Egypt as well as Israel. The security fence (“wall”) separates Israel and Gaza, but can’t reasonably be characterised in a way suggesting it’s completely surrounding the territory. The error is not insignificant, as the words “around Gaza” (intentionally or otherwise) reinforce the oft-repeated narrative falsely suggesting that Gaza is a “an open-air prison”.

(full article online)

UKMW prompts improvement to Indy headline suggesting there’s an Israeli wall around Gaza.
Just because it is a joint effort between Israel and Egypt does not mean Gaza is not a prison. The blockade of Palestine's territorial waters removes it from being a border issue.
The text is clearly misleading, as Gaza shares a border with Egypt as well as Israel. The security fence (“wall”) separates Israel and Gaza, but can’t reasonably be characterised in a way suggesting it’s completely surrounding the territory. The error is not insignificant, as the words “around Gaza” (intentionally or otherwise) reinforce the oft-repeated narrative falsely suggesting that Gaza is a “an open-air prison”.

(full article online)

UKMW prompts improvement to Indy headline suggesting there’s an Israeli wall around Gaza.
Just because it is a joint effort between Israel and Egypt does not mean Gaza is not a prison. The blockade of Palestine's territorial waters removes it from being a border issue.

"Palestine's territorial waters" ??
You are delusional. Wake up !!!!

But here are some reason why Israel has been forced to keep a blockade of the coastal territory since 2007 (Which is the same reason why Egypt keep their blockade)

Remind us what happened in 2007 which forced Israel to take this actions......
Before blockade......

Now, if only you could figure out why.....

Israel halts 'weapons shipment from Iran' - BBC News

WATCH: Israel intercepts boat carrying rocket-making materials from Egypt to Gaza

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2007 - Wikipedia

HAMAS Rockets

Oh, look......even Btselem has a negative article about Hamas, Gaza and their No, No behavior.

Now, you go figure....

Rocket and mortar fire into Israel

Palestinian organizations that fire rockets and mortar shells into Israel openly declare that they intend to strike Israeli civilians, among other targets. Aiming attacks at civilians is both immoral and illegal, and the intentional killing of civilians is defined a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and a war crime that cannot be justified, under any circumstance. Furthermore, the rockets and mortar shells are illegal weapons, even when aimed at military objects, as they are greatly imprecise and endanger civilians present both in the area from which they are fired and where they land, thus violating two fundamental principles of the laws of war: distinction and proportionality.


Figured it out, yet?
Israeli minister enraged at Hadash video glorifying terrorists that PMW exposed - PMW Bulletins

Israeli minister enraged
by Israeli-Arab party Hadash’s video
glorifying terrorist murderers,
as was exposed by Palestinian Media Watch

In response to Hadash’s glorification of these terrorists, Minister Erdan addressed the Israeli Arab Parliament Members of Hadash – “the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality,” questioning their ethics and understanding of “democracy”:

Posted text: “[Israeli Arab] Hadash Party, what has not already been said about you? What red line have you not crossed? This time, as part of your solidarity with the terrorists’ hunger strike you chose to praise despicable murderers who are responsible for the deaths of dozens of Israelis. Yes, yes, a party in the Israeli Parliament praises accursed terrorists.

Lovely, lovely folks those Arab Death Cultists.
The text is clearly misleading, as Gaza shares a border with Egypt as well as Israel. The security fence (“wall”) separates Israel and Gaza, but can’t reasonably be characterised in a way suggesting it’s completely surrounding the territory. The error is not insignificant, as the words “around Gaza” (intentionally or otherwise) reinforce the oft-repeated narrative falsely suggesting that Gaza is a “an open-air prison”.

(full article online)

UKMW prompts improvement to Indy headline suggesting there’s an Israeli wall around Gaza.
Just because it is a joint effort between Israel and Egypt does not mean Gaza is not a prison. The blockade of Palestine's territorial waters removes it from being a border issue.

It moves it into an issue of throttling Islamic terrorists.
The text is clearly misleading, as Gaza shares a border with Egypt as well as Israel. The security fence (“wall”) separates Israel and Gaza, but can’t reasonably be characterised in a way suggesting it’s completely surrounding the territory. The error is not insignificant, as the words “around Gaza” (intentionally or otherwise) reinforce the oft-repeated narrative falsely suggesting that Gaza is a “an open-air prison”.

(full article online)

UKMW prompts improvement to Indy headline suggesting there’s an Israeli wall around Gaza.
Just because it is a joint effort between Israel and Egypt does not mean Gaza is not a prison. The blockade of Palestine's territorial waters removes it from being a border issue.

It moves it into an issue of throttling Islamic terrorists.
4. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against dependent peoples shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their national territory shall be respected.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration
"Palestine's territorial waters" ??
You are delusional. Wake up !!!!
Israel controls Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters and has prevented the operation of an airport or seaport for the past two decades, rendering Palestinians in Gaza dependent on foreign ports to travel abroad.

Unwilling or Unable
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When oh when, is anyone going to make a film about the British Mandate for Palestine and how the Jews got S-C-R-E-W-E-D by the British and the Mufti?

The Promise is a serious milestone because, believe it or not, it is the first major motion picture to be made about the Armenian Genocide. The last attempt was in the 70s with a film called The 40 Days of Musa Dagh, based on the best-selling book of the same name which was developed at MGM. The film never got off the ground because as it gathered steam for production, the Turkish Ambassador visited the producers in Hollywood and effectively stopped the film.

'The Promise': A Film Has Finally Been Made About The Armenian Genocide And You Need To Watch
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