All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Enacting the bill would make Minnesota the 19th state to ban dealings with BDS-compliant businesses through laws or executive orders. Unlike laws in some other states, the Minnesota bills do not extend their protections to boycotts that solely target settlements.

Minnesota legislature approves anti-BDS measure
When Rochman got his chance to ask Barghouti a question, it was blunt.

“As a part of the pro-Israel community at Columbia University I can tell you that I don’t know one person on Israel’s side that denies Palestinian human rights or that doesn’t want to find a solution to achieve coexistence,” Rochman said. “It seems to me that the only way in which someone can be ‘pro-Palestinian’ today is one in which they must be entirely anti-Israel.

“BDS is yet another platform that promotes this polarization on campus which not only prevents people from coming together, but also forces the hand of individuals with compassion to hate another people. It seems like continuing on this path will only further the status quo and conflict.

“As a strategist, where do you think this polarization will lead?”

Barghouti’s answer was a repetition of the mantra: “BDS fights oppression and apartheid, and we will continue to push for justice in Palestine.”

(full article online)
Why did you think that we would not discuss Jewish terrorists? Oh yeah, you don't think.

“When they came in 30 years ago, they took over the city. They outlawed alcohol and made it policy to prevent people from prospering. They don’t take care of the city; they don’t pave the streets, fix the playgrounds or make youth centers. We went without a public library for six years...

“When people ask for the things that cities are meant to have, the municipality blames Israel. They say that Israel charges them so much that they cannot get things done.

“And yet, somehow within days of collecting taxes, city officials have new cars. It’s a closed circle that feeds on itself; a steady diet of corruption, lack of municipal services, and anti-Israel indoctrination. They are sabotaging the city and blaming Israel for it in order to keep the locals isolated and dependent.

(full article online)

How did a Muslim Arab turn into a pro-Israel activist?
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

That's exactly the way the European ruling classes used anti-semitism for centuries. And the gutless peasants jumped on it as an excuse to let their Masters oppress them.

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 18, 2017]

A cartoon in the official Palestinian Authority daily illustrated the blood cult ideology often disseminated by the PA and Fatah, which promotes the message that the land needs Palestinian blood in order to thrive. In the cartoon above, a prisoner is watering the soil with blood directly from his vein and a plant is successfully sprouting.

Palestinian Media Watch has shown that Fatah promotes a "the-land-needs-your-blood" ideology, even to children:
"Teach your children...
there is a seed in the soil
if you water it with blood,
it will sprout a revolution"
[Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page ," Jan. 6, 2014]

(full article online)

Palestinian blood cult: Water the soil with your blood - PMW Bulletins
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots...."

Thomas Jefferson
Yeah.....ALL JEWS had converted to Christianity......or to later....Islam.....Yeah....Yeah....Yeah....
The artifact, the first of its kind made of the precious material bearing Jewish iconography, was among an assortment of discoveries made by the Israel Antiquities Authority amid new excavations carried out as part of the restoration of the ancient port. It was found close to a Roman-era temple dedicated to Augustus Caesar that was constructed by King Herod in the first century BCE, but dates to the fourth or fifth centuries CE.

Unique mother-of-pearl menorah etching found in ancient Caesarea
British pride.....has been giving the British problems for centuries:

WHY DID Shaw not order the evacuation of the hotel?

Twenty-three years after the explosion - when he was interviewed for a Voice of Israel radio program - this was still a mystery to Begin: "...It didn't occur to them that we really had smuggled explosives into the hotel. As I've said before, it was a fortress, and it was hard for them to imagine us succeeding in penetrating the wire fence, evading the mobile patrols and the machine-gun emplacements and all the rest; and then there's the matter of the incendiary bomb outside, the one that preceded the main explosion - maybe they thought that was it, end of story! Perhaps they thought it was all a joke at their expense, meant as a blow to the prestige of the British government and the British empire; the Jews wanted to see the British ruling class running in panic from the hotel...They all should have gotten out, and what would it have mattered if it did turn out to be a false alarm, or just a smoke-bomb or something? If they assumed the warning wasn't serious and the intention was to humiliate them, that could explain why they preferred to stay put. And there's a third possibility: they were simply afraid to come out. Perhaps they thought we wanted to get them out of the fortress and into the open so we could ambush them. But of course these are only speculations. No one will know for certain, so long as Mr. Shaw declines to explain his reasons for not evacuating the hotel, despite the warning that was received."

Despite the bombing's importance, the contentious nature of the affair prevented the accurate recording of the chain of events leading up to it. The official account of the attack was not publicized by the Defense Ministry until the past few years. British accounts were kept confidential for 30 years, and to date some relevant documents remain closed in the British Foreign Office.

According to Neil Cobbett, of the British Public Record Office, certain documents pertaining to the bombing are kept closed because they may "cause distress to former members of the government, or personnel, or to public opinion."

Daled Amos: Video: The King David Hotel Bomb Warning Controversy
At first, the Mandatory government denied having received a phone warning, but testimony submitted to the interrogating judge made it clear beyond a doubt that such a warning had in fact been given. Moreover, The Palestine Post phone operator attested under oath to the police that, immediately after receiving the message, she had called the duty officer at the police station. The French Consulate staff opened their windows, as they had been told to do by the anonymous woman who had phoned; this was further evidence of the warnings.

Other evidence suggests that the large number of casualties was due to numerous flaws in the security arrangements at the King David and a series of errors. The phone warning was disregarded, and although a warning signal was given, an all-clear was sounded shortly before the explosion.

The King David Hotel bombing: Letting the people judge the truth
Why did you think that we would not discuss Jewish terrorists? Oh yeah, you don't think.


Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't you the one who posed as "NaziMick" and therefore is a Nazi in each and every way?

Discuss "Jewish Terrorism" all you like. Jews defending their ancient land from invading Arabs and British interests (the British really wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves, that is why they refused to leave and stopped Jewish immigration to the area, and THAT, after giving 77 % of Jewish land to the Hashemite Arabs in 1925)

The British, the Germans, the Arabs and many others = First class thieves and murderers

Call Any Jew a Terrorist all you like.

Because you are terrified of looking at yourself in the mirror :)
The Red Cross was very familiar with the regime in South Africa during Apartheid, and we respond to anyone who makes the argument that Israel is an apartheid state: No, there is no apartheid here.There isn't a regime here that is based on the superiority of one race over another; there is no disenfranchisement of basic human rights based on so-called racial inferiority. What does exist here is a bloody national conflict, the most prominent and tragic feature being that it is decades long, and there is occupation. Not apartheid.

ICRC emphatically says no extrajudicial killings, no apartheid in Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • Abbad Yahiya's novel takes aim at Palestinian taboos such as fanaticism, Islamic extremism and homosexuality. The novel's publisher has been arrested and a warrant has been issued for the arrest of Yahiya.

  • The head of the Union of Palestinian Writers, Murad Sudani, attacked the writer and called for an exemplary punishment. Ghassan Khader, a Facebook user, wrote on his page that Yahiya "should be killed".

  • We could go on with this list of Palestinian intellectuals who paid a high price for daring to speak the truth to Mahmoud Abbas and his corrupt circle on many issues: coexistence with the Jews, secularism, sexual freedom, freedom of conscience, human rights, or telling the truth about the Holocaust.

  • A Palestinian state created with the current Palestinian Authority would destroy freedom of conscience for journalists and writers; exile Christians and homosexuals; torture Arab inmates; impose sharia as the only law, and put people to death for "atheism" and "apostasy" (read, conversion to Christianity).

    (full article online)

A Palestinian State or an Islamist Tyranny?
  • As Abbas and his advisors prepare for the May 3 meeting with Trump, thousands of Palestinians gathered in Ramallah to call on Arab armies to "liberate Palestine, from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea." The Palestinians also called for replacing Israel with an Islamic Caliphate.

  • It is possible that deep inside, Abbas and many of his top aides identify with the goals of Hizb ut Tahrir, namely the elimination of Israel. Abbas also wishes to use these Islamic extremists to depict himself as the "good guy" versus the "bad guys." This is a ploy intended to dupe Westerners into giving him more funds "out of fear that the Islamists may take over."

  • Abbas's claim that he seeks a just and comprehensive peace with Israel is refuted by fact after fact on the ground. His sweet-talk about peace and the two-state solution will have far less impact on Palestinians than the voices of Hizb ut Tahrir and its sister groups, which strive to "liberate Palestine, from the river to the sea."

    (full article online)

Palestinians: The Secret West Bank
If you saw our report yesterday about a stabbing attack on Israelis at Hawara Checkpoint in the Samaria District, you'll know that the assailant failed in his mission and ended the day yesterday in Beilinson Hospital being treated for serious bullet wounds. His name is Amjad Maher Jaafar(Haaretz gives his surname not as Jaafar but as Salah), his home is in Balata, a bustling neighbourhood (though often called a refugee camp) of the Palestinian Arab city of Nablus, and he is 17.

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 26-Apr-17: Another Arab-on-Israeli stabbing today; same site as yesterday and assailant is related to yesterday's knifer
Why did you think that we would not discuss Jewish terrorists? Oh yeah, you don't think.


Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't you the one who posed as "NaziMick" and therefore is a Nazi in each and every way?

Discuss "Jewish Terrorism" all you like. Jews defending their ancient land from invading Arabs and British interests (the British really wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves, that is why they refused to leave and stopped Jewish immigration to the area, and THAT, after giving 77 % of Jewish land to the Hashemite Arabs in 1925)

The British, the Germans, the Arabs and many others = First class thieves and murderers

Call Any Jew a Terrorist all you like.

Because you are terrified of looking at yourself in the mirror :)

The Zionists were in Europe. The native people, Christian and Muslim, were in Palestine. Ergo, the native people could not be the invaders. The Jews are the invading terrorists.

Ha. Yeah. Saudia Arabia was congratulated not that long ago for starting a Girl's Council whose mission is to increase the empowerment of women and give voice to their concerns.

Of course, the group HAS NO WOMEN IN IT. Ridiculous.
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