All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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As of last year, $128,518,896 was paid to terrorists in prison and ex-prisoners, and $174,630,296 to the families of "martyrs." This doesn't include the parts of the PA budget that indirectly support terrorists like their Commission of Detainees and ex-Detainees Affairs.

Don't be fooled by the claim that these expenses are now paid by the PLO, not the PA. The PA gives the PLO $230 million a year.

For an economy that is in such bad shape, these are huge sums of money.

Yet these payments to terrorists are sacred to the Palestinian leadership.
A senior Palestinian Authority official has rejected the “insane” demand that it end its policy of providing social welfare payments to the families of Palestinian terrorists jailed for carrying out attacks against Israelis.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s foreign affairs adviser Nabil Shaath on Thursday told Israel Radio the demand was intentionally designed to sink any potential for renewed US-led Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

“It’s absurd to request that we stop paying the families of prisoners,” he said. “That would be like asking Israel to stop paying its soldiers.”There you have it: terrorists who murder children are the Palestinian equivalent of soldiers.

(full article online)

World Bank continues to ignore large percentage of Palestinian budget that promotes terror ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News



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What Canadians really think about Israel/Palestine
— and what major media won’t tell you

As a citizen of a democracy, wouldn’t you want to know if the policy of your government ran directly contrary to the will of its electorate?

As a news reader, wouldn’t you prefer accurate information from your newspapers and TV news broadcasts about one of the prominent issues of the day?

As a law-abiding person, wouldn’t you want your government to allow its citizens to pursue peaceful means to promote worldwide adherence to the basic norms of international law?

If you’ve answered “yes” to these questions – and you’re Canadian – get ready to be angry. Because you’ve been had

Three times over.

Silence and lies about BDS in Canada
What Canadians really think about Israel/Palestine
— and what major media won’t tell you

As a citizen of a democracy, wouldn’t you want to know if the policy of your government ran directly contrary to the will of its electorate?

As a news reader, wouldn’t you prefer accurate information from your newspapers and TV news broadcasts about one of the prominent issues of the day?

As a law-abiding person, wouldn’t you want your government to allow its citizens to pursue peaceful means to promote worldwide adherence to the basic norms of international law?

If you’ve answered “yes” to these questions – and you’re Canadian – get ready to be angry. Because you’ve been had

Three times over.

Silence and lies about BDS in Canada

"What Canadians really think about Israel/Palestine
— and what major media won’t tell you"

I feel fortunate that we have your attention directed at exposing this conspiracy.

Areikat said that the Palestinian Arabs were “the only remaining people under military occupation in the world.


Except for the Kurds, of course, the Turkish military rides the Kurds pretty hard, and they use live ammunition. But except for the Kurds, the Palestinians really are the only remaining people under military occupation in the world.

And the people of the Western Sahara, of course.

And the Uyghur of Eastern Turkistan. And the Tibetans of Tibet.

And the people of Darfur, of course.

And the people of Western Papuawhere they are really, really not happy about living under Indonesian military occupation. Neither are the people of Aceh, just ask them.

And the Tamils of Sri Lanka.

(full article online)

The Only Remaining People Under Military Occupation in the WorldThe Jewish Press | Elder of Ziyon | 8 Iyyar 5777 – May 4, 2017 |
Note in particular:

  • The area now known as the “West Bank” being referred to by its real name – Judea and Samaria
  • Contrary to the prevailing narrative peddled by the haters, Jews bought Arab land – and the Arabs were more than happy to sell it to them, given the land was arid
  • Mention of the Arabs having been in the land for 1,300 years – an acknowledgement they came with the Islamic conquest of the area in the 7th century (and not earlier as they claim)
  • Mention of Arabs here rejecting the term “Palestinian Arab”, instead seeing themselves as part of ancient Syria
  • How the Jews increased the standard of living for the Arabs, but this only increased anti-Zionist sentiment (believe it or not)

(article and screenshots online)

Know Your History: The Jewish And Arab Populations In The Holy Land (NY Times May 16, 1948)

Lies and propaganda. Jews managed to buy less than 15% of the land by 1947. They stole the rest.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947





Lake Success
New York

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. The provisions of the land transfer regulations of 1940, which gave effect to the 1939 White Paper policy, have severely restricted the Jewish efforts to acquire new land."

A/364 of 3 September 1947

View attachment 124913

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University


On the other hand:

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Even before 1917, Jewish and Zionist institutions had purchased large tracts of land in Palestine from absentee landlords, who lived mainly in Syria and Lebanon. These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers, but were happy to sell it for the right price, without giving a thought to their tenant farmers. Nevertheless, Palestinians view these sales as more legitimate than those that took place during the British occupation that began in 1917

Well done, Hollie, you've proved Montelatici's point. Thanks, there may be hope for you yet.

You should try paying attention. I understand that cognitive skills elude you but the data available clearly delineates large land purchases by Jewish buyers from absentee land owners in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. We also know that large tracts of land were held as a waqf by the Ottoman Turks.

Alas, I'm afraid there's no hope for you limited types.

*Sigh* Please start taking your own advice and think before you post. Ask yourself what does "large" mean; the term has no meaning unless it's attached to hard corroborative data. An ant might see a mouse as "large" but to a human, both are tiny. The only hard data we have is that provided by the British survey, however imperfect. Had Zionist land purchases been so "large" as to be significant, there would have been a stream of Zionist landowners (or the JNF) producing bills of sale to quantify the area of land they actualy bought as opposed to stole.

You are quite right Hollie, as a "limited type" yourself, there is no hope for you it seems.
Note in particular:

  • The area now known as the “West Bank” being referred to by its real name – Judea and Samaria
  • Contrary to the prevailing narrative peddled by the haters, Jews bought Arab land – and the Arabs were more than happy to sell it to them, given the land was arid
  • Mention of the Arabs having been in the land for 1,300 years – an acknowledgement they came with the Islamic conquest of the area in the 7th century (and not earlier as they claim)
  • Mention of Arabs here rejecting the term “Palestinian Arab”, instead seeing themselves as part of ancient Syria
  • How the Jews increased the standard of living for the Arabs, but this only increased anti-Zionist sentiment (believe it or not)

(article and screenshots online)

Know Your History: The Jewish And Arab Populations In The Holy Land (NY Times May 16, 1948)

Lies and propaganda. Jews managed to buy less than 15% of the land by 1947. They stole the rest.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947





Lake Success
New York

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. The provisions of the land transfer regulations of 1940, which gave effect to the 1939 White Paper policy, have severely restricted the Jewish efforts to acquire new land."

A/364 of 3 September 1947

View attachment 124913

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University


On the other hand:

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Even before 1917, Jewish and Zionist institutions had purchased large tracts of land in Palestine from absentee landlords, who lived mainly in Syria and Lebanon. These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers, but were happy to sell it for the right price, without giving a thought to their tenant farmers. Nevertheless, Palestinians view these sales as more legitimate than those that took place during the British occupation that began in 1917

Well done, Hollie, you've proved Montelatici's point. Thanks, there may be hope for you yet.

You should try paying attention. I understand that cognitive skills elude you but the data available clearly delineates large land purchases by Jewish buyers from absentee land owners in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. We also know that large tracts of land were held as a waqf by the Ottoman Turks.

Alas, I'm afraid there's no hope for you limited types.

*Sigh* Please start taking your own advice and think before you post. Ask yourself what does "large" mean; the term has no meaning unless it's attached to hard corroborative data. An ant might see a mouse as "large" but to a human, both are tiny. The only hard data we have is that provided by the British survey, however imperfect. Had Zionist land purchases been so "large" as to be significant, there would have been a stream of Zionist landowners (or the JNF) producing bills of sale to quantify the area of land they actualy bought as opposed to stole.

You are quite right Hollie, as a "limited type" yourself, there is no hope for you it seems.

You poor, dear. I understand you're enraged that the Ottoman land records refute your biased opinions. You limited types do tend to get befuddled by the hard data but don't let that prevent you from making up your own version of history as it suits you.

Your are quite right, as you exceed your limits, you tend to get more frantic .
Poor Marwan. Wasn't willing to take one for the gee-had.

Israel releases footage of Palestinian hunger strike leader Barghouti eating in his prison cell

The prison service says Barghouti, who serves multiple life sentences for his role in the killing of Israelis during the second intifada, has twice been filmed eating since the strike began. The first time, on April 27, the footage shows him eating cookies. He removed the cookies from a hiding place in his bathroom, looked around to see that nobody was watching and then ate them. He then tried to conceal the evidence by hiding the wrapping and washing his hands and face.
As far as I can tell, the number of pretend arrests has been inflated over the years with the reported total Palestinian population so that the propaganda NGOs can consistently claim that 20% of all Palestinians, and 40% of all Palestinian men, have been arrested. (See Addameer from 2004 2008 and 2015 reporting that exact ratio with numbers of 650,000, 700,000 and 800,000.)

AFP is going further than most of the bogus Palestinian statistics, however. It claims that there have been 850,000 people incarcerated, not just those arrested or "detained" as the lying Palestinian NGOs usually say.

(full article online)

#Fakenews: @AFP amplifies the "850,000 detainee " lie, calling them "incarcerated" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The report says that the power plant has been able to provide its full capacity since February 2015. Not half capacity, as Gisha and other NGOs insist - full capacity.

Whether Gaza's electricity infrastructure can handle the full 140 MW is a different question. It is also unclear whether the fuel tank damaged by an errant Israeli shell in July 2014 has been fully repaired. But all of the media and NGOs that claim that Israel is to blame for the power plant not operating at full capacity are, quite simply, lying. The only real limitation, with the report makes quite clear, is lack of fuel, and Israel pumps all the fuel that is paid for (which is at the moment, zero, because of infighting between Hamas and Fatah.)

(full article online)

Here's news you won't read anywhere: Gaza's power plant can run at FULL CAPACITY given enough fuel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Looking at the BDSholes behavior in light of James’ three characteristics, consider a phenomenon discussed frequently on this site: the fact that BDS advocates (and anti-Israel activists generally) demand we take them seriously as human rights activists and insist we respond to their accusations (usually illustrated with bloody photographs) of Israeli “atrocities” in the name of human dignity and justice.

But when confronted by the fact that the Palestinians and their Arab nation-state supporters are guilty of these same crimes a hundred fold, the BDSer becomes angry – even furious - ignoring any appeal to the same humane values they insist we use when considering their accusations.

This behavior makes sense, however, in light of James’ description of the asshole. For the BDShole insists that title of human-rights champion as well as the vocabulary of justice and virtue belongs exclusively to them, and does so in a consistent (actually permanent) manner. The BDShole does so out of a sense of entitlement that they, and they alone, are part of an all-seeing vanguard that understands the world in ways all others do not. And this entitlement allows them to say and do whatever they like, whenever they want to, despite the harm their words and actions routinely cause others.

BDSHoles: A Theory (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Abbas, UNESCO, and the Test of Diplomacy
In its latest resolution on Israel, UNESCO speaks about the Bilal Bin Rabah mosque in Bethlehem. Where did they get this? From the Palestinian Authority, which has taken Rachel's Tomb, a famous Jewish holy site, and converted it into an exclusively Islamic site.
The irony is that in the documents of the Ottoman Empire, an imperial firman (decree) by the Ottoman Sultan describes Rachel's Tomb as a Jewish site. Moreover, Bilal Bin Rabah, the first muazzin of Islam, was buried in Damascus, not in Bethlehem, according to Islamic tradition. UNESCO is supposed to be responsible for maintaining educational truth, but it doesn't do so.

There are a number of NGOs that report on checkpoints that Israel places to protect Israeli citizens from being, you know, murdered. Machsom Watch, B'Tselem, Amnesty, the Al-Quds Center for Israeli and Palestinian Studies, EAPPI and others eagerly watch for alleged human rights abuses at these flashpoints where many Palestinian attacks occur.

Hamas security just issued a statement recommending that all Gaza residents carry their identity cards at all times.

The reason? "The cards would facilitate the passage of citizens through security and traffic barriers."

Meaning, Hamas sets up arbitrary checkpoints throughout Gaza. Not at the border: inside Gaza itself, for whatever reasons.

You know what to do, NGOs who pretend to be concerned about human rights abuses: Ignore Hamas as you always do and pretend that the only terrible checkpoints are the ones that actually, provably save lives.

Hey NGOs, are you monitoring Hamas checkpoints? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The UN has since made modifications to the building, appropriated land adjoining the main structure and put up additional buildings, all – needless to say – without obtaining permits from the municipal authorities. The UN did not purchase the site, and never paid rent or municipal taxes on it.

Here is an opportunity to take a stand for sovereignty and against the corrupt and anti-Jewish UN. Despite the absolute aptness of placing the UN on the Hill of Evil Council, the site does not belong to them. If they need a headquarters in our country, they should be required to rent office space like anyone else.

I know a presently unoccupied spot in Tel Aviv’s Central Bus Station that they can get cheap.

(full article online)

Evil Council | Abu Yehuda
From the Palestinian Authority's official "news" agency, Wafa:
A wild pig attacked on Friday night a 10-year-old child in the town of Yamoun, west of Jenin, causing her injury in her hand, according to local sources.

They said Alaa Houshieh was admitted to hospital after she as bit in her hand by a pig.

Palestinians say Israeli settlers let wild pigs run loose in the fields to attack farmers and villagers as a way to keep them off their land.

The residents, who say they never before had wild pigs in the West Bank until the settlers came there, have urged the Palestinian Authority to help get rid of the wild pigs in their areas, which have become a threat to them, particularly children.From Baedecker, 1906 " Palestine and Syria with the chief routes through Mesopotamia and Babylonia: handbook for travellers"

From "Palestine," Josiah Conder, 1830:

From Psalms 80:13:
Why hast Thou broken down her fences, so that all they that pass by the way do pluck her? The boar out of the wood doth ravage it, that which moveth in the field feedeth on it.

Yes, the wild boars are more indigenous to the region than....Palestinian Arabs.

Those non-indigenous Zionist pigs strike again! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Lies and propaganda. Jews managed to buy less than 15% of the land by 1947. They stole the rest.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947





Lake Success
New York

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. The provisions of the land transfer regulations of 1940, which gave effect to the 1939 White Paper policy, have severely restricted the Jewish efforts to acquire new land."

A/364 of 3 September 1947

View attachment 124913

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University


On the other hand:

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Even before 1917, Jewish and Zionist institutions had purchased large tracts of land in Palestine from absentee landlords, who lived mainly in Syria and Lebanon. These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers, but were happy to sell it for the right price, without giving a thought to their tenant farmers. Nevertheless, Palestinians view these sales as more legitimate than those that took place during the British occupation that began in 1917

Well done, Hollie, you've proved Montelatici's point. Thanks, there may be hope for you yet.

You should try paying attention. I understand that cognitive skills elude you but the data available clearly delineates large land purchases by Jewish buyers from absentee land owners in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. We also know that large tracts of land were held as a waqf by the Ottoman Turks.

Alas, I'm afraid there's no hope for you limited types.

*Sigh* Please start taking your own advice and think before you post. Ask yourself what does "large" mean; the term has no meaning unless it's attached to hard corroborative data. An ant might see a mouse as "large" but to a human, both are tiny. The only hard data we have is that provided by the British survey, however imperfect. Had Zionist land purchases been so "large" as to be significant, there would have been a stream of Zionist landowners (or the JNF) producing bills of sale to quantify the area of land they actualy bought as opposed to stole.

You are quite right Hollie, as a "limited type" yourself, there is no hope for you it seems.

You poor, dear. I understand you're enraged that the Ottoman land records refute your biased opinions. You limited types do tend to get befuddled by the hard data but don't let that prevent you from making up your own version of history as it suits you.

Your are quite right, as you exceed your limits, you tend to get more frantic .

So you can provide a link to these Ottoman land records that refute the British Survey of Palestine data?
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