All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Outside Israel and the Palestinian territories, much of the world sees us through the lenses of the Boycott, Divest, Sanction (“BDS”) movement – which Palestinians largely do not support. Since the Palestinian-controlled economy is so weak, many Palestinians are employed by Israeli firms – the only source of good jobs for Palestinians. The BDS movement, however, is not interested in hearing the Palestinians’ pleas because they would rather see Palestinians live in poverty than relent in their pursuit against Israel.

(full article online)

Palestinians need real support, not self-serving BDS
The idea is to get out from under Israel's boot so they can have their own economy.

Those shiftless arabs-moslems already have an economy. It's called the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.
They didn't need that before Israel stole their stuff.
Arab editorial cartoons before and during the Six Day War with anti-semitic motifs and bloodthirsty themes.These make it very clear that the aim of the Arabs in 1967 was genocidal: to kill every Jew in Israel.

The video that accompanies the story is narrated in Arabic but it is filled with graphics made by Internet antisemites making up bizarre stories like Adolf Hitler was the grandson of a Rothschild and quotes like this one:

This is what Egyptians are reading every day in their mainstream media.

And there is essentially nothing in their media that ever says otherwise.

But let's talk some more about Islamophobia, because that is more "systemic."

(full article online)

Major Egyptian news site says the Rothschilds are Khazars who control the world to help Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestine Today quotes Dr. Munir Bursh, the pharmacy director at the Ministry of Health in Gaza, saying that the Palestinian Authority has stopped supplying medicines and baby formula to Gaza altogether.

"90% of the treatment of cancer patients in the Gaza Strip has stopped due to the lack of the supply of drugs," he said.

Bursh added, "This is reprehensible and very strange, threatening a major health disaster up to the collapse of the health situation in Gaza, because the Ramallah government has been responsible for supplying medicine to Gaza, despite the deficit in the previous years."

(full article online)

Report: Palestinian Authority stops delivering medicines to Gaza. NGOs, media silent. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Even this story is internally inconsistent, claiming that settlers raise pigs (against Jewish law)for no other reason but to release them in Palestinian farms, yet they also shoot the pigs that somehow make their way back to where they were raised.

And even if the story was true, Spangler should have sourced it correctly instead of referring to a secondary source, showing that even as a lying academic, she fails as an academic.

The idea that Jews raise and release wild boars (which have lived in the region since Biblical times) is laughable to anyone with the ability to think - but not to a Boston University PhD who specializes in "Inequality and Intersectionality".

(full article online)

Academic Fraud of the Day: Eve Spangler ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Yazan Kiwan, a 20-year-old from the Arab city of Sakhnin in northern Israel, is working on his final project, in which he manufactures and performs quality control of metal wheels on an aluminum lathe. His partner in the project is Eran Luzon, a 36-year old Jewish Israeli from Afula. Luzon studied at a college in the western Negev city of Sderot city and works at a defense manufacturing firm.

Kiwan studied engineering at Ort Braude college in the city of Karmiel, in northern Israel, and said he was missing practical experience to get a job. He read about Moona’s program on Facebook, came for an interview and got accepted to the course four months ago. “It is hard to find a job. They tell me I am still young, go get experience,” he said.

He now has a part-time job at a tech firm in northern Israel that makes products out of quartz and hopes to continue there full-time, he said.

(full article online)

Galilee Jewish-Arab tech collaboration shoots for the coexistence moon
I never refuted the British survey.

True, you tried and failed. As I've said, you provide nothing of any substance here, just hollow posting, Hollie.

You're not paying attention. Just more of angry, frustrated retreat to name-calling.

Nothing of any substance here, just hollow posting, next.

Just your usual cut and paste script. The last resort of the befuddled.
The plague of Islamic terrorism is a disease that has spread worldwide. It is clearly not a function of a Tiny Minority of Violent Extremists ™, acting in isolation from the greater islamist ummah as muhammedan apologists would parrot. What we do know is that Pal'istanian Islamic terrorism is financed by UNRWA and that various islamist “charities” (little more than fronts for the financing of Islamic terrorism) finance Islamic terrorism globally.

We do know that various Islamic governments aid and abet Islamic terrorist franchises. We do know that Islamic terrorists find their way into political office on those rare occasions where islamist enclaves allow voting (and promptly cancel all future voting) as is the case with the two Islamic terrorist franchises occupying the disputed territories.

The results are always the same.

While Abbas met with Trump,
Fatah honored 12 terrorists
responsible for murdering 95 people

Home Page|PMW

12 murderers - planners of suicide bombings and shooting attacks - were honored while Abbas was talking peace to Trump
The reality is that the plague of Jewish terrorism is a disease that has spread worldwide. It is clearly not a function of a Tiny Minority of Violent Extremists ™, acting in isolation from Jewish power as Israel's apologists would parrot. What we do know is that Israeli Jewish terrorism is financed by America and that various Jewish “charities” (little more than fronts for the financing of Israeli terrorism) finance Jewish terrorism globally.
The reality is that the plague of Jewish terrorism is a disease that has spread worldwide. It is clearly not a function of a Tiny Minority of Violent Extremists ™, acting in isolation from Jewish power as Israel's apologists would parrot. What we do know is that Israeli Jewish terrorism is financed by America and that various Jewish “charities” (little more than fronts for the financing of Israeli terrorism) finance Jewish terrorism globally.

Anyone else notice the time stamp on the latest post that Louie plagiarized?

The angry muhammedan stalker is sitting home, scouring the site, waiting for me to post.
Yes, Palestine Was Southern Syria

Another confirming document, from 1919:

My Right Word: Yes, Palestine Was Southern Syria
It was until 1924 when it was divided into a separate state by post war treaties.

Still furthering your fraudulent "state of Pal'istan"?
Israeli BS talking point.

Another of your perpetrated frauds exposed as such.
I have posted the proof and you come back with Israel's bullshit.
Yes, Palestine Was Southern Syria

Another confirming document, from 1919:

My Right Word: Yes, Palestine Was Southern Syria
It was until 1924 when it was divided into a separate state by post war treaties.

Still furthering your fraudulent "state of Pal'istan"?
Israeli BS talking point.

Another of your perpetrated frauds exposed as such.
I have posted the proof and you come back with Israel's bullshit.

What you define as "proof" is laughable. Your various conspiracies are always a hoot.
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