All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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It was until 1924 when it was divided into a separate state by post war treaties.

Still furthering your fraudulent "state of Pal'istan"?
Israeli BS talking point.

Another of your perpetrated frauds exposed as such.
I have posted the proof and you come back with Israel's bullshit.

What you define as "proof" is laughable. Your various conspiracies are always a hoot.
Where is your proof? Back up what you say.
The people who bitterly complain about the keffiyeh being "appropriated" never, and I mean never, complain about it being "appropriated" by terrorists for terror attacks. To them, terror attacks are the essence of Palestinian existence. Which is all the proof you need to know that the keffiyeh is in fact a terrorist symbol, not just an innocuous garment symbolizing peoplehood.

However, there is an appropriate use for keffiyehs: to be worn by dogs. No one seems to mind; dogs with keffiyehs have been seen at anti-Israel rallies. I certainly don't mind dogs with keffiyehs. Dog keffiyehs are highly appropriate, especially for people who regard "dog" as an insult.

Feel free to tweet these images for World Keffiyeh Day under the hashtag #OnlyDogsWearKeffiyehs (and keep the #KeffiyehDay hashtag as well.)

(full article and photos online)

Today is World Keffiyeh Day to show support for terrorists who cover their faces! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Back in the 1940s, Arabs in British Mandate Palestine started a boycott of Jewish businesses.

It failed. The Jews opened up new trade markets in Europe and Arab shopkeepers lost lots of money.
It is not clear what the consequences would be for not joining the hunger strike. The only leverage they have are the salaries that the PLO pays prisoners. It would be richly ironic that prisoners who decide not to join the boycott would be the only ones that the PLO stops rewarding for terror.

Forcing prisoners to act in a certain way doesn't add to the legitimacy of the hunger strike, it makes it into even more of a joke than it already is. It also shows that there is a level of desperation from Palestinian leaders who thought that this stunt would be more effective than their many other stunts. The hunger strike has not generated any real interest from the world media.

We know what will happen. The prisoners will pretend to join, they will sneak candy bars like Marwan Barghouti, the PLO will claim that they now have 5000 hunger strikers while the real number will hover at 10% of that figure, and nothing will change.

(full article online)

Now, Fatah is FORCING prisoners to join hunger strike! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The people who bitterly complain about the keffiyeh being "appropriated" never, and I mean never, complain about it being "appropriated" by terrorists for terror attacks. To them, terror attacks are the essence of Palestinian existence. Which is all the proof you need to know that the keffiyeh is in fact a terrorist symbol, not just an innocuous garment symbolizing peoplehood.

However, there is an appropriate use for keffiyehs: to be worn by dogs. No one seems to mind; dogs with keffiyehs have been seen at anti-Israel rallies. I certainly don't mind dogs with keffiyehs. Dog keffiyehs are highly appropriate, especially for people who regard "dog" as an insult.

Feel free to tweet these images for World Keffiyeh Day under the hashtag #OnlyDogsWearKeffiyehs (and keep the #KeffiyehDay hashtag as well.)

(full article and photos online)

Today is World Keffiyeh Day to show support for terrorists who cover their faces! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It is just a symbol of identity like some guys who wear those goofy little beanies.


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The FIFA Congress, which convenes in Manama, the capital of Bahrain, decided Thursday to adopt the proposal of the president of the organization, Gianni Infantino, not to vote on the PA's proposal against the teams from Judea and Samaria.

The decision was made by a large majority and 73% of the member states voted for it.

(full article online)

FIFA votes in favor of Israel
It happened in 1679, when rumors reached King Imam al-Mahdi Ahmad that Jews were helping Ottoman Turks stage uprisings. The king threatened to banish Yemeni Jews if they refused to convert to Islam. They refused.

Non-Jewish tribes who had done business with the Jews petitioned the king on their behalf to have them sent not to his initial wretched destination, but to the slightly less wretched Mawza’ instead. They claimed they were more likely to repent from there.

But it was grueling in Mawza’, too. Yemenite poet Shalom Shabazi, an eyewitness to the exile, wrote: “[Mawza’] is…a place of monstrous beasts and every kind of lion.” Exiled Jews died in vast numbers from hunger, thirst, and exposure. After one year, demand for farm implements previously made by Jewish craftsmen was so high that the king had no choice but to bring the Jews back.

But on their return, the Jews found their homes occupied, and their land seized. What is now known as Sana’a’s old Jewish Quarter was first settled then: humble new homes in a place then known as “hyena’s field.”

The Forgotten Yemenite Jewish Exile of 1679
But this isn't her main point. After quoting Zionist figures in history to prove that they were colonialist (as if they didn't also speak passionately about rebuilding Judah and Israel of old) she makes her only real point, which proves the exact opposite of what she intends:

" The Zionist logic, that we did not exist because we did not have a currency, national boundaries, etc, would also deny that Native Americans existed, because they did not have nation states recognisable to the Europeans. And indeed, that is how the colonisation of the Americas happened - violently, and hinging on genocide, but above all, grounded in racism."

No one denies that Native Americans exist and existed. And no one denies that they were a set of tribes. However, no one could call them a nation. While the Incas and the Aztecs had vast empires, Native North Americans never reached that level. So, while the Incas and Aztecs could not answer all of the Dry Bones questions, they could answer enough of them to show that they were nations - they had leaders, borders, their own languages; they had a central government, they controlled territory.

The Palestinian Arabs had none of those things. None of the questions can be answered.

(full article online)

A Palestinian Arab tries, and fails, to answer the Dry Bones quiz ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Tell me, Mr Barghouti – how do your prison conditions compare with those of Gilad Shalit who was abducted and held by Hamas in Gaza for five years? How do they compare with the conditions Hamas offers to current Israeli prisoners: Abera Mengistu, Israeli of Ethiopian origin being held in Gaza since September 2014, Hisham al-Syed, Israeli Bedouin held since April 2015, and Juma Ibrahim Abu Anima, Israeli Bedouin who has been held since July last year?

(full article online)

How Many Times Has The Red Cross Visited Israeli Prisoners in Gaza? - Israel Diaries
Inbar added that the exploitation of the peace organizations by the PA Arabs ultimately harms the organizations themselves, as happened at the joint memorial ceremony for Arabs and Jews on the eve of Memorial Day. “There are Palestinians who take advantage of the visits to earn a living, and not exactly to promote peace, while damaging the good name of peace organizations. And those who are harmed most are the peace organizations that do real work.”

(full article online)

Leftist Activist: PA Arabs Using NGOs in Entry Permits IndustryThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 16 Iyyar 5777 – May 12, 2017 |
Today, Arab media is reporting that Younis is getting weaker from the hunger strike. But they are adding a detail that Younis is the longest serving prisoner in the world.

Of course, this is a lie. The 34 years he served so far are not even in the ballpark of the longest serving prisoners in the world, several of whom have been in prison over 60 years. Francis Clifford Smith has been in prison for nearly 67 years, almost double Younis' stint.

For some reason, Palestinians always want to be known as the record-breakers. From "the only people under military occupation in the world" to the "largest refugee population in the world" they lie, exaggerate and make things up just to stay in the spotlight - a spotlight that they had for decades and whose bulb is inexorably burning out.

(full article online)

Palestinian lie of the day: "Longest serving prisoner in the world is Palestinian" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
During a Q&A at Imperial College London on May 4th, PA ambassador Manuel Hassassian was asked about the attack and the ‘martyr’s fund’. In his reply, he spoke mostly about Palestinian prisoners in Israel rather than the attack itself, of which he denied knowledge:

“I’m not aware of the incident itself that you mention…”

Palestine’s ambassador to Britain pretending he’s unaware of a British student being murdered by a Palestinian terrorist last month? Speaks volumes…

(full article online)

Palestine's Ambassador to Britain: I'm "Not Aware" of Hannah Bladon Murder - Guido Fawkes
Dayan, for his part, insisted on remaining on stage and responding to the students' calls. The event continued as planned, and the consul even agreed to answer questions from those who interrupted the lecture and repeatedly explained the Israeli position.

Following the lecture, Dayan said, “In my lecture to the students, I described the tremendous success of Israel in its 69 years of existence. It seems as though that the description of the prosperity and progress of Israel was too much for the Palestinian students in the audience and they started to go wild.”

"We were not deterred and continued to talk about the achievements of Zionism until they left the hall loudly. I was glad that the organizers told me afterwards that my words and answers to the demonstrators strengthened the pro-Israel side on the campus," Dayan concluded.

(full article online)

Pro-PA students try to silence Consul General
Jordanian Minister for Media Affairs Mohammed Momani on Saturday issued a statement accusing Israel of committing a “crime” by killing Mohammad Abdullah Salim Al-Kasji, 57, a Jordanian tourist who was shot dead by a police officer he was busy stabbing near Jerusalem’s Old City Gate, in a terror attack on Saturday afternoon.

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Jordan Protesting Israel’s Infringing on Its Citizen’s Right to Stab IsraelisThe Jewish Press | JNi.Media | 18 Iyyar 5777 – May 13, 2017 |
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