All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Dayan, for his part, insisted on remaining on stage and responding to the students' calls. The event continued as planned, and the consul even agreed to answer questions from those who interrupted the lecture and repeatedly explained the Israeli position.

Following the lecture, Dayan said, “In my lecture to the students, I described the tremendous success of Israel in its 69 years of existence. It seems as though that the description of the prosperity and progress of Israel was too much for the Palestinian students in the audience and they started to go wild.”

"We were not deterred and continued to talk about the achievements of Zionism until they left the hall loudly. I was glad that the organizers told me afterwards that my words and answers to the demonstrators strengthened the pro-Israel side on the campus," Dayan concluded.

(full article online)

Pro-PA students try to silence Consul General
Indeed, deflect with "Brand Israel."
Here's some Death Cult news that will surprise no one.

Palestinian university names class
of economics and political science students
after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi

Palestinian university names class after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi - PMW Bulletins

"The Class of the Bride of the Coast -
Martyr Dalal Mughrabi"

Shabiba logo at graduation ceremony reads:
"From the sea of blood of the Martyrs
we will create a state"

Obviously, this kuffar has a somewhat different definition of
"University" vs. what passes for higher education (or "lower education" as it applies to the Death Cult).
Oh, my. Tinmore is launching another ineffectual cut and paste YouTube gee-had.
"Because a terrorist will be the mayor of Hevron, the Jewish community will require municipal independence, to choose its representatives just as any other municipality would.

"Tiyassir Abu Sanina, the Fatah member, is a terrorist who was convicted of murdering six Jews near Beit Hadassah in Hevron.

"Both he and Fatah are proud of this murder.

"Abu Sanina will be elected as mayor on the anniversary of the terror attack. He is part of the Palestinian Authority, which by some illogical agreement continues to be our diplomatic partner."

(full article online)

New Hevron mayor is a terrorist and murderer
The most crowded countries and territories in the world are:

Territory Density (people/km2)
Macau 55,001
Monaco 18,589
Singapore 7,797
Hong Kong 6,644

But the most crowded places are cities, with Manila at over 100,000 people per square kilometer. In fact, Gaza City itself doesn't rank in the Wikipedia list of most crowded cities - while Bnei Brak in Israel is #6 with over 70,000 per square kilometer.

The document also calls every dead terrorist a "martyr."

(full article and video online)

Lies, damned lies and the Palestinian Central Bureau of "Statistics": "Gaza is most crowded place in the world" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Because basically any security measure can be interpreted as being

What kind of dignity is there if shipments entering Palestinian territories
are subject to inspection?

What kind of dignity is there if the sovereign state of Palestine is subject
to measures to insure that weapons restrictions are honored?

What kind of dignity is there if Palestinians are arrested just because they
murdered some Israelis?

And it doesn't stop there.

Any expression of the connection of Jews to holy places offends Palestinian

Taken to its ultimate conclusion, Palestinian dignity is offended by the
very existence of the Jewish State!

(full article online)

IMRA - Saturday, May 13, 2017 Urgent: Palestinian dignity is a bizarre goal for Trump
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It's great that kids have role models. People who can inspire them to immolate themselves in a bright orange flash of explosion followed by shrapnel flying through the air at supersonic speed in the service of
gee-had is what every mother wants for her children... at least mothers and children in the Islamic Death Cult.

Abbas' and PA's female role model: Mother of 4 terrorists serving life sentences - PMW Bulletins
Abbas' and PA's female role model:

Mother of 4 terrorists
serving 18 life sentences

Abbas' and PA's female role model: Mother of 4 terrorists serving life sentences - PMW Bulletins

  • Abbas invited the mother of 4 terrorists to event in his office
  • Fatah leadership delegation visited her in her home
  • PA official, Governor of Ramallah, visited her in her home
  • Mother of terrorists nicknamed "The Oak Tree of Palestine"and "Khansa of Palestine" - reference to a woman in the earliest period of Islam who rejoiced when all four of her sons were killed in battles, as Martyrs for Islam
The Arab narrative is that Jews came to Palestine and took their livelihoods. But this news article from The Palestine Bulletin from exactly 90 years ago shows that the Jewish labor leaders did everything they could to aid Arab workers, to the praise of international unions.

When the article says that most of the Arabs in the transport sector are "not residents in the places they work" it is referring to the tens of thousands of Arabs, mostly from Syria and Lebanon, who worked in British Mandate Palestine (often seasonally) because the economy was booming there, and they sent money back home.

You know what those people are called nowadays? "Palestinians."

Another Arab myth exploded: Jews actually HELPED Arab workers in the 1920s ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
(What can one say to the ancient Palestinians, in "their ancient Palestinian land? )

"The Red Carpet" film festival opened on May 12 in Gaza, with a ceremony intended to emphasize the Palestinian Arabs' opposition to the Jews' right to a state in their historical homeland.

A 328-foot-long (100 meters) carpet was spread near Gaza's seaport and bore the words "Balfour Declaration."

Thousands of film festival visitors stepped on the carpet to express their derogation of the Balfour Declaration and its implications.

(full article online)

Gaza: Thousands walk on 'Balfour Declaration' carpet
As a kid, Sagi Assa learned a bit of Arabic from his Lebanese grandmother, which came in handy on Monday, as he explained to a nervous Kurdish-Iraqi mother that her son was doing well after heart surgery.

“Your son is going to be okay,” Assa, a surgeon at Holon’s Wolfson Medical Center, told Badyia Ghazi Ali, the mother of 11-year-old Marwan, who was born with a heart defect.

(full article online)

German and Israeli doctors partner on Iraqi child’s heart surgery
The Arab narrative is that Jews came to Palestine and took their livelihoods. But this news article from The Palestine Bulletin from exactly 90 years ago shows that the Jewish labor leaders did everything they could to aid Arab workers, to the praise of international unions.

When the article says that most of the Arabs in the transport sector are "not residents in the places they work" it is referring to the tens of thousands of Arabs, mostly from Syria and Lebanon, who worked in British Mandate Palestine (often seasonally) because the economy was booming there, and they sent money back home.

You know what those people are called nowadays? "Palestinians."

Another Arab myth exploded: Jews actually HELPED Arab workers in the 1920s ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Palestinians immigrated to Egypt for work, there was far more work there with the Suez canal and the British infrastructure than in palestine. . There was no Arab immigration to Palestine to speak of. Spreading Hasbara lies that can easily be debunked is stupid.


"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

" It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrants who have
settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted. The number of Jewish illegal
immigrants recorded during 1945 is 370."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University
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