All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Since the Palestinian Arab prisoner hunger strike is getting no results and nearly no coverage outside the territories, Palestinian supporters of the imprisoned terrorists are getting frustrated.

So they broke into the International Committee of the Red Cross offices in Ramallah and threatened the staff there because they say that the ICRC isn't doing enough for the prisoners.

The office is closed until further notice.

The ICRC visited terror leader Marwan Barghouti, the cheating hunger striker, but that apparently isn't enough.

In 2016, the ICRC helped arrange 114,000 visits to Palestinian Arab prisoners. But apparently that isn't enough.

So Palestinians who pretend to care about "human rights" of terrorists (getting more satellite TV channels) close down the major organization that helps prisoners.

This is Palestinian logic.

ICRC closes office in Ramallah because of violent break-in and threats over hunger strikers ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“[O]ur nation’s 50 governors, as well as the District of Columbia mayor, recognize the pernicious goals of the BDS movement, which singles out Israel from among all the nations of the world for relentless and undue criticism, and whose efforts undermine the prospects for advancing Israeli-Palestinian peace,” AJC CEO David Harris said in a statement.

50 state governors reject BDS
“[O]ur nation’s 50 governors, as well as the District of Columbia mayor, recognize the pernicious goals of the BDS movement, which singles out Israel from among all the nations of the world for relentless and undue criticism, and whose efforts undermine the prospects for advancing Israeli-Palestinian peace,” AJC CEO David Harris said in a statement.

50 state governors reject BDS
OK, so. It doesn't matter what those lackeys think.

BTW, Israel singled itself out by occupying Palestine.
“[O]ur nation’s 50 governors, as well as the District of Columbia mayor, recognize the pernicious goals of the BDS movement, which singles out Israel from among all the nations of the world for relentless and undue criticism, and whose efforts undermine the prospects for advancing Israeli-Palestinian peace,” AJC CEO David Harris said in a statement.

50 state governors reject BDS
OK, so. It doesn't matter what those lackeys think.

BTW, Israel singled itself out by occupying Palestine.

OK, so it doesn't matter what those lackeys think. What matters is what the prayer leader at your madrassah thinks.
Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.

Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.

Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News



The veto of Jew-hating Islamists continues:

In 2014, Minister of Religious Affairs Mohamed Eissa declared his intent to reopen the closed Jewish synagogues. Against the outcry by Salafis, who considered this an act of provocation, he affirmed that the Algerian constitution guarantees the freedom of belief, and that the authorities would provide security protection to these areas. He later backtracked, stating that there was no clear timeline for reopening the synagogues, and claiming that the Jewish representatives themselves were not enthusiastic about the reopening, as they feared potential tensions.Israel has nothing to do with this. It is naked, explicit anti-semitism. And the lack of pushback from the Arab community shows (as if we need more proof) that Arab antisemitism is endemic and condoned.

Whenever Arabs claim they have nothing against Jews, ask them what they are doing about Algeria.

(full article online)

Algeria bans Jews from pilgrimage to holy site. Not Israelis - Jews. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He bemoans the negative impact of the Oslo Accords. Oslo stopped the normalization process in its tracks! There was more freedom before Oslo than after. In other words, under Israeli military and administrative control pre-Oslo, there was more freedom for the residents of J&S than there is now. Yet leftists continue to call the situation one of Israeli “occupation”.

I do not think I am wrong in believing that the Oslo Accords came about because a number of leaders around the world wanted to be THE ONE to bring peace between Israel and the Arabs — they all wanted a peace deal to be their legacy. Clinton probably thought he had that one nabbed when he posed with Arafat and Rabin on the White House lawn. But in 2001, Clinton admitted that Arafat had made him a failure. Maybe he knows today that it might be easier to find the Holy Grail than to sign a true and lasting peace between Israel and the PA.

(full article online)

Palestinian Arab, Habib, Isolated And Afraid, Yearns For Normalization With Israel - Israel Diaries
Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.

Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You say that people wont discuss this, but you just keep spamming.

That dress is how Israel sees it, but this is how the rest of the world sees it...



Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.

Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You say that people wont discuss this, but you just keep spamming.

That dress is how Israel sees it, but this is how the rest of the world sees it...

View attachment 127279

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View attachment 127282

Whoever at your madrassah told you that you were spokes-turban for "the rest of the world" was mistaken.
Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.

Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You say that people wont discuss this, but you just keep spamming.

That dress is how Israel sees it, but this is how the rest of the world sees it...

View attachment 127279

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View attachment 127282

Whoever at your madrassah told you that you were spokes-turban for "the rest of the world" was mistaken.
LMAO @ spokes-turban. Good one, honey.

And whoever at your temple told you that you were spokes-yarmulke for "the Jews" was completely fucked and likely drunk as well.
Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.

Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You say that people wont discuss this, but you just keep spamming.

That dress is how Israel sees it, but this is how the rest of the world sees it...

View attachment 127279

View attachment 127280

View attachment 127282

Whoever at your madrassah told you that you were spokes-turban for "the rest of the world" was mistaken.
LMAO @ spokes-turban. Good one, honey.

And whoever at your temple told you that you were spokes-yarmulke for "the Jews" was completely fucked and likely drunk as well.

As usual, you're not making sense and beside your cutting and pasting of cartoons, you're left to your usual standards (such as they are), of vulgarity and pointlessness.

Vulgar and pointless - at least you're good at something.
Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.

Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You say that people wont discuss this, but you just keep spamming.

That dress is how Israel sees it, but this is how the rest of the world sees it...

View attachment 127279

View attachment 127280

View attachment 127282

Whoever at your madrassah told you that you were spokes-turban for "the rest of the world" was mistaken.
LMAO @ spokes-turban. Good one, honey.

And whoever at your temple told you that you were spokes-yarmulke for "the Jews" was completely fucked and likely drunk as well.

As usual, you're not making sense and beside your cutting and pasting of cartoons, you're left to your usual standards (such as they are), of vulgarity and pointlessness.

Vulgar and pointless - at least you're good at something.
Good stuff, sweety. Please do me a favor, if you would and throw "spokes-turban" into your little list of catchphrases. I am so bored of the others and I'm honestly still chuckling at that one.
He bemoans the negative impact of the Oslo Accords. Oslo stopped the normalization process in its tracks! There was more freedom before Oslo than after. In other words, under Israeli military and administrative control pre-Oslo, there was more freedom for the residents of J&S than there is now. Yet leftists continue to call the situation one of Israeli “occupation”.

I do not think I am wrong in believing that the Oslo Accords came about because a number of leaders around the world wanted to be THE ONE to bring peace between Israel and the Arabs — they all wanted a peace deal to be their legacy. Clinton probably thought he had that one nabbed when he posed with Arafat and Rabin on the White House lawn. But in 2001, Clinton admitted that Arafat had made him a failure. Maybe he knows today that it might be easier to find the Holy Grail than to sign a true and lasting peace between Israel and the PA.

(full article online)

Palestinian Arab, Habib, Isolated And Afraid, Yearns For Normalization With Israel - Israel Diaries
they all wanted a peace deal to be their legacy.
A deal is something you get from a used car salesman.

Perhaps that explains the failed peace process.
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