All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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He bemoans the negative impact of the Oslo Accords. Oslo stopped the normalization process in its tracks! There was more freedom before Oslo than after. In other words, under Israeli military and administrative control pre-Oslo, there was more freedom for the residents of J&S than there is now. Yet leftists continue to call the situation one of Israeli “occupation”.

I do not think I am wrong in believing that the Oslo Accords came about because a number of leaders around the world wanted to be THE ONE to bring peace between Israel and the Arabs — they all wanted a peace deal to be their legacy. Clinton probably thought he had that one nabbed when he posed with Arafat and Rabin on the White House lawn. But in 2001, Clinton admitted that Arafat had made him a failure. Maybe he knows today that it might be easier to find the Holy Grail than to sign a true and lasting peace between Israel and the PA.

(full article online)

Palestinian Arab, Habib, Isolated And Afraid, Yearns For Normalization With Israel - Israel Diaries
they all wanted a peace deal to be their legacy.
A deal is something you get from a used car salesman.

Perhaps that explains the failed peace process.

Taqiyya is what you get from islamic fascists. It was a bit of a pointless exercise to entertain "peace partners" and "roadmaps to nowhere" when Hamas, in both words and actions, held to the intent of their Death Cult charter.
In just the past month, at least two women were murdered in Rafah, Gaza alone. A man shot his daughter and a husband stabbed his wife to deathin her sleep.

Times of Israel discusses the little-known loophole that allows Palestinian murderers of women to get off easy:

Despite a series of reforms to the Palestinian legal code since 2011 aimed at preventing so-called “honor killings,” the law has continued to allow men who murder, assault and rape women in the Palestinian territories to receive significantly reduced sentences.

How Palestinians can kill their daughters, sisters and wives, and get away with it ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israelis will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s reunification on May 23-24 of this year. Leading up to the holy city’s semi-centennial milestone, here are 50 facts highlighting the rich tapestry of Israel’s capital:


1. Jerusalem Day is an Israeli national holiday that commemorates the reunification of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War.

2. During the Jordanian occupation of Jerusalem, Jews were not allowed to access their holy sites, including the Western Wall.


3. Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times and destroyed twice during the past 3,000 years.

4. Israel is the only country to enter the 21st century with a net gain in its number of trees; you can enjoy some of them during a picnic or barbecue in the Jerusalem Forest.

(full list online)

50 Jerusalem Facts for the 50th Anniversary of Its Reunification

Oooo, terrorism. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Everybody is a terrorist to those assholes in Israel. It is part of their terrorist propaganda campaign.

It really is a shame that you angry wannabes feel a need to idolize islamic terrorists.

Oooooo, you played a terrorist card. :bow3::bow3::bow3:

Actually, it was you who played the terrorist card with your idolization of those misfits.

How interesting that you and so many of the Islamist Death Cultists you idolize have safely ensconced themselves in the Great Satan™ where they choose to promote their messages of hate while praying at the altar of Islamist fascism.

It's like you and they are just a bunch of phony wannabes.
Hundreds of thousands of supposedly “disenfranchised” Palestinians went to 461 polling stations, and chose the members of the 391 municipal and village councils in the Palestinian Authority (PA)-controlled portions of Judea and Samaria. A total of 3,489 council members were elected.

These councils are the bodies that “dominate” the lives of the Palestinian Arab masses. There are no Israelis “dominating” their lives, because the Israelis left more than two decades ago.

In 1995, as part of the Oslo agreements, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin withdrew from the cities in Judea and Samaria where more than 98 percent of the Palestinians reside. There is no Israeli military governor ruling over them. The Israeli military administration in those areas was long ago dismantled. The only “occupation” of the Palestinians currently in force is the 22-year occupation carried out by the PA, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, who is in the 12th year of his four-year term as president.

(full article online)

‘Disenfranchised’ Palestinians go to the polls
Hundreds of thousands of supposedly “disenfranchised” Palestinians went to 461 polling stations, and chose the members of the 391 municipal and village councils in the Palestinian Authority (PA)-controlled portions of Judea and Samaria. A total of 3,489 council members were elected.

These councils are the bodies that “dominate” the lives of the Palestinian Arab masses. There are no Israelis “dominating” their lives, because the Israelis left more than two decades ago.

In 1995, as part of the Oslo agreements, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin withdrew from the cities in Judea and Samaria where more than 98 percent of the Palestinians reside. There is no Israeli military governor ruling over them. The Israeli military administration in those areas was long ago dismantled. The only “occupation” of the Palestinians currently in force is the 22-year occupation carried out by the PA, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, who is in the 12th year of his four-year term as president.

(full article online)

‘Disenfranchised’ Palestinians go to the polls
There is no Israeli military governor ruling over them.
Of course. They are happily living in their walled off bantustans.

What dumbfuck wrote this article?
Hundreds of thousands of supposedly “disenfranchised” Palestinians went to 461 polling stations, and chose the members of the 391 municipal and village councils in the Palestinian Authority (PA)-controlled portions of Judea and Samaria. A total of 3,489 council members were elected.

These councils are the bodies that “dominate” the lives of the Palestinian Arab masses. There are no Israelis “dominating” their lives, because the Israelis left more than two decades ago.

In 1995, as part of the Oslo agreements, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin withdrew from the cities in Judea and Samaria where more than 98 percent of the Palestinians reside. There is no Israeli military governor ruling over them. The Israeli military administration in those areas was long ago dismantled. The only “occupation” of the Palestinians currently in force is the 22-year occupation carried out by the PA, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, who is in the 12th year of his four-year term as president.

(full article online)

‘Disenfranchised’ Palestinians go to the polls
There is no Israeli military governor ruling over them.
Of course. They are happily living in their walled off bantustans.

What dumbfuck wrote this article?

Actually, they are living in the glory of their mini-caliphates.

Are you suggesting that living "in the way of muhammud" (swish), is not good enough?
A Jordanian writer, Assad Aezzona, writes a bizarre rant in about how Zionists are relentlessly attacking Jordan.

I seem to have missed the story, but he is referring to the Jews who are insulted that Jordan led the UNESCO resolution that denies any Jewish connection to Jerusalem.

What is funnier is that while he considers Zionists defending their capital to be a scurrilous attack on Jordan, he nonchalantly begins his article with an antisemitic stream of consciousness - but substituting "Jews" with "sons of Zion."

(full article online)

Nah, not antisemitic: "Zionists and their insane rabbis from the Talmud" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The surrender of the Palestinian Arabs in Judea and Samaria (and presumably Gaza as well) to the hated Zionists is unlikely to placate hatemongers of the ilk of the hugely influential Qatar-based Shaykh Yusuf Al-Qardawi; the head of Hezbollah, Hasan Nassrallah; the theocratic tyrants in Tehran; or the countless Salafist/Wahhabi firebrands across the Arabian peninsula and beyond.

As I suggested in earlier columns, unless there is some formula for decoupling the defeated Palestinian Arabs in Judea-Samaria-Gaza from the wider Arab/Muslim world (to which they see themselves belonging and vice versa), any self-governing Palestinian entity would be easy prey to the deluge of incitement that would almost inevitably follow its inception.

Even Shimon Peres, seems to have been alive to this danger, when in his book, The New Middle East, he asked how any future Palestinian states (even if initially demilitarized) could “guarantee that a Palestinian army would not be mustered later to encamp at the gates of Jerusalem and the approaches to the lowlands?” Perhaps even more pointedly, he pressed: “And if the Palestinian state would be unarmed, how would it block terrorist acts perpetrated by extremists, fundamentalists or irredentists?”

It is this almost inevitable symbiosis with the surrounding hostile Arab/Muslim world, unaffected by Palestinian surrender within Judea-Samaria-Gaza, that sets the Palestinian conflict apart from other historical precedents, such as the surrender of Germany and Japan in WWII.

(full article online)

Response to Daniel Pipes: Why Palestinian Statehood Obviates Israeli Victory
Jerusalem Grand Mufti Makes Sensational Attack on American Press
Jerusalem (Oct. 16)

The Arab newspaper “Felestin,” controlled by the Jerusalem Grand Mufti, made a sensational onslaught on American newspapers yesterday, singling out the “New York Times.” The paper asked: “Is there no honesty in the American press?”

The Mufti denied interviews with Joseph Levy, “New York Times” correspondent, Ketchum of the “London Daily Express,” and Pierre Van Paassen, representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The Mufti charges misrepresentation and distortion, but makes no specific references. Of his interview with Mr. Van Paassen, the Mufti wrote in the English edition of the “Felestin” that it was merely an informal talk.

Mr. Van Paassen stated before his departure that when he called on the Mufti for the interview, the head of the Moslem Supreme Council offered him inducements, including women, if he would take the Mufti’s side and color the news according to his personal views and ambitions.

My Right Word: When the Mufti Had a NYTimes Problem
"Palestinian" Geography

Jews always knew and debated the borders of Eretz-Yisrael. The different borders.

They had to because there were religious requirements involved.

And they were the sole people who consistently throughout history had a firm geographical and topographical concept of what there homeland was. It was in their minds, their language, their texts, their religious/cultural ceremonies.

And the other people residing in the country, the Arabs who arrived as a conquering force in 638 CE and occupied the country?

Seems they had a bit of a problem.

From this article by Zachary J Foster: "Was Jerusalem Part of Palestine? The Forgotten City of Ramla, 900–1900", British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 43(4)(2016): 575-589:

(vide online)

My Right Word: "Palestinian" Geography
Southern Syria Was Also a Palestinian Newspaper


Suriyya al-Janubiyya (Arabic: سوريا الجنوبية‎‎, 'Southern Syria') was the name of a newspaper published in Jerusalem beginning in September 1919 by the lawyer Muhammad Hasan al-Budayri, and edited by Aref al-Aref, with contributions from, amongst others, Haj Amin al-Husayni.

At the time, the term "Southern Syria" referred to a political position which implied support for the Greater Syria nationalism associated with the kingdom promised to the Hashemite dynasty of the Hejaz by the British during World War I. After the war, the Hashemite prince Faisal attempted to establish such a Pan-Syrian or pan-Mashriq state (i.e. a united kingdom that would comprise all of modern Syria, as well as Mount Lebanon and Palestine, including Transjordan, so that Palestine would be the province of "Southern Syria"). This kingdom was to be united with the other Hashemite domains in Hejaz and Iraq, thus contributing in large measure towards the fulfillment of Pan-Arabist ambitions. However, he was stymied by conflicting promises made by the British to different parties (see Sykes-Picot Agreement, Balfour Declaration and McMahon–Hussein Correspondence), leading to the French destruction of the self-proclaimed Kingdom of Syria in 1920.

The newspaper Suriyya al-Janubiyya espoused this Pan-Syria idea alongside Pan-Arabist and Palestinian nationalist political positions. These positions were not contradictory at the time and, in fact, were mutually supportive. With the disappearance of Faisal's Syrian kingdom, the idea of Pan-Syrianism lost support, and the newspaper focused on Palestinian nationalism and opposition to British rule and Zionist immigration, prior to the suppression of the paper by the British authorities in April 1920.
And here:

Southern Syria is a designation that is called the areas south of natural Syria, which are also known as historic Palestine and eastern Jordan (sometimes including the Houran Plain). This name was used during the London Conference in 1840 and was used by the British Encyclopedia in its 11th edition in 1911 as follows: «Palestine can be referred to as the third third of the state of Syria»

South Syria extends to the Sinai, where the Egyptian historian Abdul Rahman al-Jabarti referred to the inhabitants of El-Arish as Syrians [1]. This label spread especially at the end of the British mandate over Palestine and talk about a national homeland for the Jews in it. The Arabs of Palestine called for using this term to denote that this country is part of Syria. This term was used at the Syrian General Conference, which represented all the inhabitants of Syria (including the south) and called for its unity.

My Right Word: Southern Syria Was Also a Palestinian Newspaper
"Palestinian" Geography

Jews always knew and debated the borders of Eretz-Yisrael. The different borders....
LOL, did they know or debate?

Actually, both. Israel has a demonstrated history of returning land in exchange for peace, thereby redefining its borders. The State of Israel has returned and withdrawn from captured territory greater than the size of Israel itself--Sinai, land east of the Golan, southern Lebanon, Gaza, etc. let's remember that the lands Israel has captured were the result of Arab-islamist wars of aggression in which the muhammedans suffered humiliating losses.
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