All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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“At a time when Riyadh shares with Jerusalem mutual existential concerns, we urge you to publicly condemn this outrage, and see that measures are taken to close this hate-mongering course,” Samuels declared.

Samuels, who reviewed the course materials, highlighted that the point of departure of the Judaism course is “that the Jews rely on three sources: ‘The Torah, The Talmud, The Protocols of Zion.'”

Samuels added, “The Protocols, often denoted as ‘a warrant for genocide,’ is a forgery by the Russian Tsarist regime to distract public attention from dictatorship and economic woes. It has been used across the Arab world to foment hatred of the State of Israel and Jews worldwide.”

Other antisemitic themes included in the course focus on the Jews’ “age-old hostility” toward Islam, negative statements about Jewish traits and behavior from the Quran and long-standing conspiracy theories about the relationship between Jews and Freemasons.

(full article online)

As Trump Flies to Saudi Arabia, Jewish Human Rights Group Exposes Antisemitic Judaism Course at Leading Mecca University
Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.


Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hey, dummy, I'm still trying to discuss this...

Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.


Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hey, dummy, I'm still trying to discuss this...

View attachment 127854

The above is all the same cartoon material you steal from the web and cut and paste across multiple threads.
Their report goes on to quote the spokesperson for Israel Police (who happens to be an Israeli Arab woman) about the knife and the attempted attack. But click on the Arabic version of the same story from the same despicable news source [here] and that report of the child's arrest makes no mention at all of the knife, the attempted stabbing or the restraint shown by the Israeli security personnel who came under attack.

A notorious non-Arab propagandist for the Palestinian Arab campaign tweeted this sadly characteristic message a few hours ago:

PA president-for-life Mahmoud Abbas, speaking in the White House on May 3, 2017, addressed this without even once smirking:
Mr. President, I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace. And we are endeavoring to bring about security, freedom and peace for our children to live like the other children in the world, along with the Israeli children in peace, freedom and security. [From the White House Press Office transcript]The reality is that the weaponizing of Palestinian Arab children - and the devastation this has brought to families in every part of their society - continues in full force alongside brazen Palestinian Arab efforts to claim precisely the opposite.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 20-May-17: A child, a knife and another thwarted stabbing today on Jerusalem's northern edge
Their report goes on to quote the spokesperson for Israel Police (who happens to be an Israeli Arab woman) about the knife and the attempted attack. But click on the Arabic version of the same story from the same despicable news source [here] and that report of the child's arrest makes no mention at all of the knife, the attempted stabbing or the restraint shown by the Israeli security personnel who came under attack.

A notorious non-Arab propagandist for the Palestinian Arab campaign tweeted this sadly characteristic message a few hours ago:

PA president-for-life Mahmoud Abbas, speaking in the White House on May 3, 2017, addressed this without even once smirking:
Mr. President, I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace. And we are endeavoring to bring about security, freedom and peace for our children to live like the other children in the world, along with the Israeli children in peace, freedom and security. [From the White House Press Office transcript]The reality is that the weaponizing of Palestinian Arab children - and the devastation this has brought to families in every part of their society - continues in full force alongside brazen Palestinian Arab efforts to claim precisely the opposite.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 20-May-17: A child, a knife and another thwarted stabbing today on Jerusalem's northern edge
PA president-for-life Mahmoud Abbas, speaking in the White House on May 3, 2017
:laugh::laugh::laugh: The guy who left the Palestinian Authority ten years earlier.
Petition signed by 180,000+ for bringing PayPal to Palestine submitted at PayPal headquarters, #PayPal4Palestine trends on Twitter

An online petition signed by more than 180,000 people on different platforms has been submitted by community members to PayPal at its headquarters in San Jose. More than 60 community members gathered at the headquarters to submit it. The national sponsors of the petition include Jewish Voice for Peace, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights & SumOfUs.

“On Tuesday, May 16th, more than 60 concerned community members gathered at PayPal headquarters in San Jose to call on the company to provide Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza the same services that it offers to neighboring Israeli Jews living in settlements that are illegal under international law.

After an hour of speakers, chanting, and songs, the group dispersed with chants warning PayPal that ‘We’ll be back!'

Petition signed by 180,000+ for bringing PayPal to Palestine submitted at PayPal headquarters, #PayPal4Palestine trends on Twitter
Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.


Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

Arabs freak out over Miri Regev's Jerusalem dress at Cannes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hey, dummy, I'm still trying to discuss this...

View attachment 127854

Beautiful modest dress, 1st time I see it.
Thank You.

"A woman of valor who can find, for her price is beyond pearls..."
Petition signed by 180,000+ for bringing PayPal to Palestine submitted at PayPal headquarters, #PayPal4Palestine trends on Twitter

An online petition signed by more than 180,000 people on different platforms has been submitted by community members to PayPal at its headquarters in San Jose. More than 60 community members gathered at the headquarters to submit it. The national sponsors of the petition include Jewish Voice for Peace, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights & SumOfUs.

“On Tuesday, May 16th, more than 60 concerned community members gathered at PayPal headquarters in San Jose to call on the company to provide Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza the same services that it offers to neighboring Israeli Jews living in settlements that are illegal under international law.

After an hour of speakers, chanting, and songs, the group dispersed with chants warning PayPal that ‘We’ll be back!'

Petition signed by 180,000+ for bringing PayPal to Palestine submitted at PayPal headquarters, #PayPal4Palestine trends on Twitter

Good luck with that, I don't see a reason why not. It can partially solve the unemployment.
Paypal could open another channel of communication between Israelis and Palestinians, who could find themselves working together more and more on mutual projects through the internet.
Petition signed by 180,000+ for bringing PayPal to Palestine submitted at PayPal headquarters, #PayPal4Palestine trends on Twitter

An online petition signed by more than 180,000 people on different platforms has been submitted by community members to PayPal at its headquarters in San Jose. More than 60 community members gathered at the headquarters to submit it. The national sponsors of the petition include Jewish Voice for Peace, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights & SumOfUs.

“On Tuesday, May 16th, more than 60 concerned community members gathered at PayPal headquarters in San Jose to call on the company to provide Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza the same services that it offers to neighboring Israeli Jews living in settlements that are illegal under international law.

After an hour of speakers, chanting, and songs, the group dispersed with chants warning PayPal that ‘We’ll be back!'

Petition signed by 180,000+ for bringing PayPal to Palestine submitted at PayPal headquarters, #PayPal4Palestine trends on Twitter

It might be appropriate for UNRWA to issue unique Pal'istanian Arab branded welfare fraud debit cards.

What's in your wallet Welfare Fraud™
Asked by Channel 2 to comment on the images, Hawil tried to downplay the significance of a PA official throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers.

“It doesn’t matter if I threw rocks or not, the entire Palestinian nation throws rocks,” he said.”

As readers may recall, on May 3rd the BBC News website inaccurately informed audiences that during Mahmoud Abbas’ visit to the White House, the US president had “stressed there would be no lasting peace unless both nations found a way to stop incitement of violence”. The BBC, however, consistently fails its audiences by refraining from providing the readily available information which would enhance their understanding of the involvement of the Palestinian Authority and its ruling party Fatah in promoting violence, incitement and glorification of terrorism.

(full article online)

Three stories the BBC will not tell its audiences
Their report goes on to quote the spokesperson for Israel Police (who happens to be an Israeli Arab woman) about the knife and the attempted attack. But click on the Arabic version of the same story from the same despicable news source [here] and that report of the child's arrest makes no mention at all of the knife, the attempted stabbing or the restraint shown by the Israeli security personnel who came under attack.

A notorious non-Arab propagandist for the Palestinian Arab campaign tweeted this sadly characteristic message a few hours ago:

PA president-for-life Mahmoud Abbas, speaking in the White House on May 3, 2017, addressed this without even once smirking:
Mr. President, I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace. And we are endeavoring to bring about security, freedom and peace for our children to live like the other children in the world, along with the Israeli children in peace, freedom and security. [From the White House Press Office transcript]The reality is that the weaponizing of Palestinian Arab children - and the devastation this has brought to families in every part of their society - continues in full force alongside brazen Palestinian Arab efforts to claim precisely the opposite.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 20-May-17: A child, a knife and another thwarted stabbing today on Jerusalem's northern edge
PA president-for-life Mahmoud Abbas, speaking in the White House on May 3, 2017
:laugh::laugh::laugh: The guy who left the Palestinian Authority ten years earlier.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: The Islamic dictator (like most other Islamic dictators), who runs his own mini-caliphate connected to a dedicated UN welfare fraud.

Islamics are going to suggest that the rampant abuse of human rights, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, violent Islamic terror, economic stagnation, illiteracy, gender apartheid, and corrupt totalitarian regimes which are routine in the Arab/Moslem world are all the direct result of someone else’s fault. But let’s be honest, one only has to look at the history of Islamism to see that crank despots, dictators are the norm for arab-Islamist societies.
Asked by Channel 2 to comment on the images, Hawil tried to downplay the significance of a PA official throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers.

“It doesn’t matter if I threw rocks or not, the entire Palestinian nation throws rocks,” he said.”

As readers may recall, on May 3rd the BBC News website inaccurately informed audiences that during Mahmoud Abbas’ visit to the White House, the US president had “stressed there would be no lasting peace unless both nations found a way to stop incitement of violence”. The BBC, however, consistently fails its audiences by refraining from providing the readily available information which would enhance their understanding of the involvement of the Palestinian Authority and its ruling party Fatah in promoting violence, incitement and glorification of terrorism.

(full article online)

Three stories the BBC will not tell its audiences
Throwing rocks at crooks stealing their stuff?

How dare they?
Asked by Channel 2 to comment on the images, Hawil tried to downplay the significance of a PA official throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers.

“It doesn’t matter if I threw rocks or not, the entire Palestinian nation throws rocks,” he said.”

As readers may recall, on May 3rd the BBC News website inaccurately informed audiences that during Mahmoud Abbas’ visit to the White House, the US president had “stressed there would be no lasting peace unless both nations found a way to stop incitement of violence”. The BBC, however, consistently fails its audiences by refraining from providing the readily available information which would enhance their understanding of the involvement of the Palestinian Authority and its ruling party Fatah in promoting violence, incitement and glorification of terrorism.

(full article online)

Three stories the BBC will not tell its audiences
Throwing rocks at crooks stealing their stuff?

How dare they?

Who was "stealing" anything from the Arab-moslem terrorists?

This video of the Left's darling Linda Sarsour was taken during a panel discussion a year ago at New York's Union Theological Seminary called "Standing Up for Justice: Muslim Women in Action." It just popped up on social media.

To cheers from the audience, Sarsour said, "Our prophet was a racial justice activist, a human rights activist, a feminist in his own right. He was a man that cared about the environment. He cared about animal rights...He was also the first victim of Islamophobia."

Robert Spencer fisks each of these claims (link online) based on Quranic sources, but such a takedown is hardly necessary. It is obvious that Sarsour wants to whitewash (greenwash?) Islam and align the most socially repressive and backwards political movement in the world with the Left.

(full article online)

The Prophet Mohammed, a feminist and animal rights activist - according to Linda Sarsour ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
One of the elements used to perpetuate Islamic totalitarianism is the creation of external enemies. This was a tactic used by the Arab warlord muhammud (swish), as part of his invention of Islamism. Jews, Christians and even the "wrong kind" of Islamists are forever denigrated as the "enemies of Islamism".

Girl's poem repeats PA libel that Israel murdered Arafat - PMW Bulletins

PA brainwashing works:
Girl's poem repeats libel that Israel murdered Arafat:
"The treacherous occupier killed you [Arafat]...
They poisoned you"

PA Minister of Education guest on PA TV kids' show

This video of the Left's darling Linda Sarsour was taken during a panel discussion a year ago at New York's Union Theological Seminary called "Standing Up for Justice: Muslim Women in Action." It just popped up on social media.

To cheers from the audience, Sarsour said, "Our prophet was a racial justice activist, a human rights activist, a feminist in his own right. He was a man that cared about the environment. He cared about animal rights...He was also the first victim of Islamophobia."

I'm going to take a slightly different stance on this. I am NO fan of Linda Sarsour. But I actually think she has got this one right. Islam needs to be understood in exactly the terms she defines. She is right that Islam needs to define itself as a socially just system which upholds women's rights, and human rights, and animal rights and environmental rights. That is exactly the thinking Islam (as a whole) needs. And it needs to come from within the Islamic community. And damn straight its should also come from women of the Islamic community. See, it is this sort of belief system which will lead to the self-examination and then the upheaval and transformation Islam needs to do in order to achieve the social justice, which, as she points out, is inherent in its faith. She even has a call to action.

We, as those who are (rightfully) skeptical of Islam's ability to model social justice, must listen to people like Ms. Sarsour. Not to reject her ideas -- but to support them and to insist upon this being demonstrated in RL. We must say, "show me". Not, "you are wrong" or, "you are a hypocrite" but, "show me".

Where she misses the point though, is in her willingness to become a martyr rather than doing the hard work of creating social justice as a reality within Islam. The desire to "fight and die" as an alternative to change is still too strong an ideology in Islam. In my opinion, of course.
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