All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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This video of the Left's darling Linda Sarsour was taken during a panel discussion a year ago at New York's Union Theological Seminary called "Standing Up for Justice: Muslim Women in Action." It just popped up on social media.

To cheers from the audience, Sarsour said, "Our prophet was a racial justice activist, a human rights activist, a feminist in his own right. He was a man that cared about the environment. He cared about animal rights...He was also the first victim of Islamophobia."

I'm going to take a slightly different stance on this. I am NO fan of Linda Sarsour. But I actually think she has got this one right. Islam needs to be understood in exactly the terms she defines. She is right that Islam needs to define itself as a socially just system which upholds women's rights, and human rights, and animal rights and environmental rights. That is exactly the thinking Islam (as a whole) needs. And it needs to come from within the Islamic community. And damn straight its should also come from women of the Islamic community. See, it is this sort of belief system which will lead to the self-examination and then the upheaval and transformation Islam needs to do in order to achieve the social justice, which, as she points out, is inherent in its faith. She even has a call to action.

We, as those who are (rightfully) skeptical of Islam's ability to model social justice, must listen to people like Ms. Sarsour. Not to reject her ideas -- but to support them and to insist upon this being demonstrated in RL. We must say, "show me". Not, "you are wrong" or, "you are a hypocrite" but, "show me".

Where she misses the point though, is in her willingness to become a martyr rather than doing the hard work of creating social justice as a reality within Islam. The desire to "fight and die" as an alternative to change is still too strong an ideology in Islam. In my opinion, of course.

<< Islam needs to be understood in exactly the terms she defines.>>

I am simply curious.

If Islam was never, ever, how Linda Sarsour has been defining it, then how can she, and others, continue to attempt to make the West understand it in those terms, when Muslims themselves - who are themselves the victims of what Islam has represented from the start of it history in the 7th Century CE (Submission) turn against what Islam represents, and many have either left Islam ( at their own life's peril) or attempt to turn Islam into a more moderate religion (ideology) without any success.

There were many Muslim, Arab moderates in 1920 when the Mandate for Palestine was issued, as all the other Mandates.

What happened to them?
Killed, or made to run or hide.
Today it is no different.

How can moderates become the norm when the extremists never, ever, feel defeated and any Treaty they sign or agree to is nothing but a way to eventually defeat the enemies, just as Muhammad had done during his lifetime?

Abbas is moderate?
Linda Sarsour is a moderate?

Or are they playing the Islamic game of "Fool the enemy" and then win the war?
The Making of the Super Rich Elite
Yasser Arafat set the tone for the PA as soon as he arrived in the Gaza Strip in 1994. The first PA chairman, who controlled every aspect of Palestinian life, took control of every major contract and investment. He used public money – or those of donors – to build a secret $1 billion portfolio, including investments in Coca Cola, a Tunisian cellular phone company and venture capital funds in the United States and Cayman Islands. Arafat also created and held a grip on monopolies in the PA areas. One example was Petroleum Corp., which bought fuel from Israel watered it down with water and then sold the faulty product to Palestinian motorists.

Enter Abbas
Under Arafat's successor, Mahmoud Abbas, nepotism reached every level of civil service, with ministers and senior officials packing in their relatives for nonexistent jobs. Many officials, who already commanded salaries of $10,000 per month, or more than 10 times that of ordinary civil servants, opened secret bank accounts in Jordan with the money they received in bribes. [4]

(full article online)

Humanitarian aid to the PA is embezzled for personal gain

The June 1967 war was a direct corollary of pan-Arabism’s delusions of grandeur, triggered by the foremost champion of this ideology and directed against its foremost nemesis. It was the second all-out attempt in a generation to abort the Jewish national revival, and it ended in an even greater ignominy than its 1948 precursor. Then, only half of Palestine had been lost. Now the land was lost in its entirety, together with Egyptian and Syrian territories. In 1948, the dividing line between victor and vanquished was often blurred as the war dragged on intermittently for over a year. In 1967, owing to the war’s swift and decisive nature, there was no doubt as to which side was the victor.

Love of the Land: An Inevitable Conflict: The Six-Day War - by Prof. Efraim Karsh
The PA has named one school after Nazi collaborator and war criminal Amin Al-Husseini.
1.The Amin Al-Husseini Elementary School - El-Bireh
Amin Al-Husseini was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at the time of the British Mandate. During World War II he moved to Berlin, where he was a Nazi collaborator and an associate of Hitler. Al-Husseini was on Yugoslovia's list of wanted war criminals, and was responsible for a Muslim SS division that murdered thousands of Serbs and Croats. When the Nazis offered to free some Jewish children, Al-Husseini fought against their release, and as result, 5000 children were sent to the gas chambers.

Amin Al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler (December 1941)

The PA has named two schools after Nazi collaborator Hassan Salameh.
2.The Hassan Salameh Junior High School for Girls - Gaza
3. Hassan Salameh Elementary School - Gaza

(full article online)

Special Report: PA schools named after terrorists and Nazi collaborators - PMW Bulletins
The following are longer excerpts of the articles announcing the naming of different locations after terrorist murderers Karim and Maher Younes:
"The events of solidarity with the prisoners who are hunger striking for the 32nd consecutive day (i.e., since April 17, 2017) continued in light of the rage against the occupation over the injustice in the way the [Israeli] Prison Service behaves towards the prisoners.
Many delegations of solidarity have come to the sit-in strike tent in the center of Jenin to express their support for the prisoners in the battle of dignity until obtaining their just rights on the way to releasing the prisoners from the occupation's prisons.
Jenin activists named the square where the sit-in strike tent of solidarity is located after prisoner Karim Younes (i.e., terrorist, murdered 1). Relatives of the prisoners from the Palestinian Interior (i.e., Palestinian term for Israel) and from throughout the whole district, and relatives of Karim and Maher Younes (i.e., terrorists, murdered 1) participated in the naming ceremony, which was under the auspices of Jenin District Governor [Ibrahim Ramadan], the Fatah Movement, the Jenin Municipality, and the Supreme Council for Aiding and Supporting the Prisoners...
Jenin District Governor Ibrahim Ramadan conveyed a greeting [expressing] honor and pride to the prisoners and their relatives on behalf of [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian leadership."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 19, 2017]

(full article online)

As Trump meets Abbas in Bethlehem, the PA names squares after murderers - PMW Bulletins
Move over boy band One Direction. There are some new men (and women) to get us swooning. In my new Temple Mount music video based on the One Direction song “You & I”, I once again feature the hot, brave “Students of the Temple Mount” who make the pilgrimage to the Temple Mount weekly to fight for religious freedom and Jewish prayer there, despite harassment and even violence they face from the Waqf jihadists who hold the key to the Temple Mount, courtesy of the Israeli government.

WATCH: World Premiere of Music Video “The Mount And I”
Bernard Lewis notes that neither the Jews nor the Arabs in Palestine wanted to be associated with it:
With the British conquest in 1917-18 and the subsequent establishment of a mandated territory in the conquered areas, Palestine became the official name of a definite territory for the first time since the Middle Ages. To begin with, this designation was acceptable neither to Jews nor to Arabs. From the Jewish point of view it restored a name associated in the Jewish historic memory with the largely successful Roman attempt to destroy and obliterate the Jewish identity of the land of Israel. It was a name which had never been used in Jewish history or literature, and the very associations of which were hateful. From the outset, Jews living under the Mandate refused to use this name in Hebrew but instead used what had become the common Jewish designation of the county勇retz Yisrael, the land of Israel. After a long battle it was agreed that the official designation of the country in Hebrew on postage stamps, coins, etc., would be Palestina, transcribed into Hebrew letters but followed by the abbreviation aleph yod. For Jews, this was a common abbreviation for Eretz Yisrael. To Arabs it could be presented as standing for Eretz Ishmael, the land of Ishmael.

That explains the Hebrew on this coin from the British Mandate:

(full article online)

Arab Palestinians Originally Hated the Word -- Yet Here We Are (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
That also means that the “once-acknowledged Palestinian nationality” is now the Israeli nationality and includes the Jews and Arabs who live here, including those in Gaza and J&S. Oh! If only we had understood that in 1967. It would have meant that we could have avoided all the subsequent confusion and all this talk about Two State Solution when there was always only one state – the “already recognized Palestinian nationality” that included Jews and Arabs and that the Jews renamed Israel.

In conclusion: Feldman writes that “Palestine” was already a state before 1948 in an ineffective attempt to declare that the Arabs have the right to a sovereign state called Palestine. In other words, she distorts history for political purposes. Unfortunately for her, her logic does not hold water. Unfortunately for the rest of us, when academics lie and when academic journals publish their lies, non-academics believe the lies: in this case, the lie that a Palestinian identity existed before Yasser Arafat made it politically expedient and fashionable to believe it did.

(full article online)

Palestinian Identity: Beginning A Serious Study - Israel Diaries
Who should the world believe?

What Abbas told Trump today,
or what Palestinian leaders tell their people regularly?

Abbas to Trump in Bethlehem:
"... two-state solution along the borders of 1967, the state of Palestine with its capital as East Jerusalem living alongside Israel in peace and security."

PLO leader:
"Everyone knows our goal is to liberate all of the land of Palestine"

What should the world believe? - PMW Bulletins
Who should the world believe?

What Abbas told Trump today,
or what Palestinian leaders tell their people regularly?

Abbas to Trump in Bethlehem:
"... two-state solution along the borders of 1967, the state of Palestine with its capital as East Jerusalem living alongside Israel in peace and security."

PLO leader:
"Everyone knows our goal is to liberate all of the land of Palestine"

What should the world believe? - PMW Bulletins

Perhaps you should not believe propaganda sites, like Palwatch.
In 2008, President-for-life of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas announced he was awarding the PA’s highest medal, the Al Quds Mark of Honor, to Ahlam Tamimi, who masterminded the massacre at the Sbarro Jerusalem pizzeria. (Abbas' decision to make the award was widely criticized by outsiders and was eventually overturned.) The blood-drenched act of terror which Abbas was so anxious to honor was, like last night’s Manchester atrocity, an attack directed specifically at children by means of nail-enhanced explosives delivered by a human bomb.

Our daughter Malki, just 15, was one of those murdered in the pizzeria.

This morning, that same President-for-life, Mahmoud Abbas, said in Bethlehem to the US President:
"Allow me… to condemn the horrible terrorist attack that occurred in the British city of Manchester… I do offer my warm condolences to the Prime Minister of Britain, families of victims, and the British people."It's time for people who understand brazen hypocrisy when they encounter it, and especially members of the news reporting industry, to say openly what should have been said years ago: that in the community of civilized nations and people, condemnations mouthed by those deeply engaged in terror - like Mahmoud Abbas and those who report to him - are illegitimate and should be neither heard nor tolerated.

There are situations where the condemnation of terror is as morally indefensible as the terror itself.

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 23-May-17: Abbas on Manchester and Sbarro

Oh, NO!!!!!

The British who took away 77% of the Jewish Homeland, and did not bother to help create the Jewish State as per Mandate for Palestine, and never bothered to save the Jews from Arab riots, and helped get Jews expelled from Gaza in 1920 and Hevron in 1929, who cut down in the number of Jewish immigrants allowed to the Mandate in Palestine, who were on the side of the Arabs when the seven Arab States invaded Israel in 1948........

THEY had a wanted poster for the Jewish leaders?


Oh, NO!!!!!

The British who took away 77% of the Jewish Homeland, and did not bother to help create the Jewish State as per Mandate for Palestine, and never bothered to save the Jews from Arab riots, and helped get Jews expelled from Gaza in 1920 and Hevron in 1929, who cut down in the number of Jewish immigrants allowed to the Mandate in Palestine, who were on the side of the Arabs when the seven Arab States invaded Israel in 1948........

THEY had a wanted poster for the Jewish leaders?


How could the British take land in the Middle East that belonged to the native Muslims and Christians away from people in Europe. That's a crazy concept.

The British allowed Jewish immigration to Palestine facilitaing the colonization of land that did not belong to them and facilitated the expropriation of the native Muslims and Christians.

The Muslims and Christians were fighting against an existential threat posed by the marauding Jews. They were not riots, they were an attempt to prevent the Jews from dispossessing them.
Who should the world believe?

What Abbas told Trump today,
or what Palestinian leaders tell their people regularly?

Abbas to Trump in Bethlehem:
"... two-state solution along the borders of 1967, the state of Palestine with its capital as East Jerusalem living alongside Israel in peace and security."

PLO leader:
"Everyone knows our goal is to liberate all of the land of Palestine"

What should the world believe? - PMW Bulletins

Perhaps you should not believe propaganda sites, like Palwatch.

Perhaps You should stop calling everything that challenges Your narrative as 'propaganda' and actually deal with what's being presented

Was there any mistake in the translation?

Oh, NO!!!!!

The British who took away 77% of the Jewish Homeland, and did not bother to help create the Jewish State as per Mandate for Palestine, and never bothered to save the Jews from Arab riots, and helped get Jews expelled from Gaza in 1920 and Hevron in 1929, who cut down in the number of Jewish immigrants allowed to the Mandate in Palestine, who were on the side of the Arabs when the seven Arab States invaded Israel in 1948........

THEY had a wanted poster for the Jewish leaders?


How could the British take land in the Middle East that belonged to the native Muslims and Christians away from people in Europe. That's a crazy concept.

The British allowed Jewish immigration to Palestine facilitaing the colonization of land that did not belong to them and facilitated the expropriation of the native Muslims and Christians.

The Muslims and Christians were fighting against an existential threat posed by the marauding Jews. They were not riots, they were an attempt to prevent the Jews from dispossessing them.

How is that You leave out the Palestinian Jews every time You speak about Palestinians?

Palestinians may have been dispossessed for 100 years, Jews have been for centuries (from Jerusalem, Hebron, Gaza, Tiberias, Sefad so on...)
Who should the world believe?

What Abbas told Trump today,
or what Palestinian leaders tell their people regularly?

Abbas to Trump in Bethlehem:
"... two-state solution along the borders of 1967, the state of Palestine with its capital as East Jerusalem living alongside Israel in peace and security."

PLO leader:
"Everyone knows our goal is to liberate all of the land of Palestine"

What should the world believe? - PMW Bulletins

Perhaps you should not believe propaganda sites, like Palwatch.

Perhaps You should stop calling everything that challenges Your narrative as 'propaganda' and actually deal with what's being presented

Was there any mistake in the translation?

How can the veracity of the statement be believed on a propaganda site? Much less the translation. Try to find a relatively neutral source for the original statement. I'm waiting.

Oh, NO!!!!!

The British who took away 77% of the Jewish Homeland, and did not bother to help create the Jewish State as per Mandate for Palestine, and never bothered to save the Jews from Arab riots, and helped get Jews expelled from Gaza in 1920 and Hevron in 1929, who cut down in the number of Jewish immigrants allowed to the Mandate in Palestine, who were on the side of the Arabs when the seven Arab States invaded Israel in 1948........

THEY had a wanted poster for the Jewish leaders?


How could the British take land in the Middle East that belonged to the native Muslims and Christians away from people in Europe. That's a crazy concept.

The British allowed Jewish immigration to Palestine facilitaing the colonization of land that did not belong to them and facilitated the expropriation of the native Muslims and Christians.

The Muslims and Christians were fighting against an existential threat posed by the marauding Jews. They were not riots, they were an attempt to prevent the Jews from dispossessing them.

HOW ????

They had the military. They had the power.
They WON WWI and defeated the Ottoman Empire.
The British ARE AN EMPIRE !!!!

Keep dreaming that the Christians and Muslim invaders, with some forced Jews who converted, are the Indigenous people of the land, and that the actual Indigenous people, the Jews, are invaders. Cute game.

Sure, the Jews were trying to dispossess non Jews living in the land by creating jobs and hiring Muslims and Christians, as it did happen.
AND, they were trying to dispossess the non Jews by buying deserts and swamps (like what became Tel-Aviv).
AND, they were trying to dispossess the non Jews by not having weapons to defend themselves once the riots of 1920, on, began.

Husseini lying about the Jews and instigating the ignorant Arabs with those lies, started the riots in 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1936.

The Arab League which was created later to destroy any possibility of a sovereign Jewish State, was the instigator of the attacks on Jews and the decision to attack Jews after the UN partition of 1947 and the Declaration of Independence in May 1948.

This has never been about NATIVE Muslims and Christians against Jews.
It has been The Dominant Christian and Muslim religions over the Jewish religion as it had been for the past 1700 years, with no intention of allowing Jews to achieve self determination on their ancient homeland.

From Europe, from the Land of Israel, from anywhere else in the world, the Jewish People are the Jewish Nation and the rightful indigenous owners of the land.

You know all of this.

Let us see you acknowledge it to yourself first, someday.

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