All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Of course there are special rules for Palestinian refugees. Palestinians are the only people that an action of the UN, to the benefit of European colonists, caused them to become refugees.

The UN understood their responsibility in causing the destruction of the Palestinian people.

You people just don't get it. You people went to Palestine to remove and/or become rulers of the Palestinian people with the UN's acquiesence. Of course the UN has a responsibility to make things right. What is often forgotten that the UN assumed the responsibility to insure that this clear requirement of the Mandate be observed:

"it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"

Not only was this requirement not observed, the Jews murdered or expelled 100s of thousands of the members of the non-Jewish communities that were to be protected.

So up your's you racist piece of crap. The Palestinians have refugee rights until the UN makes it right.

Actually, the Arabs-Moslems posing as "Pal'istanians" have only a welfare fraud entitlement, until the West chooses to end the fraud.

The Palestinians did not need welfare until Israel stole their stuff.
Israeli police removed a peace activist from outside the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City on Wednesday during a demonstration by far-right Israelis. Credit Ahmad Gharabli/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The "peace activists" were members of far-left, anti-Israel groups like IfNotNow and one literally called "All That's Left."

These groups, in order to accommodate the most extreme anti-Israel voices while pretending to be Jewish, explicitly say that they have no position on whether Israel has a right to exist to begin with. .

The "demonstration by far-right Israelis" was the annual Jerusalem Flag March, attended by tens of thousands of normal Israelis every year.

Here they are at Damascus Gate, where the "peace protesters" were trying to stop them by linking arms across the gate, the reason the police removed them..

There sure are a lot of "right wing Israelis":

The New York Times is saying that people who oppose Jerusalem being a united city are "peace activists" while those who march with Israeli flags in its capital are "far right Israelis."

New York Times bias in a photo caption: Israel haters are "peace activists", Israeli flag flyers "far right" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Oxford Dictionary defines the word triumphalism as meaning “excessive exultation over one’s success or achievements (used especially in a political context)”.

That word was used by the BBC’s Middle East editor in a ‘question’ posed in a Tweet sent on May 24th showing what he termed “Religious Zionists” – rather than just Israelis – celebrating Jerusalem Day.

In contrast to Bowen’s inaccurate interpretation of the meaning of the holiday, Jerusalem Day is actually a celebration of the reunification of the city following the Jordanian occupation of parts of it between 1948 and 1967 and the resulting reopening of access to Judaism’s holy sites after nineteen years during which right of entry to those sites was denied to Jews.


BBC ME editor’s ‘impartiality’ on view in Jerusalem
The Jordanians have treated her as a national treasure since she arrived back there (the country where she was born and lived until shortly before she masterminded the Jerusalem atrocity) in October 2011. Did you ever see that statement in a mainstream news report? It's certainly true.

If the Jordanians, from the king on down, have any sense of irony or of the deep hypocrisy that stains their denunciation of the Manchester savagery, there's no sign of it in the announcement. And if any news analysts have torn into them, we haven't seen it:

Jordan condemns terror blast in Manchester | MENAFN - Emirates News Agency (WAM) | AMMAN, 23rd May, 2017 (WAM) -- The Jordanian government today denounced the terror attack that took place at the Manchester Arena last night, killing 22 people and injuring more than 50. According to the Petra News Agency, the Jordanian Minister of State for #Media Affairs and Communications, Mohammad Momani, said that this "heinous and inhumane act represents the real face of terrorism and extremism, which is implemented by coward terrorists aim to destabilise nations and intimidate innocent civilians". Mr. Momani, who is also the government's spokesperson, reaffirmed Jordan's firm and constant stance in fighting terrorism, extremism and violence in all shapes and forms, stressing the need for concerted efforts to counter terrorism in a holistic approach wherever it rears its head.
He also extended his condolences to the British government and to the families of the victims, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

The real face of terrorism and extremism? We think Tamimi fits that bill exceedingly well.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 23-May-17: Condemning terror is so easy to do, even Jordan can do it - and no news reports will criticize them
Over the years, Palestinian leaders have “excelled in two things: rhetoric and missing opportunities,” a Saudi journalist wrote in a column published this week.

“Young Palestinians deserve to live, aspire, and act like the young people of other nations,” Mash’al Al-Sudairi said in a piece published by the London-headquartered Asharq al-Awsatdaily newspaper and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). “We have had our fill of sorrow, oppression, idiocy, and the spouting of extremist slogans, that have eliminated wisdom and at the same time [forfeited] much land.”

Addressing Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh directly, Sudairi noted, “When you determined [in the new Hamas policy documentthat the borders of Palestine are the borders] that existed prior to June 5, 1967, you implicitly and indirectly recognized Israel. Therefore, from now on you cannot throw a single stone at it, not to mention fire a single rocket against it.”

“I therefore wonder about the value of the flowery and futile expression ‘Palestine from the river to the sea,’ as long as Gaza is detached from the West Bank,” Sudairi continued. “Will valor and sacrifice bring the leader Haniyeh to launch a historic initiative and consolidate unity in the Palestinian state that will be supported by the Arab brothers and the entire world?”

Territorial size, Sudairi pointed out, should not be an obstacle to the development of a future Palestinian state. “Singapore occupies an area of only 710 km² — that is, one-ninth of the [combined] area of the West Bank and Gaza,” he wrote. “Additionally, the population of the two [i.e. Singapore and the Palestinian territories] is similar — yet this Singapore’s annual income exceeds $400 billion — more than the income of every petro state… even though it has no natural resources [of its own].”

Saudi Journalist: Over the Years, Palestinian Leaders Have ‘Excelled in Two Things: Rhetoric and Missing Opportunities’
The massive Arab assault on Jews across British Palestine in 1929, in which 133 Jews were murdered and hundreds more maimed, was triggered by orchestrated, false rumors that Jews had attacked, or were intending to attack, the mosques atop the Temple Mount.

Strangely, even under the Mufti, the Temple Mount was still recognized by Muslims as the site of the biblical Jewish temples. Thus, the Jerusalem Muslim Supreme Council’s publication, ‘A Brief Guide to the Haram Al-Sharif’, states of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount on p. 4 that “Its identity with the site of Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute.” (After 1954, all such references to the biblical temples were excised from this publication).

During Jordan’s illegal occupation and annexation of the eastern half of Jerusalem (1948-67) Amman remained Jordan’s country’s capital, not Jerusalem, which became a backwater. Infrastructure, like water, electricity and sewerage, were scanty or non-existent. No Arab ruler, other than Jordan’s kings, ever visited. As Israeli elder statesman Abba Eban quipped, “the secular delights of Beirut held more attraction.”

Significantly, neither the PLO’s National Charter nor the Fatah Constitution, the latter drafted during Jordanian rule, even mention Jerusalem, let alone call for its establishment as a Palestinian capital.

Today, however, Palestinian Authority (PA) officials issue flat-earth denials that Jerusalem was the site of the Jewish temples, or indeed that there is any Jewish connection to the city.

Muhammad Hussein, the PA Mufti, sneers at the Jews’ “alleged Temple” and insists that “Palestinians have an exclusive right … which they share with no one” to the Temple Mount. Sheikh Tayseer Al-Tamimi, the former Chief Justice of the PA’s Religious Court, insists, “I don’t know of any Jewish holy sites in [Jerusalem]” and dismisses Jewish claims as “fictitious Jewish history.”

Today, the PA uses Jerusalem as a propaganda instrument, at once inciting violence and orchestrating anti-Israel campaigns.

(full article online)
A memorandum of understanding has been signed between the Israel Innovation Authority and Northwell Health, intended to streamline future cooperation in healthcare innovation, under the laws and regulations of the State of Israel and the US, the two sides have said in a press release Thursday.

Northwell Health is the largest healthcare network in New York State, made up of 21 hospitals, 450 clinics, and 61,000 employees, with 8 million patients. It is committed to supplying high-quality health services.

(full article online)
Former Lebanese President Émile Lahoud Reveals How the Right of Return Was Forced into the Saudi Peace Plan in the 2002 Arab Summit (Archival)
Former Lebanese President Émile Lahoud revealed behind-the-scenes negotiations in the 2002 Arab summit. The original initiative of Prince Abdullah, brought to the Arab summit, did not include the Right of Return, and it was added at the summit meeting due to pressure by Lahoud himself and several other Arab delegations, thus turning the Saudi Peace Plan into what is known today as the Arab Peace Plan. Lahoud was speaking in an interview on the Lebanese OTV channel on December 11, 2014.

(video online)

Former Lebanese President Émile Lahoud Reveals How the Right of Return Was Forced into the Saudi Peace Plan in the 2002 Arab Summit (Archival)
Special Report

A month of PA terror glorification
exposes Abbas' great lie to Trump

Abbas told Trump he fights terror and its "hateful ideology"

Abbas hid from Trump that his PA and Fatah had just honored 44 terrorists involved in the murders of 440 people, in the one month surrounding their first meeting

Honored by PA and Fatah in one month:
  • 14 Suicide bombers and other murderers,
  • 16 Bomb builders and terror attack planners
  • 14 Terrorists involved in terror attacks

Abbas' lie to Trump exposed - one month of PA terror glorification - PMW Bulletins
The Oxford Dictionary defines the word triumphalism as meaning “excessive exultation over one’s success or achievements (used especially in a political context)”.

That word was used by the BBC’s Middle East editor in a ‘question’ posed in a Tweet sent on May 24th showing what he termed “Religious Zionists” – rather than just Israelis – celebrating Jerusalem Day.

In contrast to Bowen’s inaccurate interpretation of the meaning of the holiday, Jerusalem Day is actually a celebration of the reunification of the city following the Jordanian occupation of parts of it between 1948 and 1967 and the resulting reopening of access to Judaism’s holy sites after nineteen years during which right of entry to those sites was denied to Jews.


BBC ME editor’s ‘impartiality’ on view in Jerusalem

“The parliament in Prague called on its government to respect the status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and also proposed halting any additional state payment of UNESCO membership dues as long as the organization continues the political discrimination against Israel,” Netanyahu said, adding, “This is the correct, worthy and courageous decision that others should copy.”

Czech Parliament Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital, Condemns UNESCO
It’s now been more than a decade since Hezbollah launched a cross-border attack on Israel and precipitated a war that devastated south Lebanon and parts of Beirut. That war ended with the acceptance of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which called for the “disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon,” including Lebanese Hezbollah and the assertion of full control over Lebanese territory by the government of Lebanon.

Suffice to say, that hasn’t happened. Under the watchful eyes of well-paid United Nations observers, Iran has resupplied Hezbollah with an arsenal greater in both quantity and quality than that which was used against Israel in 2006. And, despite more than $100 million in U.S. military and financial assistance, the Lebanese Armed Forces have yet to disarm a single Hezbollah terrorist let alone truly secure Lebanon’s borders. Beirut International Airport remains under the de facto control of Hezbollah.

(full article online)

The Next Lebanon War Won't Be Confined to Lebanon
In another show of admiration for terrorist murderers and according to the Palestinian Authority's policy of presenting them as role models for Palestinian youth, the Palestinian NGO "Women's Technical Affairs Committee" (WTAC) has named a youth center for women after the terrorist murderer who led the most lethal attack in Israel's history.

The Dalal Mughrabi Center is a joint initiative of the NGO, the PA, the UN, and the Norwegian government! The center's name sign prominently includes the logos of:

- The PA Ministry of Local Government
- UN Women
- The Norwegian Representative Office to the PA

The center, which was inaugurated last week, is named after the terrorist who in 1978 led a group of terrorists who hijacked a bus and killed 37 Israelis, among them of these 12 children:

(full article online)

The PA, UN, and Norway behind center named after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi - PMW Bulletins

From Hezbollah's Al Manar:

A senior commander in Yemen’s Ansarullah revolutionary movement, Mohamamd Ali Al-Houthi felicitated Hezbollah on the Resistance and Liberation Day.

Al-Houthi, who is the Head of the Revolutionary Council in Yemen, congratulated Hezbollah and the Lebanese resistance on the occasion. “May 25, 2000, is a memorable day in Lebanon’s history, when the Zionist enemy and his collaborators were defeated,” he wrote on his Facebook account.

“Jihad is the major way to become free from tyrants and occupiers,” Al-Houthi wrote on Thursday.If this is Liberation Day, that means Lebanon is liberated from the Zionist occupation, then why does Hezbollah continue to exist?

Remember, the Houthi slogan on their logo translates to "God is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Damn the Jews, Power to Islam." The supposedly not-anti-semitic Shiites in Hezbollah and Iran have never said a negative word about the antisemitism that is baked into the very fabric of the Houthis that they ally with.

Hezbollah and its Houthi supporters celebrate "Liberation Day" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

From Hezbollah's Al Manar:

A senior commander in Yemen’s Ansarullah revolutionary movement, Mohamamd Ali Al-Houthi felicitated Hezbollah on the Resistance and Liberation Day.

Al-Houthi, who is the Head of the Revolutionary Council in Yemen, congratulated Hezbollah and the Lebanese resistance on the occasion. “May 25, 2000, is a memorable day in Lebanon’s history, when the Zionist enemy and his collaborators were defeated,” he wrote on his Facebook account.

“Jihad is the major way to become free from tyrants and occupiers,” Al-Houthi wrote on Thursday.If this is Liberation Day, that means Lebanon is liberated from the Zionist occupation, then why does Hezbollah continue to exist?

Remember, the Houthi slogan on their logo translates to "God is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Damn the Jews, Power to Islam." The supposedly not-anti-semitic Shiites in Hezbollah and Iran have never said a negative word about the antisemitism that is baked into the very fabric of the Houthis that they ally with.

Hezbollah and its Houthi supporters celebrate "Liberation Day" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hezbollah has the power to take over Lebanon and do what it wants but they don't. They are not a threat to Lebanon. The only political power they have has been obtained through democratic process.

When Lebanon proposed rebuilding a synagogue that was damaged in the war, Hezbollah voted in favor of the proposal.

From Hezbollah's Al Manar:

A senior commander in Yemen’s Ansarullah revolutionary movement, Mohamamd Ali Al-Houthi felicitated Hezbollah on the Resistance and Liberation Day.

Al-Houthi, who is the Head of the Revolutionary Council in Yemen, congratulated Hezbollah and the Lebanese resistance on the occasion. “May 25, 2000, is a memorable day in Lebanon’s history, when the Zionist enemy and his collaborators were defeated,” he wrote on his Facebook account.

“Jihad is the major way to become free from tyrants and occupiers,” Al-Houthi wrote on Thursday.If this is Liberation Day, that means Lebanon is liberated from the Zionist occupation, then why does Hezbollah continue to exist?

Remember, the Houthi slogan on their logo translates to "God is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Damn the Jews, Power to Islam." The supposedly not-anti-semitic Shiites in Hezbollah and Iran have never said a negative word about the antisemitism that is baked into the very fabric of the Houthis that they ally with.

Hezbollah and its Houthi supporters celebrate "Liberation Day" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hezbollah has the power to take over Lebanon and do what it wants but they don't. They are not a threat to Lebanon. The only political power they have has been obtained through democratic process.

When Lebanon proposed rebuilding a synagogue that was damaged in the war, Hezbollah voted in favor of the proposal.

"Hezbollah has the power to take over Lebanon and do what it wants but they don't."

".... because I say so."

Hizbollocks is little more than just another Islamic terrorist group, in their case, sponsored by the Shia Iranian mullocrats. Any attempt at a "take over" of Lebanon would lead to a confrontation with the Sunni/salafilwahabbi arab component of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc.
From Daily Star Lebanon:

Construction of a controversial concrete wall barrier around the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp has resumed following a brief halt.

The past few weeks have seen a surge in concrete wall’s construction. A security source told The Daily Star that the wall is now “80 percent complete.”

Palestinian officials and popular committee members at the south Lebanon camp have reached tentative agreements following discussions with the army.

However, Palestinian refugees are dealing with various problems due to the wall’s construction. Omm Issam’s home had several of its rooms taken down due to its proximity to the wall.

A source told The Daily Star that the wall will run through “hundreds” of houses.

Abu Yassin, whose home and orange garden are dwarfed by the wall, mockingly says that the wall is now his neighbor.

In November 2016, it was announced that an agreement had been made between the Lebanese Army and the Palestinian factions to construct a wall and erect watchtowers around Ain al-Hilweh, and that the process was well underway.

The move was to maintain security in the camp, which has been rocked by clashes, most recently in April. The nearly six days of continuous clashes left at least 10 dead and over 50 wounded.

Despite an initial agreement between the Lebanese Army and Palestinian factions, opposition to the wall mounted during the construction process, forcing the army to temporarily halt construction.

“The Palestinian factions implicitly agree on it [despite vocal objection later on],” a source told The Daily Star in February.

The hypocrisy is stunning. Palestinian "leaders" agreed to build this prison, and the only ones who oppose it are the actual people affected, who have no voice. (Terror groups like Hamas and PFLP are the only organized groups that opposed the wall. Hezbollah supports it completely as a decision by the Lebanese government to "prevent terrorists from infiltrating the country."

Mahmoud Abbas visited Lebanon in February and did not say a word against this wall.

(full article online)

Hypocrisy alert: Lebanon almost finished building a wall, with 4 watchtowers, around 100,000 Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Last night, a family that owns a flock of sheep in the Maale Shlomo neighborhood of Kochav Hashachar in the Binyamin region was surprised to discover that Arabs had broken into the family property and stolen at least 150 sheep.

Members of “Hashomer Yosh” ("Guardians of Judea and Samaria") acted quickly at the scene, notified security personnel and, together, they located the stolen flock after about 35 minutes.

The group told Arutz Sheva that the chase began immediately after 3 men who had stolen the sheep were identified by cameras. During the pursuit, the thieves realized that the organization’s volunteers and security forces were after them, and abandoned the sheep to flee.

(video online)

Watch: Arabs attempt large-scale livestock theft in Binyamin
Ronen Yizhak, head of the Middle East Studies department at Israel’s Western Galilee College, told the discrepancy between Western and Arab-Muslim giving to the Palestinians “has been the case throughout the history of the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict.” On the Arab-Muslim side, “there is a lot of talking, but little actual deeds,” he said. Yizhak pointed out that after the 2014 Gaza war, the international community pledged $5 billion to rebuild the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave, but much of the money pledged by Arab states went undelivered.

Daniel Pipes, a historian and president of the Middle East Forum think tank, explained the funding discrepancy by noting that given Arab and Muslim leaders’ belief that the West is to blame for Palestinian refugees’ plight, they view funding UNRWA as “a Western responsibility because the West backs Israel.”

Why aren’t Muslim countries leading the charge on aid for the Palestinians?
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