All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Oh, NO!!!!!

The British who took away 77% of the Jewish Homeland, and did not bother to help create the Jewish State as per Mandate for Palestine, and never bothered to save the Jews from Arab riots, and helped get Jews expelled from Gaza in 1920 and Hevron in 1929, who cut down in the number of Jewish immigrants allowed to the Mandate in Palestine, who were on the side of the Arabs when the seven Arab States invaded Israel in 1948........

THEY had a wanted poster for the Jewish leaders?


How could the British take land in the Middle East that belonged to the native Muslims and Christians away from people in Europe. That's a crazy concept.

The British allowed Jewish immigration to Palestine facilitaing the colonization of land that did not belong to them and facilitated the expropriation of the native Muslims and Christians.

The Muslims and Christians were fighting against an existential threat posed by the marauding Jews. They were not riots, they were an attempt to prevent the Jews from dispossessing them.

How is that You leave out the Palestinian Jews every time You speak about Palestinians?

Palestinians may have been dispossessed for 100 years, Jews have been for centuries (from Jerusalem, Hebron, Gaza, Tiberias, Sefad so on...)

Palestinian People never existed. Therefore they could not have been dispossessed. Especially as most of the Arabs/Muslims who came to the Palestine region, before and until 1948, had never been to that area before and had never been part of the population.

The ones dispossessed were this:

1920 - Jews expelled from Gaza
1925 - Jews murdered and expelled from TransJordan
1929 - Jews murdered and expelled from Hebron
1948 - Jews are murdered and expelled from Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

Pro Palestinians ALWAYS hide all of this historical events as if they never happened, or as if they do not matter compared to the Arabs being told to leave their homes by their leaders in 1948 by their own leaders......and losing the war THEY started.
"Palestinian People never existed. Therefore they could not have been dispossessed. Especially as most of the Arabs/Muslims who came to the Palestine region, before and until 1948, had never been to that area before and had never been part of the population."

That is ton of bullshit. That's the problem with the Jews, they believe bullshit.
Who should the world believe?

What Abbas told Trump today,
or what Palestinian leaders tell their people regularly?

Abbas to Trump in Bethlehem:
"... two-state solution along the borders of 1967, the state of Palestine with its capital as East Jerusalem living alongside Israel in peace and security."

PLO leader:
"Everyone knows our goal is to liberate all of the land of Palestine"

What should the world believe? - PMW Bulletins

Perhaps you should not believe propaganda sites, like Palwatch.

Perhaps You should stop calling everything that challenges Your narrative as 'propaganda' and actually deal with what's being presented

Was there any mistake in the translation?

How can the veracity of the statement be believed on a propaganda site? Much less the translation. Try to find a relatively neutral source for the original statement. I'm waiting.

1) You do not know who the speaker in that video is. And do not care.

2) You do not know Arabic

It is time you stop discrediting what you are not able to discredit AT ALL.
Who should the world believe?

What Abbas told Trump today,
or what Palestinian leaders tell their people regularly?

Abbas to Trump in Bethlehem:
"... two-state solution along the borders of 1967, the state of Palestine with its capital as East Jerusalem living alongside Israel in peace and security."

PLO leader:
"Everyone knows our goal is to liberate all of the land of Palestine"

What should the world believe? - PMW Bulletins

Perhaps you should not believe propaganda sites, like Palwatch.

Perhaps You should stop calling everything that challenges Your narrative as 'propaganda' and actually deal with what's being presented

Was there any mistake in the translation?

How can the veracity of the statement be believed on a propaganda site? Much less the translation. Try to find a relatively neutral source for the original statement. I'm waiting.

1) You do not know who the speaker in that video is. And do not care.

2) You do not know Arabic

It is time you stop discrediting what you are not able to discredit AT ALL.

Bullshit is bullshit.
Who should the world believe?

What Abbas told Trump today,
or what Palestinian leaders tell their people regularly?

Abbas to Trump in Bethlehem:
"... two-state solution along the borders of 1967, the state of Palestine with its capital as East Jerusalem living alongside Israel in peace and security."

PLO leader:
"Everyone knows our goal is to liberate all of the land of Palestine"

What should the world believe? - PMW Bulletins

Perhaps you should not believe propaganda sites, like Palwatch.

Perhaps You should stop calling everything that challenges Your narrative as 'propaganda' and actually deal with what's being presented

Was there any mistake in the translation?

How can the veracity of the statement be believed on a propaganda site? Much less the translation. Try to find a relatively neutral source for the original statement. I'm waiting.

1) You do not know who the speaker in that video is. And do not care.

2) You do not know Arabic

It is time you stop discrediting what you are not able to discredit AT ALL.

Bullshit is bullshit.

You are right at that .

Yours is of the greatest quality as you NEVER, EVER, provide any evidence of what you say.

Where is your Arabic, Habibi?

Tachki Arabic, Habibi?

Yallah !!!!

Wealeki, Habibi.

WHO is the speaker on the video and what exactly is he saying?
That is Arabic, right?
You are capable of telling which language that is and especially what he is saying?

Translate for us and PROVE that we....are the ones with the "bullhshit", as you put it.

Salam, Habibi !
Perhaps you should not believe propaganda sites, like Palwatch.

Perhaps You should stop calling everything that challenges Your narrative as 'propaganda' and actually deal with what's being presented

Was there any mistake in the translation?

How can the veracity of the statement be believed on a propaganda site? Much less the translation. Try to find a relatively neutral source for the original statement. I'm waiting.

1) You do not know who the speaker in that video is. And do not care.

2) You do not know Arabic

It is time you stop discrediting what you are not able to discredit AT ALL.

Bullshit is bullshit.

You are right at that .

Yours is of the greatest quality as you NEVER, EVER, provide any evidence of what you say.

Where is your Arabic, Habibi?

Tachki Arabic, Habibi?

Yallah !!!!

Wealeki, Habibi.

WHO is the speaker on the video and what exactly is he saying?
That is Arabic, right?
You are capable of telling which language that is and especially what he is saying?

Translate for us and PROVE that we....are the ones with the "bullhshit", as you put it.

Salam, Habibi !

أنت لا تعرف ما تتحدث عنه. عشت في تونس كطفل، وكنت في الجيش الأمريكي في المملكة العربية السعودية لمدة 4 سنوات. أنا أعرف أكثر مما سوف تتعلم من أيوقت مضى.
Perhaps You should stop calling everything that challenges Your narrative as 'propaganda' and actually deal with what's being presented

Was there any mistake in the translation?

How can the veracity of the statement be believed on a propaganda site? Much less the translation. Try to find a relatively neutral source for the original statement. I'm waiting.

1) You do not know who the speaker in that video is. And do not care.

2) You do not know Arabic

It is time you stop discrediting what you are not able to discredit AT ALL.

Bullshit is bullshit.

You are right at that .

Yours is of the greatest quality as you NEVER, EVER, provide any evidence of what you say.

Where is your Arabic, Habibi?

Tachki Arabic, Habibi?

Yallah !!!!

Wealeki, Habibi.

WHO is the speaker on the video and what exactly is he saying?
That is Arabic, right?
You are capable of telling which language that is and especially what he is saying?

Translate for us and PROVE that we....are the ones with the "bullhshit", as you put it.

Salam, Habibi !

أنت لا تعرف ما تتحدث عنه. عشت في تونس كطفل، وكنت في الجيش الأمريكي في المملكة العربية السعودية لمدة 4 سنوات. أنا أعرف أكثر مما سوف تتعلم من أيوقت مضى.


Now, who is that man in the video and is he not saying what has been translated in it?
Hamas' announcement said that the executions would be witnessed by "official human rights bodies, community notables and mayors."

I have not seen a word about this on the Amnesty or HRW websites or Twitter feeds. Nor have I ever seen a word from them about how Hamas pretends that executions are compatible with their "human rights" groups.

One would think that the most prominent players in international human rights would be appalled at this.

(full article online)

.@Amnesty and @HRW silent over Hamas triple-execution scheduled for tomorrow ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“For the first time in 1,000 years not a single Jew remains in the Jewish Quarter,” Abdullah el-Talal, a commander of the Muslim invaders, had boasted. “Not a single building remains intact. This makes the Jews' return here impossible.” In his memoirs he wrote, “I knew that the Jewish Quarter was densely populated with Jews who caused their fighters a good deal of interference and difficulty…. Only four days after our entry into Jerusalem the Jewish Quarter had become their graveyard. Death and destruction reigned over it.”

Every politician who denounces Jews building houses in Jerusalem, but not Muslims doing the same thing is endorsing Abdullah’s genocidal vision and all the terrorism that goes with it.

In 1920, racist Muslim settler mobs in Jerusalem had chanted "Mohammed's religion was born with the sword", “Death to the Jews” and “the government is with us” as Muslim policemen under British colonial rule had joined with them in the rape and murder of the indigenous Jewish population.

(full article online)

Sultan Knish: The War for Jerusalem
"50 years ago this week the Cave of Machpelah was in territory ruled by Jordan," Hebron Fund Executive Director Rabbi Dan Rosenstein said. "Before that Jews were officially barred from entering the Machpelah for 700 years starting in 1267 with the Mamelukes."

"It's awe inspiring to see Jewish life flourish again in Hevron, to return to Jewish children to the fathers and mothers, and to be a part of Hevron Day celebrations today."

Hevron celebrates 50 years with star-studded gala event
On Monday this week, while Mahmoud Abbas was probably preparing his “we-want-peace” statement for US President Trump the next day, official PA TV interviewed and honored the heroism of a terrorist murderer of 16 Israelis. But the PA host went even further. Not only did she glorify the murders of the past, she also expressed her longing for the return to the days of Palestinian terror and violence:

“We long for the days of the Intifada, the days of the revolution... Why are we not seeing activities like that today? ... We want more from them [the Palestinian people].”
[Official PA TV, I Call You, May 22, 2017

(full article online)

Sheikh Azzam al-Khatib, Director-General of Waqf Jerusalem, told Ma’an that “more than 470 settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the morning, pointing out that the number might rise during the next hour until the closure of the door of the Mugrabi gate through which the storming and desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque is conducted, with the support of the occupation government and protection from the Israeli police forces.”

According to Ma’an, “celebrations of the so-called ‘Unification of Jerusalem’ marking the 50th anniversary of the occupation of the rest of the city of Jerusalem in 1967” will include “presentations of the Israeli flag and Star of David” in a “huge” afternoon march “from West Jerusalem through Bab Al-Khalil and Al-Jadid Street and Bab Al-Amoud and the streets of Old Jerusalem to the Al-Buraq Wall,” – now get this – “during which the residents will be provoked by racist slogans and Israeli flags flying throughout the march.”

Only Ma’an gives you the news before it happens. Let’s all go out there and get provoked…

(full article online)
American Jews protesting occupation blocked Damascus Gate here they are getting ripped apart from their sit-in by Israeli security and violently dragged off.

Today is Jerusalem Day - a time when right-wing nationalists march through the holy city and scream things like "death to all Arabs."


Of course there are special rules for Palestinian refugees. Palestinians are the only people that an action of the UN, to the benefit of European colonists, caused them to become refugees.

The UN understood their responsibility in causing the destruction of the Palestinian people.

You people just don't get it. You people went to Palestine to remove and/or become rulers of the Palestinian people with the UN's acquiesence. Of course the UN has a responsibility to make things right. What is often forgotten that the UN assumed the responsibility to insure that this clear requirement of the Mandate be observed:

"it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"

Not only was this requirement not observed, the Jews murdered or expelled 100s of thousands of the members of the non-Jewish communities that were to be protected.

So up your's you racist piece of crap. The Palestinians have refugee rights until the UN makes it right.

Of course there are special rules for Palestinian refugees. Palestinians are the only people that an action of the UN, to the benefit of European colonists, caused them to become refugees.

The UN understood their responsibility in causing the destruction of the Palestinian people.

You people just don't get it. You people went to Palestine to remove and/or become rulers of the Palestinian people with the UN's acquiesence. Of course the UN has a responsibility to make things right. What is often forgotten that the UN assumed the responsibility to insure that this clear requirement of the Mandate be observed:

"it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"

Not only was this requirement not observed, the Jews murdered or expelled 100s of thousands of the members of the non-Jewish communities that were to be protected.

So up your's you racist piece of crap. The Palestinians have refugee rights until the UN makes it right.

Actually, the Arabs-Moslems posing as "Pal'istanians" have only a welfare fraud entitlement, until the West chooses to end the fraud.
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