All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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From Daily Star Lebanon:

Construction of a controversial concrete wall barrier around the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp has resumed following a brief halt.

The past few weeks have seen a surge in concrete wall’s construction. A security source told The Daily Star that the wall is now “80 percent complete.”

Palestinian officials and popular committee members at the south Lebanon camp have reached tentative agreements following discussions with the army.

However, Palestinian refugees are dealing with various problems due to the wall’s construction. Omm Issam’s home had several of its rooms taken down due to its proximity to the wall.

A source told The Daily Star that the wall will run through “hundreds” of houses.

Abu Yassin, whose home and orange garden are dwarfed by the wall, mockingly says that the wall is now his neighbor.

In November 2016, it was announced that an agreement had been made between the Lebanese Army and the Palestinian factions to construct a wall and erect watchtowers around Ain al-Hilweh, and that the process was well underway.

The move was to maintain security in the camp, which has been rocked by clashes, most recently in April. The nearly six days of continuous clashes left at least 10 dead and over 50 wounded.

Despite an initial agreement between the Lebanese Army and Palestinian factions, opposition to the wall mounted during the construction process, forcing the army to temporarily halt construction.

“The Palestinian factions implicitly agree on it [despite vocal objection later on],” a source told The Daily Star in February.

The hypocrisy is stunning. Palestinian "leaders" agreed to build this prison, and the only ones who oppose it are the actual people affected, who have no voice. (Terror groups like Hamas and PFLP are the only organized groups that opposed the wall. Hezbollah supports it completely as a decision by the Lebanese government to "prevent terrorists from infiltrating the country."

Mahmoud Abbas visited Lebanon in February and did not say a word against this wall.

(full article online)

Hypocrisy alert: Lebanon almost finished building a wall, with 4 watchtowers, around 100,000 Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

How can Abbas say anything to a country that has generously taken in refugees that were expelled from their Palestinian homeland by the invading Jews.

What is your point. There is no equivalence between European Jews building walls around the native people of the land they invaded and a generous foreign country that has accepted foreign refugees (that by the way endanger the sensitive confessional demographics of Lebanon) building walls/fences in order to keep a refugee population under control.
From Daily Star Lebanon:

Construction of a controversial concrete wall barrier around the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp has resumed following a brief halt.

The past few weeks have seen a surge in concrete wall’s construction. A security source told The Daily Star that the wall is now “80 percent complete.”

Palestinian officials and popular committee members at the south Lebanon camp have reached tentative agreements following discussions with the army.

However, Palestinian refugees are dealing with various problems due to the wall’s construction. Omm Issam’s home had several of its rooms taken down due to its proximity to the wall.

A source told The Daily Star that the wall will run through “hundreds” of houses.

Abu Yassin, whose home and orange garden are dwarfed by the wall, mockingly says that the wall is now his neighbor.

In November 2016, it was announced that an agreement had been made between the Lebanese Army and the Palestinian factions to construct a wall and erect watchtowers around Ain al-Hilweh, and that the process was well underway.

The move was to maintain security in the camp, which has been rocked by clashes, most recently in April. The nearly six days of continuous clashes left at least 10 dead and over 50 wounded.

Despite an initial agreement between the Lebanese Army and Palestinian factions, opposition to the wall mounted during the construction process, forcing the army to temporarily halt construction.

“The Palestinian factions implicitly agree on it [despite vocal objection later on],” a source told The Daily Star in February.

The hypocrisy is stunning. Palestinian "leaders" agreed to build this prison, and the only ones who oppose it are the actual people affected, who have no voice. (Terror groups like Hamas and PFLP are the only organized groups that opposed the wall. Hezbollah supports it completely as a decision by the Lebanese government to "prevent terrorists from infiltrating the country."

Mahmoud Abbas visited Lebanon in February and did not say a word against this wall.

(full article online)

Hypocrisy alert: Lebanon almost finished building a wall, with 4 watchtowers, around 100,000 Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

How can Abbas say anything to a country that has generously taken in refugees that were expelled from their Palestinian homeland by the invading Jews.

What is your point. There is no equivalence between European Jews building walls around the native people of the land they invaded and a generous foreign country that has accepted foreign refugees (that by the way endanger the sensitive confessional demographics of Lebanon) building walls/fences in order to keep a refugee population under control.

"generously taken refugees in" - while denying them basic rights and enclosing them in camps.

You've got to be kidding.
The Geneva Conventions are quite clear as to who is entitled to be considered a prisoner of war, and people who are not part of a regular army and who attack civilians without a uniform are clearly not prisoners of war. They get none of the protections that soldiers get.

Also, the terorrists should be careful what they ask for: prisoners of war can be held indefinitely until the conflict is over. They do not have to have a trial to be placed in POW camps. In fact, they are not allowed to be put on trial to begin with except for war crimes. They would lose many of the luxuries they enjoy now like education.

(full article online)

Palestinians terrorists now demand to be treated as "prisoners of war". This is dumber than most demands. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
From Daily Star Lebanon:

Construction of a controversial concrete wall barrier around the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp has resumed following a brief halt.

The past few weeks have seen a surge in concrete wall’s construction. A security source told The Daily Star that the wall is now “80 percent complete.”

Palestinian officials and popular committee members at the south Lebanon camp have reached tentative agreements following discussions with the army.

However, Palestinian refugees are dealing with various problems due to the wall’s construction. Omm Issam’s home had several of its rooms taken down due to its proximity to the wall.

A source told The Daily Star that the wall will run through “hundreds” of houses.

Abu Yassin, whose home and orange garden are dwarfed by the wall, mockingly says that the wall is now his neighbor.

In November 2016, it was announced that an agreement had been made between the Lebanese Army and the Palestinian factions to construct a wall and erect watchtowers around Ain al-Hilweh, and that the process was well underway.

The move was to maintain security in the camp, which has been rocked by clashes, most recently in April. The nearly six days of continuous clashes left at least 10 dead and over 50 wounded.

Despite an initial agreement between the Lebanese Army and Palestinian factions, opposition to the wall mounted during the construction process, forcing the army to temporarily halt construction.

“The Palestinian factions implicitly agree on it [despite vocal objection later on],” a source told The Daily Star in February.

The hypocrisy is stunning. Palestinian "leaders" agreed to build this prison, and the only ones who oppose it are the actual people affected, who have no voice. (Terror groups like Hamas and PFLP are the only organized groups that opposed the wall. Hezbollah supports it completely as a decision by the Lebanese government to "prevent terrorists from infiltrating the country."

Mahmoud Abbas visited Lebanon in February and did not say a word against this wall.

(full article online)

Hypocrisy alert: Lebanon almost finished building a wall, with 4 watchtowers, around 100,000 Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

How can Abbas say anything to a country that has generously taken in refugees that were expelled from their Palestinian homeland by the invading Jews.

What is your point. There is no equivalence between European Jews building walls around the native people of the land they invaded and a generous foreign country that has accepted foreign refugees (that by the way endanger the sensitive confessional demographics of Lebanon) building walls/fences in order to keep a refugee population under control.

"generously taken refugees in" - while denying them basic rights and enclosing them in camps.

You've got to be kidding.

Of course they were generously taken in. Lebanon is generously taking in millions of Syrians too.

Do you believe Lebanon should allow millions of refugees to roam around willy nilly around the country?

Given its limited means, Lebanon is doing quite well in hosting the millions of refugees it is hosting. In Europe they also contain refugees, that's the only way to mitigate the danger of violence.

Here is a European refugee camp.

From Daily Star Lebanon:

Construction of a controversial concrete wall barrier around the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp has resumed following a brief halt.

The past few weeks have seen a surge in concrete wall’s construction. A security source told The Daily Star that the wall is now “80 percent complete.”

Palestinian officials and popular committee members at the south Lebanon camp have reached tentative agreements following discussions with the army.

However, Palestinian refugees are dealing with various problems due to the wall’s construction. Omm Issam’s home had several of its rooms taken down due to its proximity to the wall.

A source told The Daily Star that the wall will run through “hundreds” of houses.

Abu Yassin, whose home and orange garden are dwarfed by the wall, mockingly says that the wall is now his neighbor.

In November 2016, it was announced that an agreement had been made between the Lebanese Army and the Palestinian factions to construct a wall and erect watchtowers around Ain al-Hilweh, and that the process was well underway.

The move was to maintain security in the camp, which has been rocked by clashes, most recently in April. The nearly six days of continuous clashes left at least 10 dead and over 50 wounded.

Despite an initial agreement between the Lebanese Army and Palestinian factions, opposition to the wall mounted during the construction process, forcing the army to temporarily halt construction.

“The Palestinian factions implicitly agree on it [despite vocal objection later on],” a source told The Daily Star in February.

The hypocrisy is stunning. Palestinian "leaders" agreed to build this prison, and the only ones who oppose it are the actual people affected, who have no voice. (Terror groups like Hamas and PFLP are the only organized groups that opposed the wall. Hezbollah supports it completely as a decision by the Lebanese government to "prevent terrorists from infiltrating the country."

Mahmoud Abbas visited Lebanon in February and did not say a word against this wall.

(full article online)

Hypocrisy alert: Lebanon almost finished building a wall, with 4 watchtowers, around 100,000 Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

How can Abbas say anything to a country that has generously taken in refugees that were expelled from their Palestinian homeland by the invading Jews.

What is your point. There is no equivalence between European Jews building walls around the native people of the land they invaded and a generous foreign country that has accepted foreign refugees (that by the way endanger the sensitive confessional demographics of Lebanon) building walls/fences in order to keep a refugee population under control.

"generously taken refugees in" - while denying them basic rights and enclosing them in camps.

You've got to be kidding.

Of course they were generously taken in. Lebanon is generously taking in millions of Syrians too.

Do you believe Lebanon should allow millions of refugees to roam around willy nilly around the country?

Given its limited means, Lebanon is doing quite well in hosting the millions of refugees it is hosting. In Europe they also contain refugees, that's the only way to mitigate the danger of violence.

Here is a European refugee camp.


So compare recently built European refugee camps with decades long systematic segregation and discrimination of Palestinians by their fellow Arab nations as - generosity.

How convenient.
You really should do some research before blurting out nonsense that just demonstrates your ignorance. Palestinian refugees are protected under the auspices of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA was established specifically for the Palestinian refugees, UNHCR handles other refugees. The reason UNRWA was established is because the UN recognized that it was their deliberate act that caused the Palestinians to lose their homeland and to assuage those UN members that voted against partition, and who had predicted that leaving a third of the Muslim and Christian population within the Jewish partition would result in ethnic cleansing and massacres of non-Jews.

UNRWA works under a different mandate and under different laws/regulations Under UNRWA Palestinians remain refugees through generations. UNHCR only covers a single generation as I recall.

UNRWA is tasked with implementing the terms of UN Resolution 194 (among others) that states in part:

"the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the governments or authorities responsible".

Lebanon is doing what it can to insure that the refugees maintain their refugee status, hence maintain their "right of return" under International Law and the UN Resolutions and prevent a massive disruptive change in their finely balanced confessional system of Government.

For a small country of 5 million or so, Lebanon is hosting about a half a million Palestinian and an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees. I think that's pretty darn generous.
You really should do some research before blurting out nonsense that just demonstrates your ignorance. Palestinian refugees are protected under the auspices of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA was established specifically for the Palestinian refugees, UNHCR handles other refugees. The reason UNRWA was established is because the UN recognized that it was their deliberate act that caused the Palestinians to lose their homeland and to assuage those UN members that voted against partition, and who had predicted that leaving a third of the Muslim and Christian population within the Jewish partition would result in ethnic cleansing and massacres of non-Jews.

UNRWA works under a different mandate and under different laws/regulations Under UNRWA Palestinians remain refugees through generations. UNHCR only covers a single generation as I recall.

UNRWA is tasked with implementing the terms of UN Resolution 194 (among others) that states in part:

"the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the governments or authorities responsible".

Lebanon is doing what it can to insure that the refugees maintain their refugee status, hence maintain their "right of return" under International Law and the UN Resolutions and prevent a massive disruptive change in their finely balanced confessional system of Government.

For a small country of 5 million or so, Lebanon is hosting about a half a million Palestinian and an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees. I think that's pretty darn generous.

<The reason UNRWA was established is because the UN recognized that it was their deliberate act that caused the Palestinians to lose their homeland and to assuage those UN members that voted against partition, and who had predicted that leaving a third of the Muslim and Christian population within the Jewish partition would result in ethnic cleansing and massacres of non-Jews.>>

UNWRA was created to help destroy Israel. Pure and simple.

Where was UNWRA when the Jews were attacked and expelled in 1920 from Gaza, 1925 from TransJordan, 1929 from Hebron, 1948 from all of Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem?

There were no "Palestinians" then. All the population was being called Palestinians during the mandate for Palestine.

<, and who had predicted that leaving a third of the Muslim and Christian population within the Jewish partition would result in ethnic cleansing and massacres of non-Jews.>>

How odd that it never happened except in the Jew hating hearts of so many Arabs/Muslims who, again, had no problem attacking, murdering and expelling Jews from their homes and lands from 1920 on.

You know Arabic. Stop giving the impression that you have not seen the videos of Arab leaders telling their followers that there is no such thing as a Palestinian People. That it is a recent Arab/Muslim invention in order to take away Israel from the Jews. The Indigenous people of the land. The Jews.

Stop distorting facts, and reality. It will not change anything.

The more people like you lie about Israel, the stronger Israel becomes. It has to, to deal with what Arab leaders and others have in mind for the Jewish people as a whole.
Husseini meant to kill all the Jews in Asia Minor, once Germany won WWII. It did not happen.

During WWII Husseini went all the way to Iraq to incite the Arabs against the Jews, and who paid the price?
Nearly 200 Jews dead in 1941 and hundreds of Jews wounded from a riot Husseini incited. Same thing he did in 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1936 in the Mandate for Palestine.

Rewrite history all you like. With liars like you, Israel indeed must stay strong and avoid giving in any more inches.

Enough is enough. And Israel knows so.
In 2008, Mogahed co-wrote a book with John Esposito called "Who Speaks for Islam?" where she argued, like here, that only a small percentage of Muslims support terror. Using a very strange methodology, they found that only 7% of Muslims worldwide according to Gallup polls were considered "extremist" and the rest were "moderate."

However, when one dug into the numbers - numbers that they did not publish in the book! - it was seen that they defined "extremist" as people who found 9/11 completely justified and hated the US.

If you included the numbers who found the 9/11 attacks to be "mostly" justified (6.5%) or "somewhat" justified (23.1%) then at the time fully 36.6% of Muslims could find some justification for the terror attack in the US on September 11.

Do 36% of whites support Dylann Roof or Anders Breivik? The question is absurd. But Mogahed herself knows that (as of 2007 or so) 36.6% of Muslims supported the most heinous terror attack to some extent.

Mogahed doesn't want you to know this. That's why she wrote an entire book claiming Muslims were moderate based on polling data without including the polling data.

(full article online)

Before Linda Sarsour, there was Dalia Mogahed, spreading pretty lies about Muslims ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In a slap in the face to the Jewish victims of Palestinian terrorism, Newsweek has given a platform to the wife of a convicted murderer. On Thursday, the American news outlet published an op-ed by Fadwa Barghouti, the spouse of Marwan Barghouti, who “was convicted on five counts of murder for the deaths of four Israelis and a Greek monk, as well as attempted murder, conspiracy to murder, and membership of a terrorist organization,” according to the BBC.

While Newsweek has yet to publish sympathetic editorials by the friends, family, and loved ones of like-minded "freedom fighters" Ted Bundy, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, or the Manchester bomber Salman Abedi, the publication chose to honor Fadwa Barghouti with a piece entitled, “My Husband Is Starving In An Israeli Jail – We’ll Be Reunited When Palestine Is Free.”

(full article online)

Newsweek Gives Op-Ed To Wife Of Palestinian Terrorist Lamenting Her Husband’s Hunger Strike. He Got Caught Eating Cookies.
For the first time since 1967, Israel’s Foreign Ministry has distributed worldwide the document “The legality of settlement,” which declares that the Geneva Convention does not apply to Judea and Samaria and that “at no point in history was Judea and Samaria subject to Palestinian sovereignty.”

Most of the Israeli embassies around the world have recently completed the distribution of the document, which details the legal arguments for the claim of Israel’s connection to Judea and Samaria, including citations from former US Undersecretary of State Eugene V. Rostov, who supported Israel’s right to settle in the liberated territories in “‘Palestinian Self-Determination’: Possible Futuresfor the Unallocated Territories of the Palestine Mandate” (Yale Journal of International Law, 1980).

“Jewish rights of close settlement in the West Bank are derived from the Mandate. Therefore they exist; it is impossible seriously to contend, as the United States government does, that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal,” wrote Rostov.

(full article online)

At Last: Foreign Ministry Completes Worldwide Distribution of ‘The Legality of Settlement’The Jewish Press | JNi.Media | 1 Sivan 5777 – May 26, 2017 |
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel said: “ It is unbelievable that somebody has used a joyful pop concert to kill or seriously injure so many people.”

A headline in the Washington Post read: “In suburban Manchester, a search for what might have motivated the attacker”.

“Struggle to comprehend”? “Unbelievable”? “What might have motivated the attacker”? Really??

In 2006 I published my book Londonistan which analysed the supine response of the British political, legal and religious establishment to Islamic jihadi terrorism and the Islamisation of Britain. What follows below is the concluding chapter of that book. As the army patrols the streets of Britain to guard against further expected terrorist attacks, my warning about the deadly failure to face up to the true nature of the threat facing the west is surely even more urgent today.

(full article online)

Denial still flows over Londonistan |
Do you believe Lebanon should allow millions of refugees to roam around willy nilly around the country?

Given its limited means, Lebanon is doing quite well in hosting the millions of refugees it is hosting. In Europe they also contain refugees, that's the only way to mitigate the danger of violence.

So you agree, then, that mitigation of the danger of violence is a legitimate reason to build walls and contain people.
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?

It's not so much a specific date and time as it is a continued slide into the abyss of irrelevancy.
Want to know why the palestinian Arabs do not have a state? It starts with their rejection of the 1947 UN Partition Plan.

I have already shown you the respective reactions of the Jews and Arabs from New York Times articles of the time. Now here is a news film dealing with it.

Know Your History: The Jewish And Arab Reactions To The Partition Plan (British Pathé)

Resolution 181 recommended that the Security Council divide Palestine into two states. The Security Council never implemented the plan.

No land was transferred. No borders were drawn. No states were created. Palestine remained intact.
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?

It's not so much a specific date and time as it is a continued slide into the abyss of irrelevancy.
Nice duck.
For the first time since 1967, Israel’s Foreign Ministry has distributed worldwide the document “The legality of settlement,” which declares that the Geneva Convention does not apply to Judea and Samaria and that “at no point in history was Judea and Samaria subject to Palestinian sovereignty.”

Most of the Israeli embassies around the world have recently completed the distribution of the document, which details the legal arguments for the claim of Israel’s connection to Judea and Samaria, including citations from former US Undersecretary of State Eugene V. Rostov, who supported Israel’s right to settle in the liberated territories in “‘Palestinian Self-Determination’: Possible Futuresfor the Unallocated Territories of the Palestine Mandate” (Yale Journal of International Law, 1980).

“Jewish rights of close settlement in the West Bank are derived from the Mandate. Therefore they exist; it is impossible seriously to contend, as the United States government does, that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal,” wrote Rostov.

(full article online)

At Last: Foreign Ministry Completes Worldwide Distribution of ‘The Legality of Settlement’The Jewish Press | JNi.Media | 1 Sivan 5777 – May 26, 2017 |
This guy, Rostov, bounces around like a football trying to prove his point including contradicting himself.
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