All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?

It's not so much a specific date and time as it is a continued slide into the abyss of irrelevancy.
Nice duck.

Nice dodge.

You can cut and paste the same "resolution 181" slogans all you wish. It's a pattern of behavior for you wherein you simply deny history and / or you reinvent history to calm an emotional requirement that allows you to exist in a an imagined reality.

The so-called "Pal'istanians" are all but ignored by the brethren in their homelands of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Not a single Arab-Islamist nation will accept the political or financial burden of Pal'istanians. For that matter, nations like Egypt have resorted to securing their borders from Pali terrorists. Jordan and Lebanon are securing their Pal'istanians in internment camps to control and contain them.

While the Pal'istanians were a convenient flail used by the Arab-Islamist world against Israel 30 years ago, that same Arab-Islamist world is now eating itself alive. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc., have a gee-had problem of Islamists gee-had'in the bejeezus out of Arabs. And, because you haven't a clue, the Arab Sunni/salafi component of Islamism is reeling at the prospect of the minority Shia tribe gaining ground across the area.

While the Sunni and Shia tribes will temporarily stop slaughtering each other to present a united Jew-hating alliance, they will not waste time getting back to their 1,400 year long blood feud that causes them to a'splode each other's mosques, markets and anywhere else there's an Islamic- target rich environment.
Last edited:
WASHINGTON, May 25, 2017 – Ahead of a new UN human rights office report on Israeli accountability for the 2009 Gaza conflict that is based on that year’s UN Goldstone Report, the Geneva-based NGO UN Watch today submitted a legal complaint to UN chief Antonio Guterres which alleges that, in violation of UN rules on ethics and neutrality, a key staffer on the U.N.’s Goldstone Commission, Grietje Baars, was a leading organizer of anti-Israel legal campaigns, who went on to become a spokesperson for the 2010 Gaza flotilla. UN Watch is demanding a full investigation.

(full article online)

UN hired anti-Israel legal activist to write 2009 Goldstone Report, now invoked in new UN accountability report - UN Watch
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?

It's not so much a specific date and time as it is a continued slide into the abyss of irrelevancy.
Nice duck.

Nice dodge.

You can cut and paste the same "resolution 181" slogans all you wish. It's a pattern of behavior for you wherein you simply deny history and / or you reinvent history to calm an emotional requirement that allows you to exist in a an imagined reality.

The so-called "Pal'istanians" are all but ignored by the brethren in their homelands of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Not a single Arab-Islamist nation will accept the political or financial burden of Pal'istanians. For that matter, nations like Egypt have resorted to securing their borders from Pali terrorists. Jordan and Lebanon are securing their Pal'istanians in internment camps to control and contain them.

While the Pal'istanians were a convenient flail used by the Arab-Islamist world against Israel 30 years ago, that same Arab-Islamist world is now eating itself alive. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc., have a gee-had problem of Islamists gee-had'in the bejeezus out of Arabs. And, because you haven't a clue, the Arab Sunni/salafi component of Islamism is reeling at the prospect of the minority Shia tribe gaining ground across the area.

While the Sunni and Shia tribes will temporarily stop slaughtering each other to present a united Jew-hating alliance, they will not waste time getting back to their 1,400 year long blood feud that causes them to a'splode each other's mosques, markets and anywhere else there's an Islamic- target rich environment.
Nice load of irrelevant crap.
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?

It's not so much a specific date and time as it is a continued slide into the abyss of irrelevancy.
Nice duck.

Nice dodge.

You can cut and paste the same "resolution 181" slogans all you wish. It's a pattern of behavior for you wherein you simply deny history and / or you reinvent history to calm an emotional requirement that allows you to exist in a an imagined reality.

The so-called "Pal'istanians" are all but ignored by the brethren in their homelands of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Not a single Arab-Islamist nation will accept the political or financial burden of Pal'istanians. For that matter, nations like Egypt have resorted to securing their borders from Pali terrorists. Jordan and Lebanon are securing their Pal'istanians in internment camps to control and contain them.

While the Pal'istanians were a convenient flail used by the Arab-Islamist world against Israel 30 years ago, that same Arab-Islamist world is now eating itself alive. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc., have a gee-had problem of Islamists gee-had'in the bejeezus out of Arabs. And, because you haven't a clue, the Arab Sunni/salafi component of Islamism is reeling at the prospect of the minority Shia tribe gaining ground across the area.

While the Sunni and Shia tribes will temporarily stop slaughtering each other to present a united Jew-hating alliance, they will not waste time getting back to their 1,400 year long blood feud that causes them to a'splode each other's mosques, markets and anywhere else there's an Islamic- target rich environment.
Nice load of irrelevant crap.

Nice duck. I knew you would slither off with one of your usual one-liners.
Critics like the UN Watch NGO suggested that it was hypocritical of the WHO to support a resolution on Israel that was co-authored by Syria, where hundreds of thousands of people have died in a brutal civil war that erupted in 2011.

“In the real world, Syria drops barrel bombs on its own hospitals. In the UN world, Syria co-sponsors @WHO resolution today targeting Israel,” UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer wrote on Twitter.

WHO passes on anti-Israel resolution, UK, US oppose it
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?

It's not so much a specific date and time as it is a continued slide into the abyss of irrelevancy.
Nice duck.

Nice dodge.

You can cut and paste the same "resolution 181" slogans all you wish. It's a pattern of behavior for you wherein you simply deny history and / or you reinvent history to calm an emotional requirement that allows you to exist in a an imagined reality.

The so-called "Pal'istanians" are all but ignored by the brethren in their homelands of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Not a single Arab-Islamist nation will accept the political or financial burden of Pal'istanians. For that matter, nations like Egypt have resorted to securing their borders from Pali terrorists. Jordan and Lebanon are securing their Pal'istanians in internment camps to control and contain them.

While the Pal'istanians were a convenient flail used by the Arab-Islamist world against Israel 30 years ago, that same Arab-Islamist world is now eating itself alive. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc., have a gee-had problem of Islamists gee-had'in the bejeezus out of Arabs. And, because you haven't a clue, the Arab Sunni/salafi component of Islamism is reeling at the prospect of the minority Shia tribe gaining ground across the area.

While the Sunni and Shia tribes will temporarily stop slaughtering each other to present a united Jew-hating alliance, they will not waste time getting back to their 1,400 year long blood feud that causes them to a'splode each other's mosques, markets and anywhere else there's an Islamic- target rich environment.
Still ducking the question: So, when did the Palestinians lose?
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?

It's not so much a specific date and time as it is a continued slide into the abyss of irrelevancy.
Nice duck.

Nice dodge.

You can cut and paste the same "resolution 181" slogans all you wish. It's a pattern of behavior for you wherein you simply deny history and / or you reinvent history to calm an emotional requirement that allows you to exist in a an imagined reality.

The so-called "Pal'istanians" are all but ignored by the brethren in their homelands of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Not a single Arab-Islamist nation will accept the political or financial burden of Pal'istanians. For that matter, nations like Egypt have resorted to securing their borders from Pali terrorists. Jordan and Lebanon are securing their Pal'istanians in internment camps to control and contain them.

While the Pal'istanians were a convenient flail used by the Arab-Islamist world against Israel 30 years ago, that same Arab-Islamist world is now eating itself alive. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc., have a gee-had problem of Islamists gee-had'in the bejeezus out of Arabs. And, because you haven't a clue, the Arab Sunni/salafi component of Islamism is reeling at the prospect of the minority Shia tribe gaining ground across the area.

While the Sunni and Shia tribes will temporarily stop slaughtering each other to present a united Jew-hating alliance, they will not waste time getting back to their 1,400 year long blood feud that causes them to a'splode each other's mosques, markets and anywhere else there's an Islamic- target rich environment.
You can cut and paste the same "resolution 181" slogans all you wish.
I know that Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) will not tell you that Resolution 181 was stillborn and did not do anything.
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?

It's not so much a specific date and time as it is a continued slide into the abyss of irrelevancy.
Nice duck.

Nice dodge.

You can cut and paste the same "resolution 181" slogans all you wish. It's a pattern of behavior for you wherein you simply deny history and / or you reinvent history to calm an emotional requirement that allows you to exist in a an imagined reality.

The so-called "Pal'istanians" are all but ignored by the brethren in their homelands of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Not a single Arab-Islamist nation will accept the political or financial burden of Pal'istanians. For that matter, nations like Egypt have resorted to securing their borders from Pali terrorists. Jordan and Lebanon are securing their Pal'istanians in internment camps to control and contain them.

While the Pal'istanians were a convenient flail used by the Arab-Islamist world against Israel 30 years ago, that same Arab-Islamist world is now eating itself alive. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc., have a gee-had problem of Islamists gee-had'in the bejeezus out of Arabs. And, because you haven't a clue, the Arab Sunni/salafi component of Islamism is reeling at the prospect of the minority Shia tribe gaining ground across the area.

While the Sunni and Shia tribes will temporarily stop slaughtering each other to present a united Jew-hating alliance, they will not waste time getting back to their 1,400 year long blood feud that causes them to a'splode each other's mosques, markets and anywhere else there's an Islamic- target rich environment.
Still ducking the question: So, when did the Palestinians lose?

Nice dodge. When has the Arab Death Cult not lost?
Israel won. That sums up the more than half a century conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. They won the wars, they won the peace, and they won the prosperity. So, it’s time for them to act like it, and more importantly it’s time for the Palestinians to accept they lost.
We have somehow gotten past the custom in war to fight to a decisive point and then have the losing side submit. Only a few years before the Palestinians began their decades-long losing streak, the Italians, Germans and Japanese surrendered unconditionally to end World War II. They left behind their failed attempts at conquest and consequently they were treated to the benevolence of the Allies and a rebuilding process that turned them into modern nations.
The Palestinians, on the other hand, have maintained belligerence and failure to even accept the existence of Israel in any meaningful way. Their Arab friends have made multiple attempts to destroy Israel and failed each time. Then the Palestinians switched to terrorism as a strategy and turned their proto state into an international pariah. This profound failure to comprehend their profound failure to destroy Israel has kept them in perpetual victim status.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the Palestinian territories. Some studies show it to be 25 times more per capita than was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. Yet there is little in the way of progress and the standard of living is unacceptable. There are still “refugee” camps that have stood for decades. Their state of perpetual grievance has prevented them from using this largesse to build an actual state. This all stems from the failure to accept the uncomfortable and painful fact — they lost.

Middle East reality check: Israel won, and so can the Palestinians if they give up victim status
So, when did the Palestinians lose?

It's not so much a specific date and time as it is a continued slide into the abyss of irrelevancy.
Nice duck.

Nice dodge.

You can cut and paste the same "resolution 181" slogans all you wish. It's a pattern of behavior for you wherein you simply deny history and / or you reinvent history to calm an emotional requirement that allows you to exist in a an imagined reality.

The so-called "Pal'istanians" are all but ignored by the brethren in their homelands of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Not a single Arab-Islamist nation will accept the political or financial burden of Pal'istanians. For that matter, nations like Egypt have resorted to securing their borders from Pali terrorists. Jordan and Lebanon are securing their Pal'istanians in internment camps to control and contain them.

While the Pal'istanians were a convenient flail used by the Arab-Islamist world against Israel 30 years ago, that same Arab-Islamist world is now eating itself alive. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc., have a gee-had problem of Islamists gee-had'in the bejeezus out of Arabs. And, because you haven't a clue, the Arab Sunni/salafi component of Islamism is reeling at the prospect of the minority Shia tribe gaining ground across the area.

While the Sunni and Shia tribes will temporarily stop slaughtering each other to present a united Jew-hating alliance, they will not waste time getting back to their 1,400 year long blood feud that causes them to a'splode each other's mosques, markets and anywhere else there's an Islamic- target rich environment.
You can cut and paste the same "resolution 181" slogans all you wish.
I know that Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) will not tell you that Resolution 181 was stillborn and did not do anything.

I understand you're forever befuddled.
Times of Israel reports:

Hours after Palestinian security prisoners called off a 40-day hunger strike, Israeli officials denied Palestinian claims that Israel negotiated with the inmates to end the mass protest or conceded to any of the prisoner’s demands.

Senior Israeli officials told Channel 2 that Israel did not so much as consider the prisoners’ demands. They also said the deal was brokered between the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Palestinian Authority, and was not the result of US pressure.

The deal announced Saturday morning will apparently see just one of the prisoners’ demands met: that their monthly visits from family members be brought back from one to two per month.

However, the issue of visitation is not an Israeli one. Family visits to Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli jails are administered solely by the Red Cross. Last year, the organization reduced the number of visits it coordinated, citing a lack of funds and little family interest in the initiative.

Prison officials told Channel 2 that hunger strike leader Marwan Barghouti negotiated the additional monthly visit in a phone conversation with PA Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh. They said officials at Ashkelon’s Shikma Prison allowed Barghouti to speak with al-Sheikh and meet with other leading prisoners in an effort to end the hunger strike before the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

According to the Israeli officials, Barghouti and the other prisoners agreed to call off the strike after the PA promised to pay for the additional visits, at an estimated cost of $6 million per year.


Islamic Jihad's Palestine Today claims that the specific demands that were met will be published in the future.

The only specific other demand it mentioned was that punishments that the the prisoners received for engaging in the hunger strike, like solitary confinement,

Other Arab media flatly declared victory.
None of the major demands are even being mentioned.

Israel won, just as it won in all the previous prisoner hunger strikes.

Once again, Palestinians lose and declare victory ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Times of Israel reports:

Hours after Palestinian security prisoners called off a 40-day hunger strike, Israeli officials denied Palestinian claims that Israel negotiated with the inmates to end the mass protest or conceded to any of the prisoner’s demands.

Senior Israeli officials told Channel 2 that Israel did not so much as consider the prisoners’ demands. They also said the deal was brokered between the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Palestinian Authority, and was not the result of US pressure.

The deal announced Saturday morning will apparently see just one of the prisoners’ demands met: that their monthly visits from family members be brought back from one to two per month.

However, the issue of visitation is not an Israeli one. Family visits to Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli jails are administered solely by the Red Cross. Last year, the organization reduced the number of visits it coordinated, citing a lack of funds and little family interest in the initiative.

Prison officials told Channel 2 that hunger strike leader Marwan Barghouti negotiated the additional monthly visit in a phone conversation with PA Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh. They said officials at Ashkelon’s Shikma Prison allowed Barghouti to speak with al-Sheikh and meet with other leading prisoners in an effort to end the hunger strike before the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

According to the Israeli officials, Barghouti and the other prisoners agreed to call off the strike after the PA promised to pay for the additional visits, at an estimated cost of $6 million per year.


Islamic Jihad's Palestine Today claims that the specific demands that were met will be published in the future.

The only specific other demand it mentioned was that punishments that the the prisoners received for engaging in the hunger strike, like solitary confinement,

Other Arab media flatly declared victory.
None of the major demands are even being mentioned.

Israel won, just as it won in all the previous prisoner hunger strikes.

Once again, Palestinians lose and declare victory ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

"According to the Israeli officials, Barghouti and the other prisoners agreed to call off the strike after the PA promised to pay for the additional visits, at an estimated cost of $6 million per year."

I think suggesting the Islamic terrorist franchise masquerading as the PA is going to pay for anything is just a bad joke. This will be a matter of diverting a portion of UNRWA welfare fraud money from lesser connected PA welfare recipients.
Lovely, lovely people.

PA TV host longs for days of Palestinian terror - PMW Bulletins

PA TV host longs for days of Palestinian terror,
complains there is not enough violence.

PA TV host longs for days of Palestinian terror, encourages more violence

The politico-religious ideology invented by a desert Arab continues to bring death and misery to the globe. The Arab-Islamic ideology that engenders virulent hatreds and which fuels the slaughter in the Middle East and elsewhere didn’t pop up out of nowhere. It is the product of a retrograde ideology that creates and nurtures the conflicts we see today. Gun battles and street bombings as conflict resolution, scared women hiding in their homes or under a shapeless black sack, and a socio-political infrastructure that preaches hatred and war against the non-Islamist and, even against the wrong kind of Islamist.
Stop me if you've heard this one before:

We are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace,” said Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday, during a joint presentation alongside President Donald Trump.

Abbas To Trump: 'Palestinian' Children Raised In 'Culture Of Peace'

Yeah, I think you've heard that one before.

So, wait, Mahmoud, what about.....

Abbas' lie to Trump exposed - one month of PA terror glorification - PMW Bulletins

A month of PA terror glorification
exposes Abbas' great lie to Trump

Abbas told Trump he fights terror and its "hateful ideology"

Abbas hid from Trump that his PA and Fatah had just honored 44 terrorists involved in the murders of 440 people, in the one month surrounding their first meeting

Honored by PA and Fatah in one month:
  • 14 Suicide bombers and other murderers,
  • 16 Bomb builders and terror attack planners
  • 14 Terrorists involved in terror attacks

Some may suggest that the rampant abuse of human rights, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, violent Islamic terror, economic stagnation, illiteracy, gender apartheid, and corrupt totalitarian regimes which are routine in the Magical Kingdom(s) of the two competing Disney Pally'Lands are all the direct result of the Jooooooooos. But let’s be honest, one only has to look to islamist history, Islamist ideology and Pally'lands history of corruption and fraud to see where this behavior derives.
This photo of the Temple Mount from 1967 was publishedthis week in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem:

The "third-holiest site in Islam," while under Muslim control, was filled with - weeds.

No one visited. No one cared.

I had already documented the phenomenon of weeds on the Temple Mount under Ottoman rule (and made a video.)

I also have some other photos of the Temple Mount under Jordanian rule showing how few people actually visited as opposed to the thousands of Muslims that come every day now.

Mid 1950s:


The only time Muslims care about Jerusalem is when Jews (or Christians) control it.

When Muslims controlled it, there are next to no pilgrimages. The entire complex was mostly empty and decrepit.

Muslims never venerated their "third holiest site" or "first qibla". And these photos prove it.

Weeds on the Temple Mount in 1967 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Arab media reports that many Gulf royals are getting medical treatment in Israel

Al Resalah quotes an investigation by another Arabic news outlet saying that increasing numbers of prominent Gulf Arabs - princes and princesses and officials - are stealthily coming to Israel for medical treatment.

According to the investigation journalist Asaf Jaipur, there is growing medical tourism from the Gulf to Israel, as well as more moves to allow the Gulf to open its markets to Israeli companies.

Members of the royal families and wealthy people are seeking medical treatment in Israel, flying to Cyprus and from there to Tel Aviv.

There are specialist in the Gulf whose jobs are to coordinate travel to Israel and arrange their transfer to hospitals.

They are arranging transportation directly from Ben Gurion Airport to Israeli hospitals.

The princess of the royal family in Bahrain recently arrived in Cyprus, and from there to Ben Gurion Airport, where she was transferred to the Rambam hospital in Haifa. The 50 year old princess underwent surgery and then returned to Bahrain.

A large number of princes and princesses from the Gulf arrive in Israel to receive treatment; because of the reputation Israel enjoys for top-notch medicine.

In addition, the investigation showed that Israeli companies are operating in the Gulf markets freely through partnerships set up by the American companies.

He stressed that Israeli companies are an integral part of the global American companies operating in the Gulf markets segment, noting that the GCC authorities are turning a blind eye to the activities of these companies, although they recognized Israeli companies.

Arab media reports that many Gulf royals are getting medical treatment in Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Shah [interrupts]: “But, but just remind us of the kind of tensions that have riven the city in the past. I think we’ve seen Jewish riots in the 1940s. There’ve been all sorts of incidents where communities in Manchester – I mean Manchester is no exception – but have pitted one against the other.”

Hulme: “I think in most major big cities if we go back through history, you know, if we go back to the Victorian times for example you have got a lot of different cultures coming together and, you know, and they have to work together and they have to get along and they’ve got different beliefs. And so I think yeah; there has been tensions in the past but we’ve moved on. That was 250 years ago, you know, 200 years ago. So we have moved on since then but, you know, something needs to be done. People are angry.”


If Hulme the historian seems to be somewhat at a loss regarding Shah’s specific claim of “Jewish riots in the 1940s”, that should not come as much of a surprise. We too have been unable to find any record of rioting by Jews in Manchester during that decade.

Records do however show that in early August 1947, during a bank holiday, rioting against Jews took place over a number of days in Manchester, Salford and additional towns and cities. In an article published by the New Statesman, Daniel Trilling described the events:

“On Sunday afternoon the trouble reached Manchester. Small groups of men began breaking the windows of shops in Cheetham Hill, an area just north of the city centre which had been home to a Jewish community since the early 19th century. The pubs closed early that day because there was a shortage of beer, and by the evening the mob’s numbers had swelled to several hundred. Most were on foot but others drove through the area, throwing bricks from moving cars.

Soon the streets were covered in broken glass and stones and the crowd moved on to bigger targets, tearing down the canopy of the Great Synagogue on Cheetham Hill Road and surrounding a Jewish wedding party at the Assembly Hall. They shouted abuse at the terrified guests until one in the morning.

The next day, Lever said, “Cheetham Hill Road looked much as it had looked seven years before, when the German bombers had pounded the city for 12 hours. All premises belonging to Jews for the length of a mile down the street had gaping windows and the pavements were littered with glass.””

As we see, BBC Radio 4’s listeners have been given an inaccurate impression of a seventy year-old event in the history of their own country and a correction clearly needs to be made.

(radio show online)

BBC Radio 4’s ‘The World Tonight’ inverts history in Manchester
Palestine Expo 2017 is coming up on the 8th and 9th of July in the heart of London. It is being held in a building owned and managed by a government agency right opposite Westminster Abbey and a literal hand grenade’s throw from the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

Palestine Expo will be the biggest social, cultural and entertainment event on Palestine to ever take place in Europe. It will take place over 2 days and across 5 floors at the award winning Queen Elizabeth II Centre.

The event will have inspiration speakers, interactive zones, a knowledge village, a food court, live entertainment, an academic workshop, a gallery, a shopping quarter and a student hub.

The list of “inspirational speakers” is entirely unbalanced and will showcase a wide range uniformly hostile opinions from “we hate Jews living on their indigenous lands” to “we really, really, really hate Jews living on their indigenous lands”.

“Interactive Zones” will allow you to “enter a virtual reality experience exploring Palestinian history” – one wonders if this will be as enlightening as the recently opened and still largely empty Museum of Palestinian History.

This event is being countered and efforts are underway to get it banned: you can help those efforts on social media on twitterand Facebook.

Palestine Expo will no doubt glorify Palestinian terror against Israelis. Holding it a few meters from where Khalid Masood murdered people with his car and then a knife (directly copying the tactics used here in Israel by Palestinian terrorists for so long) is a special form of triumphalism. To hold this event in the shadow of both the most recent Manchester child slaughter atrocity and the 7/7 transport murders of 2005 should be an insult to every decent person in Britain.

Be On The Look Out For Jew And Israel Hate At Palestine Expo London 2017
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