All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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(It is Ramadan, Ramadan, Ramadan, Ramadan......)

PLO Director of the Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Issa Karake called on Palestinians to prepare themselves for armed conflict against Israel, encouraging them three times in one article: "Look for a gun and bullets."

The article, which he published on the PLO's Commission of Prisoners' Affairs' website as well as in the Palestinian daily Al-Quds, accused Israel of deliberately trying to murder Palestinian prisoners and therefore "there is no need for journalism, media, analyses, and speculations... Break the pens, look for a gun and bullets. Do not look at your watches, the time is up."

Karake wrote this one day before the Palestinian prisoners ended their 40-day hunger strike, and he argued that Israel was not giving in to the hunger strikers demands so that the Palestinian prisoners would starve to death.

"They (i.e., the prisoners) are being murdered [by Israel] in silence, through an official and planned method. They are melting, bleeding, and dissipating. If one prisoner will fall, the entire world will fall. The world will die if a Palestinian prisoner will die...
Do not make us receive bodies from the occupation's prisons. There's nothing left to say, and there is no need for journalism, media, analyses, and speculations. ... The prisoners are currently struggling for their lives. Break the pens, look for a gun and bullets. Do not look at your watches, the time is up..."
[Website of the PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs, May 24, 2017
and Al-Quds, May 25, 2017]

(full article online)

Senior PLO leader calls for violence: "Let every one of us look for a gun and bullets" - PMW Bulletins
So much more material could be cited to show how little Sarsour deserves to be held up as a role model for graduates of a respected American university, but let me just conclude with this: when Sarsour addresses her audience at the commencement ceremony of the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy and says she is honored to do so, remember that she also recently said she was “honored” to share a stage with convicted terrorist murderer and confessed US immigration fraudster Rasmea Odeh.

(full article online)

CUNY role model Linda Sarsour in her own words (Petra Marquardt-Bigman) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
First, though, let's paint just how big Zain is. They've got 971,000 customers in Bahrain; 12.7 million in Iraq; 4.3 million in Jordan; 3 million in Kuwait; 2.3 million in Lebanon; 10.7 million in Saudi Arabia; and 13 million in Sudan and South Sudan. That's more than 46 million customer across a mostly Muslim region.

On May 26, four days after the bombing — and the first day of the Muslim holy period Ramadan — Zain released an extraordinary three-minute ad.

(full article online)

MUST WATCH: This Is How Muslims Worldwide Should React to Terror Attacks
From Iran's Farsnews:
Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani warned against the rising threat of the Israeli regime to the mankind.
"The racist and aggressive spirit of the Zionist regime has always been and will be a threat to both humanity and the regional nations," Larijani said in a message to Hezbollah, Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Monday.
The Iranian parliament speaker, meantime, pointed to the axis of resistance, and said, "Integration and unity among different Lebanese groups will bring a promising future for the Lebanese people and the Islamic Resistance."
Larijani reiterated that the Islamic Ummah can achieve its goals only through resistance and solidarity.

These are the people who make videos literally threatening to drop an atomic bomb on Israel.

(vide video online)

World's leading sponsor of terror says "Israel is a threat to humanity." ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Benyaacov-Kurtzman, a native of Glasgow, Scotland has lived most of his life in Jerusalem, but returned to Great Britain in 2016 in order to create the UK National Emergency Response, Resilience and Treatment Programme For Stress and Trauma. The network of trauma centers he was tasked with creating wasn’t yet ready to launch, but the attack forced the group to mobilize straight away, he says.

(full article online)

Israeli Trauma Experts Land in Manchester to Treat Victims, Train Medical Staff
If you ever needed proof the word “Zionist” is the antisemites’ code-word for “Jew” look no further than this news item:

A public broadcaster in Hungary broadcast an Iranian leader attacking George Soros as “an evil Zionist-American multi-billionaire,” spurring condemnation from Hungarian Jewry.

On Wednesday “Hirado,” the main news show of the state MTVA channel, also included quotes from Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the supreme spiritual leader in Iran, saying that Soros was responsible for destabilizing and defeating former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad’s regime.

Critics of the broadcast, including Mazsihisz, the umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, said it risks stoking anti-Semitic sentiment.
Soros is vehemently anti-Israel, funding many anti-IsraelNGOs, including those that actually disseminate their own antisemitism. He is an anti-Zionist. So those labelling him a Zionist are clearly trying to hide their Jew hatred behind the facade of “anti-Zionism.”

Soros has blamed European antisemitism on “the policies of Israel and the US.” I guess he will do so again here, which will stoke his own hatred of Israel. It’s about time he learned that the cause of antisemitism is….hatred of Jews.

The Best Proof “Zionist” Is Jew-Haters’ Code Word For “Jew”
Nonetheless, the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency declared victory. So did JVP:

The failed hunger strike serves as both a metaphor and a lesson for the failed Palestinian attempt to destroy Israel: Self-created hardships lead to demands for international action and, in the end, delusional claims of victory.

Those delusions sustain the continued warfare, and are fed by leftist anti-Israel groups in the West like JVP, whose reason-to-be depends on continued conflict.

(full article online)

Jewish Voice for Peace internet ad supported failed Palestinian terrorist hunger strike
On the positive side, a BDS effort recently failed at Ohio State — showing that the student body did not fall for JVP’s lies and false rumors about Israel.

Ohio State’s Hillel also cut ties with B’nai Keshet after the Purim event. This was the correct decision. While I support the majority of B’nai Keshet’s work in helping Jewish LGTBQ students, and creating a more welcoming culture on campus, I cannot believe that they would overlook such enormous flaws in an organization such as JVP.

Building support for members of the LGBTQ community cannot come from shifting hatred towards Israel. Indeed, justice for one group can never come at the expense of another, and an organization that attempts to do just that should not be allowed to have the word “peace” included as a part of its name. It is time to call JVP out on its actions, and to withdraw support from this hateful organization.

(full article online)

Jewish Voice for Peace’s Hidden Agenda
The main paragraph of the Khartoum Resolution said:

The Arab Heads of State have agreed to unite their political efforts at the international and diplomatic level to eliminate the effects of the aggression and to ensure the withdrawal of the aggressive Israeli forces from the Arab lands which have been occupied since the aggression of June 5. This will be done within the framework of the main principles by which the Arab States abide, namely, no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it,and insistence on the rights of the Palestinian people in their own country.

That last sentence means "destroy Israel," by the way. It was not referring to the territories in any way. Nobody at all demanded a Palestinian state in the territories in 1967.

(full article online)

Saying "50-year occupation" without mentioning Khartoum is knowingly deceptive ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Summary: Lessons Learned
What can we learn from the data we collected in this study? This appears to be a classic case of the glass “half full, half empty.” On the one hand, we see that there are indeed Palestinian Arabs who eschew violence not only for practical reasons but also apparently on principle. We see many who did not challenge the Jewish historical connection to the land and the Jewish right to self-determination. On the other hand, a significant portion of the sample, even among those in the relatively “moderate” Beit Ummar group, still strongly support violence and maintain negative attitudes towards Jews. The other interesting finding is the attribution (repeated in anecdotal post-data collection reports) of some sort of personal problem or issue unrelated to the political situation that is perceived to characterize terror operatives.

(full article online)

Investigating the Psychological Profile of the Palestinian "Lone Wolf" Terrorist: Preliminary Findings
  • In April, Moriarty's family received a letter from King Abdullah II of Jordan. It formally acknowledged that Jimmy and the other Green Berets did nothing to provoke the attack. "I can assure you that justice will take its full course and the perpetrator of the attack will be held fully accountable," the letter stated. However, Jimmy's father remains dissatisfied. "If these are our friends, we don't need enemies," Moriarty said.
The full text of the Houston Chronicle article provides difficult details of the circumstances in which the three Americans were killed. We urge you to read it all and to share.

As you do, please also think of the boastful, happy murderer of our daughter Malki who, shielded by the government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, lives today free as a bird in Jordan's capital, hidden in plain sight as a fugitive from the US Department of Justice and as an FBI Most Wanted Terrorist.

The murderer's name is Ahlam Tamimi and here are some recent posts we published about her and our struggle to get her extradited from Jordan to face trial in the United States. Jordan is refusing even though it is party to a binding extradition treaty signed with the US during Bill Clinton's presidency:

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 29-May-17: In Jordan, lives, deaths and separating truth from politically-correct illusions
Hamas and Iran are cozying up again, and the Islamic regime in Iran will soon relaunch its funding of the Hamas terror organization following weeks of meeting between senior terrorists on both sides, according to reports this morning in the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat.

Over the past few weeks, senior Hezbollah and Iranian officials, including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, met in Lebanon and agreed to restart support for the Hamas in Gaza.

(full article online)

Iran to Relaunch Hamas Financial AidThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 5 Sivan 5777 – May 30, 2017 |

PMW Bulletins

Senior PLO leader calls for violence: "Let every one of us look for a gun and bullets" - PMW Bulletins

Senior PLO leader calls for violence:
"Enough, let every one of us look
for a gun and bullets"

For some inexplicable reason, we in the west are told by leftists, fools and Non-thinking apologists that such a fascist politico-religious ideology is a peaceful religion ™ when it is demonstrably a supremacist ideology. We do a huge disservice to ourselves and our western values with this intellectual dishonesty. It really is PC'ness gone mad. If Islamist talking-turbans were not dressed in the clothes of religion but wore the brown shirts of the late 1930's, we would have no issue with identifying it as a clearly understood political ideology with its roots in fascism. .
A 2016 article in The New Statesman titled “The Longest Hatred” traces the origins of anti-Jewish discrimination to the rise of Christianity. But in fact, anti-Jewish rhetoric and violence have a far longer history, beginning in the pre-Christian ancient world. Many of the still-persistent stereotypes about Jews were invented to slander their resistance to polytheism, emperor-worship, and the colonizing endeavors of ancient empires.

In the first century CE, the Jewish scholar Josephus wrote Contra Apionem, in which he collected and refuted several examples of anti-Jewish rhetoric in ancient philosophy. Some of this rhetoric was sparked by conquest of, and rebellion by, the Jewish people—in Egypt, for instance. Other examples come from a few Greek philosophers who were agitated by the spread of Judaism. The texts Josephus is responding to are (perhaps thankfully) lost to us, but seemed to have been diffuse, scattered, and limited to individual writers.

(full article online)

Anti-Semitism Is Older Than You Think | The Public Medievalist
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