All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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As Haaretz put it, referring to one of the IDF’s boldest operations ever, in 1973:


Lebanon hasn't been so afraid of an Israeli woman since Ehud Barak raided Beirut in drag …

The managing director of the film’s distributor Joseph Chacra and Sons, Tony Chacra, confirmed that “Wonder Woman” is still being screened in various Arab countries, including the UAE, Kuwait, and Oman. He said:

It’s very frustrating… They are not harming anyone by banning it . . . except the distributor . . . They are making the movie theaters lose, the employees, the Lebanese economy … What did they get out of this?

(full article online)

BDS vs. Wonder Woman | HonestReporting
Will Israel allow her to attend a film screening in Lebanon?
As Haaretz put it, referring to one of the IDF’s boldest operations ever, in 1973:


Lebanon hasn't been so afraid of an Israeli woman since Ehud Barak raided Beirut in drag …

The managing director of the film’s distributor Joseph Chacra and Sons, Tony Chacra, confirmed that “Wonder Woman” is still being screened in various Arab countries, including the UAE, Kuwait, and Oman. He said:

It’s very frustrating… They are not harming anyone by banning it . . . except the distributor . . . They are making the movie theaters lose, the employees, the Lebanese economy … What did they get out of this?

(full article online)

BDS vs. Wonder Woman | HonestReporting
Will Israel allow her to attend a film screening in Lebanon?

Israel is not the issue, you angry little Islamist.

Arab-Moslem "men" seeing Wonder Woman and a tuft of hair, an exposed ankle or a tight fitting body suit could cause arabs-Moslems to riot, burn down theatres and generally behave the way Arabs-Moslems behave when those bitches get out of line.
As Haaretz put it, referring to one of the IDF’s boldest operations ever, in 1973:


Lebanon hasn't been so afraid of an Israeli woman since Ehud Barak raided Beirut in drag …

The managing director of the film’s distributor Joseph Chacra and Sons, Tony Chacra, confirmed that “Wonder Woman” is still being screened in various Arab countries, including the UAE, Kuwait, and Oman. He said:

It’s very frustrating… They are not harming anyone by banning it . . . except the distributor . . . They are making the movie theaters lose, the employees, the Lebanese economy … What did they get out of this?

(full article online)

BDS vs. Wonder Woman | HonestReporting
Will Israel allow her to attend a film screening in Lebanon?

Israel is not the issue, you angry little Islamist.

Arab-Moslem "men" seeing Wonder Woman and a tuft of hair, an exposed ankle or a tight fitting body suit could cause arabs-Moslems to riot, burn down theatres and generally behave the way Arabs-Moslems behave when those bitches get out of line.
Has there ever been a question that you did not duck?
As Haaretz put it, referring to one of the IDF’s boldest operations ever, in 1973:


Lebanon hasn't been so afraid of an Israeli woman since Ehud Barak raided Beirut in drag …

The managing director of the film’s distributor Joseph Chacra and Sons, Tony Chacra, confirmed that “Wonder Woman” is still being screened in various Arab countries, including the UAE, Kuwait, and Oman. He said:

It’s very frustrating… They are not harming anyone by banning it . . . except the distributor . . . They are making the movie theaters lose, the employees, the Lebanese economy … What did they get out of this?

(full article online)

BDS vs. Wonder Woman | HonestReporting
Will Israel allow her to attend a film screening in Lebanon?

Israel is not the issue, you angry little Islamist.

Arab-Moslem "men" seeing Wonder Woman and a tuft of hair, an exposed ankle or a tight fitting body suit could cause arabs-Moslems to riot, burn down theatres and generally behave the way Arabs-Moslems behave when those bitches get out of line.
Has there ever been a question that you did not duck?

I noticed you made every effort to duck addressing my comment.
Palestinian center refuses to rename center named after terrorist murderer - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian center refuses to rename center

named after terrorist murderer
  • Official Palestinian news agency wrote murderer who led killing of 37 was: "Palestinian resistance fighter killed by Israel"
  • Palestinian center refuses to change the name because terrorist is a "hero"
  • Following PMW's report on the Dalal Mughrabi Center and Norway's and UN Women's funding, Norway condemned the center's name and demanded its money be returned
  • UN Sec. Gen. also condemned the terrorist glorifying center

The fact is, significant numbers of Muhamnedans do relate an accurate worldview to the imposition of Islamic fascism through violence and murder. This has everything to do with Islamist ideology. It has everything to do with imposing and enforcing a culture of hate and retrogression and calling it Islam. Therefore, are Islamists to accept responsibility for this?. Should Islam carry the burden of its supposed 'adherents'? Yes, of course.
I saw this at the UN website:

Of course, they mean 50 years of "occupation" by Jews.

Because no one was overly concerned about the previous 19 years of "Palestinian territory" being annexed or administered by Jordan or Egypt.

Or the 30 years of British administration before that.

Or the 400 years of Ottoman rule before that.

No, the only interest in what the world now calls "Palestinian lands" only started when Jews have some level of control over them. Not when generations of others - Muslims and Christians, Arabs and non-Arabs - controlled the land.

Somehow, only the years when the life expectancy of Palestinians skyrocketed, when the infant mortality rate plummeted, when practically all of the universities and major hospitals were built in the territories - only thoseyears are considered tragic.

The entire exercise of "50 years of occupation" is underlined by blatant hypocrisy. If there was no Six Day war, the West Bank Palestinian Arabs under Jordanian rule would be just as interesting as the East Bank Palestinians are today - meaning, not at all. Gazans would remain in an effective Egyptian prison, with no ability to move to Egypt itself - but no one would be talking about it.

The self-rule that most Palestinians in the territories enjoy today would never have happened.

And no one would be writing op-eds about it.

Did you ever notice that Palestinian Arabs were never "occupied" by Jordan? Or Britain? Or Ottomans? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Of course, they mean 50 years of "occupation" by Jews....
We discuss this here daily.

Total fail!
Actually, you don't discuss anything. You just cut and paste cartoons and cut and paste plagiarized material.

The muhammedan conquest of the area you falsely believe to be some invented "country of Pal'istan" is no less an occupation than the Jordanian or Egyptian occupation of lands.

Odd how you muhammedans are selectively indignant with your phoney charges of occupation.
Two days ago, Israel released a terrorist from prison, after he finished serving a 12-year sentence (reduced from the original 15 year sentence.)

Ahmed Hassan Briggah was convicted in 2005 of belonging to the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror organization and of participating in terror attacks.

The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is the official terrorist group of the Fatah party, headed by Mahmoud Abbas.

The official Fatah Facebook page showed the motorcade honoring convicted terrorist Briggah upon his release and the official ceremonies welcoming him.

(full article and photos online)

Look how peaceful Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah is! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, June 1-2, 1941 (5701 on the Hebrew calendar), the Muslim residents of Baghdad carried out a savage pogrom against their Jewish neighbors. In this pogrom, known by its Arabic name al-Farhoud, about 200 Jews were murdered and thousands wounded. Jewish property was plundered and many homes set ablaze.

Within a week, the British ousted the pro-Nazi government of General Rashid Ali, which had seized power in a coup d’état two months earlier, and restored the legal Iraqi government. That government appointed a commission of inquiry into the pogrom, which determined that the Nazi propaganda of Radio Berlin had been one of the massacre’s foremost instigators.

(full article online)

June 1941: The Farhoud massacre remembered
A Palestinian Arab 'West Bank' State is not only a danger for Israel, it will bring the Saudis and the Sunnis an Shiite-Iranian-controlled Jordan. It’s no wonder the "Palestinian issue" barely rated even a sentence in the last paragraph of King Salman’s speech.

All the Sunni Muslims are depending on Saudi leadership to protect them from the Iranians.

(full article online)

Palestinian statehood is a grave threat to Saudi Arabia
(How easy is it for Jews to visit their Holy sites in Judea and Samaria under PA control, compared to how many and how easy it is for Muslims and Christians to go to their Holy sites during their special Holidays? )

IDF Spokesman Ronen Manelis said that more than 65,000 Muslim worshipers passed on Friday through the crossings from Gaza on their way to the first Friday prayer services of the month of Ramadan, twice as many as last year.

"I joined this morning a tour of the crossings with Roni, the commander of the Central Command, Lior, the division commander, the brigade commanders, the Coordination and Liaison Administration, the military police, the Border Police and the Israel Police. The commanders emphasized the effort to allow simple and quick passage while maintaining maximum security," he said.

IDF Spokesman: 65,000 Muslims pass through border crossings on way to Ramadan prayers - Israel National News
The Action Group for the Palestinians in Syria (AGPS) said on Wednesday that 3,502 Palestinian refugees were killed in Syria due to the civil war that has been ongoing since 2011.

A report published by the AGPS on Wednesday evening pointed out that 1,141 Palestinian refugees died by shelling, 873 died in the clashes between the Syrian regime army and the Syrian opposition's armed groups while 462 died under torture in the Syrian regime prisons without pointing to the death circumstances of the rest of the refugees.

The AGPS is a London-based group that was founded in 2012 through a collective initiative by Palestinian and Arab figures.

The group follows up and documents the violations against the Palestinians of Syria, according to its official website.

According to UN estimates, 450,000 Palestinian refugees still live in Syria, 95% of whom need assistance.

3,502 Palestinian refugees killed in Syria

@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

Wow! Arabs-Moslem masquerading as "Pal'istanians" need assistance.

Never saw that one coming.

Reports are coming in that the Arab-islamist world is collectively motivating itself to do everything they can to ignore this situation.
The West suffers under a major misconception concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: that "goodwill gestures" and territorial concessions on the part of Israel boost the prospects of peace in the Middle East. The facts, however, suggest that precisely the opposite is true.

Last week, Israel's Channel 10 television station reported that the U.S. administration was pushing Israel to transfer parts of Area C -- areas under full Israeli security and civilian control in the West Bank -- to the control of Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian Authority (PA). According to the report, the U.S. believes that the transfer of the territory to the PA would be a "goodwill step" towards the Palestinians, paving the way for the revival of the stalled peace process with Israel.

This assumption, of course, has already proven wrong. The experiences of the past few decades have shown clearly that Israeli concessions have always sent the wrong message to the Palestinians.

(full article online)

Palestinians: Israel's Goodwill Gestures Send Wrong Messages
There is a direct line, say the article authors, from civic dawa to radicalization and active enlistment in the armed struggle against Israel. This includes active social networking which glorifies terrorists, martyrs, and prisoners, and explicitly calls for violent resistance to Israel. These networks were also the source for the libel that Al-Aqsa mosque is endangered by the Jews/Zionists, and for dissemination of an incredible volume of disinformation related to Israeli actions on the Temple Mount.

The authors ask for particular attention to the mounting involvement of Erdogan's Turkey, which is the worldwide Brotherhood's main patron. Turkey now enjoys unprecedented popularity among the Arab residents of east Jerusalem, the authors write. The Turks' public support of the Palestinian cause and adoption of the Al-Aqsa issue, and their decision to inject millions of dollars into east Jerusalem, have won them great sympathy and support.

(full article online)

Israel Hayom | Turkish takeover in Jerusalem
A Palestinian Arab 'West Bank' State is not only a danger for Israel, it will bring the Saudis and the Sunnis an Shiite-Iranian-controlled Jordan. It’s no wonder the "Palestinian issue" barely rated even a sentence in the last paragraph of King Salman’s speech.

All the Sunni Muslims are depending on Saudi leadership to protect them from the Iranians.

(full article online)

Palestinian statehood is a grave threat to Saudi Arabia

How many Sunni led states has Iran attacked over the past 200-300 years? On the other hand, how recently was Iran attacked by a Sunni led state and its Sunni allies?
Palestinians Paid $1 Billion to Terrorists Over the Past Four Years

Here's How Much Money Palestinian Terrorists Were Paid Over the Past Four Years

Days after President Trump publicly scolded Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas over payments to terrorists and their families, members of a top Knesset panel learned the amount that has been doled out over the last four years: a staggering $1.2 billion.

The PA claims the money is a social welfare benefit, but Yossi Kuperwasser, former director general of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs and ex-head of the army’s intelligence and research division, said that’s false, pointing to Palestinian budgetary documents, which, “clearly state that these are salaries and not welfare payments,” he said, The Times of Israel reports.

I think it’s important to understand motivations. As such, I tend to be suspicious of people who think that a 7th century Arab warlord who partnered himself with a god is guiding them. I get really uncomfortable when those in that Cult believe that they have an entitlement to kill and maim in furtherance of that Arab warlords will. I tend to get defensive when those same Peaceful Inner Strugglers are openly hostile to anyone who is not a peaceful inner struggler.

People are entitled to their Cult beliefs, but when a belligerent, hyper-religious Cult has the ability to cause death and destruction (and in fact has announced that goal), and has a dedicated UN funded welfare fraud entitlement to pay those hyper-religious Cult members to commit mass murder / suicide, well, I'd just feel a lot safer if I knew the welfare fraud money was stopped, thus not enabling the Cult.
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