All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Hamas and Iran are cozying up again, and the Islamic regime in Iran will soon relaunch its funding of the Hamas terror organization following weeks of meeting between senior terrorists on both sides, according to reports this morning in the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat.

Over the past few weeks, senior Hezbollah and Iranian officials, including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, met in Lebanon and agreed to restart support for the Hamas in Gaza.

(full article online)

Iran to Relaunch Hamas Financial AidThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 5 Sivan 5777 – May 30, 2017 |
Hamas and Iran are cozying up again, and the Islamic regime in Iran will soon relaunch its funding of the Hamas terror organization following weeks of meeting between senior terrorists on both sides, according to reports this morning in the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat.

Over the past few weeks, senior Hezbollah and Iranian officials, including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, met in Lebanon and agreed to restart support for the Hamas in Gaza.

(full article online)

Iran to Relaunch Hamas Financial AidThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 5 Sivan 5777 – May 30, 2017 |

Another Islamic terrorist beat down may be in the works.

Hamas and Iran are cozying up again, and the Islamic regime in Iran will soon relaunch its funding of the Hamas terror organization following weeks of meeting between senior terrorists on both sides, according to reports this morning in the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat.

Over the past few weeks, senior Hezbollah and Iranian officials, including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, met in Lebanon and agreed to restart support for the Hamas in Gaza.

(full article online)

Iran to Relaunch Hamas Financial AidThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 5 Sivan 5777 – May 30, 2017 |

Another Islamic terrorist beat down may be in the works.

Do you mean another attack on civilians in Gaza?
Hamas and Iran are cozying up again, and the Islamic regime in Iran will soon relaunch its funding of the Hamas terror organization following weeks of meeting between senior terrorists on both sides, according to reports this morning in the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat.

Over the past few weeks, senior Hezbollah and Iranian officials, including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, met in Lebanon and agreed to restart support for the Hamas in Gaza.

(full article online)

Iran to Relaunch Hamas Financial AidThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 5 Sivan 5777 – May 30, 2017 |

Another Islamic terrorist beat down may be in the works.

Do you mean another attack on civilians in Gaza?

No. You're a slow adult. Read what I wrote.

I know, you're just waiting for an Israeli retaliation to acts of war by your Islamist terrorist heroes. You can celebrate the deaths of Islamics. Got your Pom Poms ready?
Hamas and Iran are cozying up again, and the Islamic regime in Iran will soon relaunch its funding of the Hamas terror organization following weeks of meeting between senior terrorists on both sides, according to reports this morning in the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat.

Over the past few weeks, senior Hezbollah and Iranian officials, including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, met in Lebanon and agreed to restart support for the Hamas in Gaza.

(full article online)

Iran to Relaunch Hamas Financial AidThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 5 Sivan 5777 – May 30, 2017 |

Another Islamic terrorist beat down may be in the works.

Do you mean another attack on civilians in Gaza?

No. You're a slow adult. Read what I wrote.

I know, you're just waiting for an Israeli retaliation to acts of war by your Islamist terrorist heroes. You can celebrate the deaths of Islamics. Got your Pom Poms ready?
I got it. Israel wants to kill more civilians in Gaza. It has always been Israel's military attacking Palestinian civilians.
Hamas and Iran are cozying up again, and the Islamic regime in Iran will soon relaunch its funding of the Hamas terror organization following weeks of meeting between senior terrorists on both sides, according to reports this morning in the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat.

Over the past few weeks, senior Hezbollah and Iranian officials, including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, met in Lebanon and agreed to restart support for the Hamas in Gaza.

(full article online)

Iran to Relaunch Hamas Financial AidThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 5 Sivan 5777 – May 30, 2017 |

Another Islamic terrorist beat down may be in the works.

Do you mean another attack on civilians in Gaza?

No. You're a slow adult. Read what I wrote.

I know, you're just waiting for an Israeli retaliation to acts of war by your Islamist terrorist heroes. You can celebrate the deaths of Islamics. Got your Pom Poms ready?
I got it. Israel wants to kill more civilians in Gaza. It has always been Israel's military attacking Palestinian civilians.

Your islamo-conspiracy theories are a hoot.

Another Islamic terrorist beat down may be in the works.

Do you mean another attack on civilians in Gaza?

No. You're a slow adult. Read what I wrote.

I know, you're just waiting for an Israeli retaliation to acts of war by your Islamist terrorist heroes. You can celebrate the deaths of Islamics. Got your Pom Poms ready?
I got it. Israel wants to kill more civilians in Gaza. It has always been Israel's military attacking Palestinian civilians.

Your islamo-conspiracy theories are a hoot.
Fact. Israel was created by rolling its military through Palestine attacking and removing civilians out of their homes. It continues to do that today.
Another Islamic terrorist beat down may be in the works.

Do you mean another attack on civilians in Gaza?

No. You're a slow adult. Read what I wrote.

I know, you're just waiting for an Israeli retaliation to acts of war by your Islamist terrorist heroes. You can celebrate the deaths of Islamics. Got your Pom Poms ready?
I got it. Israel wants to kill more civilians in Gaza. It has always been Israel's military attacking Palestinian civilians.

Your islamo-conspiracy theories are a hoot.
Fact. Israel was created by rolling its military through Palestine attacking and removing civilians out of their homes. It continues to do that today.

Your "phactz" are always entertaining.
Do you mean another attack on civilians in Gaza?

No. You're a slow adult. Read what I wrote.

I know, you're just waiting for an Israeli retaliation to acts of war by your Islamist terrorist heroes. You can celebrate the deaths of Islamics. Got your Pom Poms ready?
I got it. Israel wants to kill more civilians in Gaza. It has always been Israel's military attacking Palestinian civilians.

Your islamo-conspiracy theories are a hoot.
Fact. Israel was created by rolling its military through Palestine attacking and removing civilians out of their homes. It continues to do that today.

Your "phactz" are always entertaining.
As Is always the case, because your phactz are unsupportable, you're left to cutting and pasting YouTube videos.
“We must be sure that Danish assistance contributes in a positive way to the advancement of human rights in the Palestinian territories,” said Samuelson in his statement. “It’s possible that following the inquiry we’re carrying out, we will have to halt funding for some Palestinian organizations.

“Until we reach conclusions, we won’t be signing on any new grants for Palestinian organizations.”

(full article online)
PA prohibits eating in public
during month of Ramadan

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques

PA prohibits eating in public during month of Ramadan - PMW Bulletins

The PA has called on the Palestinian police to arrest anyone who eats in public during Islam's month of Ramadan, (the islamic holy month of car bombings, mass murder / suicide and similar depraved acts consistent with that politico-religious ideology, ed,) which started this week. The Grand Mufti, (as opposed to the more pedestrian we think he's just swell Mufti, ed.), Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the highest PA religious official, called on the PA police "to act against anyone who breaks the fast in public, in preparation for legal steps against them."

But.... but.... but.., remember, there's no compulsion in religion™, and, "Islam is the religion of peace being arrested for eating lunch."

Not being arrested for making personal decisions about one's religious faith is a hallmark of Western liberal democracy. It’s also an attribute of an ethical and moral society which does not require that all must "submit" to the prescribed religion and adhere to the dogma of the forced religion. In the free world, we often describe societies that force religion as totalitarian or Islamic. In more locations within the happy-fun totalitarian/Islamic Middle East, such ideas as freedom of religion, (or freedom to choose lunchtime), are dealt with as an imprisonable offense (or even a capital offense, if the "right" people get their hands on you).
Two-Faced PA:

Different messages for different audience
For Newsweek Jibril Rajoub recognizes Israel;
For Palestinians, Rajoub turns all of Israel into "Palestine"

Rajoub's map of Palestine:


Text on map: "Know Your Homeland - 2017"
[Facebook page of the PLO Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs, March 17, 2017]

(full article online)

Two-Faced PA: Different messages for different audience - PMW Bulletins
On Yom Yerushalayim, which this year falls on May 24, Israel will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s unification in June 1967. Marking the climax of a swift defensive victory over the armies of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, the battle for the Holy City resulted in dramatically altering its political, religious, and geographic status.

But this year also marks another anniversary: the centenary of a fierce World War I battle that not only saved Jerusalem from physical destruction but rescued its entire Jewish population from squalor, starvation, plague, exile, and death. In the scope of Jewish history, the liberation of Jerusalem in December 1917 ranks with the salvation holidays of Hanukkah and Purim.

(full article online)

In Photos: The Story of the Liberation of Jerusalem a Century Ago
(Will the Hashemites ever take their rightful land in Arabia and return sovereignty of ALL of the Jewish Homeland to the Jewish People?)

Jordan said that such acts [Jews on the Temple Mount] inflame the feelings of Muslims around the world, violate Article 9 of the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel and are not in line with Israeli’s legal obligations, as the occupying power, in accordance with international law.

Article 9 actually states:

Each party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

(H/T Yisrael Medad)

If anyone isn’t keeping up their end of the peace treaty, it is clearly Jordan.

(full article online)

Jordanian Government Says Jews Defiling the Temple MountThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 7 Sivan 5777 – June 1, 2017 |
(Will the Hashemites ever take their rightful land in Arabia and return sovereignty of ALL of the Jewish Homeland to the Jewish People?)

Jordan said that such acts [Jews on the Temple Mount] inflame the feelings of Muslims around the world, violate Article 9 of the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel and are not in line with Israeli’s legal obligations, as the occupying power, in accordance with international law.

Article 9 actually states:

Each party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

(H/T Yisrael Medad)

If anyone isn’t keeping up their end of the peace treaty, it is clearly Jordan.

(full article online)

Jordanian Government Says Jews Defiling the Temple MountThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 7 Sivan 5777 – June 1, 2017 |
Each party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.
Israel violates this all of the time.
(Will the Hashemites ever take their rightful land in Arabia and return sovereignty of ALL of the Jewish Homeland to the Jewish People?)

Jordan said that such acts [Jews on the Temple Mount] inflame the feelings of Muslims around the world, violate Article 9 of the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel and are not in line with Israeli’s legal obligations, as the occupying power, in accordance with international law.

Article 9 actually states:

Each party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

(H/T Yisrael Medad)

If anyone isn’t keeping up their end of the peace treaty, it is clearly Jordan.

(full article online)

Jordanian Government Says Jews Defiling the Temple MountThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 7 Sivan 5777 – June 1, 2017 |
Each party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.
Israel violates this all of the time.

You are absolutely correct.

Each time Israel allows the Muslims and Christians and Jews, or anyone else to visit the Temple Mount, ISRAEL is violating the words you quoted.

The ones who were not violating those quotes were the Arabs,and the Ottomans, all through the 1300 years before WWI, and much less the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan between 1948 and 1967.

Or the Kingdom of Jordan since 1967, which has slowly but surely been trying to cut down on the rights of Jews, especially, in visiting their Holiest, of Holiest sites. The Temple Mount.

You are ABSOLUTELY correct.
As for reporting on the real story here - the way school-age Palestinian Arab children keep appearing in these Arab-on-Israeli attack reports as the perpetrators - Ma'an is totally oblivious along with all of the Arab news organizations that we see and a large part of the mainstream non-Arab news companies. Politely looking the other way as children are groomed to murder and be killed is a very large part of the reason why this horrifying reality keeps happening.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 01-Jun-17: Outside Mevo Dotan, another weaponized Pal Arab child/attacker and her victim
As Haaretz put it, referring to one of the IDF’s boldest operations ever, in 1973:


Lebanon hasn't been so afraid of an Israeli woman since Ehud Barak raided Beirut in drag …

The managing director of the film’s distributor Joseph Chacra and Sons, Tony Chacra, confirmed that “Wonder Woman” is still being screened in various Arab countries, including the UAE, Kuwait, and Oman. He said:

It’s very frustrating… They are not harming anyone by banning it . . . except the distributor . . . They are making the movie theaters lose, the employees, the Lebanese economy … What did they get out of this?

(full article online)

BDS vs. Wonder Woman | HonestReporting
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