All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The PA does not pay its bills to Augusta Victoria Hospital, but it does pay millions of dollars to hundreds of terrorists and their families, who have murdered Israelis, most of them Jews.

In 2016, the PA paid more than $300 million (about seven percent of the PA’s total budget) to terrorists and their families. This is a political decision made by the Palestinian Authority led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. If it can spend more than $300 million in support of terrorists and their families, the PA should be able to find a way to pay its hospital bills.

What is most troubling about ELCA alerts is that they are entirely geared toward asking Congress for funds to cover the PA’s debt. They do not offer any value judgments about the PA’s decisions, nor do the alerts encourage Lutherans to voice their concerns to the PA itself — despite the fact that it is the PA that is solely responsible for the crisis faced by Augusta Victoria Hospital.

Maybe the Palestinian people value the lives of their children more than their leaders do, but if they do, they haven’t protested in the streets of Bethlehem and Ramallah to make their voices heard on this issue. So far, they have not had to because American taxpayers have been subsidizing diabolical decisions made by PA leaders in Ramallah. And they have done this at the behest of the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States. Every Lutheran in the United States, whether they belong to ELCA or not, should be outraged by this turn of events.

(full article online)

Love of the Land: Are the peace activists in ELCA that obtuse? - by Dexter Van Zile
In the revisionist history on Palestinian Arab sites today, "Nakba Day," it is claimed that this was the day that war broke out, when Arab nations fought unsuccessfully to protect Palestinian Arabs from Jewish militias in 1948.

But the war didn't start in May 1948. It started in November 1947 hours after the UN Partition vote.

For months before the vote, Arab terrorists held their fire, hoping that the UN would not recommend a truncated Jewish state along with an Arab state in the area of the British Mandate. But within hours of the UN partition resolution, the gloves were off.

7 Jews were murdered that first day.

The refusal of Arab leaders to accept Jews as human beings who deserve rights - the decision to oppose the Jews "by all means" - was the beginning of the Nakba.

(full article and screenshot online)
...The delegation also visited towns near the Gaza border, and saw a tunnel that Hamas terrorists came through....
TRANSLATION: The mossad built a tunnel and used their press to claim it was Hamas and keep you people terrified in your ongoing delusions.
The head of Islamic Jihad, Ramadan Shallah, said on Monday that Palestinian reconciliation cannot occur without the PLO's rescinding it recognition of "the Israeli entity."

During a televised speech for the 69th anniversary Israel's rebirth he said they "cannot achieve Palestinian unity and reconciliation and ending the division without the withdrawal of the PLO's recognition of Israel, and ending the Oslo path that kept the occupation with a new name (under the PA) and making it less expensive for the enemy."

Realize that Hamas and Islamic Jihad and other terror groups have veto power over any "peace deal."

Also note that there is not even a question to Shallah that a signed agreement with Israel is something that can be revoked any time they want to.

Sounds vaguely Koranic.

Islamic Jihad gives its conditions for unity ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The pearl adage "he who invalidates another, with his own imperfection he invalidates" found pungent significance this week when the so-called Palestinian Information Center website preempted the findings of the Cities Association for Environmental Quality who discovered a 19-mile long pool of sewage water stretching from the Arab town of Ramallah all the way to Modi'in Illit with an article accusing Israel of their own malodorous practices.

(full article online)

Sewage Wars
The pearl adage "he who invalidates another, with his own imperfection he invalidates" found pungent significance this week when the so-called Palestinian Information Center website preempted the findings of the Cities Association for Environmental Quality who discovered a 19-mile long pool of sewage water stretching from the Arab town of Ramallah all the way to Modi'in Illit with an article accusing Israel of their own malodorous practices.

(full article online)

Sewage Wars
TRANSLATION: The mossad shoots raw sewage all over the people there, their homes and children. And use their press to claim it was Hamas and keep you people terrified in your ongoing delusions.
On May 17th, 1970, the New York Times published an extensive piece on Ramallah, looking at Ramallah and its citizens 3 years after reverting to Israeli control following the Six Day War.

It is mostly told from the point of view of the people living there, so contains many negative statements about Israel. But even so, there are a number of telling points I have marked in yellow, including the following:

  • How so many Ramallah Arabs left voluntarily at the turn of the 20th century
  • How so many of the people of Ramallah were wealthy Arabs who had moved there from Arab states like Kuwait, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon
  • Right after the Six Day War, the majority of Ramallah Arabs wanted Jordan to regain control – they did not speak about a Palestinian State
  • Others wanted some form of autonomy for the so-called West Bank of the Jordan (but not Gaza), but Fatah opposed it because it meant giving up on the aim of destroying Israel and taking over the entire land
  • Mention of a resident who left Jaffa in 1948, thinking they would be returning (after the Jews were defeated) – this is indicative of many Arabs who were not kicked out but rather left at the behest of their leaders thinking they would be victorious and return
  • Some of the residents thriving due to an Israeli economic boom
  • How Arab terror affected many residents (a theme we see today)
(full article and screenshots online)

Know Your History: Ramallah – Three Years After The Six Day War (NY Times May 17, 1970)

The mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husaini, meets with Adolf Hitler in 1941. Photo: German Federal Archives via Wikimedia Commons.

Last month, Israel’s National Library blogged about Heinrich Himmler’s lost telegram to the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. Contrary to the oft-repeated claim that Nazi Germany did not support Arab independence and the eradication of the nascent Jewish state, I argue that it did.

On the 26th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, Himmler sent his best wishes for the mufti’s “protest meeting,” which took place in Berlin. The event was used to decry the Balfour Declaration, and to oppose the establishment of a Jewish state. Of course, such public support for Husseini would have been impossible without Adolf Hitler’s prior consent. In fact, Hitler and the mufti had agreed on a 1941 anti-Jewish pact of genocide.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Connection to the Nazis
Today is the 15th May, one day after the Gregorian calendar date for Israel’s Independence Day. Today, Palestinians and anti-Israel activists will commemorate the ‘Nakba’, or Catastrophe.

Why the 15th May? Let me take a brief journey through history to find out if there are more suitable dates that should have been chosen. For example, just 11 days after the handshake between Arafat and Rabin in September 1993, Yigal Vaknin was murdered by a Hamas terrorist. Imagine, if during the Oslo peace process, violence had not exploded on the Israeli streets. For this reason perhaps September 21st would provide a good alternative date to commemorate.

Here are some others:

September 16th. The day in 2008 the peace initiative of Israeli PM Olmert began to unravel as the Palestinian leadership didn’t think the offer generous enough.

Or maybe, by this point, the Palestinian Authority was already incapable of representing the entire Palestinian population. If this is true then the day for commemoration should be 25 January. For on that date in 2006, the Palestinian population gave power to Hamas. Civil strife began and tore the Palestinians apart. Within weeks rockets had flown from Gaza. Perhaps the date that Palestinians voted for a radical Islamic terrorist group is the best date to commemorate the catastrophe?

(full article online)
Palestinian prisoner demands, 2004

I found this old post of mine, copied from the Addameer Palestinian prisoner NGO in 2004, of only a partial list of demands from Palestinian prisoners who were engaged in a hunger strike then.

I dug up the entire list.

I believe that all of the demands today are a subset of these. (Unfortunately, the original link no longer works.)

It is nice to know that Israel didn't cave to these demands as far as we can tell.

This indicates that even during the worst of the second intifada terror spree. Palestinian prisoners in Isrseli prisons had it pretty darn good.

(vide list online)

Palestinian prisoner demands, 2004 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
For Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, it is not enough to whitewash Palestinian terrorism against civilians; she must delegitimize Israeli defense against that terrorism by equating the two. She immediately follows her paragraph on Palestinians by saying:

Haganah was the Zionist militant armed organisation active in the British Mandate of Palestine until the late early forties. Twenty percent of their fighters were women.

HonestReporting has documented many examples of Alibhai-Brown’s biases and extreme views, including:

So it is no wonder that she disparages the Israeli Haganah, which was founded in 1920 to protect the lives of Jews in Israel against attacks by Arabs, as they realized they could not depend on British forces. Alibhai-Brown, referring to female fighters in general explains “Such females were driven – rightly or wrongly – by burning political passions.” Except that the Haganah was not a political organization; its sole purpose was to save Jewish lives. The Haganah, once Israel was declared a state, became the official Israeli Defense Forces, which to this day continues its mission:

To defend the existence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state of Israel. To protect the inhabitants of Israel and to combat all forms of terrorism which threaten the daily life.

(full article online)

Plane Hijacker, Terrorist... Female Icon? | HonestReporting
...So it is no wonder that she disparages the Israeli Haganah, which was founded in 1920 to protect the lives of Jews in Israel against attacks by Arabs...
Haganah was a known terrorist group. They murdered untold numbers of indigenous people.

The Haganah, once Israel was declared a state, became the official Israeli Defense Forces, which to this day continues...
No wonder the IDF follow the terrorist mindset we see fom them daily.
The Gulf states have dropped their longstanding demand to wait for a "peace agreement" before establishing relations with Israel. They just want Israel to make some essentially moves to provide cover for the closer cooperation they want with Israel anyway.

In fact, they are no longer even demanding a full settlement freeze.

The Arab nations are more pro-Likud than Obama!

Stopping settlement activity in "certain areas" of the West Bank? Israel already severely limits new construction almost everywhere outside existing blocs. Check.

Allowing freer trade into Gaza? Israel's already doing that too. Check.

Israel just has to provide yet another peace plan - one that everyone knows the Palestinians will refuse. But it will be enough for the Arab states to have diplomatic and public-relations cover to do what they want to do anyway.

The Arab states are slowly but surely signalling that they are more aligned with Israel's interests than with those of the Palestinians. The Palestinian issue is being crowded out. And the Palestinians see this very clearly.

(full article online)

Arab states dropping even "full settlement freeze" demand to establish closer ties with Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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