All three towers collapsed by controlled demolition on 9/11 .

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You know what ? You're right.
I never would have predicted that you would deny the existence of disinformation agents, being a disinformation agent and all.....

Maybe I'm a Russian disinformation agent.
Just trying to stir things up.
I do not deny their existence because they do not exist.

Only a coward and liar resorts to such fallacies when losing an argument as you always do
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I do not deny their existence because they do not exist.

Only a coward and lioar resorts to such fallacies when losing an argument as you always do
You're the one arguing..... all I'm doing is asking questions that you won't or can't answer. I'm sure it's pretty clear to everyone reading this.

Why don't you just leave it alone and let people decide for themselves?
You're the one arguing..... all I'm doing is asking questions that you won't or can't answer. I'm sure it's pretty clear to everyone reading this.

Why don't you just leave it alone and let people decide for themselves?
Angelo you are a fucking liar. You did not ask anything you made false assertions. You make them on every thread and you NEVER PROVIDE ANY EVIDENCE.

You are a loser who cannot STAND being proven wrong but you know you always are.

Why dont you shut your cock hole until you have some evidence.

The people HAVE ALREADY decided for themselves that YOU are a small time liar and moron.

Everyone reading this knows it ESPECIALLY your stupid ass.
By the way ,despite the trolls' ad hominem attacks at me....

Nobody has remotely debunked the premise of this thread which is that two large airplanes that hit the Twin Towers did not cause the towers to collapse all the way to the ground in controlled demolition fashion at near freefall speed in an accelerated motion that would have been stopped by each towers' 47 massive steel core columns.

Building 7 which collapsed later in the afternoon, was probably black ops HQ..... then they cleared everybody out and blasted it to destroy the evidence.

They didn't come out with the last firefighters.... they left through the basement.
By the way ,despite the trolls' ad hominem attacks at me....

Nobody has remotely debunked the premise of this thread which is that two large airplanes that hit the Twin Towers did not cause the towers to collapse all the way to the ground in controlled demolition fashion at near freefall speed in an accelerated motion that would have been stopped by each towers' 47 massive steel core columns.

Building 7 which collapsed later in the afternoon, was probably black ops HQ..... then they cleared everybody out and blasted it to destroy the evidence.
Yes they have debunked it.

You lied about that and launched ad hominen attacks of your own.

They did not collapse in controlled demolition fashion. They collapsed in accordance with their design and the laws of physics.

They fell at far less than free fall speed exactly as the laws of physics demand.

No evidence of any kind supports your claism which is why they are debunked. The are debunked by your complegte lack of evidence and everyone knows this
I used to love riding the subway train from the World Trade Center up to Grand Central Station.
But I ain't never going back .....fuck New York.
It's turning into a third world shithole .
Although it's possible both of the Twin Towers collapsed because a large fast moving jetliner slammed into them? I'm on the fence about it and just don't know.
But I find the idea of Building 7 collapsing because of a fire inside the structure to be fraudulent.
There has been several buildings over the years in various countries around the world, that where the same size and similar construction of Building 7 that caught fire and didn't collapse.
Not a single one, ever, never. ... :cool:
Although it's possible both of the Twin Towers collapsed because a large fast moving jetliner slammed into them? I'm on the fence about it and just don't know.
But I find the idea of Building 7 collapsing because of a fire inside the structure to be fraudulent.
There has been several buildings over the years in various countries around the world, that where the same size and similar construction of Building 7 that caught fire and didn't collapse.
Not a single one, ever, never. ... :cool:
All you have to do is watch the videos of the twin towers collapsing......

Keeping in mind that each tower had 47 massive steel columns from the ground up surrounding the Elevator Shafts like 47 separate little indestructible redwood trees.... no amount of weight could crush through those the way this happened.....NO way-- think about it --it's just common sense.

And it defied 2 of Newton's laws of physics.
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Probably but I won't say anything about it in my book.

( soupnazi " You have no such book. You're too stupid to write a book and you're still my bitch with no evidence." )

There you go Snoopy- soupy... I got the last word in for you this time.
( soupnazi " You have no such book. You're too stupid to write a book and you're still my bitch with no evidence." )
Yep you posted plenty of evidence that castrated nazi in round 1, he is just too stupid to figure it out.

He has fantasies of grandeur, went to the wizard of oz for a brain but the wizard was fresh out.
Although it's possible both of the Twin Towers collapsed because a large fast moving jetliner slammed into them? I'm on the fence about it and just don't know.
But I find the idea of Building 7 collapsing because of a fire inside the structure to be fraudulent.
There has been several buildings over the years in various countries around the world, that where the same size and similar construction of Building 7 that caught fire and didn't collapse.
Not a single one, ever, never. ... :cool:
None of them had two massive towers nearby collapse on them and then catch fire.
Yep you posted plenty of evidence that castrated nazi in round 1, he is just too stupid to figure it out.

He has fantasies of grandeur, went to the wizard of oz for a brain but the wizard was fresh out.
You KNOW that is a bald faced lie.

Neither you nor he has ever posted evidence.

You have nmot even tried to post evidence but tapdance around it like a coward. He has done the same

Everyone sees it now try and post some evidence bitch
Probably but I won't say anything about it in my book.

( soupnazi " You have no such book. You're too stupid to write a book and you're still my bitch with no evidence." )

There you go Snoopy- soupy... I got the last word in for you this time.
Gonna post any evidence?
All you have to do is watch the videos of the twin towers collapsing......

Keeping in mind that each tower had 47 massive steel columns from the ground up surrounding the Elevator Shafts like 47 separate little indestructible redwood trees.... no amount of weight could crush through those the way this happened.....NO way-- think about it --it's just common sense.

And it defied 2 of Newton's laws of physics.
Yes they were designed to give way in the manner that it happened,

Nothing anywhere in the laws of physics was violated you simply lack comprehension of physics much like Angelo the uneducated fool
Yeah, right.
Like I keep saying, everyone can decide for themselves with or without you telling them, can't they. ?

The laws of physics are not open to such guess work

You are the one stating lies and demanding they be acknowldeged so shut the fuck up and let everyone prove what a fucling fool you are
You KNOW that is a bald faced lie.

Neither you nor he has ever posted evidence.
of course we have, you are just too stupid to know the difference.
Im still waiting to see your 50+ tons of scrap from each plane, wtf is it?
wow your panties are really in a twist tonite
cry your lil eyes out thats ok.... we know those ass whoppings hurt, you will live :spank:
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of course we have, you are just too stupid to know the difference.
Im still waiting to see your 50+ tons of scrap from each plane, wtf is it?
wow your panties are really in a twist tonite
No you ahev not and you stating a proven bald faced lie to make that claim/

You nor angelo has ever produced a any evidence of any kind and we all know it you little treasonous liar
No you ahev not and you stating a proven bald faced lie to make that claim/

You nor angelo has ever produced a any evidence of any kind and we all know it you little treasonous liar
Im still waiting to see your 50+ tons of scrap from each plane, wtf is it? :spank:
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