All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Mr Bundy used the word "Negro" ....big deal.

Ever hear of the United Negro College Fund??

No one ever says squat about that or that the name is racist.

Go figure........ :cool:

I guess you missed that whole part where he said negroes would be happier as cotton picking slaves, eh? Man, talk about someone who slams their hands over their ears, you take the cake!
Actually, Mr Bundy didn't say anything that wasn't true. .. :cool:

What's that? Picking cotton for free under the hot summer sun in the south from sun up to sun down is character building? It builds strong bones and heavy calluses on yer fingers.

And Cliven Bundy has now also lost Rand Paul and Dean Heller:

Rand Paul slams Cliven Bundy's racist rant - Jonathan Topaz -

Republican Sens. Rand Paul and Dean Heller on Thursday both denounced as “offensive” and “racist” Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s recent comments about African-Americans.

“His remarks on race are offensive and I wholeheartedly disagree with him,” Paul said in a statement, according to Business Insider.

“Senator Heller completely disagrees with Mr. Bundy’s appalling and racist statements, and condemns them in the most strenuous way,” Heller spokeswoman Chandler Smith said in a statement.

Both Paul and Heller have previously defended Bundy, the Nevada rancher who is in a standoff against the federal government. Heller has referred to his supporters as “patriots.”

Chuckle, chuckle.

My, how the rats are deserting the sinking ship, and FAST!!!!!!
Some new video emerged from that "Negro" speechify -- seems the fuzzy little Bund has happy nice time things to say about them illeegal eemagrints.

This is going to mess with the heads of his supporters, by doggy.

"Now let me talk about the Spanish people," Bundy said in a new video unearthed by New York magazine, right after he concluded his thoughts on "the Negro."

"I understand that they come over here against our Constitution and cross our borders," he says. "But they're here and they're people. I worked side-by-side a lot of them. Don't tell me they don't work, and don't tell me they don't pay taxes. And don't tell me they don't have better family structures than most of us white people."

"When you see those Mexican families, they're together. They picnic together. They're spending their time together," he said. "I'll tell you, in my way of thinking, they're awful nice people. We need to have those people join us and be with us."

Bundy Has A Surprisingly Nice Take On Undocumented Immigrants

Brain splotions galore. Says the con-fused con: What to do What to do.
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Mr Bundy used the word "Negro" ....big deal.

Ever hear of the United Negro College Fund??

No one ever says squat about that or that the name is racist.

Go figure........ :cool:

I guess you missed that whole part where he said negroes would be happier as cotton picking slaves, eh? Man, talk about someone who slams their hands over their ears, you take the cake!

where he said negroes would be happier as cotton picking slaves

that isnt what he said
Annnnd he's a liar.

"I didn't say nothin' about pickin' cotton," Bundy told Alex Jones on the radio today.

"This is bombshell. This is bombshell," said Jones. "You're telling me you did not say 'picking cotton'?"

"No, I did not say pickin' cotton," said Bundy. Let's go to the tape."

Cliven Bundy?s Racist Rant Captured on Video -- NYMag

He goes on to give Alex Jones the real skinny about not saying what he was caught sayin' -- Completes y'all with - (no ****) Why, I let a black man in my house!

A lil shy of Some of my best friends are black - but ya knows, the line was certain to be said by the Nevada knave today. Ya just knew it.
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
I cant wait to see video from the rally......

Some new video emerged from that "Negro" speechify -- seems the fuzzy little Bund has happy nice time things to say about them illeegal eemagrints.

This is going to mess with the heads of his supporters, by doggy.

"Now let me talk about the Spanish people," Bundy said in a new video unearthed by New York magazine, right after he concluded his thoughts on "the Negro."

"I understand that they come over here against our Constitution and cross our borders," he says. "But they're here and they're people. I worked side-by-side a lot of them. Don't tell me they don't work, and don't tell me they don't pay taxes. And don't tell me they don't have better family structures than most of us white people."

"When you see those Mexican families, they're together. They picnic together. They're spending their time together," he said. "I'll tell you, in my way of thinking, they're awful nice people. We need to have those people join us and be with us."

Bundy Has A Surprisingly Nice Take On Undocumented Immigrants

Brain splotions galore. Says the con-fused con: What to do What to do.

I've said for a long time that immigrants have the exact virtues the Republican Party claims to hold dear. Strong family values, deeply religious, and hardworking.

But, unfortunately, the Right more often than not paints them as hubcap and job stealers instead.

Then, after pushing immigrants away so they end up voting Democrat, they react as if that was a foregone conclusion!
And Cliven Bundy has now also lost Rand Paul and Dean Heller:

Rand Paul slams Cliven Bundy's racist rant - Jonathan Topaz -

Republican Sens. Rand Paul and Dean Heller on Thursday both denounced as “offensive” and “racist” Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s recent comments about African-Americans.

“His remarks on race are offensive and I wholeheartedly disagree with him,” Paul said in a statement, according to Business Insider.

“Senator Heller completely disagrees with Mr. Bundy’s appalling and racist statements, and condemns them in the most strenuous way,” Heller spokeswoman Chandler Smith said in a statement.

Both Paul and Heller have previously defended Bundy, the Nevada rancher who is in a standoff against the federal government. Heller has referred to his supporters as “patriots.”

Chuckle, chuckle.

My, how the rats are deserting the sinking ship, and FAST!!!!!!

He even lost his biggest supporter....Sean Hannity
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

LOL. If you refer to the entire race as "The Negro", you might want to get yourself checked out for racism.
NBC should give Bundy a TV show like Al Sharpton. That way they'd be an equal opportunity racist employer. As of now they're just plain racist.

Are you always this stupid, or is today just an exception? Where does NBC come into this? Do you need some butthurt creme?

Well if what bundy SAID is racist, then sharpton is a grand wizard of the jew and white hating movement. Hell he incited a riot that somome died in. Hes a despicable human and has a show on msnbc.....if i have to explain the rest to you, then you need to get back in your third grade class
How is he mocking blacks? He's spot on that once you are on welfare you do lose your freedom.

And puhleeeeeeeeeeeze trying to make Bundy out to be a welfare queen is laughable. He's got a beef with the BLM and he's not the only one.

Better off as slaves?

Go the fuck away

If you've ever seen a true ghetto it does make one wonder how farther along we have come.

And makes one think how we can allow the ghetto condition to continue without taking a radically new approach to lift anyone out of poverty no matter their skin color.

The problem is that some people are trying to make the MINORITY of Black people who are in poverty, represent the MAJORITY of Black people in this country who are not in poverty. Making that inaccurate generalization like bundy and others on this forum do, is pretty insulting as well as ignorant. Black people are not the only race in this country who are on welfare and live off of the government, yet they seem to actually be singled out and referred to as slaves, by not a few conservatives and republicans on this board and in the political arena.
Making inaccurate blanket generalizations and misrepresentations like ;"The Blacks are on the Democrat plantation" or "The Blacks vote democrat because they want free stuff", are at best ignorant and insulting as well as bigoted. It would be like making this asshole and some of the bigoted assholes on this forum who are White represent the MAJORITY of White people in this country who don't harbor those views.
I also find it funny that some of the conservatives and republicans who state that they "focus on the individual and not groups", sure have no FUCKING problem with or making such inaccurate and insulting generalizations about "the Blacks".

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