All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

It isn't racist if it's true.

Gotta stop you right there.

Are you really trying to claim that it's true that "The Negro" is aborting their children because they never learned to pick cotton?

And you think it's true that they might be happier as slaves?

I'm very surprised at you, TK. This isn't about PC, this is straight up racism.

Well, it was Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenicists who instilled that type of attitude of black abortion in Americans of Bundy's age and upbringing. Besides, white people picked cotton too. Surprised?

And yes, they would be happier as slaves. They cannot succeed here in an America where success is vilified. Nearly 15% of the black population is unemployed, and it gets worse by the month. It's more racist to tell them to take advantage of a government program that gets them nowhere, than it is to have them work in the fields. At least then, they would have been productive. Seriously. It is a crude analogy yes, but like I said, it isn't racist if it isn't true.

I suggest you and liberals elsewhere work to change that.

You know, I'm just going to assume that you're having a bad day.

First of all, Margaret Sanger was herself quite anti-abortion.

Secondly, whatever nonsensical rhetoric you're babbling about "success being vilified", you cannot possibly actually believe that any people would be happier as property. Rather, if you do, you're as racist as Bundy is.

The majority of "The Negro" in this country are in fact working, with families. The vast majority of them don't live in projects, and aren't on welfare. Most of them are, as you say, "productive".
it looks like a hit piece

how long til he is a child rapist

It "looks" like a hit piece? Did you read the article or just my post?
It's a direct quote. Looks like he hit himself pretty good.

How long til' the Tea Party asks him to run for office is a better question.

from a single source

not one other of the 1000 people there said a peep about it

until it is confirmed by a second source it is suspect
It kind of matters who the source is, doesn't it? For many media outlets and people I refuse to accept anything that spews from their mouth. limbaugh, fox news, hannity, palin, bachman, and cruz come to mind. They have a past history of lies and misinformation. Other media outlets do not carry the same baggage. I do not automatically throw their statements out but I also do not accept them fully. Being from Nevada and knowing how some of these hayseeds think leads me to believe the paper got it right.
I find it just amazing that some Righties here actually defend the shit that Cliven Bundy said.

It is so patently racist to the core, I cannot imagine any decent human being wanting to defend it.

All this bullshit about how black people were doing better under slavery.


Is this the best that Cons have to offer? Really?

Damn, that is just plain old sad.
It "looks" like a hit piece? Did you read the article or just my post?
It's a direct quote. Looks like he hit himself pretty good.

How long til' the Tea Party asks him to run for office is a better question.

from a single source

not one other of the 1000 people there said a peep about it

until it is confirmed by a second source it is suspect
It kind of matters who the source is, doesn't it? For many media outlets and people I refuse to accept anything that spews from their mouth. limbaugh, fox news, hannity, palin, bachman, and cruz come to mind. They have a past history of lies and misinformation. Other media outlets do not carry the same baggage. I do not automatically throw their statements out but I also do not accept them fully. Being from Nevada and knowing how some of these hayseeds think leads me to believe the paper got it right.

Video of him saying it has been posted in this thread repeatedly.
Gotta stop you right there.

Are you really trying to claim that it's true that "The Negro" is aborting their children because they never learned to pick cotton?

And you think it's true that they might be happier as slaves?

I'm very surprised at you, TK. This isn't about PC, this is straight up racism.

Well, it was Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenicists who instilled that type of attitude of black abortion in Americans of Bundy's age and upbringing. Besides, white people picked cotton too. Surprised?

And yes, they would be happier as slaves. They cannot succeed here in an America where success is vilified. Nearly 15% of the black population is unemployed, and it gets worse by the month. It's more racist to tell them to take advantage of a government program that gets them nowhere, than it is to have them work in the fields. At least then, they would have been productive. Seriously. It is a crude analogy yes, but like I said, it isn't racist if it isn't true.

I suggest you and liberals elsewhere work to change that.

You know, I'm just going to assume that you're having a bad day.

First of all, Margaret Sanger was herself quite anti-abortion.

Secondly, whatever nonsensical rhetoric you're babbling about "success being vilified", you cannot possibly actually believe that any people would be happier as property. Rather, if you do, you're as racist as Bundy is.

The majority of "The Negro" in this country are in fact working, with families. The vast majority of them don't live in projects, and aren't on welfare. Most of them are, as you say, "productive".

CaféAuLait;8988641 said:
Well if what bundy SAID is racist, then sharpton is a grand wizard of the jew and white hating movement. Hell he incited a riot that somome died in. Hes a despicable human and has a show on msnbc.....if i have to explain the rest to you, then you need to get back in your third grade class

It's true what he said was racist, but comparing him to another racist ( especially against Jews) does not change the fact that he's a racist. It does not change the fact there are others fighting the BLM for the same reasons.

This idiotic speech gave Bundy haters something to hang their hat on and they will run with it and forget the issue. Instead, they will try to say this proves they are racist too. Bull. In fact many politicians have responded and say they completely disagree with him.

The issue is bigger than Bundy's racism. Even before racism was discovered the issue was glossed over. If one wants to get real, the right did the same with occupy. Ignoring the issue and then finding the rapes and murders to hang their hat on, instead of dealing with what they were protesting.


The bigger issue is that terrorists were effectively drove away Federal Agents.

No, the BLM the reason why he was not paying, just like the Dann's, Yowell, Abbot, and Henderson, etc. That is the issue.
All you Soros lovers must be proud of the job Media Matters is doing to gin up hatred against the Bundy ranch. I guess it wasn't enough that MM managed to recruit a nazi to murder three Jews.
Well, it was Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenicists who instilled that type of attitude of black abortion in Americans of Bundy's age and upbringing. Besides, white people picked cotton too. Surprised?

And yes, they would be happier as slaves. They cannot succeed here in an America where success is vilified. Nearly 15% of the black population is unemployed, and it gets worse by the month. It's more racist to tell them to take advantage of a government program that gets them nowhere, than it is to have them work in the fields. At least then, they would have been productive. Seriously. It is a crude analogy yes, but like I said, it isn't racist if it isn't true.

I suggest you and liberals elsewhere work to change that.
Wow. Just Wow.

Agreed. Wow. Just wow. Righties who are batshit crazy about this stuff and then they wonder why they suffer a pasting in presidential elections.

Well, duh.
Because if they can't be owned as farm chattel, bought and sold on auction blocks, raped by their masters -- are any of us truly free?
Well, it was Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenicists who instilled that type of attitude of black abortion in Americans of Bundy's age and upbringing. Besides, white people picked cotton too. Surprised?

And yes, they would be happier as slaves. They cannot succeed here in an America where success is vilified. Nearly 15% of the black population is unemployed, and it gets worse by the month. It's more racist to tell them to take advantage of a government program that gets them nowhere, than it is to have them work in the fields. At least then, they would have been productive. Seriously. It is a crude analogy yes, but like I said, it isn't racist if it isn't true.

I suggest you and liberals elsewhere work to change that.
Wow. Just Wow.

Agreed. Wow. Just wow. Righties who are batshit crazy about this stuff and then they wonder why they suffer a pasting in presidential elections.

Well, duh.

Well tell me then, what have Democrats done to put them to work in a more desirable setting? Hmm?
Wow. Just Wow.

Agreed. Wow. Just wow. Righties who are batshit crazy about this stuff and then they wonder why they suffer a pasting in presidential elections.

Well, duh.
Because if they can't be owned as farm chattel, bought and sold on auction blocks, raped by their masters -- are any of us truly free?

Well, no one would be forcing them to get abortions (except if the Master says), and families stuck together (unless Master sold them), and after all, they were "productive".
I find it just amazing that some Righties here actually defend the shit that Cliven Bundy said.

It is so patently racist to the core, I cannot imagine any decent human being wanting to defend it.

All this bullshit about how black people were doing better under slavery.


Is this the best that Cons have to offer? Really?

Damn, that is just plain old sad.

t is paaathetic :( Its another reason why they only win local elections.
Agreed. Wow. Just wow. Righties who are batshit crazy about this stuff and then they wonder why they suffer a pasting in presidential elections.

Well, duh.
Because if they can't be owned as farm chattel, bought and sold on auction blocks, raped by their masters -- are any of us truly free?

Well, no one would be forcing them to get abortions (except if the Master says), and families stuck together (unless Master sold them), and after all, they were "productive".

So, where was their master in 2010? Nobody is forcing black women to get abortion, yet they still are.
How dare he pose a valid question.

Are they better off now?

If you listen to Obama or Eric Holder......the answer is no......but white guys have no right to point this out. Only blacks do.

Still, I'm wondering if Bundy has been in the Sun too long.

I would never say this kind of thing in front of a God Damned back-stabbing journalist from the NYTimes.
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so standing up against government abuse for one of our citizens means you love the person and now we are suppose to give a shit over anything he says

so pathetic

like I said, we can label libs as Bundy haters...go count the threads
How dare he pose a valid question.

Are they better off now?

If you listen to Obama or Eric Holder......the answer is no......but white guys have no right to point this out. Only blacks do.

Still, I'm wondering if Bundy has been in the Sun too long.

I would never say this kind of thing in front of a God Damned back-stabbing journalist from the NYTimes.
Yep, best kept bellowing it out at a Klan meeting.
I find it just amazing that some Righties here actually defend the shit that Cliven Bundy said.

It is so patently racist to the core, I cannot imagine any decent human being wanting to defend it.

All this bullshit about how black people were doing better under slavery.


Is this the best that Cons have to offer? Really?

Damn, that is just plain old sad.

whenever lefties scream racism you can bet they don't want to talk about the more relevant issues....

And yes, they would be happier as slaves..
Why do you persist in showing yourself to be a racist idiot? Do you really think slaves enjoyed being forced to work 12 - 16 hours a day for virtually nothing. Do you think they enjoyed their whippings? What about when some were beaten to death, were they happy with that? How about sitting around watching their wife being raped by the master or overseer? Was it enjoyable watching their children being abused and often sold off the plantation? Only someone with a total lack of knowledge and a pea sized brain to go with it would think that slaves were happy in the life they were forced into. Only a true fool would think slaves fared better than free men. Only a true racist would try to cover up the reality of slavery. You often scream about your hatred of stupid people. Look to yourself, Dummy. Look to yourself.

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