All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

His comments weren't racist. Blacks were agricultural workers long after slavery ended. Blacks and poor whites worked in fields until they were replaced by low paid Mexicans who immediately demanded that agricultural work convey dignity. It is dignified for a Mexican, for a black person not so much. Why not?
^ Ya see?
First slaves in America were white British children. Are you denying that?


How long were they slaves?

Until about 1839. And they weren't Brits. They were Irish, and not just children.
But what's that got to do with a pig-headed jack Mormon who hasn't paid his taxes in 20 years?

The Irish Slave Trade ? The Forgotten ?White? Slaves | Global Research


Reading is your friend. I"ve read White Cargo. Excellent read. British children, prisoners and the like were sent as well as the Irish. The slave trade of the Irish was Cromwell's "special" idea. The Irish were split between America and the Caribbean colonies.

Here from the Daily Mail regarding the research in White Cargo.

In fact, the City of London burghers wanted to be rid of street children while the merchants behind the company colonising Virginia wanted slave labour, so a deal was done that suited both.

Among those taken in by the spin was poet John Donne, the Dean of St Paul¡¯s ¡ª although he did not take part in the child transportation.

The child slaves, known as Duty Boys after the first ship to take them out (even though a quarter were girls), suffered inhumane treatment. Of the first 300, only 12 survived four years.

The others died of ill treatment, disease, attack by native Americans or overwork.

According to Walsh, contemporary records show that one child victim, Elizabeth Abbott, was beaten to death when her master ordered her to be given 500 lashes for running away.

The Bridewell, a lucrative source of slaves, was a workhouse and prison for men, women and children.

Revealed: Britain's white child slaves | Mail Online
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you mean like racist Al Sharpton who owed more than 3 million in taxes.....? :lol:

Taxes are for the little people | New York Post

And he needs to pay them....don't expect us to get our guns and set up sniper positions on his behalf.

If he broke the law put him in jail, burn his property to the ground, kill his livestock, empty his bank accounts. Lets have another Waco.

BUT, first lets let the courts decide who is right and who is wrong. OK?

and, for the record. NO ONE on the right supports his recent racist comments. Do you on the left support the racist comments of Sharpton?

The courts did "decide" who's right - and it's not Bundy.

In fact, they did it twice.
And he needs to pay them....don't expect us to get our guns and set up sniper positions on his behalf.

If he broke the law put him in jail, burn his property to the ground, kill his livestock, empty his bank accounts. Lets have another Waco.

BUT, first lets let the courts decide who is right and who is wrong. OK?

and, for the record. NO ONE on the right supports his recent racist comments. Do you on the left support the racist comments of Sharpton?

The courts did "decide" who's right - and it's not Bundy.

In fact, they did it twice.

Actually, he has had his "day in court" FIVE times.

Range War: Timeline of Events | Las Vegas Review-Journal
And he needs to pay them....don't expect us to get our guns and set up sniper positions on his behalf.

If he broke the law put him in jail, burn his property to the ground, kill his livestock, empty his bank accounts. Lets have another Waco.

BUT, first lets let the courts decide who is right and who is wrong. OK?

and, for the record. NO ONE on the right supports his recent racist comments. Do you on the left support the racist comments of Sharpton?

The courts did "decide" who's right - and it's not Bundy.

In fact, they did it twice.

They want 2 more times lol
you mean like racist Al Sharpton who owed more than 3 million in taxes.....? :lol:

Taxes are for the little people | New York Post

And he needs to pay them....don't expect us to get our guns and set up sniper positions on his behalf.

If he broke the law put him in jail, burn his property to the ground, kill his livestock, empty his bank accounts. Lets have another Waco.

BUT, first lets let the courts decide who is right and who is wrong. OK?

and, for the record. NO ONE on the right supports his recent racist comments. Do you on the left support the racist comments of Sharpton?

Have you been on Mars? He has lost in the courts on numerous occasions. Do you think the Feds would go and round up his cattle without a ruling from the courts? And yet you whack jobs look at him as a hero....I D I O T S
The Problem is that there is no way to appeal to Blacks. They keep voting Democrat after Democrats turned their cities and communities into death camps. There is no reasoning to be had.

I've tried several times going to black churches and communities in the last couple of years talking about Jury Nullification, and how it can prevent black men being sent to jail over victimless crimes, which leaves families fatherless and without a breadwinner, and turns those black men into hardened criminals afterwards

Then I get a Newsday article that covers my visit to one of these Churches and invokes the rare examples of Whites being freed by all white juries for murdering blacks via Jury Nullification.

Then the black churches no longer allow me to speak there, even though their congregation was very glad when I was there showing them the Peaceful Way out.

Fuck it.

excellent, that's the cycle
Aww you're butthurt and now the blacks must pay. Dont visit any clocktowers ok?

????? SO you acknowledge that my message of FREEDOM and LIBERTY was SURPLANTED by the LEFTIST MEDIA with a SINGLE NEWS ARTICLE.

Question: How on EARTH do I overcome that? How the fuck do I overcome the MSM (which fears Jury Nullification more than guns) when they write such a despicable review and pass it among the black churches?
you mean like racist Al Sharpton who owed more than 3 million in taxes.....? :lol:

Taxes are for the little people | New York Post

And he needs to pay them....don't expect us to get our guns and set up sniper positions on his behalf.

If he broke the law put him in jail, burn his property to the ground, kill his livestock, empty his bank accounts. Lets have another Waco.

BUT, first lets let the courts decide who is right and who is wrong. OK?

and, for the record. NO ONE on the right supports his recent racist comments. Do you on the left support the racist comments of Sharpton?

Everyone on the right is now saying "Clive Who?" as they shift gears to evil government abuses in Texas

But Clive serves a useful purpose as he reminds Americans about the unpleasant underbelly of the Republican Party. Republicans now get only 7% of the black vote......and they blame it on "free stuff"

Time to look within
And he needs to pay them....don't expect us to get our guns and set up sniper positions on his behalf.

If he broke the law put him in jail, burn his property to the ground, kill his livestock, empty his bank accounts. Lets have another Waco.

BUT, first lets let the courts decide who is right and who is wrong. OK?

and, for the record. NO ONE on the right supports his recent racist comments. Do you on the left support the racist comments of Sharpton?

Everyone on the right is now saying "Clive Who?" as they shift gears to evil government abuses in Texas

But Clive serves a useful purpose as he reminds Americans about the unpleasant underbelly of the Republican Party. Republicans now get only 7% of the black vote......and they blame it on "free stuff"

Time to look within

Lot of folks scrambling to get egg off their face - Does Rand Paul get any brownie points for being the first to jump ship?
it looks like a hit piece

how long til he is a child rapist

It "looks" like a hit piece? Did you read the article or just my post?
It's a direct quote. Looks like he hit himself pretty good.

How long til' the Tea Party asks him to run for office is a better question.

from a single source

not one other of the 1000 people there said a peep about it

until it is confirmed by a second source it is suspect

There were only two reporters there, but here you go:

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The arc of this issue has been truly remarkable.

"The Feds are stealing his land!!!!!!"
"It's not his land"

"The feds are running him off his land for turtles"
"It's not his land and he hasn't paid his fees for 20 years"

"Give him his day in court"
"He's had five - he lost 'em all"

"They came with weapons"
"Bundy surrounded himself with armed people who were trying to stop the enforcement of the court order."

"He's a patriot fighting for his cause"
"He's a racist. He thinks it's OK for him to get free feed for his cattle via the taxpayers, but black folks in public housing should be picking cotton."

"Oh ........ well, fuck him."
If he broke the law put him in jail, burn his property to the ground, kill his livestock, empty his bank accounts. Lets have another Waco.

BUT, first lets let the courts decide who is right and who is wrong. OK?

and, for the record. NO ONE on the right supports his recent racist comments. Do you on the left support the racist comments of Sharpton?

Everyone on the right is now saying "Clive Who?" as they shift gears to evil government abuses in Texas

But Clive serves a useful purpose as he reminds Americans about the unpleasant underbelly of the Republican Party. Republicans now get only 7% of the black vote......and they blame it on "free stuff"

Time to look within

Lot of folks scrambling to get egg off their face - Does Rand Paul get any brownie points for being the first to jump ship?

For the first time in over a week, the FoxNews website makes no mention of Cliven Bundy

Guess he is no longer relevant to the right

We need to put these cotton pickin' negroes back in the fields under the whip where they belong! I can tell just by looking at 'em they will be happier. Us white people will be a lot happier, too, if we could go back to being slave owners. It's win/win!
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you mean like racist Al Sharpton who owed more than 3 million in taxes.....? :lol:

Taxes are for the little people | New York Post

And he needs to pay them....don't expect us to get our guns and set up sniper positions on his behalf.

You don't have to. Most of the media covers up for him. The Post is one of the few right leaning papers in the area.

Hmmmm...if Sharpton is indeed refusing to pay his federal taxes, shouldn't you be on HIS side,

in the same manner you're on Bundy's side? I mean, for the sake of not rendering yourself a fucking hypocrite?
And he needs to pay them....don't expect us to get our guns and set up sniper positions on his behalf.

You don't have to. Most of the media covers up for him. The Post is one of the few right leaning papers in the area.

Hmmmm...if Sharpton is indeed refusing to pay his federal taxes, shouldn't you be on HIS side,

in the same manner you're on Bundy's side? I mean, for the sake of not rendering yourself a fucking hypocrite?

I bet Sharpton would suck at picking cotton.
If you can't deal with the truth, marginalize it right?

What truth?

LBJ had some salty language.

He was also a southerner.

That doesn't make him a racist.

Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.

He was the Senator who lead the fillibuster against the Civil Rights Act.

But if LBJ wasnt a racist, then Bundy isn't either. Do you really believe that?

LBJ was President when the Civil Rights Act was passed. He signed it, he didn't filibuster it.

Even if LBJ opposed some civil rights initiatives in his past, he changed over time. Bundy hasn't.

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