All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

today the cows.....tomorrow The People....
This government isn't buying billions of rounds of AMMO for nothing...they KNOW something is about to happen...

the silence on this from the left is deafening....

if the Rs had done this you'd never hear the end of it....

isn't this ecoterrorism....? instead they call Bundy a domestic terrorist....

and where is PETA....? and all the other leftie protest groups.....?

i guess when lefties are in control of big government they all automatically fall dumbly in line...

There are at least 2 or 3 threads on Bundy's cows being killed.

Trying to change the subject from Bundy's remarks is pretty transparent.
so standing up against government abuse for one of our citizens means you love the person and now we are suppose to give a shit over anything he says

so pathetic

like I said, we can label libs as Bundy haters...go count the threads

The man certainly IS free to speak his mind, even if it reveals things WE may not like...however you are dead on and WE must be FOCUSED on what the Government is doing TO him and other land owners across this nation. PRIVATE Property rights mean ZERO to this Government.
Get the fuck over yourself and learn the facts. Prior to the land being owned by the BLM it was owned by the Paiute Indians. The truth is that the BLM was around before bundy squatted on that land. The fact that the BLM let him squat and did not flush his sorry ass then is their fault. bundy owns NOTHING! He claims he owns the land because he has illegally lived on it. If that is the case some homeless man who slept on a grate near the nationals capital could claim he owns the US Capital. He is on the land illegally and has not paid grazing fees for about 20 years. It is why he owes over a million dollars to the government. The bottom line is he is no better than a bum who is trying to get something for nothing by waving the flag and pretending he is a victim. Only someone who is completely ignorant of the situation, YOU FOR EXAMPLE, would try to make a hero out of this ignorant crook. He should be hauled off GOVERNMENT LAND, thrown in jail, and his ranch should be razed to the ground.
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I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

I don't know what Bundy is up to, but since the left wingers are going after him, I seem to recall the present occupant of the White House breaking bread with Bill Ayers and his wife who are un-repentant domestic terrorists and the left wing loons did not give a crap.

Your glass house is showing to say the least.
It isn't racist if it's true.

Gotta stop you right there.

Are you really trying to claim that it's true that "The Negro" is aborting their children because they never learned to pick cotton?

And you think it's true that they might be happier as slaves?

I'm very surprised at you, TK. This isn't about PC, this is straight up racism.

Well, it was Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenicists who instilled that type of attitude of black abortion in Americans of Bundy's age and upbringing. According to the CDC, black women were 3.7 times more likely to have an abortion, as of 2010. They accounted for almost a third of all abortions in the United States in 2009 (35.4%). Besides, white people picked cotton too. Surprised?

“The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety.” How can the “Dream” survive if we murder the children? Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother. The mother decides his or her fate.

-Martin Luther King

And yes, they would be happier as slaves. They cannot succeed here in an America where success is vilified. Nearly 15% of the black population is unemployed, and it gets worse by the month. It's more racist to tell them to take advantage of a government program that gets them nowhere, than it is to have them work in the fields. At least then, they would have been productive. Seriously. It is a crude analogy yes, but like I said, it isn't racist if it isn't true.

Oh, and if you think someone saying "Negro" is racist, then I guess MLK is racist too.

I suggest you and liberals elsewhere work to change that.

Where do you and others on the right come up with this idiocy, it’s truly bizarre.
so standing up against government abuse for one of our citizens means you love the person and now we are suppose to give a shit over anything he says

so pathetic

like I said, we can label libs as Bundy haters...go count the threads

The man certainly IS free to speak his mind, even if it reveals things WE may not like...however you are dead on and WE must be FOCUSED on what the Government is doing TO him and other land owners across this nation. PRIVATE Property rights mean ZERO to this Government.

What do you mean we?

You subscribe to each and everything Bundy says..
Bundy is getting the treatment reserved for Reagan, Palin and anyone who dares to hold Progressives accountable for their failure and devastation

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Who the fuck gave you the right to speak for unemployed black people? How the fuck do you know how they feel?

First of all, it isn't a matter of feeling, it's a matter of knowing. When they aren't productive members of society, being told they can't succeed without the government, just what are they then? Freedmen? And who gave you the right, to sit there and dictate their feelings for them? Did it ever occur to you that they should be feeling for themselves? Succeeding for themselves? How do you know how they feel? Please spare me your outrage.

Besides, I have a right to speak on whatever issues I wish.

Do you really not see how arrogant and racist it is to think that you know what's best for all black people?

Apparently, you as a social liberal, are doing the exact same thing. Don't presume my arrogance when you are equally as such. You may as well be equally as racist, acting as their presumed champion.

It's the same mindset that led to slavery in the first place - they're animals that don't know any better, until a white man like you comes along to tell them what they should do.
Doc, seriously. I am one quarter Native American, Cherokee to be precise. I am far from being a "white man." Moreover, I have more room to speak than you realize. In fact, you need to research the trail of tears before you lecture me about what "the white man" has done. But yeah, you apparently didn't know to whom you were addressing.

Funny thing too, we're fighting over a land rights issue... ironically, Native Americans were there first, for thousands of years prior. So many ironies in this issue it's mindblowing.

I'm aware. And at the time, they didn't offer abortions.

So, what's not to love about the name? The "American Birth Control League?" He mother died at age 50 from having 11 children. Eleven. She lashed out at the children and said "You caused this! Mother died because she had too many children."

So, yeah, the motives behind the American Birth Control League, were clear from the start.
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Does this mean it's okay to murder Cliven Bundy's cows now??????


Four of his cows being exhumed from a mass burial, killed by the BLM.

today the cows.....tomorrow The People....
This government isn't buying billions of rounds of AMMO for nothing...they KNOW something is about to happen...

Oh, please, pretty please, do tell us about the FEMA death camps that are being built!!!!

Pretty please. I love sci-fi stories!!!
This government isn't buying billions of rounds of AMMO for nothing...they KNOW something is about to happen...

the silence on this from the left is deafening....

if the Rs had done this you'd never hear the end of it....

isn't this ecoterrorism....? instead they call Bundy a domestic terrorist....

and where is PETA....? and all the other leftie protest groups.....?

i guess when lefties are in control of big government they all automatically fall dumbly in line...

There are at least 2 or 3 threads on Bundy's cows being killed.

Trying to change the subject from Bundy's remarks is pretty transparent.

just trying to put the lefty concern with Bundy's so-called 'racism' into perspective....
This government isn't buying billions of rounds of AMMO for nothing...they KNOW something is about to happen...

oh bejeezus :eusa_doh: You, katzndogz & kgrill keep trotting out that old tinfoil horse. You limp wrists better hope nothing happens. I started a thread about you keyboard warriors here:

So says a grazing sheep ON the Government Plantation:eusa_hand:

Feds Buy Two Billion Rounds of Ammunition

Go back to sleep'll be better off.
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the silence on this from the left is deafening....

if the Rs had done this you'd never hear the end of it....

isn't this ecoterrorism....? instead they call Bundy a domestic terrorist....

and where is PETA....? and all the other leftie protest groups.....?

i guess when lefties are in control of big government they all automatically fall dumbly in line...

There are at least 2 or 3 threads on Bundy's cows being killed.

Trying to change the subject from Bundy's remarks is pretty transparent.

just trying to put the lefty concern with Bundy's so-called 'racism' into perspective....
Don't worry of DOC...he's a Government Controlled SHEEP.
First of all, it isn't a matter of feeling, it's a matter of knowing. When they aren't productive members of society, being told they can't succeed without the government, just what are they then? Freedmen? And who gave you the right, to sit there and dictate their feelings for them? Did it ever occur to you that they should be feeling for themselves? Succeeding for themselves? How do you know how they feel? Please spare me your outrage.

Besides, I have a right to speak on whatever issues I wish.

You sure do. And you have the right to be racist, as well. Just as I have the right to call you, and Cliven Bundy out on it.

How do you "know" these things? Have you spent much time in ghettos, talking to black people?

No one is "told" they can't succeed without the government.

Apparently, you as a social liberal, are doing the exact same thing. Don't presume my arrogance when you are equally as such. You may as well be equally as racist, acting as their presumed champion.

I know I'm arrogant. But the rest of this statement doesn't make any sense. What "exact same thing" do you think I'm doing?

Doc, seriously. I am one quarter Native American, Cherokee to be precise. I am far from being a "white man." Moreover, I have more room to speak than you realize. In fact, you need to research the trail of tears before you lecture me about what "the white man" has done. But yeah, you apparently didn't know to whom you were addressing.

Whether or not you're 1/4 Cherokee, that doesn't make your statements any less "White Man's Burden" racist nonsense.

Funny thing too, we're fighting over a land rights issue... ironically, Native Americans were there first, for thousands of years prior. So many ironies in this issue it's mindblowing.

Actually, at this point we're not talking about the land rights issue. We're talking about whether or not it's racist to think that Black people were better off as slaves.

So, what's not to love about the name? The "American Birth Control League?" He mother died at age 50 from having 11 children. Eleven. She lashed out at the children and said "You caused this! Mother died because she had too many children."

So, yeah, the motives behind the American Birth Control League, were clear from the start.

Your entire rant about PP and Margaret Sanger has nothing to do with what we're talking about, I was just correcting a factual error in it.
Well, it was Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenicists who instilled that type of attitude of black abortion in Americans of Bundy's age and upbringing. Besides, white people picked cotton too. Surprised?

And yes, they would be happier as slaves. They cannot succeed here in an America where success is vilified. Nearly 15% of the black population is unemployed, and it gets worse by the month. It's more racist to tell them to take advantage of a government program that gets them nowhere, than it is to have them work in the fields. At least then, they would have been productive. Seriously. It is a crude analogy yes, but like I said, it isn't racist if it isn't true.

I suggest you and liberals elsewhere work to change that.

You know, I'm just going to assume that you're having a bad day.

First of all, Margaret Sanger was herself quite anti-abortion.

Secondly, whatever nonsensical rhetoric you're babbling about "success being vilified", you cannot possibly actually believe that any people would be happier as property. Rather, if you do, you're as racist as Bundy is.

The majority of "The Negro" in this country are in fact working, with families. The vast majority of them don't live in projects, and aren't on welfare. Most of them are, as you say, "productive".

First of all, Maragret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood

Second, I am having a great day. Its people here who are all up in arms because someone stated the absolute truth.

Thirdly, hey, they are better off slaves to one person than slaves to one government. You don't understand how demeaning it is to a black person when a government does everything to subsidize them but nothing to put them to work. At least they were working. That's one thing you fail to grasp, Doc. Unemployment among black teenagers, for example is at 38%, the overall black unemployment rate is upwards of 21%.

But nevermind the ones who are being kept in poverty.

You must finally have a job yourself or else you would never have said something so incredibly hypocritical and dishonest. Congrats. (wink wink)

But, there is nothing in that racist old welfare queen's statement that worthwhile.

You defend the indefensible.

And or those who are denying he said it, its on video. As is his LYING statement this afternoon where he just kept on digging his hole while trying desperately to say he didn't say what he said.

And educate yourself about Margaret Sanger.

dumbass little twerp
Gotta stop you right there.

Are you really trying to claim that it's true that "The Negro" is aborting their children because they never learned to pick cotton?

And you think it's true that they might be happier as slaves?

I'm very surprised at you, TK. This isn't about PC, this is straight up racism.

Well, it was Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenicists who instilled that type of attitude of black abortion in Americans of Bundy's age and upbringing. According to the CDC, black women were 3.7 times more likely to have an abortion, as of 2010. They accounted for almost a third of all abortions in the United States in 2009 (35.4%). Besides, white people picked cotton too. Surprised?

“The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety.” How can the “Dream” survive if we murder the children? Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother. The mother decides his or her fate.

-Martin Luther King

And yes, they would be happier as slaves. They cannot succeed here in an America where success is vilified. Nearly 15% of the black population is unemployed, and it gets worse by the month. It's more racist to tell them to take advantage of a government program that gets them nowhere, than it is to have them work in the fields. At least then, they would have been productive. Seriously. It is a crude analogy yes, but like I said, it isn't racist if it isn't true.

Oh, and if you think someone saying "Negro" is racist, then I guess MLK is racist too.

I suggest you and liberals elsewhere work to change that.

Where do you and others on the right come up with this idiocy, it’s truly bizarre.

It's a combination of ODS, with lots of just regular batshit crazy sprinkled into the mix.

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