All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Gotta love how Bundy is trolling FEDGOV and SJW's. They got their panties in a bunch lol.
nobody there is reliant on the gubbermint....they probably didn't even have to pay fees before the federal government annexed the land and started charging....

historically ranchers have grazed that area since the 1800s.......long before the EPA came along and started making up new rules...

Before the government annexed the land?
You mean when it was Mexico? 'cause the federal government has had control of this land from the moment it stopped being part of Mexico and started be the U.S.

Hable espanol??? You can ask them.

nobody there is reliant on the gubbermint

Good, then he'll do fine without all the free feed the taxpayers have been providing him with for 20 years.

When the State of Nevada became a State the Feds annexed or retained... or whatever you want to call it...a big part of Nevada....

Can you be any more misinformed? I doubt it.

The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave the land to the United States of America in in 1848.
Nevada became a state in 1864
Bundy should come out and tell it straight, America would be better off without the blacks or the poz.
Just when I think Bundy was wrong for making those comments, those black liberals go and make his point. How truly and utterly pathetic.

So this video that so conveniently hands live ammunition to cut-the-budget conservatives turns out to have essentially been produced by a white guy who works for a military-duds contractor. That makes it feel a lot less like honest ghetto self-satire — and a lot more like a deceptive James O’Keefe-style prank.

Of course, these videos are just flashes in the web’s restless brainpan. The real tragedy is that our national debate on food-assistance policy is still conducted as if nothing has changed since the days when Ronald Reagan railed at apocryphal welfare queens.

Feeding frenzy: Who's behind the unsavory food stamp parodies | Grist
Okay, let me set some things straight here.

1)What Bundy said was racist. Nor do I condone it. I have never been a racist in my life. In fact, I agreed with Rand Paul when he first condemned him.

2)To people who think I advocate slavery, I will never in my life condone the act of slavery. My grandmother's family gave room and board to black sharecroppers in the 1930's and 40's, they understood that all black men and women were just as human as they were. Slavery itself turns my stomach. But to me, the slavery of one era would have been preferable to the slavery of government subsidies. Even for me.

Now to address his statement.

But even still there is some validity to at least one part of Bundy's statement. A great deal of African Americans are are being subsidized by their government. They may or may not be working when they get these subsidies. The point here being is that they are being held back.

Working or no, it's still slavery. When you are working and barely making a living, coupling it with a subsidy, you are essentially a slave to your government. There may be no need to progress any further. When you're not working, and receiving a subsidy, you are enslaving yourself to government. Either way, they are being held down by the the weight of their own dependence.

Of course, Bundy's statement was bigoted and racist. It was way out of line, especially the "picking cotton" reference. But what people (namely the left) don't remember, or care to remember, is that Harry Reid made similar comments about Obama, and was forced to apologize. He referred to Obama in 2008 as a "light skinned African American" with "no Negro dialect." So, why all the outrage now? All I see here is one enormous double standard.

Once again. I will never condone slavery, whether it from the days of old, or from this government. I am proud that I am able to see people equally, instead of just 'black', 'white', 'gay' or 'straight.' I am proud of the fact that our country was able to see past such barbarous thinking, to understand that all men were in fact created equal.

Here's the "problem". Bundy made the statement as an old man. People MY age are used to calling blacks "colored" or "Negro". It's nothing unusual. I have heard it all my life and it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it does younger blacks and (apparently) white folks who suffer from perpetual "white guilt".

Bundy was merely acting like a man of his age. Funny - young "politically correct" white children are far more "offended" than I, a black man, who is 69 years old. Could Bundy have made a smarter choice of words? You bet. Because in this "environment" the left is slinking around, hunting and pecking for even the thinnest trip up so they can pounce.

Frankly, I am far more offended (as a man who has fought for this country, bled for this country and served this country for 22 years) by the statements of that worthless gutter trash Harry Reid and his dismissal of folks he "disagrees" with as "terrorists". The only "terrorist" in Nevada is Harry Reid.

Unlike democrats - I don't see racism on every corner nor do I use it as an excuse to attack in the way these "white folks" do - or our infamous "leaders" namely Sharpton (the useless) or Jackson (the worthless) race-baiting slime.

Moral of the story? Liberals are slime - always looking to defame and never holding their own to the same "standards" that they demand of conservatives. Shame on them and God help the United States.

The moral if the story is that knee-jerk conservatives mindlessly defended a free-loading racist nutter who was breaking the law and are now trying to deflect their embarrassment by blaming others.


So then, basically, what you are saying is that, if you are a conservative and make a stupid statement, that there is no redemption (guess I'm in big trouble). Yet, if you are on the left (and I could point to thousands of stupid comments - let's take Al Sharpton as an example) all is good.

OK. NOW we are getting somewhere. So, "Big Al" has the whole Tawaney Brawley thing, and it's's just a black man defending his "people" - a racist remark if ever there was one. Hell, it even made "Big Al the racist" even more of a headliner, landing him on that Bullshit network MSNBC where he spreads hate most every evening. Got it.

So now, I am beginning to understand the deal here. Lefty, Liberal Nazi gutter trash can say anything they want and there are no consequences but conservatives MUST be perfect every time.

You pussy liberals amaze me.
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Before the government annexed the land?
You mean when it was Mexico? 'cause the federal government has had control of this land from the moment it stopped being part of Mexico and started be the U.S.

Hable espanol??? You can ask them.

Good, then he'll do fine without all the free feed the taxpayers have been providing him with for 20 years.

When the State of Nevada became a State the Feds annexed or retained... or whatever you want to call it...a big part of Nevada....

Can you be any more misinformed? I doubt it.

The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave the land to the United States of America in in 1848.
Nevada became a state in 1864

and when Nevada became a state in 1864 the lands should have come under state jurisdiction...

go read my thread "Should the Federal Government Own Nevada ?"....
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When the State of Nevada became a State the Feds annexed or retained... or whatever you want to call it...a big part of Nevada....

Can you be any more misinformed? I doubt it.

The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave the land to the United States of America in in 1848.
Nevada became a state in 1864

and when Nevada became a state in 1864 the lands should have come under state jurisdiction...go read my thread "Should the Feds Own Nevada ?"....

" the lands should have come under state jurisdiction."

Your bit about when the feds got the land (originally you said they acquired it in 1993)
and about who got their first - feds or the State of Nevada
Has been shown to be full of shit. Why should I trust your word about what "should" have happened and why does it make any difference at all? I think I've read enough of your falsehoods here without going to the trouble of seeking out more. You are citing yourself as a reference???? Really?

Are you suggesting that Bundy himself has never acknowledged federal ownership of the land?
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Can you be any more misinformed? I doubt it.

The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave the land to the United States of America in in 1848.
Nevada became a state in 1864

and when Nevada became a state in 1864 the lands should have come under state jurisdiction...go read my thread "Should the Feds Own Nevada ?"....

" the lands should have come under state jurisdiction."

Your bit about when the feds got the land (originally you said they acquired it in 1993)
and about who got their first - feds or the State of Nevada
Has been shown to be full of shit. Why should I trust your word about what "should" have happened and why does it make any difference at all? I think I've read enough of your falsehoods here without going to the trouble of seeking out more. You are citing yourself as a reference???? Really?

Are you suggesting that Bundy himself has never acknowledged federal ownership of the land?

i think you're mixed up about what i've said...

in 1993 Bundy stopped paying grazing fees because he refused to acknowlege the new agreement about the tortoise that the EPS and the BLM decided to 'save' through micromanagement of the ranchers....although the tortoise and cows co-existed for centuries....(today they are euthanizing tortoises).....

basically they allowed Las Vegas developments to destroy tortoise habitats but the ranchers had to suck it up and limit their grazing to even things out for the tortoise and thus many went out of business...

what gives the Feds the right to pick and choose...?
Here's the "problem". Bundy made the statement as an old man. People MY age are used to calling blacks "colored" or "Negro". It's nothing unusual. I have heard it all my life and it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it does younger blacks and (apparently) white folks who suffer from perpetual "white guilt".

Bundy was merely acting like a man of his age. Funny - young "politically correct" white children are far more "offended" than I, a black man, who is 69 years old. Could Bundy have made a smarter choice of words? You bet. Because in this "environment" the left is slinking around, hunting and pecking for even the thinnest trip up so they can pounce.

Frankly, I am far more offended (as a man who has fought for this country, bled for this country and served this country for 22 years) by the statements of that worthless gutter trash Harry Reid and his dismissal of folks he "disagrees" with as "terrorists". The only "terrorist" in Nevada is Harry Reid.

Unlike democrats - I don't see racism on every corner nor do I use it as an excuse to attack in the way these "white folks" do - or our infamous "leaders" namely Sharpton (the useless) or Jackson (the worthless) race-baiting slime.

Moral of the story? Liberals are slime - always looking to defame and never holding their own to the same "standards" that they demand of conservatives. Shame on them and God help the United States.

The moral if the story is that knee-jerk conservatives mindlessly defended a free-loading racist nutter who was breaking the law and are now trying to deflect their embarrassment by blaming others.


So then, basically, what you are saying is that, if you are a conservative and make a stupid statement, that there is no redemption (guess I'm in big trouble). Yet, if you are on the left (and I could point to thousands of stupid comments - let's take Al Sharpton as an example) all is good.

OK. NOW we are getting somewhere. So, "Big Al" has the whole Tawaney Brawley thing, and it's's just a black man defending his "people" - a racist remark if ever there was one. Hell, it even made "Big Al the racist" even more of a headliner, landing him on that Bullshit network MSNBC where he spreads hate most every evening. Got it.

So now, I am beginning to understand the deal here. Lefty, Liberal Nazi gutter trash can say anything they want and there are no consequences but conservatives MUST be perfect every time.

You pussy liberals amaze me.

You mad, bro?
Here's the "problem". Bundy made the statement as an old man. People MY age are used to calling blacks "colored" or "Negro". It's nothing unusual. I have heard it all my life and it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it does younger blacks and (apparently) white folks who suffer from perpetual "white guilt".

Bundy was merely acting like a man of his age. Funny - young "politically correct" white children are far more "offended" than I, a black man, who is 69 years old. Could Bundy have made a smarter choice of words? You bet. Because in this "environment" the left is slinking around, hunting and pecking for even the thinnest trip up so they can pounce.

Frankly, I am far more offended (as a man who has fought for this country, bled for this country and served this country for 22 years) by the statements of that worthless gutter trash Harry Reid and his dismissal of folks he "disagrees" with as "terrorists". The only "terrorist" in Nevada is Harry Reid.

Unlike democrats - I don't see racism on every corner nor do I use it as an excuse to attack in the way these "white folks" do - or our infamous "leaders" namely Sharpton (the useless) or Jackson (the worthless) race-baiting slime.

Moral of the story? Liberals are slime - always looking to defame and never holding their own to the same "standards" that they demand of conservatives. Shame on them and God help the United States.

The moral if the story is that knee-jerk conservatives mindlessly defended a free-loading racist nutter who was breaking the law and are now trying to deflect their embarrassment by blaming others.


So then, basically, what you are saying is that, if you are a conservative and make a stupid statement, that there is no redemption (guess I'm in big trouble). Yet, if you are on the left (and I could point to thousands of stupid comments - let's take Al Sharpton as an example) all is good.

OK. NOW we are getting somewhere. So, "Big Al" has the whole Tawaney Brawley thing, and it's's just a black man defending his "people" - a racist remark if ever there was one. Hell, it even made "Big Al the racist" even more of a headliner, landing him on that Bullshit network MSNBC where he spreads hate most every evening. Got it.

So now, I am beginning to understand the deal here. Lefty, Liberal Nazi gutter trash can say anything they want and there are no consequences but conservatives MUST be perfect every time.

You pussy liberals amaze me.

clearly, you are far from beginning to understand anything.

you just ramble on.
i think you're mixed up about what i've said...

Nope - I'm aware of everything you've said here and about how you've tried to spin and backtrack when you've been proven to be in error.

I'm also very aware (apparently a lot more aware than you are) about the timeline of events (all the events - not just the ones the militia types try to cherry pick to grind their ax) of this issue.
i think you're mixed up about what i've said...

Nope - I'm aware of everything you've said here and about how you've tried to spin and backtrack when you've been proven to be in error.

I'm also very aware (apparently a lot more aware than you are) about the timeline of events (all the events - not just the ones the militia types try to cherry pick to grind their ax) of this issue.

you need to pick out something you can prove....instead of throwing shit at a wall and hoping something will stick...
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The moral if the story is that knee-jerk conservatives mindlessly defended a free-loading racist nutter who was breaking the law and are now trying to deflect their embarrassment by blaming others.


So then, basically, what you are saying is that, if you are a conservative and make a stupid statement, that there is no redemption (guess I'm in big trouble). Yet, if you are on the left (and I could point to thousands of stupid comments - let's take Al Sharpton as an example) all is good.

OK. NOW we are getting somewhere. So, "Big Al" has the whole Tawaney Brawley thing, and it's's just a black man defending his "people" - a racist remark if ever there was one. Hell, it even made "Big Al the racist" even more of a headliner, landing him on that Bullshit network MSNBC where he spreads hate most every evening. Got it.

So now, I am beginning to understand the deal here. Lefty, Liberal Nazi gutter trash can say anything they want and there are no consequences but conservatives MUST be perfect every time.

You pussy liberals amaze me.

You mad, bro?

Surely you jest, BRO. Not mad. Nazi's like you aren't men or women enough to make me "mad" - but you do concern me. And you concern me a great deal. This country is in deep doo doo from all sides and you liberal pussies seem to delight in it.

The last time that happened was the Bolsheviks. Trust me. don't try that again. your side WILL lose.

Have a nice day, Bro. :D
The moral if the story is that knee-jerk conservatives mindlessly defended a free-loading racist nutter who was breaking the law and are now trying to deflect their embarrassment by blaming others.


So then, basically, what you are saying is that, if you are a conservative and make a stupid statement, that there is no redemption (guess I'm in big trouble). Yet, if you are on the left (and I could point to thousands of stupid comments - let's take Al Sharpton as an example) all is good.

OK. NOW we are getting somewhere. So, "Big Al" has the whole Tawaney Brawley thing, and it's's just a black man defending his "people" - a racist remark if ever there was one. Hell, it even made "Big Al the racist" even more of a headliner, landing him on that Bullshit network MSNBC where he spreads hate most every evening. Got it.

So now, I am beginning to understand the deal here. Lefty, Liberal Nazi gutter trash can say anything they want and there are no consequences but conservatives MUST be perfect every time.

You pussy liberals amaze me.

clearly, you are far from beginning to understand anything.

you just ramble on.

Tell you what then Professor; Tell me where I'm "rambling on". Tell me how it's OK for your side to make ridiculous stupid statements yet it's wrong for anyone else to do it....

I'll be anxiously awaiting your well-thought and "reasoned" response.
So then, basically, what you are saying is that, if you are a conservative and make a stupid statement, that there is no redemption (guess I'm in big trouble). Yet, if you are on the left (and I could point to thousands of stupid comments - let's take Al Sharpton as an example) all is good.

OK. NOW we are getting somewhere. So, "Big Al" has the whole Tawaney Brawley thing, and it's's just a black man defending his "people" - a racist remark if ever there was one. Hell, it even made "Big Al the racist" even more of a headliner, landing him on that Bullshit network MSNBC where he spreads hate most every evening. Got it.

So now, I am beginning to understand the deal here. Lefty, Liberal Nazi gutter trash can say anything they want and there are no consequences but conservatives MUST be perfect every time.

You pussy liberals amaze me.

You mad, bro?

Surely you jest, BRO. Not mad. Nazi's like you aren't men or women enough to make me "mad" - but you do concern me. And you concern me a great deal. This country is in deep doo doo from all sides and you liberal pussies seem to delight in it.

The last time that happened was the Bolsheviks. Trust me. don't try that again. your side WILL lose.

Have a nice day, Bro. :D

Now you see, that's the difference between you and me. I wouldn't go around calling you a Nazi or Fascist just because your ideology is different. Funny that you called a Jew a Nazi, but ok, it's a free country and I am not going to get in the way of you making a complete ass of yourself. That's the beauty of the 1st amendment. You get to make yourself look like a fool, and I get to laugh at you for it. Great deal!

And always these veiled threats with you. Tsk, tsk. Yes, much anger inside of you.

Have you considered taking some meditation courses?
The moral if the story is that knee-jerk conservatives mindlessly defended a free-loading racist nutter who was breaking the law and are now trying to deflect their embarrassment by blaming others.


So then, basically, what you are saying is that, if you are a conservative and make a stupid statement, that there is no redemption (guess I'm in big trouble). Yet, if you are on the left (and I could point to thousands of stupid comments - let's take Al Sharpton as an example) all is good.

OK. NOW we are getting somewhere. So, "Big Al" has the whole Tawaney Brawley thing, and it's's just a black man defending his "people" - a racist remark if ever there was one. Hell, it even made "Big Al the racist" even more of a headliner, landing him on that Bullshit network MSNBC where he spreads hate most every evening. Got it.

So now, I am beginning to understand the deal here. Lefty, Liberal Nazi gutter trash can say anything they want and there are no consequences but conservatives MUST be perfect every time.

You pussy liberals amaze me.

clearly, you are far from beginning to understand anything.

you just ramble on.

He's mad. Or maybe just really tired.

So then, basically, what you are saying is that, if you are a conservative and make a stupid statement, that there is no redemption (guess I'm in big trouble). Yet, if you are on the left (and I could point to thousands of stupid comments - let's take Al Sharpton as an example) all is good.

OK. NOW we are getting somewhere. So, "Big Al" has the whole Tawaney Brawley thing, and it's's just a black man defending his "people" - a racist remark if ever there was one. Hell, it even made "Big Al the racist" even more of a headliner, landing him on that Bullshit network MSNBC where he spreads hate most every evening. Got it.

So now, I am beginning to understand the deal here. Lefty, Liberal Nazi gutter trash can say anything they want and there are no consequences but conservatives MUST be perfect every time.

You pussy liberals amaze me.

You mad, bro?

Surely you jest, BRO. Not mad. Nazi's like you aren't men or women enough to make me "mad" - but you do concern me. And you concern me a great deal. This country is in deep doo doo from all sides and you liberal pussies seem to delight in it.

The last time that happened was the Bolsheviks. Trust me. don't try that again. your side WILL lose.

Have a nice day, Bro. :D

Nazis huh?


[ame=]Cliven Bundy Neo Nazi Posse Comitatus - YouTube[/ame]
So then, basically, what you are saying is that, if you are a conservative and make a stupid statement, that there is no redemption (guess I'm in big trouble). Yet, if you are on the left (and I could point to thousands of stupid comments - let's take Al Sharpton as an example) all is good.

OK. NOW we are getting somewhere. So, "Big Al" has the whole Tawaney Brawley thing, and it's's just a black man defending his "people" - a racist remark if ever there was one. Hell, it even made "Big Al the racist" even more of a headliner, landing him on that Bullshit network MSNBC where he spreads hate most every evening. Got it.

So now, I am beginning to understand the deal here. Lefty, Liberal Nazi gutter trash can say anything they want and there are no consequences but conservatives MUST be perfect every time.

You pussy liberals amaze me.

clearly, you are far from beginning to understand anything.

you just ramble on.

Tell you what then Professor; Tell me where I'm "rambling on". Tell me how it's OK for your side to make ridiculous stupid statements yet it's wrong for anyone else to do it....

I'll be anxiously awaiting your well-thought and "reasoned" response.

your inferiority complex is acting out.

but i will tell you where you are rambling on. it is not hard to find. it is, for example, in the post to which i responded. you know, the one to toro, which had no reasonable connection to what he said. you did this earlier in this tread, too. and i saw you do it many times on this board. you just gurgle out some shit, and when called on it, you disappear.

now, the lesson is over.

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