All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

so, just so we're all on the same page -

the guy's an asshole and so are his supporters, right?

Thats all it has ever been

But now all of his rightwing supporters are headed for the hills

Except for the usual suspects on USMB.

There's a trap always set and ready to spring on those in the rightwing cult; it's their rule of never admit you were wrong.

We see rightwing nuts thrashing around in its grip almost every day.

As opposed to lefties, who can never even conceive that they could be wrong, they just assume the group-think is the truth and bleat on the same tired lies and falsehoods.
He isn't entitled to that option.

Again, the "goverment uber alles" crowd and their stomping party continues.

Hearing you cry about have no idea what a bonus that is.

Watching your side not go after people on the issues, but instead dig and go after personal stuff is the bonus for me here.

The added bonus is how much baggage you ignore for people on your own side. You have perfected the art of double-think, congratulations.
Thats all it has ever been

But now all of his rightwing supporters are headed for the hills

Except for the usual suspects on USMB.

There's a trap always set and ready to spring on those in the rightwing cult; it's their rule of never admit you were wrong.

We see rightwing nuts thrashing around in its grip almost every day.

As opposed to lefties, who can never even conceive that they could be wrong, they just assume the group-think is the truth and bleat on the same tired lies and falsehoods.

If you had any courage you'd live up to your bluster about how the Federal government doesn't exist, or doesn't hold any legitimate power,

and you'd refuse to pay your federal taxes.
GOP congressman Bishop and Chaffetz, Utah, in the Salt lake Tribune published today, distanced themselves from Bundy, his hateful rhetoric, and violence by the far right.
Again, the "goverment uber alles" crowd and their stomping party continues.

Hearing you cry about have no idea what a bonus that is.

Watching your side not go after people on the issues, but instead dig and go after personal stuff is the bonus for me here.

The added bonus is how much baggage you ignore for people on your own side. You have perfected the art of double-think, congratulations.

Comparing the legitimate constitutional authority of the federal government to Nazism makes you a fucking imbecile;

my pointing that out is directly related to the issue.
Except for the usual suspects on USMB.

There's a trap always set and ready to spring on those in the rightwing cult; it's their rule of never admit you were wrong.

We see rightwing nuts thrashing around in its grip almost every day.

As opposed to lefties, who can never even conceive that they could be wrong, they just assume the group-think is the truth and bleat on the same tired lies and falsehoods.

If you had any courage you'd live up to your bluster about how the Federal government doesn't exist, or doesn't hold any legitimate power,

and you'd refuse to pay your federal taxes.

Please find where I have said the federal government doesn't exist, or doesn't hold any legitimate power. If not, I an expect a retraction of your statement. Its funny you bleat on about not admitting being wrong, lets see if you can put up.

Belief in limited federal government via strict adherence to the constitution is not anarchy, nor is it extreme libertarianism. It is federalism pure and simple.
Hearing you cry about have no idea what a bonus that is.

Watching your side not go after people on the issues, but instead dig and go after personal stuff is the bonus for me here.

The added bonus is how much baggage you ignore for people on your own side. You have perfected the art of double-think, congratulations.

Comparing the legitimate constitutional authority of the federal government to Nazism makes you a fucking imbecile;

my pointing that out is directly related to the issue.

I'm comparing it to fascism in general, which is what the progressive statists here use as a role model, whether they admit to it or not.
What's funny is that in the 18th century paradise where only landholders could vote that a handful of extremist right wingers would like to bring back, this racist redneck would get a vote but a young educated person who was renting would not.

Funny you're calling a man for racist remarks, yet you don't hesitate to make bigoted remarks about other people, "racist redneck." Yes, he's racist, but when you call someone a redneck, aren't you stooping to his level? Or is that not as demeaning as calling someone a "negro?"

As I see it, people such as yourself have no high ground on this issue. All of self proclaimed champions of racial and social equality give me a hearty belly laugh. Drop the charade.
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Watching your side not go after people on the issues, but instead dig and go after personal stuff is the bonus for me here.

The added bonus is how much baggage you ignore for people on your own side. You have perfected the art of double-think, congratulations.

Comparing the legitimate constitutional authority of the federal government to Nazism makes you a fucking imbecile;

my pointing that out is directly related to the issue.

I'm comparing it to fascism in general, which is what the progressive statists here use as a role model, whether they admit to it or not.

"Its called Godwin(ing) it because you have run out of steam."

I put that in quotes because I'm quoting a USMB poster. Want to guess who I'm quoting?
GOP congressman Bishop and Chaffetz, Utah, in the Salt lake Tribune published today, distanced themselves from Bundy, his hateful rhetoric, and violence by the far right.

I can't wait to hear the campaign ads that are going to run with past quotes of praise from GOP'ers for Bundy,

followed by Bundy's cotton pickin' remarks.
What's funny is that in the 18th century paradise where only landholders could vote that a handful of extremist right wingers would like to bring back, this racist redneck would get a vote but a young educated person who was renting would not.

Funny you're calling a man for racist remarks, yet you don't hesitate to make bigoted remarks about other people, "racist redneck." Yes, he's racist, but when you call someone a redneck, aren't you stooping to his level? Or is that not as demeaning as calling someone a "negro?"

As I see it, people such as yourself have no high ground on this issue. All of self proclaimed champions of racial and social equality give me a hearty belly laugh. Drop the charade.

How high above sea level does one have to get to reach the high ground above those who want to bring back slavery for the good of the 'Negroes'?
What's funny is that in the 18th century paradise where only landholders could vote that a handful of extremist right wingers would like to bring back, this racist redneck would get a vote but a young educated person who was renting would not.

Funny you're calling a man for racist remarks, yet you don't hesitate to make bigoted remarks about other people, "racist redneck." Yes, he's racist, but when you call someone a redneck, aren't you stooping to his level? Or is that not as demeaning as calling someone a "negro?"

As I see it, people such as yourself have no high ground on this issue. All of self proclaimed champions of racial and social equality give me a hearty belly laugh. Drop the charade.

How high above sea level does one have to get to reach the high ground above those who want to bring back slavery for the good of the 'Negroes'?

as high as the breadth of one **** hair, i guess.
The white supremacist mentality of the Bundy's of the world is as old as this nation, at least:

"I take higher ground. I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good—a positive good...

I may say with truth, that in few countries so much is left to the share of the laborer, and so little exacted from him, or where there is more kind attention paid to him in sickness or infirmities of age. Compare his condition with the tenants of the poor houses in the more civilized portions of Europe—look at the sick, and the old and infirm slave, on one hand, in the midst of his family and friends, under the kind superintending care of his master and mistress, and compare it with the forlorn and wretched condition of the pauper in the poorhouse...

I hold then, that there never has yet existed a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not, in point of fact, live on the labor of the other."

John C. Calhoun 1838
Bundy took a hit like Rand Paul and anyone who dares to discuss the evil plans and goals of the Democrat Party

Conservatives need to keep being truthful that the Democrat Party is using taxpayer money to create a permanent underclass that owe their existence to Dems and accordingly, will keep Dems in power

It's not compassionate, it's evil
Bundy has had another press conference, and is now chewing on his other foot. Now he is talking about negroes raising chickens. I am shocked that he did not mention fried chicken and watermelons.

This is just too good to be true! I hope to hell that the checks are being mailed to him from the National Democratic Committee. I assume that he is on our payroll, because even republicans are not dumb enough to come up with this stuff!
Bundy has had another press conference, and is now chewing on his other foot. Now he is talking about negroes raising chickens. I am shocked that he did not mention fried chicken and watermelons.

This is just too good to be true! I hope to hell that the checks are being mailed to him from the National Democratic Committee. I assume that he is on our payroll, because even republicans are not dumb enough to come up with this stuff!

What? No shit?!?!? Which channel????
The white supremacist mentality of the Bundy's of the world is as old as this nation, at least:

"I take higher ground. I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good—a positive good...

I may say with truth, that in few countries so much is left to the share of the laborer, and so little exacted from him, or where there is more kind attention paid to him in sickness or infirmities of age. Compare his condition with the tenants of the poor houses in the more civilized portions of Europe—look at the sick, and the old and infirm slave, on one hand, in the midst of his family and friends, under the kind superintending care of his master and mistress, and compare it with the forlorn and wretched condition of the pauper in the poorhouse...

I hold then, that there never has yet existed a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not, in point of fact, live on the labor of the other."

John C. Calhoun 1838

yet the Feds are intent on taking away Bundy's source of labor....just creating another poor person...

how do you explain that...?

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