All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

The Feds owned the land before Nevada existed. And when Nevada was formed, the state ceded that land to the Feds, because Nevada didn't have the ability to maintain or develop it.

But, that happened in 1864. And we all know how a large part of the Republican Party is stilled pissed off about a lot of stuff that happened from 1861-1865.

Please explain how you "develop" hundreds of thousands of acres of acrid desert.

The Mafia developed Vegas and Reno. The rest of the state was (basically) a test site for nuclear weapons and military research facilities.

This "prime real estate" that we are talking about here is 110 degrees on an average day and can't support anything other than scorpions, rattlesnakes and a few cows. Oh, and of course this "rare" desert tortoise that the BLM is current killing off by the thousands.
The Feds owned the land before Nevada existed. And when Nevada was formed, the state ceded that land to the Feds, because Nevada didn't have the ability to maintain or develop it.

But, that happened in 1864. And we all know how a large part of the Republican Party is stilled pissed off about a lot of stuff that happened from 1861-1865.


Lincoln was a Republicans you Tool

Try Schoolhouse Rock
The sheer number of people casually talking about how they think being a slave is a fine thing leads me to believe that they are either completely ignorant of what that means, or they know damn well such a nightmare could never befall them, or both.

Probably both.

Or they are clinically insane.

....And exactly how long were YOU a "slave"? Difference between you and me? I have "slaves" in my heritage; so could you please explain to us, the great "unwashed", all about slavery from YOUR personal experience?

And no, I do NOT mean from some revisionist, liberals, white man's history book. I want YOU to share YOUR experiences.

We'll all be much better learning from your experiences..... :D
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?

Bundy didn't say that the were better off under slavery. He said he wondered if they were. I had no idea there were so many of you racist pricks that don't know a question from a statement.

I am an Engineer, loved math and hated english, but I do know what a question mark is.

The reason why so many conservatives are back peddling is because, in part, even asking the question demonstrates either overt racism or extraordinary ignorance and stupidity.

I'm not backtracking since this is the my first comment on the Bundy subject. I consider someone a racist if they think that black folks are inferior to white folks because of their race. I don't see that in Bundy's statement.
Now I haven't paid a lot of attention to this whole Bundy thing, because it's hyped by media and largely bullshit. The only other comment I recall making was:

I have to keep my opinion is reserve.

Bundy says he doesn't recognize the fed's authority.

Just because someone doesn't recognize it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

However the feds have a long history of abusing authority, and I'm inclined to believe this is another of those cases.

Now from what I've read of his recent "racist" comments I shouldn't be surprised about the stupid reaction from EVERYONE.

Are black people REALLY more free now than they were 160 years ago?

Are whites? Are any of us?

What is the difference between blacks held as chattle by a democrook aristocracy and forced to harvest resources, than EVERYONE held has a "human resource" by a republicrat aristocracy that intentionally deprives EVERYONE of the most simple rights laid out by the founders?

Are black people better off living in the conditions their leaders have led them to presently, than they would have been if their REPUBLICAN leader not been KILLED BY A DEMOCROOK KLANSMAN?

Not that I give a shit what the bed wetters say, but it seems pretty damn evident to me that if MLK had dodged the bullet and Jesse Jackass been hit instead, black people would be far more prosperous.

MLK was all about spirituality, he was a good man and loved ALL people. He wanted to elevate us all as a single race, not divide us into hyphenated groups and classes. Modern black "leaders" disgrace his legacy, and if the bed wetters in this country had a single synapse of independent thought...

This thread wouldn't exist

"" When equal opportunity laws failed to achieve this, King looked for other ways. In his book Where Do We Go From Here, he suggested that "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him, to equip him to compete on a just and equal basis." To do this he expressed support for quotas. In a 1968 Playboy interview, he said, “If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas.” Working through his Operation Breadbasket, King threatened boycotts of businesses that did not hire blacks in proportion to their population."

" King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can't Wait, he wrote,

No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law. "

"King of course was a great opponent of the free economy. In a speech in front of his staff in 1966 he said,

You can't talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can't talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You're really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth (remember Obama and Joe the Plumber?) and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism. "

Now how are Jackson and Sharpton's views any different than the above views and actions of Martin Luther King Jr.? :)
Bundy didn't say that the were better off under slavery. He said he wondered if they were. I had no idea there were so many of you racist pricks that don't know a question from a statement.

I am an Engineer, loved math and hated english, but I do know what a question mark is.

The reason why so many conservatives are back peddling is because, in part, even asking the question demonstrates either overt racism or extraordinary ignorance and stupidity.

I'm not backtracking since this is the my first comment on the Bundy subject. I consider someone a racist if they think that black folks are inferior to white folks because of their race. I don't see that in Bundy's statement.
Sure thing. I wonder if marriage was better when men beat their wives and couldn't be charged with rape? I wonder if parenthood was better when children were beaten with knotted ropes and whips? I wonder if young women were better sex partners when dad broke them in for us? I wonder if society was better when there was no legal abortion and you just killed the infants, or left them out in the cold to die, that you couldn't feed or care for?

Those are just questions right, questions like I wonder if black men were better off when they were property picking cotton all day?
The richest 1% of the population have made 95% of the financial gains during the economic recovery since Obama took office.

So yet again the white trash Republican Teabagger party is wrong when they call Obama a Marxist. Good job, stupid white trash Republican Teabagger party.
Come on, morons. Spin it so that Marxism means rich people getting richer. And then blame poor people on food stamps. Fucking morons.
CaféAuLait;8996680 said:
When this story first broke I was inclined to sympathize with Bundy. I was conscious of the reason for that and I believe the same reason accounts for why all or most of those who took Bundy's side were so inclined. That reason is either conscious or pre-conscious recollection of the Waco Massacre and the Ruby Ridge assault.

Were it not for those two examples of brazen federal oppression I would have had a more objective perception from the start and waited to learn more about the Bundy stand-off. As it is, having learned more about Bundy and why he's run afoul of the law I am not the least bit sympathetic with his situation. But I continue to harbor a profound resentment for the oppressive appearance of militarized police raiders, which is the fault of the federal government.

I don't know what level of authority was responsible for calling off the imminent raid on the Bundy property. But I compliment whoever had the good sense to do that because both the Waco and the Ruby Ridge debacles could have been avoided by assertion of the same kind of intelligent judgment.

It's funny, neither of those events came to my mind. I recalled the Dann sisters and their fight with BLM for the same reasons. I ended up reading about many more protesting just as Bundy and the Danns were, after his plight hit the news. That is all I saw, another person being treated poorly, assault rifles, helicopters, armed men taking away their living. Then the militias showed up and I believe that took away from his image as the little guy fighting the big guys.

But I compliment whoever had the good sense to do that because both the Waco and the Ruby Ridge debacles could have been avoided by assertion of the same kind of intelligent judgment.

the big difference between then and now

is the speed at which information gets out

in ruby ridge and waco the government

had the media by the short hairs

and the ability to spoon feed the public the propaganda

they wished to share

in bunkerville information went out and continued instantly
Of course you're right about the effect of media access. But rest assured if any shooting had started those federal goons would have sequestered the Press just as they did at Waco and the same kind of controlled distribution of information would have prevailed.
I have news for you boys and girls, Bundy is NOT a racist.

And you Libs who are gloating have a ton of crow to eat.

” and so what I’ve testified to ya’, I was in the WATTS riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen the last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people is thinking they did not have their freedom; they didn’t have these things, and they didn’t have them.

We’ve progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and sure don’t want to go back; we sure don’t want the colored people to go back to that point; we sure don’t want the Mexican people to go back to that point; and we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Let me tell.. talk to you about the Mexicans, and these are just things I know about the negroes. I want to tell you one more thing I know about the negro.

When I go, went, go to Las Vegas, North Las Vegas; and I would see these little government houses, and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids…. and there was always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. They didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for the kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for the young girls to do.

And because they were basically on government subsidy – so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never, they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered are they were better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things? Or are they better off under government subsidy?

You know they didn’t get more freedom, uh they got less freedom – they got less family life, and their happiness -you could see it in their faces- they were not happy sitting on that concrete sidewalk. Down there they was probably growing their turnips – so that’s all government, that’s not freedom.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know I understand that they come over here against our constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people – and I’ve worked side-by-side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structure than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people.

And we need to have those people join us and be with us…. not, not come to our party."

Intellectually honest people are able to see the broad questions and positions raised by both examples of Sherrod and Bundy. However, what’s more sad than the refusal to openly discuss the issues – is how quickly the conservative right is willing to throw Bundy to the wolves based solely on the New York Times and Media Matters opinion.

A progressive opinion intended purposefully to avoid that painful conversation the professional left constantly claim no-one is willing to have.

Cliven Bundy Controversial Remarks ? FULL CONTEXT VIDEO (With Transcript) | The Last Refuge

What bothers me more deeply than anything is how quickly the conservative right threw him under the bus - line... I agree with that statement. They did. It is my belief that most conservative right people are as worldly as they come and will flee from an innocent man in order to keep themselves from going down with him. It is a despicable thing to do, to join the opposition in slandering someone for being a racist when they are not.

Let me assure any doubters that had there been even a trace of racism in Bundy's past history they would have had it on the front pages faster than they did with Paula Deen yet no story.

Not one word.


Bundy has no history of racism.

At worst he may have poorly worded something - which is something all of us have done. Anyone who hasn't poorly worded something or been misunderstood before? Step up to the front line and you can throw the first rock at Clive Bundy... Otherwise? Drop it.

It surprised me as well, especially when not a few of them spout crap like "Blacks are on the Democrat plantation." and the other slave references they make about Black people. I would figure Bundy's remarks would be right up their alley, now they act so "aghast" about him basically saying the same things that they say day in and day out.

What a joke! :lol:
What bothers me more deeply than anything is how quickly the conservative right threw him under the bus - line... I agree with that statement. They did. It is my belief that most conservative right people are as worldly as they come and will flee from an innocent man in order to keep themselves from going down with him. It is a despicable thing to do, to join the opposition in slandering someone for being a racist when they are not.

Let me assure any doubters that had there been even a trace of racism in Bundy's past history they would have had it on the front pages faster than they did with Paula Deen yet no story.

Not one word.


Bundy has no history of racism.

At worst he may have poorly worded something - which is something all of us have done. Anyone who hasn't poorly worded something or been misunderstood before? Step up to the front line and you can throw the first rock at Clive Bundy... Otherwise? Drop it.

You have a white christian old south mentality

I'm from Brooklyn, New York - and a whole lot more street wise than you are, Guno. I'm a transplant to the South but once a New Yorker? Always a New Yorker, kiddo... :eusa_angel:

There are plenty of people from Brooklyn, Long Island, and Upstate who have a similar mentality. I'm from Long Island and am also a transplant to the South.
The richest 1% of the population have made 95% of the financial gains during the economic recovery since Obama took office.

So yet again the white trash Republican Teabagger party is wrong when they call Obama a Marxist. Good job, stupid white trash Republican Teabagger party.
Come on, morons. Spin it so that Marxism means rich people getting richer. And then blame poor people on food stamps. Fucking morons.

What part of the fact that the democrat leaders are the fucking super rich is confusing you?
It surprised me as well, especially when not a few of them spout crap like "Blacks are on the Democrat plantation." and the other slave references they make about Black people. I would figure Bundy's remarks would be right up their alley, now they act so "aghast" about him basically saying the same things that they say day in and day out.

What a joke! :lol:
They have trouble being honest about what they really believe, which is those stupid ******* don't know what's good for them.
The richest 1% of the population have made 95% of the financial gains during the economic recovery since Obama took office.

So yet again the white trash Republican Teabagger party is wrong when they call Obama a Marxist. Good job, stupid white trash Republican Teabagger party.
Come on, morons. Spin it so that Marxism means rich people getting richer. And then blame poor people on food stamps. Fucking morons.

What part of the fact that the democrat leaders are the fucking super rich is confusing you?
What part of the super-rich don't have party affiliation or national loyalty is confusing you?
I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.” cannot make this stuff up.



I agree.

Did you answer the question Bundy posed?

And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy?

Why? It's a fucked up question that no sane person of good-will should want to ask in the first place. It is just utterly batshit crazy. And the domain of rabid racists. :eusa_hand:
The Feds owned the land before Nevada existed. And when Nevada was formed, the state ceded that land to the Feds, because Nevada didn't have the ability to maintain or develop it.

But, that happened in 1864. And we all know how a large part of the Republican Party is stilled pissed off about a lot of stuff that happened from 1861-1865.


Lincoln was a Republicans you Tool

Try Schoolhouse Rock

Yes, indeed he was, and one of our finest Presidents, and he also quashed a number of rebellions including the Confederacy and the Dakota Wars and he also suspended the writ of habeas corpus.

Which means that were Lincoln president today, he would have crushed the Bundy uprising.

Thanks for your support.
The Feds owned the land before Nevada existed. And when Nevada was formed, the state ceded that land to the Feds, because Nevada didn't have the ability to maintain or develop it.

But, that happened in 1864. And we all know how a large part of the Republican Party is stilled pissed off about a lot of stuff that happened from 1861-1865.


Lincoln was a Republicans you Tool

Try Schoolhouse Rock

Yes, indeed he was, and one of our finest Presidents, and he also quashed a number of rebellions including the Confederacy and the Dakota Wars and he also suspended the writ of habeas corpus.

Which means that were Lincoln president today, he would have crushed the Bundy uprising.

Thanks for your support.
Unlike these little morons, but like the Founding Fathers, he believed in the Federal Government, and defended it and its holdings from insurrectionists, like Bundy.
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Bundy didn't say that the were better off under slavery. He said he wondered if they were. I had no idea there were so many of you racist pricks that don't know a question from a statement.

I am an Engineer, loved math and hated english, but I do know what a question mark is.

The reason why so many conservatives are back peddling is because, in part, even asking the question demonstrates either overt racism or extraordinary ignorance and stupidity.

I'm not backtracking since this is the my first comment on the Bundy subject. I consider someone a racist if they think that black folks are inferior to white folks because of their race. I don't see that in Bundy's statement.

because it's not there....

all a right winger has to do today is breathe some criticism about the black condition and the frothing-at-the-mouth commie lamestream media is all over him screaming 'racist'....

....ESPECIALLY when he points out that their libtard commie policies result in living conditions worse than living conditions under slavery....

....and ESPECIALLY when they want attention diverted away from the real topic....Big Government overreach stomping down on the little guy....
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The richest 1% of the population have made 95% of the financial gains during the economic recovery since Obama took office.

So yet again the white trash Republican Teabagger party is wrong when they call Obama a Marxist. Good job, stupid white trash Republican Teabagger party.
Come on, morons. Spin it so that Marxism means rich people getting richer. And then blame poor people on food stamps. Fucking morons.

What part of the fact that the democrat leaders are the fucking super rich is confusing you?
What part of the super-rich don't have party affiliation or national loyalty is confusing you?

The teaparty folk don't have part affiliation. And my mother is not a teabagger. Your the fucking moron, with your fagot nut sack in the face tea bagging sexual reference.
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