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All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Yeah, of course this asshole should have to pay whatever arbitrary "fees" some faceless bureaucrat standardized without question from some lowly rancher who's family has been there since before the US government accepted the statehood and declared itself the owner of the land.

Nevada became a state in 1864, Bundy told FOX News that his family moved to the area in the 1880s.

Conservatives think that 1880 was before 1864. This is why Conservatives were patriotic enough to bear arms against America.
The reason why so many conservatives are back peddling is because, in part, even asking the question demonstrates either overt racism or extraordinary ignorance and stupidity.

Do you know what's really missing from all this? George Zimmerman. I'm shocked, shocked! that he hasn't risen to the defense of his fellow racist.

But wait...there is a comparison.

Joe Scarborough on Thursday said that the prominent conservatives must be feeling "exposed" now that their anti-government hero Cliven Bundy was quoted wondering if African-Americans would be "better off as slaves."

“This has happened before. It happened when conservatives raced blindly to put their arms around George Zimmerman, a man who they didn’t realize who gets in all these troubles," Scarborough said. "Because they basically pick their friends based on who their friends’ ‘enemies’ are. In this case, you have a lot of people in conservative media have raced to this guy’s defense. And they must be feeling very exposed this morning

The host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" blasted conservatives who decided "to go blindly in to champion the cause of someone like this."

"There’s nothing conservative about this man," he said. "This is where nihilism against the federal government as the basis of your ideology gets you in trouble every time."

Nicely put.
Wow...this has turned into a "they should thank us for the nice boat ride over thread" I see. Right John Roberts, we are post racial. :rolleyes:

It is, frankly, shocking how very shallow you have to scratch the average knuckle dragging conservative poster here to get them to say something absolutely idiotic concerning race. I'll give you that.

Most conservatives are more like Mitt Romney than the rubbish you see here (thank goodness).

It's very telling Candyass that you completely ignored my rebuke of your last post and still had zero ethical reflexes against posting insipid drivel like this.
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?

Bundy didn't say that the were better off under slavery. He said he wondered if they were. I had no idea there were so many of you racist pricks that don't know a question from a statement.

I am an Engineer, loved math and hated english, but I do know what a question mark is.

The reason why so many conservatives are back peddling is because, in part, even asking the question demonstrates either overt racism or extraordinary ignorance and stupidity.

It could demonstrate both.
Wow...this has turned into a "they should thank us for the nice boat ride over thread" I see. Right John Roberts, we are post racial. :rolleyes:

It is, frankly, shocking how very shallow you have to scratch the average knuckle dragging conservative poster here to get them to say something absolutely idiotic concerning race. I'll give you that.

Most conservatives are more like Mitt Romney than the rubbish you see here (thank goodness).

yea, mitt Romney is the poster boy for conservatism. talk about clueless
Wow...this has turned into a "they should thank us for the nice boat ride over thread" I see. Right John Roberts, we are post racial. :rolleyes:

It is, frankly, shocking how very shallow you have to scratch the average knuckle dragging conservative poster here to get them to say something absolutely idiotic concerning race. I'll give you that.

Most conservatives are more like Mitt Romney than the rubbish you see here (thank goodness).

yea, mitt Romney is the poster boy for conservatism. talk about clueless

However, he himself claimed to be "severely Conservative". His words, not mine. Now, I'm not a Conservative, so I'm not gonna judge that. :D
Wow...this has turned into a "they should thank us for the nice boat ride over thread" I see. Right John Roberts, we are post racial. :rolleyes:

It is, frankly, shocking how very shallow you have to scratch the average knuckle dragging conservative poster here to get them to say something absolutely idiotic concerning race. I'll give you that.

Most conservatives are more like Mitt Romney than the rubbish you see here (thank goodness).

yea, mitt Romney is the poster boy for conservatism. talk about clueless

he wasn't.... until he sucked up to the rabid right so he could get through the primary.

then he was so far right, he couldn't get back.
So let's look at the views of Conservative America

The evil Gubmint offering programs that provide food and shelter, education, jobs programs, healthcare, employer incentives makes negroes into "slaves". Why anyone in this country who needs help is nothing more than a slave

What do Conservatives offer as an alternative? Picking Cotton
And scrubbing toilets! Which has the added benefit of killing the unions.
The GOP want to use poor children's labor to break more unions.

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What's it like being such a worthless piece of shit that you can't even get a job and instead sit around bitching at the people who fund your worthless life?
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It is, frankly, shocking how very shallow you have to scratch the average knuckle dragging conservative poster here to get them to say something absolutely idiotic concerning race. I'll give you that.

Most conservatives are more like Mitt Romney than the rubbish you see here (thank goodness).

yea, mitt Romney is the poster boy for conservatism. talk about clueless

he wasn't.... until he sucked up to the rabid right so he could get through the primary.

then he was so far right, he couldn't get back.

now lets talk abo Obama who campaigned against the patriot act, only to extend it. who campaigned against corporatism, deregulation, and the 1%, only to be the biggest corporate whore and continue to allow deregulation to be the game in town. Who campaigned against the evil lobbyists in Washington, vowing to do away with them, only to enlist their services and let them author his healthcare legislation
About the 1966 Comment in your signature -

People appreciate something in proportion to the amount they have to pay for it. If a man buys a rolex with his hard earned money he places it carefully on the table.

If he stole the watch he will not appreciate or care for the watch in the same way.

This is the reason some folks will rest their feet on a priceless desk and wonder what is the big deal?

They never worked for what they have. They don't get it.
What's it like being such a shitting worthless piece of shit that you can't even both to get a job and instead sit around bitching at the people who fund your worthless life?
You should tell us since no one would know from experience better than you!!!
Yes, we need to defeat liberals, no question. You can't reason with them so defeating them is the only option. I meant don't take those two idiot posters seriously, hurling accusations is all they do.

This is a battle of ideas, not of people. This is not a war, it is a debate.

You get way too personal about it and forget that we are all homo sapiens.

And it is EXACTLY this weakness that is generally the downfall of the Right.
What irony. Here's an asshole lefty throwing a personal insult and says they take it too personally.

That's the tactic of the left. Slander someone with their own shortcomings. You are obviously taking it personally, hence your derogatory remark to a specific person you disagree with. And wrong, it isn't an exchange of ideas, the only compromise the left offers is 100 percent capitulation to their demands. The left doesn't want a debate, they want their ideology enacted by legislation or judicial decree.

I didn't say to take up arms against them, I said we must defeat them, what did you think I was talking about?

I think a lot of people are starting too see it this way. For all the bullshit authoritarian shit we tolerated during the Bush regime in the sake of "combating terrorism" we lost our purpose as a people who are devoted to freedom.

These bed wetters love to harp on all the people who brought rifles to Bundy's ranch, but have they ever devoted themselves to a cause where they themselves might risk getting pricked by a cactus? They railed on our show of force against jihadist assholes who treat women worse than livestock, (and are willing to denounce me for pointing it out) and support authoritarian buearucrooks so long as their messiah controls them.

Somewhere along the lines I think we're supposed to take up arms against this, but I've watched too much TV.
So let's look at the views of Conservative America

The evil Gubmint offering programs that provide food and shelter, education, jobs programs, healthcare, employer incentives makes negroes into "slaves". Why anyone in this country who needs help is nothing more than a slave

What do Conservatives offer as an alternative? Picking Cotton

actually it more like accepting them as being equal human beings, understanding they are equally as capable as any other man of getting an education, embarking on a career and making their own way. and by realizing that the majority of black men and women are already doing this. the democratic way is to keep reminding them they are somehow lesser human beings and need the government to provide for them. if entitlement programs were truly helping hands, why aren't they helping? why aren't people getting out of poverty instead of more an more into it? why have these programs gone from the original concept of government created public service jobs for a paycheck to a program of collect your paycheck and do nothing?

progressives have taken a plan that actually did at one point add some value and turned it into an anchor for society.
David Horowitz was a democrat for most his life. He said the Democrats were in full control of the social services programs for inner cities, etc for past 100 years. He said the results can be seen in Detroit, Michigan. ( huge fail ) Horowitz said the agenda was never to help the black people but to keep them in their place. ( Democrat Byrd was a KKK clans man ) Who are the racists? Did you know Margaret Sanger - founder of planned parenthood - was a racist and that it was her plan to place planned parenthood clinics in low income black neighborhoods? She said black people were like weeds that needed to be removed... Sanger was a democrat.

According to a Black Marine who is being ignored by mainstream media this morning- he knows Clive Bundy and said he agrees with him and thought the same things himself. He said Clive Bundy isn't a racist. Something to consider for those who are willing to accept the truth once they hear it.

Good, let's look at the example of Detroit.

In the 1920-40s, Blacks left their wonderful lives share cropping and picking cotton like racist Bundy remembers so well. They flocked to places like Detroit because there were good paying jobs.
By the 1980s those jobs started to evaporate. Jobs moved overseas. The well off managed to move to other areas, low paid Blacks were not in that position. As everyone left Detroit, they were left behind. No jobs, no prospects. The evil government stepped in to give food and housing assistance but there were still no jobs
So who got the blame? The capitalists who abandoned Detroit or the government who supported those left behind ?

Who is to blame for the downfall of Detroit ? is that your question?

here's your answer----------------the UAW. Their wage and benefit demands destroyed that US auto industry and made imports a better deal for consumers.

Add the fact that Detroit has been run by democrats, liberals, and minorities for the last 60 years, and you have a recipe for disaster.

I was raised in Detroit in the 50s and 60s. It was a great booming city with a lot going for it. Then the democrats, unions, and liberals took over---------
Gee it couldn't possibly the corporate management who designed and built inefficient vehicles that broke down and rusted out and couldn't compete with reliable efficient cars from Toyota and Honda. No, it must be the unions who built what they were told to build. :cuckoo:
What's it like being such a shitting worthless piece of shit that you can't even both to get a job and instead sit around bitching at the people who fund your worthless life?

I'll tell you my friend, since we're both funding the salaries of fascist parasites who would have either starved to death in a gutter, or been killed by a pimp.

Oxygen thieves like this spend untold thousands of dollars to get through law school, in order to obtain jobs like this:

Valerina G. Walters's Salary | Government Employee Salaries | The Texas Tribune

They not only do NOTHING productive, but work to deprive people of their rights.
How can you be so callous? How do you sleep at night? How can you "think" that being 'subsidized' is any different than slavery? If you're 'subsidized' YOU OWE EVERYTHING to someone else. You OWN NOTHING. You ACHIEVE NOTHING. You have NO SENSE of self worth. You lost all motivation to enhance your lifestyle.

That right there "babe", is one of the biggest reasons I rejected liberalism.

A "subsidized" life is a life without purpose, without goals. I cannot fathom a more worthless existence, yet you're adamant about FORCING IT upon people.

I say it again...

How do you sleep at night?

If Clive Bundy was not paying fees for using government land, he was being subsidized.

Yeah, of course this asshole should have to pay whatever arbitrary "fees" some faceless bureaucrat standardized without question from some lowly rancher who's family has been there since before the US government accepted the statehood and declared itself the owner of the land.

That's only fair right?

Now that he can be declared a "racist" the feds can do anything they want to him now huh?
That faceless bureaucrat would be St Ronnie of Sagebrush.

If Clive Bundy was not paying fees for using government land, he was being subsidized.

Yeah, of course this asshole should have to pay whatever arbitrary "fees" some faceless bureaucrat standardized without question from some lowly rancher who's family has been there since before the US government accepted the statehood and declared itself the owner of the land.

That's only fair right?

Now that he can be declared a "racist" the feds can do anything they want to him now huh?
That faceless bureaucrat would be St Ronnie of Sagebrush.


Ya know..

Occasionally I "view posts" from bed wetters like this, and the train wreck still astounds me.

These morons are a liability.
That's the second biggest bag of horseshit you've ever posted, the first is in my signature, you commie tool!

This is the Soldier's Oath:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office - U.S. Army Center of Military History
You would know that if you really love America. Quote that in your signature.

Been there, done that back when Vietnam was NEW.... I now quote YOU, a subversive bastard, that I was fighting against then, and who my father fought against in WW II! I KNOW scum, when they post, and I've dispatched scum on the other side of the world, you are nothing compared to a hungry Viet Cong! ....Absolutely NOTHING!

Yes Sir! Me, too. 68-69. I 've recited that Oath for each and every enlistment and re-enlistment. I know it back forward and forward for 22 years. This clown should have been able to post it without looking it up.

Sort of makes you wonder about him. :mad:
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Yeah, of course this asshole should have to pay whatever arbitrary "fees" some faceless bureaucrat standardized without question from some lowly rancher who's family has been there since before the US government accepted the statehood and declared itself the owner of the land.

That's only fair right?

Now that he can be declared a "racist" the feds can do anything they want to him now huh?
That faceless bureaucrat would be St Ronnie of Sagebrush.


Ya know..

Occasionally I "view posts" from bed wetters like this, and the train wreck still astounds me.

These morons are a liability.

Indeed. Pillow biters is probably more appropriate, however.

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