All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

i know it hurts your ears when someone speaks out against big government

when you listen to unedited version he said no such thing

you are a useful tool

"We've progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and we sure don't want to go back. We sure don't want the colored people to go back to that point. We sure don't want these Mexican people to go back to that point. And we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way"


Government has enslaved that poor man and us all.

While he's driving in a car that's safety is verified by the government, engaging in free speech that's protected by the government on a road built by the government and is going to post the video on the internet developed by the doesn't look as if he is in chains or is starving.

Quite the contrary.

Why are our worst cities run by Democrats, for the last 30+ years?

10 Poorest Cities in America All Run BY DEMOCRATS


You folks and your lists.

They are generally pretty silly and for the most part?

This country has been under the doctrine of Milton Friedman since the 80s.
There's no reason we can't stay on topic and have an discussion free of the insults as someone else mentioned... can you imagine them calling each other names on a television debate?

It happens when people get so angry that they get personal and start attacking the messenger instead of the message, but in doing so, all they do is to hurt themselves, their reputation and the meaning of their own message.

C'est la vie...
Wow...this has turned into a "they should thank us for the nice boat ride over thread" I see. Right John Roberts, we are post racial. :rolleyes:

Great "thinking" C-****, did you come up with that regurgitated bullshit all by yourself?

Thanking us for the boat ride? No, I didn't come up with that. That was Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan that said that.

What? He's wrong?


Please.. Just once in your insignificant useless life... think...

Think about YOURSELF, because we all know bed wetters ONLY "think" ABOUT THEMSELVES.

You're in a village in Africa circa 1770 that has been overrun by a stronger tribe. Smell the burning homes, flesh and crops. Hear the screams of children and mothers. They've killed all those who resisted, the rest of you have been tied to each other and are being dragged to a place you've never been. If you made the journey there, and make the voyage across the ocean after you've been traded for rum who do you blame for your circumstance?

Me? Pat Buchanan? Bush?

You seem to ignore the fact that if portugese trades had not sold the ancestry of American slaves to western traders, their DNA would have either been consumed by wild animals or left to rot in place.

I'm not saying "you owe your 'lives' to" these sick nearly prehistoric assholes, but you for GODAMN SURE can't blame it on the rest of us.
There's no reason we can't stay on topic and have an discussion free of the insults as someone else mentioned... can you imagine them calling each other names on a television debate?

Why is it all of a sudden "insults" are taboo when bed wetters are decisively loosing the argument?

Did I miss one of Mr Alinsky's rules?
It doesn't matter how they got's what happened for centuries once they were.


Centuries since... 1590 at the fucking latest.

Lets go BACK FURTHER BABE... Do you mind if I call you babe? Not like I give a fuck of course.

OK Lets say just for giggles that slavery never existed before Columbus the protégé seafarer traveled west and ran into some islands. Then all of a sudden a shitload of arab jihadists who've been waging war across North Africa and everywhere else for Centuries suddenly realized there was a market for cheap labor. They then sold people who didn't die during their conquests to people who have NO FUCKING RELATIONSHIP TO ME PERIOD, to any bidder.

I'm supposed to feel guilt?

Child proof lids on Drano are the only reason you continue to steal oxygen from trees.

I'm sorry..

I forgot to address the other end of your stupidity.

"My People" arrived sometime before WW1. They had nothing to do with "what happened in the 'centuries once they were' actually here".

My "people" had been enslaved by Romans, Mongols, and Huns. Can I get fucking reparations? Fuck no. I don't even get a plate of spaghetti or any acknowledgement that "my people" are victims of shit that has no effect on my life as is.

Yet for some reason, black people are exonerated form everything they do wrong because of some shit that happened before any of us were born.
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You're both right. The average obozo acolytes remind me of this picture.
Yes, we need to defeat liberals, no question. You can't reason with them so defeating them is the only option. I meant don't take those two idiot posters seriously, hurling accusations is all they do.

This is a battle of ideas, not of people. This is not a war, it is a debate.

You get way too personal about it and forget that we are all homo sapiens.

And it is EXACTLY this weakness that is generally the downfall of the Right.
What irony. Here's an asshole lefty throwing a personal insult and says they take it too personally.

That's the tactic of the left. Slander someone with their own shortcomings. You are obviously taking it personally, hence your derogatory remark to a specific person you disagree with. And wrong, it isn't an exchange of ideas, the only compromise the left offers is 100 percent capitulation to their demands. The left doesn't want a debate, they want their ideology enacted by legislation or judicial decree.

I didn't say to take up arms against them, I said we must defeat them, what did you think I was talking about?
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?
I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.” cannot make this stuff up.



I agree.

Did you answer the question Bundy posed?

And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy?
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?

Bundy didn't say that the were better off under slavery. He said he wondered if they were. I had no idea there were so many of you racist pricks that don't know a question from a statement.

I am an Engineer, loved math and hated english, but I do know what a question mark is.
It's funny/sickening listening to the American Taliban talk about open, honest debates.

Cliven Bundy was in a debate for twenty years in court and he lost many times. That's why the BLM moved in to confiscate his cattle (not his land). That's when the American Taliban sent out a call to arms to redneck simpletons around the country to leave their jobs (like they had any) and drive to the Nevada desert to hide behind human shields to stop American law enforcement officers from enforcing American law.

How much of a clean debate were the American Talibaggers interested in when they were drawing beads on Federal agents from behind unarmed human shields?
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?

How can you be so callous? How do you sleep at night? How can you "think" that being 'subsidized' is any different than slavery? If you're 'subsidized' YOU OWE EVERYTHING to someone else. You OWN NOTHING. You ACHIEVE NOTHING. You have NO SENSE of self worth. You lost all motivation to enhance your lifestyle.

That right there "babe", is one of the biggest reasons I rejected liberalism.

A "subsidized" life is a life without purpose, without goals. I cannot fathom a more worthless existence, yet you're adamant about FORCING IT upon people.

I say it again...

How do you sleep at night?
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?

How can you be so callous? How do you sleep at night? How can you "think" that being 'subsidized' is any different than slavery? If you're 'subsidized' YOU OWE EVERYTHING to someone else. You OWN NOTHING. You ACHIEVE NOTHING. You have NO SENSE of self worth. You lost all motivation to enhance your lifestyle.

That right there "babe", is one of the biggest reasons I rejected liberalism.

A "subsidized" life is a life without purpose, without goals. I cannot fathom a more worthless existence, yet you're adamant about FORCING IT upon people.

I say it again...

How do you sleep at night?

If Clive Bundy was not paying fees for using government land, he was being subsidized.
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?

Bundy didn't say that the were better off under slavery. He said he wondered if they were. I had no idea there were so many of you racist pricks that don't know a question from a statement.

I am an Engineer, loved math and hated english, but I do know what a question mark is.

The reason why so many conservatives are back peddling is because, in part, even asking the question demonstrates either overt racism or extraordinary ignorance and stupidity.
Yes, we need to defeat liberals, no question. You can't reason with them so defeating them is the only option. I meant don't take those two idiot posters seriously, hurling accusations is all they do.

This is a battle of ideas, not of people. This is not a war, it is a debate.

You get way too personal about it and forget that we are all homo sapiens.

And it is EXACTLY this weakness that is generally the downfall of the Right.
What irony. Here's an asshole lefty throwing a personal insult and says they take it too personally.

That's the tactic of the left. Slander someone with their own shortcomings. You are obviously taking it personally, hence your derogatory remark to a specific person you disagree with. And wrong, it isn't an exchange of ideas, the only compromise the left offers is 100 percent capitulation to their demands. The left doesn't want a debate, they want their ideology enacted by legislation or judicial decree.

I didn't say to take up arms against them, I said we must defeat them, what did you think I was talking about?

Nope. I am laughing at you.
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?

How can you be so callous? How do you sleep at night? How can you "think" that being 'subsidized' is any different than slavery? If you're 'subsidized' YOU OWE EVERYTHING to someone else. You OWN NOTHING. You ACHIEVE NOTHING. You have NO SENSE of self worth. You lost all motivation to enhance your lifestyle.

That right there "babe", is one of the biggest reasons I rejected liberalism.

A "subsidized" life is a life without purpose, without goals. I cannot fathom a more worthless existence, yet you're adamant about FORCING IT upon people.

I say it again...

How do you sleep at night?

If Clive Bundy was not paying fees for using government land, he was being subsidized.

Yeah, of course this asshole should have to pay whatever arbitrary "fees" some faceless bureaucrat standardized without question from some lowly rancher who's family has been there since before the US government accepted the statehood and declared itself the owner of the land.

That's only fair right?

Now that he can be declared a "racist" the feds can do anything they want to him now huh?
Wow...this has turned into a "they should thank us for the nice boat ride over thread" I see. Right John Roberts, we are post racial. :rolleyes:

It is, frankly, shocking how very shallow you have to scratch the average knuckle dragging conservative poster here to get them to say something absolutely idiotic concerning race. I'll give you that.

Most conservatives are more like Mitt Romney than the rubbish you see here (thank goodness).
The reason why so many conservatives are back peddling is because, in part, even asking the question demonstrates either overt racism or extraordinary ignorance and stupidity.

Do you know what's really missing from all this? George Zimmerman. I'm shocked, shocked! that he hasn't risen to the defense of his fellow racist.

But wait...there is a comparison.

Joe Scarborough on Thursday said that the prominent conservatives must be feeling "exposed" now that their anti-government hero Cliven Bundy was quoted wondering if African-Americans would be "better off as slaves."

“This has happened before. It happened when conservatives raced blindly to put their arms around George Zimmerman, a man who they didn’t realize who gets in all these troubles," Scarborough said. "Because they basically pick their friends based on who their friends’ ‘enemies’ are. In this case, you have a lot of people in conservative media have raced to this guy’s defense. And they must be feeling very exposed this morning

The host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" blasted conservatives who decided "to go blindly in to champion the cause of someone like this."

"There’s nothing conservative about this man," he said. "This is where nihilism against the federal government as the basis of your ideology gets you in trouble every time."
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?

Bundy didn't say that the were better off under slavery. He said he wondered if they were. I had no idea there were so many of you racist pricks that don't know a question from a statement.

I am an Engineer, loved math and hated english, but I do know what a question mark is.

The reason why so many conservatives are back peddling is because, in part, even asking the question demonstrates either overt racism or extraordinary ignorance and stupidity.

Who the fuck is "back peddling"? It's not about Bundy the man, it's about the principle of government tyranny.

When do bed wetters back peddle from child molesters, crack heads and swindlers?

We have standards, you bed wetters don't.

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