All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

CaféAuLait;8996680 said:
When this story first broke I was inclined to sympathize with Bundy. I was conscious of the reason for that and I believe the same reason accounts for why all or most of those who took Bundy's side were so inclined. That reason is either conscious or pre-conscious recollection of the Waco Massacre and the Ruby Ridge assault.

Were it not for those two examples of brazen federal oppression I would have had a more objective perception from the start and waited to learn more about the Bundy stand-off. As it is, having learned more about Bundy and why he's run afoul of the law I am not the least bit sympathetic with his situation. But I continue to harbor a profound resentment for the oppressive appearance of militarized police raiders, which is the fault of the federal government.

I don't know what level of authority was responsible for calling off the imminent raid on the Bundy property. But I compliment whoever had the good sense to do that because both the Waco and the Ruby Ridge debacles could have been avoided by assertion of the same kind of intelligent judgment.

It's funny, neither of those events came to my mind. I recalled the Dann sisters and their fight with BLM for the same reasons. I ended up reading about many more protesting just as Bundy and the Danns were, after his plight hit the news. That is all I saw, another person being treated poorly, assault rifles, helicopters, armed men taking away their living. Then the militias showed up and I believe that took away from his image as the little guy fighting the big guys.

I think we need to do a better job investigating who those "militias" are. After all, most right wingers don't need to be bused in from New Jersey. And it wouldn't surprise me to see some revolutionary groups being subversive and pretending to support whatever politics is necessary at the time to stir up conflict.

You mean bed wetters might attempt to infiltrate groups they hate in order to embarrass them?

Where have we seen that before?

Liberals caught posing as Tea Partiers - National Conservative |
So let's look at the views of Conservative America

The evil Gubmint offering programs that provide food and shelter, education, jobs programs, healthcare, employer incentives makes negroes into "slaves". Why anyone in this country who needs help is nothing more than a slave

What do Conservatives offer as an alternative? Picking Cotton

David Horowitz was a democrat for most his life. He said the Democrats were in full control of the social services programs for inner cities, etc for past 100 years. He said the results can be seen in Detroit, Michigan. ( huge fail ) Horowitz said the agenda was never to help the black people but to keep them in their place. ( Democrat Byrd was a KKK clans man ) Who are the racists? Did you know Margaret Sanger - founder of planned parenthood - was a racist and that it was her plan to place planned parenthood clinics in low income black neighborhoods? She said black people were like weeds that needed to be removed... Sanger was a democrat.

According to a Black Marine who is being ignored by mainstream media this morning- he knows Clive Bundy and said he agrees with him and thought the same things himself. He said Clive Bundy isn't a racist. Something to consider for those who are willing to accept the truth once they hear it.
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So let's look at the views of Conservative America

The evil Gubmint offering programs that provide food and shelter, education, jobs programs, healthcare, employer incentives makes negroes into "slaves". Why anyone in this country who needs help is nothing more than a slave

What do Conservatives offer as an alternative? Picking Cotton

the underground railroad
I have news for you boys and girls, Bundy is NOT a racist.

And you Libs who are gloating have a ton of crow to eat.

” and so what I’ve testified to ya’, I was in the WATTS riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen the last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people is thinking they did not have their freedom; they didn’t have these things, and they didn’t have them.

We’ve progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and sure don’t want to go back; we sure don’t want the colored people to go back to that point; we sure don’t want the Mexican people to go back to that point; and we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Let me tell.. talk to you about the Mexicans, and these are just things I know about the negroes. I want to tell you one more thing I know about the negro.

When I go, went, go to Las Vegas, North Las Vegas; and I would see these little government houses, and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids…. and there was always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. They didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for the kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for the young girls to do.

And because they were basically on government subsidy – so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never, they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered are they were better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things? Or are they better off under government subsidy?

You know they didn’t get more freedom, uh they got less freedom – they got less family life, and their happiness -you could see it in their faces- they were not happy sitting on that concrete sidewalk. Down there they was probably growing their turnips – so that’s all government, that’s not freedom.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know I understand that they come over here against our constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people – and I’ve worked side-by-side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structure than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people.

And we need to have those people join us and be with us…. not, not come to our party."

Intellectually honest people are able to see the broad questions and positions raised by both examples of Sherrod and Bundy. However, what’s more sad than the refusal to openly discuss the issues – is how quickly the conservative right is willing to throw Bundy to the wolves based solely on the New York Times and Media Matters opinion.

A progressive opinion intended purposefully to avoid that painful conversation the professional left constantly claim no-one is willing to have.

Cliven Bundy Controversial Remarks ? FULL CONTEXT VIDEO (With Transcript) | The Last Refuge

What bothers me more deeply than anything is how quickly the conservative right threw him under the bus - line... I agree with that statement. They did. It is my belief that most conservative right people are as worldly as they come and will flee from an innocent man in order to keep themselves from going down with him. It is a despicable thing to do, to join the opposition in slandering someone for being a racist when they are not.

Let me assure any doubters that had there been even a trace of racism in Bundy's past history they would have had it on the front pages faster than they did with Paula Deen yet no story.

Not one word.


Bundy has no history of racism.

At worst he may have poorly worded something - which is something all of us have done. Anyone who hasn't poorly worded something or been misunderstood before? Step up to the front line and you can throw the first rock at Clive Bundy... Otherwise? Drop it.

You have a white christian old south mentality

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all make up our own laws? Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy has been doing that for 20 years, running his cattle on federal lands and refusing to pay the grazing fees that thousands of other ranchers do because he refuses to recognize the federal government’s ownership.

In fact, he says, he doesn't “recognize the United States government as even existing.” He argues that his family was on the land before the government was so he shouldn't have to pay, despite numerous court rulings saying he must.
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Bundy should have fought the govt in court and took it to the Supreme court. That is how it should have been handled. Not outside his ranch on television. He should have brought charges against Harry Reid and his son for using their power and position to attempt to use the fed govt. steal his land. That is what Bundy should have done.

To continue to accuse Bundy of being a racist right after we just had Eric Holder using the race card is over the top. The man has no history of racism. The good news is the conservatives who threw Bundy to the wolves? Those are the type of people who are not interested in anything but their own popularity. They wasted no time in slandering his name. It wasn't right. It still isn't right. I would not vote for a single one of them if I were any of you!
I have news for you boys and girls, Bundy is NOT a racist.

And you Libs who are gloating have a ton of crow to eat.

Cliven Bundy Controversial Remarks ? FULL CONTEXT VIDEO (With Transcript) | The Last Refuge

What bothers me more deeply than anything is how quickly the conservative right threw him under the bus - line... I agree with that statement. They did. It is my belief that most conservative right people are as worldly as they come and will flee from an innocent man in order to keep themselves from going down with him. It is a despicable thing to do, to join the opposition in slandering someone for being a racist when they are not.

Let me assure any doubters that had there been even a trace of racism in Bundy's past history they would have had it on the front pages faster than they did with Paula Deen yet no story.

Not one word.


Bundy has no history of racism.

At worst he may have poorly worded something - which is something all of us have done. Anyone who hasn't poorly worded something or been misunderstood before? Step up to the front line and you can throw the first rock at Clive Bundy... Otherwise? Drop it.

You have a white christian old south mentality

I'm from Brooklyn, New York - and a whole lot more street wise than you are, Guno. I'm a transplant to the South but once a New Yorker? Always a New Yorker, kiddo... :eusa_angel:
Just a question from us "knee jerk conservatives:"

Was it not you liberals knee jerking when you voted for Obama? Twice? Yes, I thought as much.

Um, no.

In 2008, I voted for McCain. But it wasn't an easy thing, given that I had just lost my job and took another one that only paid 80% and was a contract job. Plus my mortgage was underwater and my 401K lost half its value.

So I can really understand why people would vote for a Democrat when the Republicans made a mess of everything.

In 2012, the GOP ran a guy who expressed nothing but contempt for working people, who made his fortune looting companies and putting working folks out of jobs after looting their pension funds. Oh, yeah, and he thought he was wearing magic underwear and he was going to rule a planet in the afterlife. And he was the LEAST crazy person you had running.
Bundy is NOT a racist.

That you and others on the right are oblivious to the racism expressed by Bundy comes as no surprise.

And the racism Bundy exhibits is nothing new, it’s the same errant, inane nonsense we’ve heard from other conservatives: the canard that African-Americans are hapless ‘victims’ of the ‘welfare state,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
It’s the racism of ignorance and hate, where Bundy’s conservative apologists are complicit in that racism.

Then why are they still in the ghettos and large numbers of them are dropping out of high school?
They are still in the same situation as they were 50 years ago, when the programs to help them began.
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So let's look at the views of Conservative America

The evil Gubmint offering programs that provide food and shelter, education, jobs programs, healthcare, employer incentives makes negroes into "slaves". Why anyone in this country who needs help is nothing more than a slave

What do Conservatives offer as an alternative? Picking Cotton

and providing free grazing land to white supremacist armed loons.

I would really like to see some facts to that.
About the 1966 Comment in your signature -

People appreciate something in proportion to the amount they have to pay for it. If a man buys a rolex with his hard earned money he places it carefully on the table.

If he stole the watch he will not appreciate or care for the watch in the same way.

This is the reason some folks will rest their feet on a priceless desk and wonder what is the big deal?

They never worked for what they have. They don't get it.
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When this story first broke I was inclined to sympathize with Bundy. I was conscious of the reason for that and I believe the same reason accounts for why all or most of those who took Bundy's side were so inclined. That reason is either conscious or pre-conscious recollection of the Waco Massacre and the Ruby Ridge assault.

Were it not for those two examples of brazen federal oppression I would have had a more objective perception from the start and waited to learn more about the Bundy stand-off. As it is, having learned more about Bundy and why he's run afoul of the law I am not the least bit sympathetic with his situation. But I continue to harbor a profound resentment for the oppressive appearance of militarized police raiders, which is the fault of the federal government.

I don't know what level of authority was responsible for calling off the imminent raid on the Bundy property. But I compliment whoever had the good sense to do that because both the Waco and the Ruby Ridge debacles could have been avoided by assertion of the same kind of intelligent judgment.

I recall Waco very well.

I was a bed wetter myself at the time. Full of mindless pseudointellectual marxist drivel and delighted that Clinton replaced the neo-fascist GHW Bush and was going to usher in a new era of whatever nonsense I thought at the time was important. I was certain it would lead to a better country, and reverse what I thought was a domineering government increasingly militarizing itself against ordinary people.

Can anyone else recall when the thought of FBI agents resembled these guys? Dudes (and dudettes) with wind breaker jackets and simple handguns?


Now the thought of federal agents invokes images like this.



If you're comfortable with that, you're a neo-fascist tool. It was developments like that in society that made the transition from being an "idealistic and open minded" libtard, to a realistic and decisive conservative a little easier.

When I was a moonbat we rejected authority instinctively. We questioned those in power, and held them in a higher standard of behavior. We didn't want government to take things from the wealthy merely out of spite, but because we "thought" (or were programmed to "think") that a more equitable distribution would elevate people who were actually struggling to achieve something.

What a difference 20 years makes huh?

Now the reality is that those who are struggling, are largely struggling because of the limitations forced on them thanks to government. The "poor" aren't struggling to enhance their standard of living through their own efforts, they're demanding someone else steal from people and give the loot to them. They're not even willing to steal on their own behalf, they just vote for thieves.

Modern liberals not only no longer question authority, they protect it. They rail against those of us who demand accountability from those in power. They ridicule the standards of behavior we hold, unless it's a republicrat who's behavior is in question. A democrook can fuck interns who wind up "disappearing" and a bed wetter will find an excuse for it if they can't cover it up, but a republicrat caught tapping his foot in an airport shitter suddenly becomes the most reprehensible fudgepacker since Caligula.

We're supposed to take these assholes seriously?
So let's look at the views of Conservative America

The evil Gubmint offering programs that provide food and shelter, education, jobs programs, healthcare, employer incentives makes negroes into "slaves". Why anyone in this country who needs help is nothing more than a slave

What do Conservatives offer as an alternative? Picking Cotton

and providing free grazing land to white supremacist armed loons.

I would really like to see some facts to that.
Don't take them seriously. It's no different than toddlers smearing feces on walls.
Just a question from us "knee jerk conservatives:"

Was it not you liberals knee jerking when you voted for Obama? Twice? Yes, I thought as much.

Um, no.

In 2008, I voted for McCain. But it wasn't an easy thing, given that I had just lost my job and took another one that only paid 80% and was a contract job. Plus my mortgage was underwater and my 401K lost half its value.

So I can really understand why people would vote for a Democrat when the Republicans made a mess of everything.

In 2012, the GOP ran a guy who expressed nothing but contempt for working people, who made his fortune looting companies and putting working folks out of jobs after looting their pension funds. Oh, yeah, and he thought he was wearing magic underwear and he was going to rule a planet in the afterlife. And he was the LEAST crazy person you had running.

Both parties are responsible for the mess, liberalism is destroying this country, and both parties are guilty.

Its a shame that you bought the media lies about Romney (you and many others). Bain capital did not do what they told you, Mormons do not believe what the media told you.

Romney would have been a very good president and the country would be in much better shape today if you fools had not given the kenyan messiah 4 more years to "fundamentally change" it.
When this story first broke I was inclined to sympathize with Bundy. I was conscious of the reason for that and I believe the same reason accounts for why all or most of those who took Bundy's side were so inclined. That reason is either conscious or pre-conscious recollection of the Waco Massacre and the Ruby Ridge assault.

Were it not for those two examples of brazen federal oppression I would have had a more objective perception from the start and waited to learn more about the Bundy stand-off. As it is, having learned more about Bundy and why he's run afoul of the law I am not the least bit sympathetic with his situation. But I continue to harbor a profound resentment for the oppressive appearance of militarized police raiders, which is the fault of the federal government.

I don't know what level of authority was responsible for calling off the imminent raid on the Bundy property. But I compliment whoever had the good sense to do that because both the Waco and the Ruby Ridge debacles could have been avoided by assertion of the same kind of intelligent judgment.

I recall Waco very well.

I was a bed wetter myself at the time. Full of mindless pseudointellectual marxist drivel and delighted that Clinton replaced the neo-fascist GHW Bush and was going to usher in a new era of whatever nonsense I thought at the time was important. I was certain it would lead to a better country, and reverse what I thought was a domineering government increasingly militarizing itself against ordinary people.

Can anyone else recall when the thought of FBI agents resembled these guys? Dudes (and dudettes) with wind breaker jackets and simple handguns?


Now the thought of federal agents invokes images like this.



If you're comfortable with that, you're a neo-fascist tool. It was developments like that in society that made the transition from being an "idealistic and open minded" libtard, to a realistic and decisive conservative a little easier.

When I was a moonbat we rejected authority instinctively. We questioned those in power, and held them in a higher standard of behavior. We didn't want government to take things from the wealthy merely out of spite, but because we "thought" (or were programmed to "think") that a more equitable distribution would elevate people who were actually struggling to achieve something.

What a difference 20 years makes huh?

Now the reality is that those who are struggling, are largely struggling because of the limitations forced on them thanks to government. The "poor" aren't struggling to enhance their standard of living through their own efforts, they're demanding someone else steal from people and give the loot to them. They're not even willing to steal on their own behalf, they just vote for thieves.

Modern liberals not only no longer question authority, they protect it. They rail against those of us who demand accountability from those in power. They ridicule the standards of behavior we hold, unless it's a republicrat who's behavior is in question. A democrook can fuck interns who wind up "disappearing" and a bed wetter will find an excuse for it if they can't cover it up, but a republicrat caught tapping his foot in an airport shitter suddenly becomes the most reprehensible fudgepacker since Caligula.

We're supposed to take these assholes seriously?

take them very seriously
Bundy owed the govt grazing fees. He ignored the law. The govt should have put leins on his property, his cattle, his vehicles, etc. There was no need to send armed men onto his land and theaten violence.

the obama govt is responsible to blowing this whole thing out of proportion. It should have been a routine court action, not an armed conflict.

Whether Bundy is a racist or not has nothing to do with it. BTW, his black body guard says he is not a racist.
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Both parties are responsible for the mess, liberalism is destroying this country, and both parties are guilty.

Its a shame that you bought the media lies about Romney (you and many others). Bain capital did not do what they told you, Mormons do not believe what the media told you.

Romney would have been a very good president and the country would be in much better shape today if you fools had not given the kenyan messiah 4 more years to "fundamentally change" it.
To the left it's far more noble to take the peoples money and organize and redistribute it, while lining your own pockets than it is to create wealth. That message is different than when I was young when the American dream meant working hard and making a good living. Now the message is what the government can do for you. JFK would roll over in his grave.
Both parties are responsible for the mess, liberalism is destroying this country, and both parties are guilty.

Its a shame that you bought the media lies about Romney (you and many others). Bain capital did not do what they told you, Mormons do not believe what the media told you.

Romney would have been a very good president and the country would be in much better shape today if you fools had not given the kenyan messiah 4 more years to "fundamentally change" it.
To the left it's far more noble to take the peoples money and organize and redistribute it, while lining your own pockets than it is to create wealth. That message is different than when I was young when the American dream meant working hard and making a good living. Now the message is what the government can do for you. JFK would roll over in his grave.

and LBJ is dancing in his---------"I'll have the ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years"
So let's look at the views of Conservative America

The evil Gubmint offering programs that provide food and shelter, education, jobs programs, healthcare, employer incentives makes negroes into "slaves". Why anyone in this country who needs help is nothing more than a slave

What do Conservatives offer as an alternative? Picking Cotton

David Horowitz was a democrat for most his life. He said the Democrats were in full control of the social services programs for inner cities, etc for past 100 years. He said the results can be seen in Detroit, Michigan. ( huge fail ) Horowitz said the agenda was never to help the black people but to keep them in their place. ( Democrat Byrd was a KKK clans man ) Who are the racists? Did you know Margaret Sanger - founder of planned parenthood - was a racist and that it was her plan to place planned parenthood clinics in low income black neighborhoods? She said black people were like weeds that needed to be removed... Sanger was a democrat.

According to a Black Marine who is being ignored by mainstream media this morning- he knows Clive Bundy and said he agrees with him and thought the same things himself. He said Clive Bundy isn't a racist. Something to consider for those who are willing to accept the truth once they hear it.

Good, let's look at the example of Detroit.

In the 1920-40s, Blacks left their wonderful lives share cropping and picking cotton like racist Bundy remembers so well. They flocked to places like Detroit because there were good paying jobs.
By the 1980s those jobs started to evaporate. Jobs moved overseas. The well off managed to move to other areas, low paid Blacks were not in that position. As everyone left Detroit, they were left behind. No jobs, no prospects. The evil government stepped in to give food and housing assistance but there were still no jobs
So who got the blame? The capitalists who abandoned Detroit or the government who supported those left behind ?
So let's look at the views of Conservative America

The evil Gubmint offering programs that provide food and shelter, education, jobs programs, healthcare, employer incentives makes negroes into "slaves". Why anyone in this country who needs help is nothing more than a slave

What do Conservatives offer as an alternative? Picking Cotton

David Horowitz was a democrat for most his life. He said the Democrats were in full control of the social services programs for inner cities, etc for past 100 years. He said the results can be seen in Detroit, Michigan. ( huge fail ) Horowitz said the agenda was never to help the black people but to keep them in their place. ( Democrat Byrd was a KKK clans man ) Who are the racists? Did you know Margaret Sanger - founder of planned parenthood - was a racist and that it was her plan to place planned parenthood clinics in low income black neighborhoods? She said black people were like weeds that needed to be removed... Sanger was a democrat.

According to a Black Marine who is being ignored by mainstream media this morning- he knows Clive Bundy and said he agrees with him and thought the same things himself. He said Clive Bundy isn't a racist. Something to consider for those who are willing to accept the truth once they hear it.

Good, let's look at the example of Detroit.

In the 1920-40s, Blacks left their wonderful lives share cropping and picking cotton like racist Bundy remembers so well. They flocked to places like Detroit because there were good paying jobs.
By the 1980s those jobs started to evaporate. Jobs moved overseas. The well off managed to move to other areas, low paid Blacks were not in that position. As everyone left Detroit, they were left behind. No jobs, no prospects. The evil government stepped in to give food and housing assistance but there were still no jobs
So who got the blame? The capitalists who abandoned Detroit or the government who supported those left behind ?

Who is to blame for the downfall of Detroit ? is that your question?

here's your answer----------------the UAW. Their wage and benefit demands destroyed that US auto industry and made imports a better deal for consumers.

Add the fact that Detroit has been run by democrats, liberals, and minorities for the last 60 years, and you have a recipe for disaster.

I was raised in Detroit in the 50s and 60s. It was a great booming city with a lot going for it. Then the democrats, unions, and liberals took over---------

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