All You Have To Know About Obama

Synthaholic said:
I win again!

Yes. Win.

When you make a claim, then I ask you to give me evidence of that claim but you repeatedly refuse and deflect, that means that I won.

Please...You forgot to post
..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.
Synthaholic said:
I win again!

Yes. Win.

When you make a claim, then I ask you to give me evidence of that claim but you repeatedly refuse and deflect, that means that I won.

Please...You forgot to post
..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.
I'm not a cowardly wingnut - I stand by my statements, unlike you.

Yes - President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is the best president in 50 years.

Now you try to find some courage and list the $7 trillion you claim Obama has spent.

If you can't find the courage within yourself, ask a Liberal to borrow some.
Synthaholic said:
I win again!

Yes. Win.

When you make a claim, then I ask you to give me evidence of that claim but you repeatedly refuse and deflect, that means that I won.

Please...You forgot to post
..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.
I'm not a cowardly wingnut - I stand by my statements, unlike you.

Yes - President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is the best president in 50 years.

Now you try to find some courage and list the $7 trillion you claim Obama has spent.

If you can't find the courage within yourself, ask a Liberal to borrow some.

"Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009 Sales at U.S. retailers declined in December to wrap the weakest year since 2009, raising concern about the momentum in consumer spending heading into 2016. The 0.1 percent drop matched the median forecast of 84 economists surveyed by Bloomberg and followed a 0.4 percent gain in November, Commerce Department figures showed Friday in Washington. For all of 2015, purchases climbed 2.1 percent, the smallest advance of the current economic expansion."Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009

Know who took charge of the US economy in 2009?

There is no doubt that anyone reading your 'Location" will understand both how out of touch with reality you are, ....and how envious of me- that part's understandable.....but, just for icing on the cake, would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years

After reading the item above.... you want to crawl away from this?
....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.
What religion was Timothy McVeigh?

And why is it that whenever anyone starts a thread with "All you need to know" it just screams "I'm too stupid to see the bigger picture so i concentrate on one small thing and pretend its a microcosm of everything to stop my brain hurting"

McVeigh was a patsy and we know that he was still in the military at least until August of 1993...well past the Waco incident that allegedly pushed him to do this. OKC was the false flag precursor to 9/11 and your beloved corporate gubermint's fingerprints are all over that. You might say that I am an expert on the inside bombing job that was the Murrah building. If you have questions, I have the answers.

And this:

  1. McVeigh was neither conservative nor Christian. He was a self-proclaimed agnostic druggie who had been thrown out of the Michigan militia, and declared, “Science is my religion,” quoted in “American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing” (ReganBooks, 2001) written by Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck, staff reporters for the “Buffalo News” in New York.
McVeigh was an agent provocateur used by his handlers to infiltrate militia movements in an attempt to discredit it....nothing more or less. He was "chipped" and God only knows what type of MK-Ultra programming he was under but the background that we were told he had was a total lie. There was a lot of "gubermint" resentment after the Ruby Ridge incident. Randy Weaver was charged with some bullshit gun law after an undercover "gubermint" cop coerced him into selling him two rifles that had barrels cut off that were a half an inch too short.....and the ATF offered to drop the charges if he would inform on some militias that were setting up camp around where he lived...he told them to go fuck they tried to raid his farm and killed his son and wife in the process. His son was shot in the back and his wife was shot in the temple by a sniper as she held a 10 month old baby...and then they tried to lie their way out of it. People wonder why I utterly despise this corporate, fascist "gubermint" Probably because they have done nothing but read and listen to the utter bullshit being fed to them by the very same propaganda machines that passes for our media and it has only gotten worse since 1992.

Have you seen this?

"While myth and misinformation surrounds Nichols' possible connections to al Qaeda, the provable facts in the case are shocking enough in context, and perhaps compelling merely due to the sheer volume of the circumstances.

Although such connections have not yet been proven by a "smoking gun," the circumstantial case more that enough to support a serious investigation. Unlike many so-called "conspiracy theories," the question of whether al Qaeda had some degree of involvement with the Oklahoma City bombing seems well within the reach of a credible investigation.

The strongest evidence lies in a visit to the Philippines by Nichols from November 1994 through January 1995. While he and Timothy McVeigh were in the thick of planning the Oklahoma City bombing, Nichols simply stopped. He dropped everything and went to the Philippines, on a trip he believed was more dangerous than what he was doing in the U.S.
.... Yousef can be directly tied to a documented al Qaeda effort to recruit Gulf War veterans.

New stories appear every day detailing the infiltration of the United States by al Qaeda sleepers. Some lived in Texas and Arizona, others in Oklahoma. Some were white Christian males — including a National Guardsman who previously pursued ties with the militia movement. al Qaeda is now known to have recruited former U.S. servicemen, including Gulf War veterans like Timothy McVeigh, as first reported on this site."
Did Terry Nichols and Ramzi Yousef Meet? | | Terrorism news and analysis, investigative reports and exclusive documents | Edited by J.M. Berger, Al Qaeda terrorism expert documentary maker, author, special subjects include 9/11 Documents, Ali Mohamed, Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Oklahoma City Bombing, and more

"Former CIA Director James Woolsey also expresses skepticism that Timothy McVeigh, executed for the Oklahoma City bombing, and his accomplice Terry Nichols, sentenced to life in prison and awaiting further trial on murder charges, could have planned and executed this monstrous crime all by themselves."
Iraq Linked to 9-11 and Oklahoma City Bombing
I have no doubt that Nichols met with CIA operatives known as al qaeda in the Philippines because making an ANFO bomb isn't so simple as mixing fertilizer (ammonium nitrate), fuel oil and then constructing a timer. The problem with the official story is the fact that the ANFO bomb was very small and caused a small spike on the richter scale in Norman and Tulsa compared to the explosion that occurred 5 to 7 seconds later that actually cut out the mid-section of the Murrah building. People that were there and first responders that tried to expose the lies of the official story where either suicided like Terry Yeakley or were intimidated in to keeping their mouths shut. We already know that the FBI provided the materials for the Egyptian gentleman ( Emad Salem) to give to the people constructing the bomb in 1993 at the first WTC bombing...unbeknowst to the FBI, he was wired and was recording every interaction with them. It was a good move on his part because he could have been st up as one of the fall guys. The further down this rabbit hole I go and see how corrupt this corporate "gubermint" is and how they use fear to manipulate the public to keep us divided so that we never look at the man behind the curtain? The more I shake my head at how successful they have been. These are all lessons the Tavistock Institute taught the powers that be all the tricks of the trade when it comes to propaganda and fear-mongering in order to get the sheeple to agree to more survellience and surrendering of their God given rights in exchange for the very security that has been compromised by those that were sworn to protect is to weep.
Synthaholic said:
I win again!

Yes. Win.

When you make a claim, then I ask you to give me evidence of that claim but you repeatedly refuse and deflect, that means that I won.

Please...You forgot to post
..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.
I'm not a cowardly wingnut - I stand by my statements, unlike you.

Yes - President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is the best president in 50 years.

Now you try to find some courage and list the $7 trillion you claim Obama has spent.

If you can't find the courage within yourself, ask a Liberal to borrow some.

Barry is nothing but a compromised puppet and he wouldn't so much as fart after consuming a box of Ex-Lax unless his handlers on Wall Street said that he could....same boss, same as the old boss,. You are blinded by ideology and a belief that one bought off political party is better than the other bought off political party and there in lies the rub.....nothing has gotten better and nothing will get better until people figure out that the system has been rigged and the ones perpetuating this fraud are being paid millions upon millions of dollars along with many other perks to play "WWF". You should do some research into the CAFRs of the 185,000 subsidiaries of USA.INC...what you would find is that they are the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 companies with their off the books investments. America may be totally broke, but USA.INC brings in twice as much revenue as the entire America GNP is. Now you know why mega-corporations pay little to know tax....USA.INC owns them any way and they helped to support the offshoring of jobs to fatten their bottom line.

Every city, state, county has a second set of books that is basically kept hidden unless you know where to look. It tracks the investments and other enterprise ventures that are worth trillions that they set up and keep hidden in offshore that was skimmed off the top and this has been going on for 65 years...everything from the stock market to real estate and even invested internationally. Only 1/3 of "da gubermint's annual revenue is derived by taxes, fees and ticket violations of their acts, statutes and codes. The other 2/3rd comes from return investments. It is all a huge con and the lies and deception as to why the middle class is declining starts at the top. So tell me again how great the CEO of USA.INC is again??

When is PoliticalChic going to post Obama's $7 trillion in spending?

I suspect my 'Location' is not in any danger of ever being untrue.

And now for a reality check:

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "...annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama’s Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion

I win again!
Synthaholic said:
I win again!

Yes. Win.

When you make a claim, then I ask you to give me evidence of that claim but you repeatedly refuse and deflect, that means that I won.

Please...You forgot to post
..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.
I'm not a cowardly wingnut - I stand by my statements, unlike you.

Yes - President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is the best president in 50 years.

Now you try to find some courage and list the $7 trillion you claim Obama has spent.

If you can't find the courage within yourself, ask a Liberal to borrow some.

"Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009 Sales at U.S. retailers declined in December to wrap the weakest year since 2009, raising concern about the momentum in consumer spending heading into 2016. The 0.1 percent drop matched the median forecast of 84 economists surveyed by Bloomberg and followed a 0.4 percent gain in November, Commerce Department figures showed Friday in Washington. For all of 2015, purchases climbed 2.1 percent, the smallest advance of the current economic expansion."Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009

Know who took charge of the US economy in 2009?

There is no doubt that anyone reading your 'Location" will understand both how out of touch with reality you are, ....and how envious of me- that part's understandable.....but, just for icing on the cake, would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years

After reading the item above.... you want to crawl away from this?
....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.

That's a nice copy and paste. I can't see the figure 7 trillion in it anywhere.
Yes. Win.

When you make a claim, then I ask you to give me evidence of that claim but you repeatedly refuse and deflect, that means that I won.

Please...You forgot to post
..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.
I'm not a cowardly wingnut - I stand by my statements, unlike you.

Yes - President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is the best president in 50 years.

Now you try to find some courage and list the $7 trillion you claim Obama has spent.

If you can't find the courage within yourself, ask a Liberal to borrow some.

"Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009 Sales at U.S. retailers declined in December to wrap the weakest year since 2009, raising concern about the momentum in consumer spending heading into 2016. The 0.1 percent drop matched the median forecast of 84 economists surveyed by Bloomberg and followed a 0.4 percent gain in November, Commerce Department figures showed Friday in Washington. For all of 2015, purchases climbed 2.1 percent, the smallest advance of the current economic expansion."Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009

Know who took charge of the US economy in 2009?

There is no doubt that anyone reading your 'Location" will understand both how out of touch with reality you are, ....and how envious of me- that part's understandable.....but, just for icing on the cake, would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years

After reading the item above.... you want to crawl away from this?
....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.

That's a nice copy and paste. I can't see the figure 7 trillion in it anywhere.

Are you here to admit you were shown to be a liar the last two days???

Confession is good for he soul!
Yes. Win.

When you make a claim, then I ask you to give me evidence of that claim but you repeatedly refuse and deflect, that means that I won.

Please...You forgot to post
..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.
I'm not a cowardly wingnut - I stand by my statements, unlike you.

Yes - President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is the best president in 50 years.

Now you try to find some courage and list the $7 trillion you claim Obama has spent.

If you can't find the courage within yourself, ask a Liberal to borrow some.

"Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009 Sales at U.S. retailers declined in December to wrap the weakest year since 2009, raising concern about the momentum in consumer spending heading into 2016. The 0.1 percent drop matched the median forecast of 84 economists surveyed by Bloomberg and followed a 0.4 percent gain in November, Commerce Department figures showed Friday in Washington. For all of 2015, purchases climbed 2.1 percent, the smallest advance of the current economic expansion."Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009

Know who took charge of the US economy in 2009?

There is no doubt that anyone reading your 'Location" will understand both how out of touch with reality you are, ....and how envious of me- that part's understandable.....but, just for icing on the cake, would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years

After reading the item above.... you want to crawl away from this?
....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.

That's a nice copy and paste. I can't see the figure 7 trillion in it anywhere.

Are you here to admit you were shown to be a liar the last two days???

Confession is good for he soul!

Still no 7 trillion in that post either. Or any mention at all of the evidence I posted about a claim being refuted as being of unsound information because the obscure wording of a poll. Not that I expect any less from a fascist.
When is PoliticalChic going to post Obama's $7 trillion in spending?

I suspect my 'Location' is not in any danger of ever being untrue.

And now for a reality check:

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "...annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama’s Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion

I win again!

Prove me wrong, ya little douche....I know more, understand more than you could possibly wrap your little mind around. It appears to me that you are nothing but an uninformed shill that lacks any ability for critical thinking.
Also, it is pretty customary to state your point, or conclusion, then set out to justify it, disclosing premises and assumptions.

Your advice notwithstanding, she does make points and states her conclusions quite plainly. I read her posts regularly and I don't seem to have the same problems you do. I don't see why she infuriates you so.

As far as what's customary, you don't get to dictate how she writes or presents her posts. It's become quite clear to me your disdain for her, and that you could have just as easily not commented on this thread for that reason.
Why does our pure, Jesus embracing PolyChink write in such a disjointed, abbreviated matter? Is it stylistic? Symbolic? Most likely it is none of the above. Rather, it is reflective of a faulty intellect. Based upon merely the manner in which you attempt to communicate one may fairly impute to you characteristics not uncommon too slow adults, to wit: retarded communication skills, low IQ, simple mindedness, and emotional immaturity. I think that I kind of, on some level, feel sorry for you.

As for this lively, yet hateful rejoinder

You have no argument to set against hers. You accuse her of quoting out of context without being able to provide the proper contexts of the quotes as you saw it. Instead you chose to come here to berate her, not once bothering to comment on the subject matter of the thread. I feel sorry for people who flaunt their supposed intellectual superiority in front of others, and then betray such by calling people stupid. You remind me of a polite version of Donald Trump.
Best president in over 50 years

The sheer stupidity of this assertion speaks for itself. Reagan is by far the best president in the past 50 years.

Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse

Yeah, and the 90+ million people not in the workforce attests to how well his rescue effort went.

Killed America's Enemy #1

With the help of 7 years worth of intelligence gathered under the Bush Administration.

Won 2 landslide elections
Those elections were by far not landslides.

Obama won by 7 points in 2008, and garnered 365 electoral votes.

Whereas in comparison, in 1980 Reagan beat Carter by 9 points and garnered 489 electoral votes.

Obama won by 3.9 points in 2012, garnering 332 electoral votes.

Whereas in comparison, Reagan in 1984 beat Mondale by 18 points and garnered 525 electoral votes.

Know your role, foo'

Prevented Iran from amassing nuclear weapons


U.S. confirms Iran tested nuclear-capable ballistic missile

Corruption-free administration, compared to Reagan's most corrupt.

Once again, no.

Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against Obama for 12th and 13th Time Since 2012, by John Fund, National Review

Restored respect for America globally

As of 2013, no.

BBC Poll: Attitudes towards Countries
Best president in over 50 years

The sheer stupidity of this assertion speaks for itself. Reagan is by far the best president in the past 50 years.

Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse

Yeah, and the 90+ million people not in the workforce attests to how well his rescue effort went.

Killed America's Enemy #1

With the help of 7 years worth of intelligence gathered under the Bush Administration.

Won 2 landslide elections
Those elections were by far not landslides.

Obama won by 7 points in 2008, and garnered 365 electoral votes.

Whereas in comparison, in 1980 Reagan beat Carter by 9 points and garnered 489 electoral votes.

Obama won by 3.9 points in 2012, garnering 332 electoral votes.

Whereas in comparison, Reagan in 1984 beat Mondale by 18 points and garnered 525 electoral votes.

Know your role, foo'

Prevented Iran from amassing nuclear weapons


U.S. confirms Iran tested nuclear-capable ballistic missile

Corruption-free administration, compared to Reagan's most corrupt.

Once again, no.

Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against Obama for 12th and 13th Time Since 2012, by John Fund, National Review

Restored respect for America globally

As of 2013, no.

BBC Poll: Attitudes towards Countries

Shut the fuck up fatso. Bush lied us into a war that got 4500 American lives flushed down the toilet.

Anyone who defends Bush deserves to join them.

Given that I stated that all religions could be enterpreted any way that someone wants by picking and choosing quotes and then asked was the subject being changed beacuse politicalchic was just sitting on a copy and paste list and just itching to post it you'd have thing the message sunk in? But no, the many point bore-fest still came spamming with a stupid triumphalist message.

Politicalchic doesn't understand human interaction, you can't converse with someone who doesn't know how to converse just like you can't play chess with someone who doesn't know how to move the pieces.

I've revealed you to be both a liar and a, this is along the lines of thrashing a terminated equus.....

...but....if you really believe "all religions could be enterpreted (sic) any way that someone wants by picking and choosing quotes"....

....let's see polls among Jews and Christians similar to these:

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Zogby Poll: Most Americans Want Strengths and Weaknesses of Darwinism Taught In Schools(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

*much more here:

Muslim Opinion Polls

Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls

Still, we need only look to the many pollsto affirm the alarmingly high percentages of Muslims (hundreds-of-millions in number) who seek, through the most violent means imaginable, Islamic world domination. Again, here are but a few:

· 83 percent of Palestinian Muslims, 62 percent of Jordanians and 61 percent of Egyptians approve of jihadist attacks on Americans. World Public Opinion Poll(2009).

· 1.5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, about half their total population. ICM (Mirror)Poll 2015.

· Two-thirds of Palestinians support the stabbing of Israeli civilians. Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research(2015).

· 38.6 percent of Western Muslims believe 9/11 attacks were justified. Gallup(2011).

· 45 percent of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent “mainstream Islam.” BBC Radio(2015).

· 38 percent of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct. (Forty-three percent disagree.) The Polling CompanyCSP Poll (2015).

· One-third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam. Center for Social Cohesion(Wikileaks cable).

· 78 percent of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons. NOP Research.

· 80 percent of young Dutch Muslims see nothing wrong with holy war against non-believers. Most verbalized support for pro-Islamic State fighters. Motivaction Survey(2014).

· Nearly one-third of Muslim-Americans agree that violence against those who insult Muhammad or the Quran is acceptable. The Polling CompanyCSP Poll (2015).

· 68 percent of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam. NOP Research.

· 51 percent of Muslim-Americans say that Muslims should have the choice of being judged by Shariah courts rather than courts of the United States (only 39 percent disagree).The Polling CompanyCSP Poll (2015).

· 81 percent of Muslim respondents support the Islamic State (ISIS). Al-Jazeerapoll (2015).

Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster and the moderate Muslim: Even as we hear of the occasional sighting, most reasonable people remain skeptical as to whether, in reality, these mysterious creatures even exist.

Matt Barber - Myth of the ‘Moderate Muslim’

Remind us. Do you support violent action in defense of Christianity?
Best president in over 50 years

The sheer stupidity of this assertion speaks for itself. Reagan is by far the best president in the past 50 years.

Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse

Yeah, and the 90+ million people not in the workforce attests to how well his rescue effort went.

Killed America's Enemy #1

With the help of 7 years worth of intelligence gathered under the Bush Administration.

Won 2 landslide elections
Those elections were by far not landslides.

Obama won by 7 points in 2008, and garnered 365 electoral votes.

Whereas in comparison, in 1980 Reagan beat Carter by 9 points and garnered 489 electoral votes.

Obama won by 3.9 points in 2012, garnering 332 electoral votes.

Whereas in comparison, Reagan in 1984 beat Mondale by 18 points and garnered 525 electoral votes.

Know your role, foo'

Prevented Iran from amassing nuclear weapons


U.S. confirms Iran tested nuclear-capable ballistic missile

Corruption-free administration, compared to Reagan's most corrupt.

Once again, no.

Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against Obama for 12th and 13th Time Since 2012, by John Fund, National Review

Restored respect for America globally

As of 2013, no.

BBC Poll: Attitudes towards Countries

Shut the fuck up fatso. Bush lied us into a war that got 4500 American lives flushed down the toilet.

Anyone who defends Bush deserves to join them.

While I share your disdain about the Bush crime family? The leftard clown posse never held his feet to the fire nor did they investigate the events of 9/11/01 and FURTHERMORE, the Barrypuppet admin put the Patriot Act on steroids. They put the Fast and Furious program in place in a lame attempt to place the blame for escalated drug induced gun violence on gun owners in order to attempt to put in place more draconian gun control acts, statutes and STFU, punkinpuss....if you support the Barrrypuppet, you are no better than anyone that supports the a problem with that? Bring it on...I will KICK your ass up one side and down the other.

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