Allan West not black

West is like some of the blacks that would fight with their slave masters on the confederate side in the civil war. He knows his place to obey his white slave owners, the GOP.
He just doesn't fit the Democratic profile of a black man. No party has a monopoly on racism, I have met many racist Democrats that think they are superior to black people and the black need to realize how much they need Democrats and they are lucky to get the support of Democrats.
West is like some of the blacks that would fight with their slave masters on the confederate side in the civil war. He knows his place to obey his white slave owners, the GOP.

Yea yea, except the democrats and progressives have always held the black man down, first with slavery, then jim crow, then government programs, Have you ever wondered why other groups dont need them, yet blacks do and blacks vote democrat by far the biggest margin, as well as almost all black local leaders are democrats and those cities usually suck ass.

In essence they traded cotton for votes.
West is like some of the blacks that would fight with their slave masters on the confederate side in the civil war. He knows his place to obey his white slave owners, the GOP.

In other words, and "Uncle Tom". Another racist label.

Another case of racism from the dems that they somehow believe is the opposite of racism.

And then they tell us that the right is really where all the bigotry is....
Another case of racism from the dems that they somehow believe is the opposite of racism.

And then they tell us that the right is really where all the bigotry is....

Pretty funny how they live in denial.
West is like some of the blacks that would fight with their slave masters on the confederate side in the civil war. He knows his place to obey his white slave owners, the GOP.

What a slanderous lie and I think you should prove that or retract it.
I am so proud that this time I get to vote the man back into office even after the liberals and establishment republicans tried to use underhanded practices to drive him out.
'“Mr. West is not only not representative of the African-American community or of the Republican Party, let alone of the American public. So what he says really is of little or no consequence, but it’s unfortunate.”'

This statement could have only come from someone who can't even spell his own name correctly.

Moran is a MORON.
West is like some of the blacks that would fight with their slave masters on the confederate side in the civil war. He knows his place to obey his white slave owners, the GOP.

I really try never to neg rep anyone but this post of yours is testing me. It is extraordinarily racist.

I see you are up to 3 rep points.

My right index finger is quivering. :mad:

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