Allen West Calls Out Obama: “He Does Not Want You to Have Self-Esteem… He’d Rather Yo


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
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Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, July 2, 2012, 11:08 PM

Rep. Allen West (R-FL) blasted far left President Barack Obama on Sunday.
West told supporters, “He does not want you to have self-esteem… He’d rather you be his slave.”

[ame=]Rep. Allen West: Obama Wants Americans To "Be His Slave" - YouTube[/ame]

FLDemocracy reported:

Republican Rep. Allen West kicked off his Treasure Coast campaign for congressional District 18 on Sunday with a rally, during which he criticized President Obama on a variety of issues, using phrases and language guaranteed to get attention.

“He does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning and having that title of American. He’d rather you be his slave,” said West.

the rest at..
wake up people


Obama's Julia a woman in need of protector

Debra J. Saunders, Chronicle Columnist

Published 06:33 p.m., Monday, May 7, 2012

"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country," President John F. Kennedy famously said in his inaugural address.

In his bid for re-election, the hope and change president, Barack Obama, clearly has decided to ditch JFK's country-first approach. The Obama-Biden campaign is all about what this country can do for voters.

Last week, the Obama campaign introduced "The Life of Julia," a slide show about a fictional American that contrasts and compares which programs and services would be available for her from age 3 under an Obama administration versus a Mitt Romney White House.

GOP budget hawk Paul Ryan called the "Julia" info graphic "creepy" and "demeaning."

He's right. Creepy? Until her son goes to kindergarten, Julia's cartoon world does not depict any males, except one, as shown in this quote: "Under President Obama: Julia decides to have a child."

Demeaning? The slide show sends the message that Julia needs Obama to protect her from cradle to grave - which in Julia's world, means from Head Start to Medicare.

the rest
Obama's Julia a woman in need of protector - SFGate
Vote this administation out people

We can't AFFORD another four years of them

edited: for justbestupid, they were in a tizzy

Last edited:
I like him the Republican establishment is trying to boot him out by redistricting, a true conservative and only one of a few not guilty of treason in DC. He really was too kind not only does Obama want your body and soul but he really wants to bring us down even further. If your not a novice at politics you know with your own eyes and brain that Obama has only helped China, Russia, cartels, the Muslim brotherhood, and he's helped further your loss of liberty.
Is there anyone left who believes Allen West is worth worthy of attention? How far have we fallen?
Vote this administation out people

We can't another four years of them

Blacque Jacques Shellacque commented:

“…He’d rather you be his slave.”

I’m reminded of the movie “They Live” when Roddy Piper and Keith David put on the sunglasses and see all the messages.

Obie wants us to “OBEY”, “CONFORM”, “SUBMIT”, and have “NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT”.

I like him the Republican establishment is trying to boot him out by redistricting, a true conservative and only one of a few not guilty of treason in DC. He really was too kind not only does Obama want your body and soul but he really wants to bring us down even further. If your not a novice at politics you know with your own eyes and brain that Obama has only helped China, Russia, cartels, the Muslim brotherhood, and he's helped further your loss of liberty.

Well stated, and Obama is counting on the uninformed, and needy to not realize this and cast their vote for him. And of course they will.
Ohh yeah Allen West is black. I keep forgetting that he is not just any old right wingnut.
So his being black makes what he says more credible?
Isn't that a racist attitude?
I like him the Republican establishment is trying to boot him out by redistricting, a true conservative and only one of a few not guilty of treason in DC. He really was too kind not only does Obama want your body and soul but he really wants to bring us down even further. If your not a novice at politics you know with your own eyes and brain that Obama has only helped China, Russia, cartels, the Muslim brotherhood, and he's helped further your loss of liberty.

Well stated, and Obama is counting on the uninformed, and needy to not realize this and cast their vote for him. And of course they will.

Not pickin on ya, but funny how those that listen to talk radio think they are the informed....
And not the programmed/used.
Ohh yeah Allen West is black. I keep forgetting that he is not just any old right wingnut.
So his being black makes what he says more credible?
Isn't that a racist attitude?

I know you would like to spin this and anything else as a racist attitude, but the fact is, that the awesome Allen West as well as the awesome Herman Cain, are both men who have lived the black and white experience and have a frame of reference which culminated in each, a willingness to forge ahead, become educated and work for a living. They didn't let anything stop them from....achieving....:eusa_clap: I am hoping for Cain to be a part of president-elect Mitt Romney's Cabinet...

Still getting a kick out of seeing a guy who just handed the private health insurance industry a gold mine, a guy who says a 39.6% top marginal tax rate is enough, a guy who has liberals from coast to coast in an angry tizzy because he hasn't gone nearly far left enough, called a Nazi Commie Pinko Marxist Socialist whatever.

What I don't know is whether this is nothing more than standard partisan hyperbole, too much time listening to talk radio, or whether these people have actually convinced themselves of this madness. Maybe it's some goofy combinatin therein, but I must say I'm a little embarrassed for these people.


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