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Allen West To Liberals: Get the Hell Out Of The U.S.


Speaking to a Lincoln Day Dinner in West Palm Beach for the Palm Beach County GOP, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla) fired off a humdinger of a line that within minutes drew recriminations from Democrats on Twitter.

"We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, (audience boos) and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain't on the table," West said. "Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America."

Following cheers, West added, "Yeah I said 'hell.'"

Moments after the quote was mentioned on Twitter, former Reid spokesman Jim Manley responded via his own Twitter feed: "Me to allen west. You first asshole."

And they say politics is getting more acrimonious.

Allen West To Liberals: Get the Hell Out Of The U.S.

So, when did West say "liberals"?
Are you finally taking ownership of " equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial spirit" a well as high taxes, political correctness, permanent underclasses, greed, equality of outcome and large intrusive government?
Feeling a bit guilty, are we?
How angry and hateful are you now? He he he..
Face facts. Your ideology is unpopular with most Americans. That fact bore itself out when less than 25% of those polled after the 2010 elections identified themselves as "liberal".
Now, you'll flame away. You'll scramble to dispute my post.
Your response is immaterial because facts are facts.
Why you started this thread, other than my suspicion that West's comments made you seethe, is a mystery.
Sometimes the truth hurts and ya just have to suck it up and deal.
It ended after 20-30 years of libturds calling opponents of their schemes "racists" and "fascists" and "Nazis" and "Neanderthals."

I'm sorry what? All I see on this board are individuals like yourself calling liberals and those leaning to the left racists and fascists and Nazis.

I mean shit, this has been on the front page for a while now.


Let alone all the threads about how Democrats are racists who want black people to continue living on the "democratic plantation".

Sorry but you're complaining about yourself, son.

eat shit Cow.....you have been in threads by Dean where he makes accusations against Republicans that are just as bad as the bolded part,and all i see you do is thank the guy or agree with him......so who are you complaining about?....

Show me. I 'almost' never thank anybody / show outward agreement on these boards, and I certainly don't positive rep anybody who deserves it(because board rep is a joke). Shows me that you're talking out of your ass.

I have never, and never will agree with or thank anybody who calls another a Nazi... and I can assure you I say far more vitriolic things than Dean. I will accuse people of racism who are being racist, but that's so far only been a couple of people on the board. The times I've been called racist compared to me calling somebody else racist is highly lopsided.

Though, the people who call me racist are white supremacist types who think I'm being a race traitor. lol
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the Far Right has always had a few choice words of their own Bri......it goes both ways with the name calling....

Sorry, but no it doesn't. When did the far right ever blame left-wing rhetoric for the Reagan assassination attempt or the Kennedy assassination?

It's simply impossible to get lower than a liberal.

politicians back then had more class then the ones of today....we are talking about now not then.....ever since around 97 the Congress has gotten populated by some real pieces of work......and yes im sorry but the Right has plenty of names for the Left.....how many times do i see you in your posts call the Lefty your addressing LIBTURD....even if the lefty in Question is pretty much center?......you called me a Libturd and Negged me just because i did not agree with you on Unions.....and i thought i was pretty civil with ya.....

That's me, not you typical conservative. I don't pretend to do anything other than let liberals have it with both barrels.

You don't know much about history if you think liberal politicians had any more class 30 years ago. You obvious don't remember the LBJ commercial that insinuated Goldwater would start a nuclear holocaust.
He's right.

Move the fuck to France or Finland if you think they have it so great.

How about you move to Mars? There you can live in your own little fantasy world without having to worry about any non-conservatives.
I'm a libertarian, jackass...And this nation was run as such for over 150 years, before progressives/socialists got their grimy authoritarian mitts on it.

You're still free to move your moocher ass to Finland.
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Speaking to a Lincoln Day Dinner in West Palm Beach for the Palm Beach County GOP, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla) fired off a humdinger of a line that within minutes drew recriminations from Democrats on Twitter.

"We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, (audience boos) and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain't on the table," West said. "Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America."

Following cheers, West added, "Yeah I said 'hell.'"

Moments after the quote was mentioned on Twitter, former Reid spokesman Jim Manley responded via his own Twitter feed: "Me to allen west. You first asshole."

And they say politics is getting more acrimonious.

Allen West To Liberals: Get the Hell Out Of The U.S.

Good for him.

It's high time someone in politics told you fuckers off in blunt language.
But it's aok that Henry Waxman calls Republicans..........Terrorist.

just don't tell him to get the hell the out...:eusa_shhh:
Just a drop in the bucket by today's standards...did you ever think we'd hear such figures bandied about so loosely by this Gubmint as if it were nothing, as they squelch the producers that made such figures possible?

No I didnt. Just recently I heard the figure of a loan billion. CHEAPSKATES:lol:
Really. Back in Reagan's time? They were talking billions and I thought that was alot...

aHEM, pants on fire:

Before we reach the day when we can reduce the debt ceiling, we may in spite of our best efforts see a national debt in excess of a trillion dollars. Now, this is a figure that's literally beyond our comprehension.
Reagan, Ronald, Address to the Nation on the Economy, February 5, 1981, retrieved December 4, 2011 from Ronald Reagan: Address to the Nation on the Economy

By the end of Reagan’s two terms in office, the debt was up to $2.8 Trillion.

In 1984, a Reagan campaign ad declared that it was “Morning in America.” It did not say that for most of us it was Monday morning in America. *_O The Economic Recovery Tax Act was responsible for long-term deficits and a cumulative revenue loss of $300 billion by the end of 1984 and $1 trillion by the end of 1987.

Unlike the uppity crust that partied like rock stars for the previous four years, the rest of us picked up the party tab by way of a graduating Social Security tax increase among other “revenue enhancements.” This particular adjustment, overtly put into place in response to a modest shortfall of Social Security revenue, :-| covertly covered a national deficit that nearly tripled by 1983.

The possibility that the third rail of safety net entitlements could be unavailable a few decades into the future was a twofer for the Reagan Administration. The White House was eager to find an issue more pressing than the result of its fiscal policies and the President’s flippancy about millions of unemployed.

For the first time since Social Security’s establishment, every one who earned up to the maximum wage taxed for the program paid gradually more each year than was needed to supply the current benefit spending. Through creative accounting and by overcharging the masses, Reagan kept the huge income tax cuts for the wealthiest, and masked the true depth of his administrations’ deficits.
Allen West To Liberals: Get the Hell Out Of The U.S.

Liberals to Allen West: Who the hell is Allen West and why should we care?

Obama hasn't a chance of taking Florida with West and Rubio..........he's got nothing to offer them.

Without NY and CA the Dems wouldn't have an icecube's chance in hell.

Funny how the two states that are in the worst shape still go Democrat even after a constant state of economic decay.

I guess they're just used to it.
Allen West To Liberals: Get the Hell Out Of The U.S.

Liberals to Allen West: Who the hell is Allen West and why should we care?

by this thread it seems a lot do...panties all in a bunch.

This thread only proves that if one posts an inflamatory POV, people will respond to it.

Was this ever in doubt?

Most People here come here to be outraged and to be rude to people they imagin are the enemy.

Speaking to a Lincoln Day Dinner in West Palm Beach for the Palm Beach County GOP, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla) fired off a humdinger of a line that within minutes drew recriminations from Democrats on Twitter.

"We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, (audience boos) and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain't on the table," West said. "Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America."

Following cheers, West added, "Yeah I said 'hell.'"

Moments after the quote was mentioned on Twitter, former Reid spokesman Jim Manley responded via his own Twitter feed: "Me to allen west. You first asshole."

And they say politics is getting more acrimonious.

Allen West To Liberals: Get the Hell Out Of The U.S.

Pales in comparison to our President telling Conservatives to get to the back of the bus or former Speaker Pelosi locking Conservatives out of Congressional meetings.
I'm sorry what? All I see on this board are individuals like yourself calling liberals and those leaning to the left racists and fascists and Nazis.

I mean shit, this has been on the front page for a while now.


Let alone all the threads about how Democrats are racists who want black people to continue living on the "democratic plantation".

Sorry but you're complaining about yourself, son.

eat shit Cow.....you have been in threads by Dean where he makes accusations against Republicans that are just as bad as the bolded part,and all i see you do is thank the guy or agree with him......so who are you complaining about?....

Show me. I 'almost' never thank anybody / show outward agreement on these boards, and I certainly don't positive rep anybody who deserves it(because board rep is a joke). Shows me that you're talking out of your ass.

I have never, and never will agree with or thank anybody who calls another a Nazi... and I can assure you I say far more vitriolic things than Dean. I will accuse people of racism who are being racist, but that's so far only been a couple of people on the board. The times I've been called racist compared to me calling somebody else racist is highly lopsided.

Though, the people who call me racist are white supremacist types who think I'm being a race traitor. lol

you have been in Deans threads and did not tell him to fuck off......Dean does not call people Nazis,but the stuff he has said about Republicans has gone unabated by just about every Lefty on this board except for 3-4 who are not afraid to tell him to shut the fuck up.....your not one of them.....and you have been in his threads.....thats what i am saying....

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