Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan

In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Liberals are so brave when the danger is imaginary.
The Greek counted on that factor.
Without it the Trojans might not have been so easily fooled.
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Just a ploy to get in the news.

From what I've read Muslim prayer is quite personal and done with other Muslims in a Mosque or a home. It certainly isn't done out in public on a college campus.

Load of bullshit if you ask me.
muslims will drop and sniff each others butts wherever they are at the proper time to face Meca and fart in each others faces.
I guess allah likes the smell of dirty ass.
do you intend to continue your education and go on to
Junior high school?

Nope. How bout you?? Kindergarten ought be right up your alley.

Carry on stupid.

your are deteriorating

Nah. Just being truthful.

in order to be "truthful" ----when you have no actual real
information------it is important that you state that fact when you
post an ASSERTION on a topic about which you are ignorant. Whenever I comment on such subjects as "the economy" ---I am very careful to state that I know virtually nothing about the science of ECONOMICS

LMAO Oh blow it out your sanctimonious ass Rosie.

Seems you're the only one who cares about being truthful concerning the meaningless subject of Muslim prayer.

No one else gives a fuck.

the "meaningless subject of muslim prayer"??? Even I would not type so disgusting a description of the prayer of ANY PEOPLE. The subject of muslim prayer is very interesting--------of course, you have a right to not give a fuck
Nope. How bout you?? Kindergarten ought be right up your alley.

Carry on stupid.

your are deteriorating

Nah. Just being truthful.

in order to be "truthful" ----when you have no actual real
information------it is important that you state that fact when you
post an ASSERTION on a topic about which you are ignorant. Whenever I comment on such subjects as "the economy" ---I am very careful to state that I know virtually nothing about the science of ECONOMICS

LMAO Oh blow it out your sanctimonious ass Rosie.

Seems you're the only one who cares about being truthful concerning the meaningless subject of Muslim prayer.

No one else gives a fuck.

the "meaningless subject of muslim prayer"??? Even I would not type so disgusting a description of the prayer of ANY PEOPLE. The subject of muslim prayer is very interesting--------of course, you have a right to not give a fuck

I'd be willing to bet that most people don't give a fuck.

Only a sanctimonious ass like you would even comment on it and only to give someone shit about it. LOL
your are deteriorating

Nah. Just being truthful.

in order to be "truthful" ----when you have no actual real
information------it is important that you state that fact when you
post an ASSERTION on a topic about which you are ignorant. Whenever I comment on such subjects as "the economy" ---I am very careful to state that I know virtually nothing about the science of ECONOMICS

LMAO Oh blow it out your sanctimonious ass Rosie.

Seems you're the only one who cares about being truthful concerning the meaningless subject of Muslim prayer.

No one else gives a fuck.

the "meaningless subject of muslim prayer"??? Even I would not type so disgusting a description of the prayer of ANY PEOPLE. The subject of muslim prayer is very interesting--------of course, you have a right to not give a fuck

I'd be willing to bet that most people don't give a fuck.

Only a sanctimonious ass like you would even comment on it and only to give someone shit about it. LOL

you would be wrong to imagine that MOST PEOPLE do not give a fuck------BILLIONS of people give a fuck today and historically----billions too. Do you live unde a rock?
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

That's dumb, weather!

Fact send you running for more Play Doh?

Most terrorism is committed by Muslims.
Fake story about a koran being flushed or a cartoon of Mo and millions of Muslims are rioting around the world murdering people.

Saw off the heads of children in the name of their god - not a peep.

So which of the mud you just slung stuck?
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

That's dumb, weather!

Fact send you running for more Play Doh?

Most terrorism is committed by Muslims.
Fake story about a koran being flushed or a cartoon of Mo and millions of Muslims are rioting around the world murdering people.

Saw off the heads of children in the name of their god - not a peep.

So which of the mud you just slung stuck?

Tell us what I said is not true, fake story about a koran being flushed or a cartoon of Mo and millions of Muslims are rioting around the world murdering people while muslims saw off the heads of children in the name of their god - and no worldwide protests.

Tell us it never happened. Double dog dare you.
Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.
But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.
That's dumb, weather!
Fact send you running for more Play Doh?

Most terrorism is committed by Muslims.
Fake story about a koran being flushed or a cartoon of Mo and millions of Muslims are rioting around the world murdering people.

Saw off the heads of children in the name of their god - not a peep.
So which of the mud you just slung stuck?
Tell us what I said is not true, fake story about a koran being flushed or a cartoon of Mo and millions of Muslims are rioting around the world murdering people while muslims saw off the heads of children in the name of their god - and no worldwide protests.

Tell us it never happened. Double dog dare you.
What's deplorable is your trying to connect all the vile murders you describe as happening in Dearborn or Hog Liver Holler or Winnebago, and your inciting of a jihad against the Muslims in those communities for being Muslims. And justify it by pointing to the psychotic fools in the ME. Everybody wants the bad guys dead, preferably unpleasantly, but not by genocide.
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post


Nobody threatened her. However unrestricted Muslim immigration to America is a threat.
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Just a ploy to get in the news.

From what I've read Muslim prayer is quite personal and done with other Muslims in a Mosque or a home. It certainly isn't done out in public on a college campus.

Load of bullshit if you ask me.
muslims will drop and sniff each others butts wherever they are at the proper time to face Meca and fart in each others faces

I guess allah likes the smell of dirty ass.

Well, you seem to have a high opinion of yourself.
I'm sure those students would rally around a praying Christian student.......right?
I wonder whether the student body and faculty would turn out in order to protect Christians praying, too?
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post
This is silly, nobody is ACTUALLY harming Muslims. But, on the other hand, Islam does harm lots of people. This is so patronizing, liberal westerners aren't being given the same protections in Muslim countries. Why do Muslims need protecting, again? To make liberals feel smug and self righteous? because, ironically, the biggest threat to western liberalism is Islam. Not Christian Conservative Republicans.Just keep deluding yourselves.
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Just a ploy to get in the news.

From what I've read Muslim prayer is quite personal and done with other Muslims in a Mosque or a home. It certainly isn't done out in public on a college campus.

Load of bullshit if you ask me.
muslims will drop and sniff each others butts wherever they are at the proper time to face Meca and fart in each others faces

I guess allah likes the smell of dirty ass.

Well, you seem to have a high opinion of yourself.
Not sure about that but, I can honestly tell you that I dont sniff other guys butts 5 times a day.
I would be front row or have to change religion to something a bit more,,, fragrant?
The Muslims don't compromise with us, they hate us with purity and conviction. When their numbers are low, they pretend to be reasonable, but as their numbers increase, that pretence is abandoned. In Germany, Muslim men by the hundreds sexually assaulted hundreds of German women in a single night. Not since the Soviet invasion of Germany during World War II have so many German women been violated. We need to understand that there is no compromise with Muslim invaders, either they will prevail, or we will. Leftists who help the Muslims are traitors to Western civilization, but of course, that's always been true.
The Muslims don't compromise with us, they hate us with purity and conviction. When their numbers are low, they pretend to be reasonable, but as their numbers increase, that pretence is abandoned. In Germany, Muslim men by the hundreds sexually assaulted hundreds of German women in a single night. Not since the Soviet invasion of Germany during World War II have so many German women been violated. We need to understand that there is no compromise with Muslim invaders, either they will prevail, or we will. Leftists who help the Muslims are traitors to Western civilization, but of course, that's always been true.
Muslims remind me of a fable I once heard.
A frog was on the side of a river when a scorpion walked up to him. The scorpion said to the frog, I need to cross the river but I will drown if I try, let me climb on your back so you can swim across and bring me over. The frog said, If I let you on my back you will sting me and I will die.
The scorpion said, I will not sting you as you are doing me a favor. The frog thought for a moment and agreed. Half way across the river the scorpion stung the frog. The frog said, why did you sting me, now we will both die, me from your poison, and you will drown. The scorpion simply answered, because its in my nature.
As are the Muslims, they will promise to become part of your society on your terms, but in the end it is in their nature to try to force you to change to their ways. They can not help it.
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Just a ploy to get in the news.

From what I've read Muslim prayer is quite personal and done with other Muslims in a Mosque or a home. It certainly isn't done out in public on a college campus.

Load of bullshit if you ask me.

not at all true, Claudette------in muslim countries, muslims stop and drop WHEREVER they are at the time when the prayers come DUE-------five times per day. Some do the same here-----like right on the sidewalk either alone or in groups. Since you do not know---why comment? There is nothing private about prayer for muslims OTHER THEN FOR THE WOMEN who do nothing publically. Since you do not know....why comment?

you are lier. maybe last century. but you cant pray in street in iran-emirate-turkey-malasya-...........
maybe few shit-hole country .but not all moslem country

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