Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan

In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Just a ploy to get in the news.

From what I've read Muslim prayer is quite personal and done with other Muslims in a Mosque or a home. It certainly isn't done out in public on a college campus.

Load of bullshit if you ask me.

not at all true, Claudette------in muslim countries, muslims stop and drop WHEREVER they are at the time when the prayers come DUE-------five times per day. Some do the same here-----like right on the sidewalk either alone or in groups. Since you do not know---why comment? There is nothing private about prayer for muslims OTHER THEN FOR THE WOMEN who do nothing publically. Since you do not know....why comment?

Why not comment. If what you say is true then I learned something I didn't know.

Carry on oh wise one. LOL
"Hate" is hard to gauge but I defy anyone to prove that there is organized violence directed against Muslems in the U.S. It's propaganda generated by left wing blogs like Huffington and the admittedly dishonest mainstream media. The exact opposite seems to be true. Violence against organized Christian Protestant churches are ongoing. A kid wearing a Trump T shirt on a college campus today is literally in danger of being beaten to death
A kid wearing a Trump T shirt on a college campus today is literally in danger of being beaten to death
No, THAT is the propaganda. Not the snowflakes! What are you saying?
Atlanta man shot and killed after joking about voting for Trump
Deranged drunk man looking for trouble shoots a man who dissed his girlfriend and made a joke about voting for Trump. Came in looking for Trouble. Itching for a fight. Found one. End of story.
Of course you don't think the left have been violent the past week.
And when you are forced to see one you justify the violence.
You're a delusional leftist.
The article you linked said she didn't think his comment was why he got shot. So whatever point you thought you were making, the article destroyed it.
You apparently have difficulty reading carefully.
"Hate" is hard to gauge but I defy anyone to prove that there is organized violence directed against Muslems in the U.S. It's propaganda generated by left wing blogs like Huffington and the admittedly dishonest mainstream media. The exact opposite seems to be true. Violence against organized Christian Protestant churches are ongoing. A kid wearing a Trump T shirt on a college campus today is literally in danger of being beaten to death
A kid wearing a Trump T shirt on a college campus today is literally in danger of being beaten to death
No, THAT is the propaganda. Not the snowflakes! What are you saying?
Atlanta man shot and killed after joking about voting for Trump
Deranged drunk man looking for trouble shoots a man who dissed his girlfriend and made a joke about voting for Trump. Came in looking for Trouble. Itching for a fight. Found one. End of story.
Of course you don't think the left have been violent the past week.
And when you are forced to see one you justify the violence.
You're a delusional leftist.
Since over half the protesters arrested in Portland (where the violent protest was) didn't even vote, where do you get the idea they were lefties? They're trouble makers, plain and simple. The rest of the protests have been peaceful. So get over yourself. Talk about snowflakes. You can't tolerate criticism of your Fuhrer, even now? I'd get used to it, if I were you.
"Hate" is hard to gauge but I defy anyone to prove that there is organized violence directed against Muslems in the U.S. It's propaganda generated by left wing blogs like Huffington and the admittedly dishonest mainstream media. The exact opposite seems to be true. Violence against organized Christian Protestant churches are ongoing. A kid wearing a Trump T shirt on a college campus today is literally in danger of being beaten to death
A kid wearing a Trump T shirt on a college campus today is literally in danger of being beaten to death
No, THAT is the propaganda. Not the snowflakes! What are you saying?
Atlanta man shot and killed after joking about voting for Trump
Deranged drunk man looking for trouble shoots a man who dissed his girlfriend and made a joke about voting for Trump. Came in looking for Trouble. Itching for a fight. Found one. End of story.
Of course you don't think the left have been violent the past week.
And when you are forced to see one you justify the violence.
You're a delusional leftist.
The article you linked said she didn't think his comment was why he got shot. So whatever point you thought you were making, the article destroyed it.
You apparently have difficulty reading carefully.
"Hate" is hard to gauge but I defy anyone to prove that there is organized violence directed against Muslems in the U.S. It's propaganda generated by left wing blogs like Huffington and the admittedly dishonest mainstream media. The exact opposite seems to be true. Violence against organized Christian Protestant churches are ongoing. A kid wearing a Trump T shirt on a college campus today is literally in danger of being beaten to death
A kid wearing a Trump T shirt on a college campus today is literally in danger of being beaten to death
No, THAT is the propaganda. Not the snowflakes! What are you saying?
Atlanta man shot and killed after joking about voting for Trump
Deranged drunk man looking for trouble shoots a man who dissed his girlfriend and made a joke about voting for Trump. Came in looking for Trouble. Itching for a fight. Found one. End of story.
Of course you don't think the left have been violent the past week.
And when you are forced to see one you justify the violence.
You're a delusional leftist.
Since over half the protesters arrested in Portland (where the violent protest was) didn't even vote, where do you get the idea they were lefties? They're trouble makers, plain and simple. The rest of the protests have been peaceful. So get over yourself. Talk about snowflakes. You can't tolerate criticism of your Fuhrer, even now? I'd get used to it, if I were you.
Why would anyone think a protestor PROTESTING AGAINST TRUMP is a lefty?
That spot on the UofM campus is called the "Diag"'s so dangerous women caught alone there at night usually end up beaten and raped. So far no "protection" from anybody for them.
If I were advising people on career options, I'd tell them to become lawyers. Easy. Not even close.

The amount of lawsuits will only increase as more of our delicate snowflakes hit the workforce.

Not when "loser pays" becomes more wide-spread.
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Just a ploy to get in the news.

From what I've read Muslim prayer is quite personal and done with other Muslims in a Mosque or a home. It certainly isn't done out in public on a college campus.

Load of bullshit if you ask me.

not at all true, Claudette------in muslim countries, muslims stop and drop WHEREVER they are at the time when the prayers come DUE-------five times per day. Some do the same here-----like right on the sidewalk either alone or in groups. Since you do not know---why comment? There is nothing private about prayer for muslims OTHER THEN FOR THE WOMEN who do nothing publically. Since you do not know....why comment?

Why not comment. If what you say is true then I learned something I didn't know.

Carry on oh wise one. LOL

your comment was neither discussion or comment---it was an
ASSERTION based on ignorance and stupidity. ---The current "wise one LOL " is a FART.
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Just a ploy to get in the news.

From what I've read Muslim prayer is quite personal and done with other Muslims in a Mosque or a home. It certainly isn't done out in public on a college campus.

Load of bullshit if you ask me.

not at all true, Claudette------in muslim countries, muslims stop and drop WHEREVER they are at the time when the prayers come DUE-------five times per day. Some do the same here-----like right on the sidewalk either alone or in groups. Since you do not know---why comment? There is nothing private about prayer for muslims OTHER THEN FOR THE WOMEN who do nothing publically. Since you do not know....why comment?

Why not comment. If what you say is true then I learned something I didn't know.

Carry on oh wise one. LOL

your comment was neither discussion or comment---it was an
ASSERTION based on ignorance and stupidity. ---The current "wise one LOL " is a FART.

Oh so not knowing something and commenting is called ignorance and stupidity??

I'll cop to the ignorance. But only a stupid person like you would accuse anyone of stupidity because they made a comment through ignorance. Just shows what an asshole you are.

Carry on stupid FART. lol
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Just a ploy to get in the news.

From what I've read Muslim prayer is quite personal and done with other Muslims in a Mosque or a home. It certainly isn't done out in public on a college campus.

Load of bullshit if you ask me.

not at all true, Claudette------in muslim countries, muslims stop and drop WHEREVER they are at the time when the prayers come DUE-------five times per day. Some do the same here-----like right on the sidewalk either alone or in groups. Since you do not know---why comment? There is nothing private about prayer for muslims OTHER THEN FOR THE WOMEN who do nothing publically. Since you do not know....why comment?

Why not comment. If what you say is true then I learned something I didn't know.

Carry on oh wise one. LOL

your comment was neither discussion or comment---it was an
ASSERTION based on ignorance and stupidity. ---The current "wise one LOL " is a FART.

Oh so not knowing something and commenting is called ignorance and stupidity??

I'll cop to the ignorance but the stupidity is on your end for making such an idiotic comment.

Carry on stupid FART. lol

do you intend to continue your education and go on to
Junior high school?
Just a ploy to get in the news.

From what I've read Muslim prayer is quite personal and done with other Muslims in a Mosque or a home. It certainly isn't done out in public on a college campus.

Load of bullshit if you ask me.

not at all true, Claudette------in muslim countries, muslims stop and drop WHEREVER they are at the time when the prayers come DUE-------five times per day. Some do the same here-----like right on the sidewalk either alone or in groups. Since you do not know---why comment? There is nothing private about prayer for muslims OTHER THEN FOR THE WOMEN who do nothing publically. Since you do not know....why comment?

Why not comment. If what you say is true then I learned something I didn't know.

Carry on oh wise one. LOL

your comment was neither discussion or comment---it was an
ASSERTION based on ignorance and stupidity. ---The current "wise one LOL " is a FART.

Oh so not knowing something and commenting is called ignorance and stupidity??

I'll cop to the ignorance but the stupidity is on your end for making such an idiotic comment.

Carry on stupid FART. lol

do you intend to continue your education and go on to
Junior high school?

Nope. How bout you?? Kindergarten ought be right up your alley.

Carry on stupid.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.

You should put a graphic warning on those photos. Not everyone gets as big a kick out of them as you do.
Old lady, I would agree with you in that the photos are not something I do not want to see. But in a sense, it shows us what happens to a body when riddled with bullets. And maybe folks ought to know that if they are going to support settling all our problems with guns. I also agree some losers get off on this sort of activity, to our disgust.
Sometimes it's just better to have a warning about what you are going to see. War is awful, but right now I'm feeling a bit hawkish, considering how ISIS is behaving. War sucks, but sometimes you gotta stand up to the bad guys. No?

Isis is islam. The Islam of Isis is very much like the Islam of such countries as PAKISTAN and several of the oil emirates---in fact most-----and primitive Islamic nations like Yemen and---lately Lybia and Tunisia etc ------and SOON TO BE Turkey
not at all true, Claudette------in muslim countries, muslims stop and drop WHEREVER they are at the time when the prayers come DUE-------five times per day. Some do the same here-----like right on the sidewalk either alone or in groups. Since you do not know---why comment? There is nothing private about prayer for muslims OTHER THEN FOR THE WOMEN who do nothing publically. Since you do not know....why comment?

Why not comment. If what you say is true then I learned something I didn't know.

Carry on oh wise one. LOL

your comment was neither discussion or comment---it was an
ASSERTION based on ignorance and stupidity. ---The current "wise one LOL " is a FART.

Oh so not knowing something and commenting is called ignorance and stupidity??

I'll cop to the ignorance but the stupidity is on your end for making such an idiotic comment.

Carry on stupid FART. lol

do you intend to continue your education and go on to
Junior high school?

Nope. How bout you?? Kindergarten ought be right up your alley.

Carry on stupid.

your are deteriorating
Why not comment. If what you say is true then I learned something I didn't know.

Carry on oh wise one. LOL

your comment was neither discussion or comment---it was an
ASSERTION based on ignorance and stupidity. ---The current "wise one LOL " is a FART.

Oh so not knowing something and commenting is called ignorance and stupidity??

I'll cop to the ignorance but the stupidity is on your end for making such an idiotic comment.

Carry on stupid FART. lol

do you intend to continue your education and go on to
Junior high school?

Nope. How bout you?? Kindergarten ought be right up your alley.

Carry on stupid.

your are deteriorating

Nah. Just being truthful.
your comment was neither discussion or comment---it was an
ASSERTION based on ignorance and stupidity. ---The current "wise one LOL " is a FART.

Oh so not knowing something and commenting is called ignorance and stupidity??

I'll cop to the ignorance but the stupidity is on your end for making such an idiotic comment.

Carry on stupid FART. lol

do you intend to continue your education and go on to
Junior high school?

Nope. How bout you?? Kindergarten ought be right up your alley.

Carry on stupid.

your are deteriorating

Nah. Just being truthful.

in order to be "truthful" ----when you have no actual real
information------it is important that you state that fact when you
post an ASSERTION on a topic about which you are ignorant. Whenever I comment on such subjects as "the economy" ---I am very careful to state that I know virtually nothing about the science of ECONOMICS
trump should kill all of them. moslem wahabi+ liberal faggot
No way, dude.

They have the right to do these things, and I personally dont want to live in a country where a President can do that.

Bowie-double-blade. You denigrating the religious beliefs of one of our fellow posters. The faith of the Shiite Persian includes the killing of wahabis and liberals and faggots
Oh so not knowing something and commenting is called ignorance and stupidity??

I'll cop to the ignorance but the stupidity is on your end for making such an idiotic comment.

Carry on stupid FART. lol

do you intend to continue your education and go on to
Junior high school?

Nope. How bout you?? Kindergarten ought be right up your alley.

Carry on stupid.

your are deteriorating

Nah. Just being truthful.

in order to be "truthful" ----when you have no actual real
information------it is important that you state that fact when you
post an ASSERTION on a topic about which you are ignorant. Whenever I comment on such subjects as "the economy" ---I am very careful to state that I know virtually nothing about the science of ECONOMICS

LMAO Oh blow it out your sanctimonious ass Rosie.

Seems you're the only one who cares about being truthful concerning the meaningless subject of Muslim prayer.

No one else gives a fuck.

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