Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan

then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

Of course they do, and I know you've read the many threads where lists of those Muslims standing against terrorism are cited. You just choose to ignore them.

Link away to the millions of muslims out protesting the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

This has nothing to do with prayer, public or private. The display of prayer shown on campus is a demonstration by Muslims of their defiance to the bias against them, and the circle of protesters around them is student statement that they are ready to protect their right. But the original threat was not about public displays of prayer, it was about a girl's dress. She was threatened with immolation for her dress, not her prayer habits.
Muslims are the ones that criticize women's clothing. Maybe another Muslim didn't like her display of ankles like the shameless western harlot?

But the demonstration says nothing of the kind. It would only be meaningful if they kept a circle around her everywhere she went. It's just feelgoodism, the dogma of the left.
Yep, weasel. They should have just ignored the issue, made no 'flamboyant' statement of disgust but quietly gone about their business of indifference towards a fellow American by an emboldened hater. After all, she probably criticized Christian women's clothing anyway, right?
I have no idea what she did or didn't do. I don't even know if the story is true, lefties make shit up all the time. Or could have just been some punk shooting off his yap. Happens all the time.

If it is true, there's nothing wrong with coming out against it, as long as they are consistent and come out against Muslim that honor kill their daughters and things like that. But a momentary feelgood camera op doesn't change anything.

MOST LIKELY-----the "we will burn you" story, is a lie. In the weeks following the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01 in New York City-------there were THOUSANDS OF COMPLAINTS
"someone pulled my head scarf"-------no actual injuries and no
witnesses. Islamic organizations encouraged the ruse
I have always thought you were basically sensible. This is not sensible thinking, Rosie. It was not a lie. The reports being made since Trump's election are predominantly true. And it's not the end of the world when someone pulls off your headscarf, granted, but imagine someone feeling the right to come up and grab off your hat or your jacket. How would you feel? It's not okay.
How do you know the reports since Trump's election are predominately true?
Muslims are the ones that criticize women's clothing. Maybe another Muslim didn't like her display of ankles like the shameless western harlot?

But the demonstration says nothing of the kind. It would only be meaningful if they kept a circle around her everywhere she went. It's just feelgoodism, the dogma of the left.
Yep, weasel. They should have just ignored the issue, made no 'flamboyant' statement of disgust but quietly gone about their business of indifference towards a fellow American by an emboldened hater. After all, she probably criticized Christian women's clothing anyway, right?
I have no idea what she did or didn't do. I don't even know if the story is true, lefties make shit up all the time. Or could have just been some punk shooting off his yap. Happens all the time.

If it is true, there's nothing wrong with coming out against it, as long as they are consistent and come out against Muslim that honor kill their daughters and things like that. But a momentary feelgood camera op doesn't change anything.

MOST LIKELY-----the "we will burn you" story, is a lie. In the weeks following the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01 in New York City-------there were THOUSANDS OF COMPLAINTS
"someone pulled my head scarf"-------no actual injuries and no
witnesses. Islamic organizations encouraged the ruse
I have always thought you were basically sensible. This is not sensible thinking, Rosie. It was not a lie. The reports being made since Trump's election are predominantly true. And it's not the end of the world when someone pulls off your headscarf, granted, but imagine someone feeling the right to come up and grab off your hat or your jacket. How would you feel? It's not okay.
How do you know the reports since Trump's election are predominately true?
Because Soros told them it happened.
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Liberals are so brave when the danger is imaginary.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

Of course they do, and I know you've read the many threads where lists of those Muslims standing against terrorism are cited. You just choose to ignore them.

I doubt that anyone IGNORES anything------other than YOU---old one. Of course lots of muslims are horrified by the things muslims do-------lots of germans were horrified by the things germans did during world war II, too. But germans did it and muslims DO it
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

Of course they do, and I know you've read the many threads where lists of those Muslims standing against terrorism are cited. You just choose to ignore them.

Link away to the millions of muslims out protesting the atrocities committed in the name of their god.


I don't have to. They've been linked before and you've obstinately ignored them.
Good on the faculty and students and worshipers who understand what America is all about.

Bad on the posters here above who don't.

Why are they allowed to pray on campus? Oh, they're not Christian... if they were Jake would be having a baby.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

Of course they do, and I know you've read the many threads where lists of those Muslims standing against terrorism are cited. You just choose to ignore them.

Link away to the millions of muslims out protesting the atrocities committed in the name of their god.


I don't have to. They've been linked before and you've obstinately ignored them.

Hilarious bullshit. The only protests by Muslims against the violence committed in their name was when 25 showed up in a park. 20 of which were media.
In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Liberals are so brave when the danger is imaginary.
Yep. That's why they invent fake hate crimes and global warming. It's much easier to fight fiction than it is real evil in the world.
Of course the left defend Islam.
It's a religion that teaches you how to properly beat your wife, murder your daughter for being raped, and treating women as lower than animals.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

Of course they do, and I know you've read the many threads where lists of those Muslims standing against terrorism are cited. You just choose to ignore them.

I doubt that anyone IGNORES anything------other than YOU---old one. Of course lots of muslims are horrified by the things muslims do-------lots of germans were horrified by the things germans did during world war II, too. But germans did it and muslims DO it

Weatherman has ignored much, which is his right, but he has no right to state lies. The point here is that in this country I would far rather see a huge group of students protecting their fellow students' right to pray and to be a Muslim than I would want to see her burned for her style of dress. What is wrong with all of you?
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

Of course they do, and I know you've read the many threads where lists of those Muslims standing against terrorism are cited. You just choose to ignore them.

I doubt that anyone IGNORES anything------other than YOU---old one. Of course lots of muslims are horrified by the things muslims do-------lots of germans were horrified by the things germans did during world war II, too. But germans did it and muslims DO it

Weatherman has ignored much, which is his right, but he has no right to state lies. The point here is that in this country I would far rather see a huge group of students protecting their fellow students' right to pray and to be a Muslim than I would want to see her burned for her style of dress. What is wrong with all of you?

The fact you can't back up your claim says it all.

Does it make you feel good supporting a religion that teaches how to properly beat your wife?
Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.
But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.
Of course they do, and I know you've read the many threads where lists of those Muslims standing against terrorism are cited. You just choose to ignore them.
Link away to the millions of muslims out protesting the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

I don't have to. They've been linked before and you've obstinately ignored them.
Hilarious bullshit. The only protests by Muslims against the violence committed in their name was when 25 showed up in a park. 20 of which were media.
Oh, I didn't realize it has to be a PROTEST now. I thought it could just be Muslims speaking out and flatly disavowing terrorist radicals hijacking their religion. Interesting now you want to see them protesting, since you seem to be so dead set against anyone else protesting.
But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.
Of course they do, and I know you've read the many threads where lists of those Muslims standing against terrorism are cited. You just choose to ignore them.
Link away to the millions of muslims out protesting the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

I don't have to. They've been linked before and you've obstinately ignored them.
Hilarious bullshit. The only protests by Muslims against the violence committed in their name was when 25 showed up in a park. 20 of which were media.
Oh, I didn't realize it has to be a PROTEST now. I thought it could just be Muslims speaking out and flatly disavowing terrorist radicals hijacking their religion. Interesting now you want to see them protesting, since you seem to be so dead set against anyone else protesting.
Worldwide protests of MILLIONS of muslims for FAKE koran flushing story and a CARTOON of Mo.

Not a peep from muslims about the daily atrocities committed in the name of their god.
"Hate" is hard to gauge but I defy anyone to prove that there is organized violence directed against Muslems in the U.S. It's propaganda generated by left wing blogs like Huffington and the admittedly dishonest mainstream media. The exact opposite seems to be true. Violence against organized Christian Protestant churches are ongoing. A kid wearing a Trump T shirt on a college campus today is literally in danger of being beaten to death
We cannot become Western Europe. We'll have to reform our Immigration System nightmare. The Left Globalists have destroyed many Western European nations. Their Open-Border policies have done irreparable harm. They've changed the demographics so severely, those nations will never be the same. There will be much more violent strife there. 'Multiculturalism' is fine, but without required assimilation, it's an absolute disaster.

Unfortunately, Muslims have a very difficult time assimilating to Western-style Democracy. It's just not a good fit. And every nation has the right to strictly monitor, and if need be, limit Immigration.The US System is currently broken. And i do believe that was done intentionally by the current Administration. There is no credible vetting process. Some of Obama's own lackeys have openly stated that. It's a real mess. It'll take a herculean effort from Trump to clean it up. The sad reality is, Bush and Obama completely dismantled our Immigration System. Let's just hope & pray it can be rebuilt.
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In outright defiance of the rising levels anti-Muslim hate in America, University of Michigan students joined forces on Monday to protect their own.

After hearing that a Muslim student had reportedly been threatened for her faith, hundreds of students and faculty showed up to stand guard around classmates who had gathered in a main square to perform one of Islam’s five daily prayers.
Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan | The Huffington Post



Lol, idiots. Look out! Trump's coming for you! Get a bunch of unarmed snowflakes to protect you from the big bad Americans. Retards.

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