Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan

Why do Moooslims have to make such a spectacle of themselves?

it was symbolic action based on this :

The horror show in the world is the stupidity of your post, old lady I read the papers and I have worked in inner city hosptals MOST of my life. Muslims are not being attacked.
Muslims have been, I the USA doing lots of attacking.
In the many genocides the world has witnessed----MOST of the people of any given community were not involved

University of Michigan student wearing a hijab was threatened with being set on fire, police say

University of Michigan student wearing a hijab was threatened with being set on fire, police say

It's a bunch of BS...I don't care what religion someone chooses to be part of but don't proclaim to be all peaceful and tolerant then use it to do shit like this....and kill others in the name of your God. What a sham
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
it was symbolic action based on this :

University of Michigan student wearing a hijab was threatened with being set on fire, police say

University of Michigan student wearing a hijab was threatened with being set on fire, police say

It's a bunch of BS...I don't care what religion someone chooses to be part of but don't proclaim to be all peaceful and tolerant then use it to do shit like this....and kill others in the name of your God. What a sham
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.
it was symbolic action based on this :

The horror show in the world is the stupidity of your post, old lady I read the papers and I have worked in inner city hosptals MOST of my life. Muslims are not being attacked.
Muslims have been, I the USA doing lots of attacking.
In the many genocides the world has witnessed----MOST of the people of any given community were not involved

University of Michigan student wearing a hijab was threatened with being set on fire, police say

University of Michigan student wearing a hijab was threatened with being set on fire, police say

It's a bunch of BS...I don't care what religion someone chooses to be part of but don't proclaim to be all peaceful and tolerant then use it to do shit like this....and kill others in the name of your God. What a sham
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Really, Rosie?
It's a bunch of BS...I don't care what religion someone chooses to be part of but don't proclaim to be all peaceful and tolerant then use it to do shit like this....and kill others in the name of your God. What a sham
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.

You should put a graphic warning on those photos. Not everyone gets as big a kick out of them as you do.

ok you're warned
It's a bunch of BS...I don't care what religion someone chooses to be part of but don't proclaim to be all peaceful and tolerant then use it to do shit like this....and kill others in the name of your God. What a sham
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
The least tolerant people on the planet are Muslims, progressives are second, Islam is the most violent cult the planet has ever seen… Fact
but crusader :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

One of the finer moments in Christianity history, the mooslims came, the Christians saw....and kicked the moooslims back where they came from
It's a bunch of BS...I don't care what religion someone chooses to be part of but don't proclaim to be all peaceful and tolerant then use it to do shit like this....and kill others in the name of your God. What a sham
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Really, Rosie?

"really" what OLD LADY? You may be responding to something I posed-------but it was not reproduced
It's a bunch of BS...I don't care what religion someone chooses to be part of but don't proclaim to be all peaceful and tolerant then use it to do shit like this....and kill others in the name of your God. What a sham
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.

You should put a graphic warning on those photos. Not everyone gets as big a kick out of them as you do.
Old lady, I would agree with you in that the photos are not something I do not want to see. But in a sense, it shows us what happens to a body when riddled with bullets. And maybe folks ought to know that if they are going to support settling all our problems with guns. I also agree some losers get off on this sort of activity, to our disgust.
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.

You should put a graphic warning on those photos. Not everyone gets as big a kick out of them as you do.
Old lady, I would agree with you in that the photos are not something I do not want to see. But in a sense, it shows us what happens to a body when riddled with bullets. And maybe folks ought to know that if they are going to support settling all our problems with guns. I also agree some losers get off on this sort of activity, to our disgust.

gore is the very lowest form of propaganda
This has nothing to do with prayer, public or private. The display of prayer shown on campus is a demonstration by Muslims of their defiance to the bias against them, and the circle of protesters around them is student statement that they are ready to protect their right. But the original threat was not about public displays of prayer, it was about a girl's dress. She was threatened with immolation for her dress, not her prayer habits.
Muslims are the ones that criticize women's clothing. Maybe another Muslim didn't like her display of ankles like the shameless western harlot?

But the demonstration says nothing of the kind. It would only be meaningful if they kept a circle around her everywhere she went. It's just feelgoodism, the dogma of the left.
Yep, weasel. They should have just ignored the issue, made no 'flamboyant' statement of disgust but quietly gone about their business of indifference towards a fellow American by an emboldened hater. After all, she probably criticized Christian women's clothing anyway, right?
I have no idea what she did or didn't do. I don't even know if the story is true, lefties make shit up all the time. Or could have just been some punk shooting off his yap. Happens all the time.

If it is true, there's nothing wrong with coming out against it, as long as they are consistent and come out against Muslim that honor kill their daughters and things like that. But a momentary feelgood camera op doesn't change anything.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.

You should put a graphic warning on those photos. Not everyone gets as big a kick out of them as you do.
Old lady, I would agree with you in that the photos are not something I do not want to see. But in a sense, it shows us what happens to a body when riddled with bullets. And maybe folks ought to know that if they are going to support settling all our problems with guns. I also agree some losers get off on this sort of activity, to our disgust.

gore is the very lowest form of propaganda
i have question.
based on your exprience with moslem in your life.
all of them were evil ?
It's a bunch of BS...I don't care what religion someone chooses to be part of but don't proclaim to be all peaceful and tolerant then use it to do shit like this....and kill others in the name of your God. What a sham
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.
This has nothing to do with prayer, public or private. The display of prayer shown on campus is a demonstration by Muslims of their defiance to the bias against them, and the circle of protesters around them is student statement that they are ready to protect their right. But the original threat was not about public displays of prayer, it was about a girl's dress. She was threatened with immolation for her dress, not her prayer habits.
Muslims are the ones that criticize women's clothing. Maybe another Muslim didn't like her display of ankles like the shameless western harlot?

But the demonstration says nothing of the kind. It would only be meaningful if they kept a circle around her everywhere she went. It's just feelgoodism, the dogma of the left.
Yep, weasel. They should have just ignored the issue, made no 'flamboyant' statement of disgust but quietly gone about their business of indifference towards a fellow American by an emboldened hater. After all, she probably criticized Christian women's clothing anyway, right?
I have no idea what she did or didn't do. I don't even know if the story is true, lefties make shit up all the time. Or could have just been some punk shooting off his yap. Happens all the time.

If it is true, there's nothing wrong with coming out against it, as long as they are consistent and come out against Muslim that honor kill their daughters and things like that. But a momentary feelgood camera op doesn't change anything.
weasel, there was a police report, with witnesses. Would you believe it better from a fake news site?
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

That's dumb, weather!
This has nothing to do with prayer, public or private. The display of prayer shown on campus is a demonstration by Muslims of their defiance to the bias against them, and the circle of protesters around them is student statement that they are ready to protect their right. But the original threat was not about public displays of prayer, it was about a girl's dress. She was threatened with immolation for her dress, not her prayer habits.
Muslims are the ones that criticize women's clothing. Maybe another Muslim didn't like her display of ankles like the shameless western harlot?

But the demonstration says nothing of the kind. It would only be meaningful if they kept a circle around her everywhere she went. It's just feelgoodism, the dogma of the left.
Yep, weasel. They should have just ignored the issue, made no 'flamboyant' statement of disgust but quietly gone about their business of indifference towards a fellow American by an emboldened hater. After all, she probably criticized Christian women's clothing anyway, right?
I have no idea what she did or didn't do. I don't even know if the story is true, lefties make shit up all the time. Or could have just been some punk shooting off his yap. Happens all the time.

If it is true, there's nothing wrong with coming out against it, as long as they are consistent and come out against Muslim that honor kill their daughters and things like that. But a momentary feelgood camera op doesn't change anything.

MOST LIKELY-----the "we will burn you" story, is a lie. In the weeks following the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01 in New York City-------there were THOUSANDS OF COMPLAINTS
"someone pulled my head scarf"-------no actual injuries and no
witnesses. Islamic organizations encouraged the ruse
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.

You should put a graphic warning on those photos. Not everyone gets as big a kick out of them as you do.
Old lady, I would agree with you in that the photos are not something I do not want to see. But in a sense, it shows us what happens to a body when riddled with bullets. And maybe folks ought to know that if they are going to support settling all our problems with guns. I also agree some losers get off on this sort of activity, to our disgust.
Maybe we can show what happens to people with Muslim bombs packed with rat poison laced nails and ball bearings.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

That's dumb, weather!

Fact send you running for more Play Doh?

Most terrorism is committed by Muslims.
Fake story about a koran being flushed or a cartoon of Mo and millions of Muslims are rioting around the world murdering people.

Saw off the heads of children in the name of their god - not a peep.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.

You should put a graphic warning on those photos. Not everyone gets as big a kick out of them as you do.
Old lady, I would agree with you in that the photos are not something I do not want to see. But in a sense, it shows us what happens to a body when riddled with bullets. And maybe folks ought to know that if they are going to support settling all our problems with guns. I also agree some losers get off on this sort of activity, to our disgust.

gore is the very lowest form of propaganda
i have question.
based on your exprience with moslem in your life.
all of them were evil ?

based on my experience with muslims in my life I recognize YOU for the islamo Nazi dog that YOU are, Your use of the "ALL" libel is very typical of islamo Nazi shit like you. I learned about islam from muslims and about Iran from muslims from Iran early in life-------later in life I learned from jews and a lesser number of Christians who fled the shit
of Iran. I learned about islam from muslims long before
Al Gore invented the internet. I read the Koran----probably
before you were born. I did not consider the Koran as
REVEALING to me what islam is all about------I had to read it again-----later on to see how the filth has influenced that which is called ISLAM today and since its inception
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.

You should put a graphic warning on those photos. Not everyone gets as big a kick out of them as you do.
Old lady, I would agree with you in that the photos are not something I do not want to see. But in a sense, it shows us what happens to a body when riddled with bullets. And maybe folks ought to know that if they are going to support settling all our problems with guns. I also agree some losers get off on this sort of activity, to our disgust.
Sometimes it's just better to have a warning about what you are going to see. War is awful, but right now I'm feeling a bit hawkish, considering how ISIS is behaving. War sucks, but sometimes you gotta stand up to the bad guys. No?
I agree! The Christians in Africa killing Muslims should stop!!

The fact that the incident reveals the hatred of some of our far right Christians is a good thing.
then I suppose using that logic, its good that the muslims kill, cut off peoples heads, blow up innocent crowds, throw gays off of buildings, kill women for not covering their face in public (After seeing hillary these last few months I almost agree with that covering the face in public thing) but, at any rate, its good the muslims do this so we can see the hatred in the muslim faith.
or, is it worse to threaten a muslim than it is for a muslim to actually torture and kill a christian.
Just trying to understand how your logic works.
Not all or even most Muslims do any of the stuff you mentioned, particularly not the ones in America. And you could realize this without difficulty if you stuck your head outside your own door and looked around. Read the paper. Like the REAL paper. Watch actual local and US news. This student was threatened with a grisly death for nothing but her/his religion. That, my friend, is the real horror show.
Is any of this a horror show in your opinion, or is it only a horror show when its the other way around
The muslims have brought this on themselves and will continue acting this way as long as assholes try to justify and protect them.

Muslims Threaten Christians at California Church With Vile Message
Muslim Group’s Promise To “Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth” No Hollow Threat | Vision America

Not all Muslims are terrorists. In THIS country, they do not follow the ancient laws that apparently allow radical terrorists to do these horrors to fellow citizens. This does not happen here. Therefore, HERE, we should not be judging Muslims according to what ISIS is doing in the Middle East.

But almost all terrorists are Muslim.

And none protest the atrocities committed in the name of their god.

Of course they do, and I know you've read the many threads where lists of those Muslims standing against terrorism are cited. You just choose to ignore them.
This has nothing to do with prayer, public or private. The display of prayer shown on campus is a demonstration by Muslims of their defiance to the bias against them, and the circle of protesters around them is student statement that they are ready to protect their right. But the original threat was not about public displays of prayer, it was about a girl's dress. She was threatened with immolation for her dress, not her prayer habits.
Muslims are the ones that criticize women's clothing. Maybe another Muslim didn't like her display of ankles like the shameless western harlot?

But the demonstration says nothing of the kind. It would only be meaningful if they kept a circle around her everywhere she went. It's just feelgoodism, the dogma of the left.
Yep, weasel. They should have just ignored the issue, made no 'flamboyant' statement of disgust but quietly gone about their business of indifference towards a fellow American by an emboldened hater. After all, she probably criticized Christian women's clothing anyway, right?
I have no idea what she did or didn't do. I don't even know if the story is true, lefties make shit up all the time. Or could have just been some punk shooting off his yap. Happens all the time.

If it is true, there's nothing wrong with coming out against it, as long as they are consistent and come out against Muslim that honor kill their daughters and things like that. But a momentary feelgood camera op doesn't change anything.

MOST LIKELY-----the "we will burn you" story, is a lie. In the weeks following the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01 in New York City-------there were THOUSANDS OF COMPLAINTS
"someone pulled my head scarf"-------no actual injuries and no
witnesses. Islamic organizations encouraged the ruse
I have always thought you were basically sensible. This is not sensible thinking, Rosie. It was not a lie. The reports being made since Trump's election are predominantly true. And it's not the end of the world when someone pulls off your headscarf, granted, but imagine someone feeling the right to come up and grab off your hat or your jacket. How would you feel? It's not okay.

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