Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

If not for the millions of foreign illegal workers in America wages would be higher for Americans and that would be a good thing

More Legal H1B LEGAL workers are the problem Mac

And yes, dig enough & you'll find the Gub'Mit cap on them

But what is harder to find is all the exceptions and excuses made by Gub'Mit

So you see, the real deal is the bait/switch , to have us focus of the immigration issue , while all the cheap labor proliferates us

Biggest hypocrite of them all?



The problem isthe scumbag lying thieving GOP and their giveaway to the rich the last 35 years. We don't have enough to invest in America and Americans, the middle class and our infrastructure we've been falling apart for that long. That's why there are 7 million technical jobs we can't fill. Only propaganda makes this incredibly unequal unfair Mess possible. Chumps like you. Whoops brainwashed functional chumps LOL.
Its the rich who do the investing

When you take their money away and give it to welfare bums new ideas suffer
I dont know if trump hires that many seasonal workers or not

But I agree that the legal H1b program is robbing Americans and needs to be severely curtailed

Along with doing away with illegal alien workers entirely

We have far more jobs than workers. The H1B program needs to be expanded. I agree that we should do away with illegal alien workers.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states

I think we have plenty of workers, we just got to get them off of welfare and into work. Trump started yesterday by cutting off Franko and others food stamps. I have to work for my own food? That's not fair!!!
And we will still have 7 million good jobs not filled because the GOP will not invest in America or Americans. No sacrifice is too great to save the rich and giant corporations from paying their fair share....
There is no such thing as zero unemployment in a free market economy like ours

Thats only possible in a marxist economy
If not for the millions of foreign illegal workers in America wages would be higher for Americans and that would be a good thing

More Legal H1B LEGAL workers are the problem Mac

And yes, dig enough & you'll find the Gub'Mit cap on them

But what is harder to find is all the exceptions and excuses made by Gub'Mit

So you see, the real deal is the bait/switch , to have us focus of the immigration issue , while all the cheap labor proliferates us

Biggest hypocrite of them all?



The problem isthe scumbag lying thieving GOP and their giveaway to the rich the last 35 years. We don't have enough to invest in America and Americans, the middle class and our infrastructure we've been falling apart for that long. That's why there are 7 million technical jobs we can't fill. Only propaganda makes this incredibly unequal unfair Mess possible. Chumps like you. Whoops brainwashed functional chumps LOL.

And useless Dem twats.
I dont know if trump hires that many seasonal workers or not

But I agree that the legal H1b program is robbing Americans and needs to be severely curtailed

Along with doing away with illegal alien workers entirely

We have far more jobs than workers. The H1B program needs to be expanded. I agree that we should do away with illegal alien workers.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states

I think we have plenty of workers, we just got to get them off of welfare and into work. Trump started yesterday by cutting off Franko and others food stamps. I have to work for my own food? That's not fair!!!
I am still happily retired thanks, brainwashed functional Moron.
If you are happily retired than what do people on welfare have to do with you?
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

If 25% of the population was unemployed, then the percentage of Americans working low-wage jobs would be lower.
A lot of You dupes believe a lot of garbage. I'll go with the experts and our government and the census bureau etcetera etcetera. You go with the garbage propaganda and racist Hysteria.... Pass the Democratic bill with ID card and end this ridiculous wedge issue scam... You can use it for your imaginary illegals voting problem too...
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.
The government has no credible way of knowing how many illegal aliens are in the US

If you prefer the washington establishment figure of 11 million be my guest

But the odds are that number wildly less than the reality

Much better studies put the number at well over 20 million, if not closer to 30.
Its anyones guess

But libs have been claiming 11 million for two decades

I think 25-30 million is more realistic
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.
The government has no credible way of knowing how many illegal aliens are in the US

If you prefer the washington establishment figure of 11 million be my guest

But the odds are that number wildly less than the reality

Much better studies put the number at well over 20 million, if not closer to 30.
Its anyones guess

But libs have been claiming 11 million for two decades

I think 25-30 million is more realistic

They sabotage the gathering of data, use made up shit numbers, then attack you when you address the problem honestly.

They are complete assholes.
Plus the importance of education.

View attachment 292868

Yeah, but I think you are conflating two separate things.

The importance of education is limited to your willingness to put in the work.

What I'm trying to caution against, is that what I see some people (not specifically you), tend to do, is think that if you hand out free education, and push "no child left behind" policies, that this will somehow result in people working better jobs.

No it won't. I know people right now that have 4-year degrees, and no job, specifically because they suck at working. Handing people a degree, does not magically give them work ethic.

And this ideology right here, is exactly why you have seen numerous grade scams in the US, where they pass kids who have no business getting a passing grade.

The first, an African immigrant who had taught special education, was stunned to see one student’s name on Rossiter’s list. “Huh!” Rossiter quoted the teacher as saying. “That boy can’t add two plus two and doesn’t care! What’s he doing in pre-calculus? Yes of course I passed him — that’s a gentleman’s D. Everybody knows that a D for a special education student means nothing but that he came in once in a while.”​

So when you say education is important.... not as much as caring is important. You can drop out of college, and start a successful computer company and apple for a logo, if you care enough.

You can be handed all the education you want, and still end up flipping burgers at Whopper King, if you don't care.

Most colleges enroll students who aren’t prepared for higher education

Almost a majority of students coming out of high school, are not qualified. They have been given free education, free grants, sucking down billions on billions of tax dollars a year, and still not qualified to sort mail for the post office, if you don't care.

So I actually would argue the correct statement is not "the importance of education" but rather "the importance of a work ethic".
Plus the importance of education.

View attachment 292868

Yeah, but I think you are conflating two separate things.

The importance of education is limited to your willingness to put in the work.

What I'm trying to caution against, is that what I see some people (not specifically you), tend to do, is think that if you hand out free education, and push "no child left behind" policies, that this will somehow result in people working better jobs.

No it won't. I know people right now that have 4-year degrees, and no job, specifically because they suck at working. Handing people a degree, does not magically give them work ethic.

And this ideology right here, is exactly why you have seen numerous grade scams in the US, where they pass kids who have no business getting a passing grade.

The first, an African immigrant who had taught special education, was stunned to see one student’s name on Rossiter’s list. “Huh!” Rossiter quoted the teacher as saying. “That boy can’t add two plus two and doesn’t care! What’s he doing in pre-calculus? Yes of course I passed him — that’s a gentleman’s D. Everybody knows that a D for a special education student means nothing but that he came in once in a while.”​

So when you say education is important.... not as much as caring is important. You can drop out of college, and start a successful computer company and apple for a logo, if you care enough.

You can be handed all the education you want, and still end up flipping burgers at Whopper King, if you don't care.

Most colleges enroll students who aren’t prepared for higher education

Almost a majority of students coming out of high school, are not qualified. They have been given free education, free grants, sucking down billions on billions of tax dollars a year, and still not qualified to sort mail for the post office, if you don't care.

So I actually would argue the correct statement is not "the importance of education" but rather "the importance of a work ethic".

And sometimes you can get a great education, be a hard worker, and still be having problems.

My niece graduated college with a degree in biology. It was her quest to get into medical research. Good kid, high grades, and energetic as all hell. She's still waiting tables in Florida.

She can't find a job in that field no matter how hard she tries. My cousin, who is a Doctor in a research lab, had her fly to Maryland to show her around. She contracted my sister (her mother) and said how impressed she was with my nieces knowledge of medical work. The problem was, she couldn't get her a job there because they had a strict no-family policy.

So she moved from Cleveland to Florida because they have more labs there, and as I stated, still waiting tables as she has for the last seven years.
It all comes down to the farce called the American dream. Most people believe it amounts to becoming wealthy. That is true for .000000001 percent. The real american dream is scraping by, maybe making it to retirement, maybe. All the big time work ethic in the world gets one to a very limited life. I've been around for 86 years and the truth is the truth.
Nah, Andy's right. It's these damn kids today. Spoilt! No appreciation! No work ethic! Why when we were toddlers our parents made us eat dirt! And we liked it! WE LOVED IT!
This new generation is hard working and ultra productive otherwise the economy would not be so good. It takes people producing. You know, the thing CEOs and bosses were never very good at.
12 million is just a number that some blowhard pulled out of their ass

Others believe its more like 25 million if not more

Illegals take jobs away from the poorest and least educated Americans, many of whom end up on welfare
A lot of You dupes believe a lot of garbage. I'll go with the experts and our government and the census bureau etcetera etcetera. You go with the garbage propaganda and racist Hysteria.... Pass the Democratic bill with ID card and end this ridiculous wedge issue scam... You can use it for your imaginary illegals voting problem too...
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.

Yet, you can't explain why your side is the one that is actively preventing getting hard numbers on the problem.

Your sides's actions support my case, while all you have is a lot of "RACISM" and similar personal attacks.

So, fuck you.
of course the entire world tells you it's about 12 million illegals here but you refuse to listen, BRAINWASHED functional moron. You will never get anything like the real story from your media. I caramba!
This new generation is hard working and ultra productive otherwise the economy would not be so good. It takes people producing. You know, the thing CEOs and bosses were never very good at.
so that's why we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere and it keeps getting worse? No matter how many $7 an hour jobs there that why the highest percentage of this newest generation is living at home still? Read something get some actual facts for crying out loud super duper.....
This new generation is hard working and ultra productive otherwise the economy would not be so good. It takes people producing. You know, the thing CEOs and bosses were never very good at.
so that's why we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere and it keeps getting worse? No matter how many $7 an hour jobs there that why the highest percentage of this newest generation is living at home still? Read something get some actual facts for crying out loud super duper.....

Well, Dems are useless twats.
It all comes down to the farce called the American dream. Most people believe it amounts to becoming wealthy. That is true for .000000001 percent. The real american dream is scraping by, maybe making it to retirement, maybe. All the big time work ethic in the world gets one to a very limited life. I've been around for 86 years and the truth is the truth.

The American Dream was never about becoming wealthy. Never.
This new generation is hard working and ultra productive otherwise the economy would not be so good. It takes people producing. You know, the thing CEOs and bosses were never very good at.
so that's why we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere and it keeps getting worse? No matter how many $7 an hour jobs there that why the highest percentage of this newest generation is living at home still? Read something get some actual facts for crying out loud super duper.....

Well, Dems are useless twats.
You are just babbling. You admire the new generation and they are mainly Democrats... LOL
This new generation is hard working and ultra productive otherwise the economy would not be so good. It takes people producing. You know, the thing CEOs and bosses were never very good at.
so that's why we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere and it keeps getting worse? No matter how many $7 an hour jobs there that why the highest percentage of this newest generation is living at home still? Read something get some actual facts for crying out loud super duper.....

Well, Dems are useless twats.
You are just babbling. You admire the new generation and they are mainly Democrats... LOL
Oops you again. What a waste of time...
A lot of You dupes believe a lot of garbage. I'll go with the experts and our government and the census bureau etcetera etcetera. You go with the garbage propaganda and racist Hysteria.... Pass the Democratic bill with ID card and end this ridiculous wedge issue scam... You can use it for your imaginary illegals voting problem too...
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.

Yet, you can't explain why your side is the one that is actively preventing getting hard numbers on the problem.

Your sides's actions support my case, while all you have is a lot of "RACISM" and similar personal attacks.

So, fuck you.
of course the entire world tells you it's about 12 million illegals here but you refuse to listen, BRAINWASHED functional moron. You will never get anything like the real story from your media. I caramba!

The moment you look at that number is falls apart. Hell, the fact that they have been citing the same number for years, without any updates, alone is enough to tell you it is bullshit.

The "entire world" is lying.

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