Alternative facts + Truth isn't Truth = Gatorade

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

Dear WTP some wisdom I got from my mom about communication:
The "truth" has three layers
* the TRUE meaning and content for each person they are trying to express
* their WAYS of expressing or communicating that
* the PERCEPTION of the person receiving hearing or reading that

When we have biases in perception, we project that onto everything else we
see or say. So this biases communication. It clouds the truth behind 2-3 layers.
Or more if you multiple by the people in a group all jumping on each other's words.

Not only do we speak from different perspectives (not only religious use different
terms or languages to symbolize abstract concepts, but political left and right use different scenarios to express rights and beliefs),
but we PERCEIVE things differently once we have a bias about one group or another.

So we don't speak or hear the same things when we share or express our thoughts and beliefs.

We might as well be speaking different languages!

So that's why we have issues and conflicts we can't easily resolve.
We have to be able and willing to look through the biases in communication and perception,
to ever get to the truth we are trying to share back and forth.

This is hard enough when two people of different backgrounds
are TRYING to reach an agreement and resolve miscommunication or misunderstanding/misperceptions.

it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to resolve when one or both sides refuse to work it out
but WANT to stay in conflict so they can justify clobbering each other!

At the end of the day, all that is worth teats on a bo hog. The law as written, clears up all biases, perceptions, half truths, or alternative facts. That's the only thing that matters. Not even Giuliani's "truth is not truth" can bypass the law. So save the long speech. That too fixes a whole lot of nothing.
What Gatorade ?
What Gatorade ?
"Is is"? Are you promoting a riddle, or are you actually trying to say something? One can only delineate one conclusion from this offering of yours, is how I see it.
Hey moonbat. That is direct quote from Bill Clinton. It is right up there with Truth isn't truth. Educate yourself and quit being a moron.

I could care less if the quote came out of your britches. At the end of the day, whoever says what, determines whether you support stupid, or not.
You think because someone points out that you are being biased and deflective, it means they support Trump? You really are a fucking moron.
If there was something deflective in my OP, the board is all yours to explain away "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth", because "is is" means nothing to me. Another time, another place of trying to be a con. And that's all it means to me. Today is August 20th, 2018. Almost twenty years away from "is is". Get up to speed. Your past is obviously haunting you.
You're an idiot. Wallow in stupidity. Its fun to watch.
Another thing I find funny about Rudy's appearance on MTP was that he said they didn't know if she was Russian or not.

Rudy Giuliani's Sunday show appearance was a total disaster - CNNPolitics

RUDY GIULIANI: That was the original intention of the meeting. It turned out to be a meeting about another subject and it was not pursued at all. And, of course, any meeting with regard to getting information on your opponent is something any candidate's staff would take. If someone said, I have information about your opponent, you would take that meeting. If it happens to be a person with a Russian --
CHUCK TODD: From the Russian government?
RUDY GIULIANI: She didn't represent the Russian government, she's a private citizen. I don't even know if they knew she was Russian at the time. All they had was her name.
OMG. Is this man completely uninformed or what? He doesn't know about Jr's email, even? "I don't even know if they knew she was Russian..."
Exactly! Just shows that Giuliani knows little to nothing about the particulars of this meeting, and is feeding the base red meat about something he knows little about. And that is how we end up with "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth"? He, Sekulow, and Conway get caught with their pants down, then start making up these alternate universe scenarios, that don't exist. And guess who gets to carry the idiot torches for Trump? They do. Lol! What a joke.
"Is is"? Are you promoting a riddle, or are you actually trying to say something? One can only delineate one conclusion from this offering of yours, is how I see it.
Hey moonbat. That is direct quote from Bill Clinton. It is right up there with Truth isn't truth. Educate yourself and quit being a moron.

I could care less if the quote came out of your britches. At the end of the day, whoever says what, determines whether you support stupid, or not.
You think because someone points out that you are being biased and deflective, it means they support Trump? You really are a fucking moron.
If there was something deflective in my OP, the board is all yours to explain away "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth", because "is is" means nothing to me. Another time, another place of trying to be a con. And that's all it means to me. Today is August 20th, 2018. Almost twenty years away from "is is". Get up to speed. Your past is obviously haunting you.
You're an idiot. Wallow in stupidity. Its fun to watch.
I don't have time to wallow in it. I get to watch too much of it on live T.V.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

Do you have nightmares about ICE?

No, off-topic idiots keep me up at night.
What is truly pretty much every American main source of "news" has the legitimacy of National Inquirer.
It's all useless white noise. Which is exactly what those in power want us to have.
Can you cite proof that they are all equal to the National Enquirer? Of course you can't. But you did mount a pretty good lie about it.
Another thing I find funny about Rudy's appearance on MTP was that he said they didn't know if she was Russian or not.

Rudy Giuliani's Sunday show appearance was a total disaster - CNNPolitics

RUDY GIULIANI: That was the original intention of the meeting. It turned out to be a meeting about another subject and it was not pursued at all. And, of course, any meeting with regard to getting information on your opponent is something any candidate's staff would take. If someone said, I have information about your opponent, you would take that meeting. If it happens to be a person with a Russian --
CHUCK TODD: From the Russian government?
RUDY GIULIANI: She didn't represent the Russian government, she's a private citizen. I don't even know if they knew she was Russian at the time. All they had was her name.
Another thing I find funny about Rudy's appearance on MTP was that he said they didn't know if she was Russian or not.

Rudy Giuliani's Sunday show appearance was a total disaster - CNNPolitics

RUDY GIULIANI: That was the original intention of the meeting. It turned out to be a meeting about another subject and it was not pursued at all. And, of course, any meeting with regard to getting information on your opponent is something any candidate's staff would take. If someone said, I have information about your opponent, you would take that meeting. If it happens to be a person with a Russian --
CHUCK TODD: From the Russian government?
RUDY GIULIANI: She didn't represent the Russian government, she's a private citizen. I don't even know if they knew she was Russian at the time. All they had was her name.

Why is that funny? Before last year no one in their right mind would go "OMG can't talk to Russian's" - that's just paranoia... Before 2016, Russian's were not considered the enemy by the majority of folks, my family had tons of Russian's over in our house for dinner - joint training missions, hosting their soldiers and shit. Everything changed /after/ Trump won the election, not before it.

I find it funny that Rudy said that nobody knew she was Russian until the meeting was held. I seem to remember an email trail that Trump Jr. sent concerning the meeting with the Russians.

Donald Trump Jr.'s Emails About Meeting With Russian Lawyer, Annotated

As far as Russia not being considered an enemy? I seem to remember different back in the early 80's, because we had pulled into a port where a Russian navy ship had also pulled into. We were all told to not initiate conversations with them, but if we ended up talking to them, the conversation and what it was about had to be reported. Well, we were sitting at an outside cafe, when a bunch of them rolled up and sat next to us. One of our guys said "hey, do you have to report conversations you have with Americans like we do with you"? One of them said yes, and we all ended up talking about how crappy deployment was and all the crap that went along with sea duty. After meeting them, I came away from the encounter thinking that they were just like me, only they had a different government that didn't like mine. When it came down to the grunts on the ground, we were pretty similar.

Relations with Russia didn't soften until Reagan and Gorbachov got together and the Berlin wall came down.

By the way, were you around during the Cold War? I was.

My father was kind of a big wig military guy in Alaska from the late 70s through uhm 2010ish. I was "on the front lines" of the Cold War, before, during, and after it... Father was the commander of Fort Rich after the Cold War, commander of the Alaska National Guard, commander of Alaska space missile defense, military advisory to the state... Back when we were organizing joint training missions with the [modern] Russian military there was no animosity or hatred like now. Even after Crimea, the training missions stopped because the UN sanctions, but there wasn't like idk hatred, just a... disagreement on the validity of the vote.

~shrug~ Maybe us Alaskan's just got over the USSR thing faster, we do have a fairly large population of "native Russian's" - folks who never moved back to Russia after the US bought it. Plus the Russian's regularly save our asses up here, like shit will freeze up early and the US icebreakers can't or won't get up north, Russian navy will step up and get the cargo ships into port so we don't have swaths of native villages dying over the winter due to lack of supplies. I suppose that may bias us a bit, like we actually see Russian's doing good things, vs the MSM doesn't ever talk about that "good stuff," they only talk about the bad shit. We're also, I suppose, a bit less hostile toward succession when it comes to like Crimea, a lot of folks up here have more of a "they voted for it so..." kind of mentality than the lower 48 folks who are like "that's not an option" (*see also the civil war argument too, traditionally there were a lot of Texan's up here in Alaska for the oil heh)

Regardless, thousands of people were doing business with Russian's and thinking nothing of it prior to Trump being elected, there was not an impression that they were "the enemy." That impression came about only /after/ the election. That meeting with Trump Jr. took place /before/ the election /before/ all the "Russia is the enemy" shit became popular. Most folks didn't think "oh that lawyer is Russian, better not talk to them," any more than one would think "Oh that buyer is hispanic, better not sell to them," or "that investor is European, better not trust them," etc. It just wasn't on folks radar that Russia was "a threat," the only countries on the "threat" radar back then were terrorist supporting ME countries and NK. So no, it's not at all a surprise that no one thought anything of some lawyer being Russian or not; classical liberal history revision. It's intellectually dishonest.
Are you forgetting this? I'm about as kumbaya as they get, but even I would have refused this offer:
Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.

Rob Goldstone
  • Thanks
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Another thing I find funny about Rudy's appearance on MTP was that he said they didn't know if she was Russian or not.

Rudy Giuliani's Sunday show appearance was a total disaster - CNNPolitics

RUDY GIULIANI: That was the original intention of the meeting. It turned out to be a meeting about another subject and it was not pursued at all. And, of course, any meeting with regard to getting information on your opponent is something any candidate's staff would take. If someone said, I have information about your opponent, you would take that meeting. If it happens to be a person with a Russian --
CHUCK TODD: From the Russian government?
RUDY GIULIANI: She didn't represent the Russian government, she's a private citizen. I don't even know if they knew she was Russian at the time. All they had was her name.
Another thing I find funny about Rudy's appearance on MTP was that he said they didn't know if she was Russian or not.

Rudy Giuliani's Sunday show appearance was a total disaster - CNNPolitics

RUDY GIULIANI: That was the original intention of the meeting. It turned out to be a meeting about another subject and it was not pursued at all. And, of course, any meeting with regard to getting information on your opponent is something any candidate's staff would take. If someone said, I have information about your opponent, you would take that meeting. If it happens to be a person with a Russian --
CHUCK TODD: From the Russian government?
RUDY GIULIANI: She didn't represent the Russian government, she's a private citizen. I don't even know if they knew she was Russian at the time. All they had was her name.

Why is that funny? Before last year no one in their right mind would go "OMG can't talk to Russian's" - that's just paranoia... Before 2016, Russian's were not considered the enemy by the majority of folks, my family had tons of Russian's over in our house for dinner - joint training missions, hosting their soldiers and shit. Everything changed /after/ Trump won the election, not before it.

I find it funny that Rudy said that nobody knew she was Russian until the meeting was held. I seem to remember an email trail that Trump Jr. sent concerning the meeting with the Russians.

Donald Trump Jr.'s Emails About Meeting With Russian Lawyer, Annotated

As far as Russia not being considered an enemy? I seem to remember different back in the early 80's, because we had pulled into a port where a Russian navy ship had also pulled into. We were all told to not initiate conversations with them, but if we ended up talking to them, the conversation and what it was about had to be reported. Well, we were sitting at an outside cafe, when a bunch of them rolled up and sat next to us. One of our guys said "hey, do you have to report conversations you have with Americans like we do with you"? One of them said yes, and we all ended up talking about how crappy deployment was and all the crap that went along with sea duty. After meeting them, I came away from the encounter thinking that they were just like me, only they had a different government that didn't like mine. When it came down to the grunts on the ground, we were pretty similar.

Relations with Russia didn't soften until Reagan and Gorbachov got together and the Berlin wall came down.

By the way, were you around during the Cold War? I was.

My father was kind of a big wig military guy in Alaska from the late 70s through uhm 2010ish. I was "on the front lines" of the Cold War, before, during, and after it... Father was the commander of Fort Rich after the Cold War, commander of the Alaska National Guard, commander of Alaska space missile defense, military advisory to the state... Back when we were organizing joint training missions with the [modern] Russian military there was no animosity or hatred like now. Even after Crimea, the training missions stopped because the UN sanctions, but there wasn't like idk hatred, just a... disagreement on the validity of the vote.

~shrug~ Maybe us Alaskan's just got over the USSR thing faster, we do have a fairly large population of "native Russian's" - folks who never moved back to Russia after the US bought it. Plus the Russian's regularly save our asses up here, like shit will freeze up early and the US icebreakers can't or won't get up north, Russian navy will step up and get the cargo ships into port so we don't have swaths of native villages dying over the winter due to lack of supplies. I suppose that may bias us a bit, like we actually see Russian's doing good things, vs the MSM doesn't ever talk about that "good stuff," they only talk about the bad shit. We're also, I suppose, a bit less hostile toward succession when it comes to like Crimea, a lot of folks up here have more of a "they voted for it so..." kind of mentality than the lower 48 folks who are like "that's not an option" (*see also the civil war argument too, traditionally there were a lot of Texan's up here in Alaska for the oil heh)

Regardless, thousands of people were doing business with Russian's and thinking nothing of it prior to Trump being elected, there was not an impression that they were "the enemy." That impression came about only /after/ the election. That meeting with Trump Jr. took place /before/ the election /before/ all the "Russia is the enemy" shit became popular. Most folks didn't think "oh that lawyer is Russian, better not talk to them," any more than one would think "Oh that buyer is hispanic, better not sell to them," or "that investor is European, better not trust them," etc. It just wasn't on folks radar that Russia was "a threat," the only countries on the "threat" radar back then were terrorist supporting ME countries and NK. So no, it's not at all a surprise that no one thought anything of some lawyer being Russian or not; classical liberal history revision. It's intellectually dishonest.
Are you forgetting this? I'm about as kumbaya as they get, but even I would have refused this offer:
Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.

Rob Goldstone

Annnd someone didn't read my post. Grats, welcome to the "just a partisan hack looking to argue stupidly" list. Have a great day :)
What is truly pretty much every American main source of "news" has the legitimacy of National Inquirer.
It's all useless white noise. Which is exactly what those in power want us to have.
Can you cite proof that they are all equal to the National Enquirer? Of course you can't. But you did mount a pretty good lie about it.

Don't quit your day job
You seem to really hate Gatorade.

Were you bitten by Gatorade as a child?
Yes! I also hate non-existent counter arguments like yours, that promote the Gatorade crowd. It's the Gatorade crowd who are taking this country down and making us the laughing stock. You seem to be proud of that? is this the new thing? The "Gatorade Crowd". Launched from the USMB. Impressive.....except maybe 374 people know what it means!:113:

Oh....and in 72 hours, nobody is going to be caring about this story! Like all the other 6,500 "Gotcha Trump" stories now in the memory hole.

Powerade is waaaaay better anyway s0n....Trump folks think Gatorade is ghey.:bye1::bye1::flirtysmile4:

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

Do you have nightmares about ICE?

No, off-topic idiots keep me up at night.

How about obsessive compulsive assholes who dream all day about how evil Trump is because of ICE?
You seem to really hate Gatorade.

Were you bitten by Gatorade as a child?
Yes! I also hate non-existent counter arguments like yours, that promote the Gatorade crowd. It's the Gatorade crowd who are taking this country down and making us the laughing stock. You seem to be proud of that?

Say what it's the Gatorade crowd that works, it's your faggot crowd that wants to take this country down like sodom and gormorrah.

No that would be Trump. God destroyed S&G because they didn’t show hospitality to strangers at their gates and turned them away.

Americans are turning away refugees, and asylum seekers, and stealing their children from them. So yes, your nation is guilty of the same sins for which God destroyed S&G. Worse in fact.
Another thing I find funny about Rudy's appearance on MTP was that he said they didn't know if she was Russian or not.

Rudy Giuliani's Sunday show appearance was a total disaster - CNNPolitics

RUDY GIULIANI: That was the original intention of the meeting. It turned out to be a meeting about another subject and it was not pursued at all. And, of course, any meeting with regard to getting information on your opponent is something any candidate's staff would take. If someone said, I have information about your opponent, you would take that meeting. If it happens to be a person with a Russian --
CHUCK TODD: From the Russian government?
RUDY GIULIANI: She didn't represent the Russian government, she's a private citizen. I don't even know if they knew she was Russian at the time. All they had was her name.
Another thing I find funny about Rudy's appearance on MTP was that he said they didn't know if she was Russian or not.

Rudy Giuliani's Sunday show appearance was a total disaster - CNNPolitics

RUDY GIULIANI: That was the original intention of the meeting. It turned out to be a meeting about another subject and it was not pursued at all. And, of course, any meeting with regard to getting information on your opponent is something any candidate's staff would take. If someone said, I have information about your opponent, you would take that meeting. If it happens to be a person with a Russian --
CHUCK TODD: From the Russian government?
RUDY GIULIANI: She didn't represent the Russian government, she's a private citizen. I don't even know if they knew she was Russian at the time. All they had was her name.

Why is that funny? Before last year no one in their right mind would go "OMG can't talk to Russian's" - that's just paranoia... Before 2016, Russian's were not considered the enemy by the majority of folks, my family had tons of Russian's over in our house for dinner - joint training missions, hosting their soldiers and shit. Everything changed /after/ Trump won the election, not before it.

I find it funny that Rudy said that nobody knew she was Russian until the meeting was held. I seem to remember an email trail that Trump Jr. sent concerning the meeting with the Russians.

Donald Trump Jr.'s Emails About Meeting With Russian Lawyer, Annotated

As far as Russia not being considered an enemy? I seem to remember different back in the early 80's, because we had pulled into a port where a Russian navy ship had also pulled into. We were all told to not initiate conversations with them, but if we ended up talking to them, the conversation and what it was about had to be reported. Well, we were sitting at an outside cafe, when a bunch of them rolled up and sat next to us. One of our guys said "hey, do you have to report conversations you have with Americans like we do with you"? One of them said yes, and we all ended up talking about how crappy deployment was and all the crap that went along with sea duty. After meeting them, I came away from the encounter thinking that they were just like me, only they had a different government that didn't like mine. When it came down to the grunts on the ground, we were pretty similar.

Relations with Russia didn't soften until Reagan and Gorbachov got together and the Berlin wall came down.

By the way, were you around during the Cold War? I was.

My father was kind of a big wig military guy in Alaska from the late 70s through uhm 2010ish. I was "on the front lines" of the Cold War, before, during, and after it... Father was the commander of Fort Rich after the Cold War, commander of the Alaska National Guard, commander of Alaska space missile defense, military advisory to the state... Back when we were organizing joint training missions with the [modern] Russian military there was no animosity or hatred like now. Even after Crimea, the training missions stopped because the UN sanctions, but there wasn't like idk hatred, just a... disagreement on the validity of the vote.

~shrug~ Maybe us Alaskan's just got over the USSR thing faster, we do have a fairly large population of "native Russian's" - folks who never moved back to Russia after the US bought it. Plus the Russian's regularly save our asses up here, like shit will freeze up early and the US icebreakers can't or won't get up north, Russian navy will step up and get the cargo ships into port so we don't have swaths of native villages dying over the winter due to lack of supplies. I suppose that may bias us a bit, like we actually see Russian's doing good things, vs the MSM doesn't ever talk about that "good stuff," they only talk about the bad shit. We're also, I suppose, a bit less hostile toward succession when it comes to like Crimea, a lot of folks up here have more of a "they voted for it so..." kind of mentality than the lower 48 folks who are like "that's not an option" (*see also the civil war argument too, traditionally there were a lot of Texan's up here in Alaska for the oil heh)

Regardless, thousands of people were doing business with Russian's and thinking nothing of it prior to Trump being elected, there was not an impression that they were "the enemy." That impression came about only /after/ the election. That meeting with Trump Jr. took place /before/ the election /before/ all the "Russia is the enemy" shit became popular. Most folks didn't think "oh that lawyer is Russian, better not talk to them," any more than one would think "Oh that buyer is hispanic, better not sell to them," or "that investor is European, better not trust them," etc. It just wasn't on folks radar that Russia was "a threat," the only countries on the "threat" radar back then were terrorist supporting ME countries and NK. So no, it's not at all a surprise that no one thought anything of some lawyer being Russian or not; classical liberal history revision. It's intellectually dishonest.

There is a difference between doing business, and getting political dirt on your opponent from a foreign government. Doing business with other nations is just good trade, and it can be done legally.

Getting dirt on your political opponents from foreign governments is against our election laws.

One is legal, the other isn't. Get it?

So, Hillary and the DNC broke the law when they hired a law firm to hire Fusion Gps to get dirt on Trump from the Russians? Or, do these laws only apply to Republican candidates?

Actually, the first people to commission the Steel dossier was the Republicans. When Trump became the nominee for the GOP, it was then that they tried to sell it to Clinton's campaign. And, don't scream "fake news" because it comes from a conservative site.

Five things to know about Fusion GPS

What does Fusion GPS have to do with the dossier and who were their customers?

In 2016, Fusion GPS retained a well-respected former British spy, Christopher Steele, to research any connections between then-candidate Trump and the Russian government. The firm had been hired first by Republicans during Trump’s primary run and later by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

Do you have nightmares about ICE?

No, off-topic idiots keep me up at night.

How about obsessive compulsive assholes who dream all day about how evil Trump is because of ICE?

It's not a dream.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

Do you have nightmares about ICE?

No, off-topic idiots keep me up at night.

How about obsessive compulsive assholes who dream all day about how evil Trump is because of ICE?

Can you explain the whole Gatorade thing? Are they having a feud with the Vitamin Water gang?

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

LOL - yeah. The party so fucking bad that it went up against a retard circus and lost. That's who we need to entrust our future to. Got it.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

You're absolute proof that Giuliani is correct. I'll bet you don't even understand.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

No doubt about it. Only Trump's fans are gullible enough, stupid enough to believe the B.S. Trump and Giuliani throw at them. They speak directly to that crowd.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

You're absolute proof that Giuliani is correct. I'll bet you don't even understand.

Giuliani is hoping Trump's idiot base will somehow magically all of a sudden believe in some other alternate reality to the truth. He won't be disappointed.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani are pandering to the Gatorade crowd right now with their campaign of "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

They know now that they cannot win in the court of law, and that their only chance, is to win in the court of opinion.

Giuliani, speaking for Trump on Meet The Press, gave us the actual truth, with Giuliani's incoherent explanation of what the truth is. "Truth isn't truth". Lol!

Folks, I think we can safely say, that the Gatorade crowd has finally taken over the Trump administration. There really isn't but one thing left to do now. Bring the blue wave back in, and bring sanity back to this nation.

Do you have nightmares about ICE?

No, off-topic idiots keep me up at night.

How about obsessive compulsive assholes who dream all day about how evil Trump is because of ICE?

Can you explain the whole Gatorade thing? Are they having a feud with the Vitamin Water gang?

No, just Republican retardation.

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