Alternative To The Electoral College

What would happen if the EC was abolished and we went to a national popular vote for president? For one thing, we'd pretty much be a one-party gov't run by the democrats, wouldn't we? Does anyone believe that is a good idea? Do you think the repubs would have a chance in hell of electing a GOP president? The major population urban cities would determine who wins, and rural America would essentially be shut-out, right? Is that a good thing, liberal progressives want one man one vote except if that man or woman lives out in the sticks somewhere. There's a reason why the Senate requires each state to have only 2 seats regardless of their population size. It's the same reason why we do not elect our president by a popular national vote. It's called the tyranny of the majority.

The states have the Senate but they do not have the House, because House seats are apportioned based on population. But the democrats want to change that so that the Senate goes to a simple 51 vote majority for everything. Is that really a good thing? I am not sure that passing whatever you want without any input or control by the minority is a good thing. Maybe sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something stupid.
Republicans have won the popular vote in the past and nothing says they can’t come up with a candidate and message that will win the popular vote in the future
The president and vice-president should be elected by the popular vote. It would end all these issues regarding electors and a tiny group of states and people determining who will lead the nation.
But that is exactly what you want, a tiny group of states determining who will lead the nation.
Again, you seemed to totally ignore what I posted. I posted that PEOPLE vote, not land. Of course land can't vote.
No, you suggested that ONE county would get ONE vote.
That suggestion implies the Largest County and the Smallest County would each ONLY get ONE Vote.

2. We've got 3,244 counties in the country so we give each county one vote each plus that small handful of territories and they all get one vote each based on popular votes in those areas
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What would happen if the EC was abolished and we went to a national popular vote for president? For one thing, we'd pretty much be a one-party gov't run by the democrats, wouldn't we? Does anyone believe that is a good idea? Do you think the repubs would have a chance in hell of electing a GOP president? The major population urban cities would determine who wins, and rural America would essentially be shut-out, right? Is that a good thing, liberal progressives want one man one vote except if that man or woman lives out in the sticks somewhere. There's a reason why the Senate requires each state to have only 2 seats regardless of their population size. It's the same reason why we do not elect our president by a popular national vote. It's called the tyranny of the majority.

The states have the Senate but they do not have the House, because House seats are apportioned based on population. But the democrats want to change that so that the Senate goes to a simple 51 vote majority for everything. Is that really a good thing? I am not sure that passing whatever you want without any input or control by the minority is a good thing. Maybe sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something stupid.
Dictatorship is favored by the dictators.
But the democrats want to change that so that the Senate goes to a simple 51 vote majority for everything. Is that really a good thing? I am not sure that passing whatever you want without any input or control by the minority is a good thing.

Better than the minority rule you get with a 40 percent filibuster.
Senate should be a simple majority
House should be a simple majority
The President signs

You have to have all three to pass legislation
Better than having 40 percent of one leg to block legislation
Where did I say that real estate votes? I clearly said that people vote.

When you base:

One EC vote per state it's based on real estate and ignore population density and removed the impact of individual votes. So for example California as 38,965,193 people and Wyoming has 584,057 people yet they both would get 1 EC vote.

One EC vote per state it's based on real estate and ignore population density and removed the impact of individual votes. So for example Los Angeles County, CA as 9,663,345 people and Loving County, TX has 43 people yet they both would get 1 EC vote.

It intent appears to reduce or eliminate the impact of population centers and transfer political power to the opposite, i.e. more political power to areas with low population densities. More land, less people.

Better than the minority rule you get with a 40 percent filibuster.
Senate should be a simple majority
House should be a simple majority
The President signs

You have to have all three to pass legislation
Better than having 40 percent of one leg to block legislation
Both the House and Senate should need supermajorities.
But but but your system uses geographical limits - the US states and it's territories. Are you saying that our voting should be open to the world?

No it doesn't. It uses Congressional districts which are redrawn ever 10 years based on...

..... ..... ..... wait for it...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... wait for it...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Population.

LA County has 10 million residents
Buttfuk County in Texas has 3,000

Why would anyone want them to have the same power?
We're not talking about 2 counties. We're talking about over 3000 counties. Two counties by themselves would have little say, whether they be red or blue.
We're not talking about 2 counties. We're talking about over 3000 counties. Two counties by themselves would have little say, whether they be red or blue.

With most of those counties being closer to Buttfuk Tx than LA County

Why give the vote to vacant land rather than people
LA County has 10 million residents
Buttfuk County in Texas has 3,000

Why would anyone want them to have the same power?
No me.
The OP thinks it is fair though.
He just sees all that RED in rural areas and gets excited.

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