Alternative to the Electoral College

Alternative to EC

  • Based on land mass

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Based on county

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Based on district

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Reeeeally. The EC should do that just because some wag on the internet invented a bullshit story about "illegals voting" --- that nobody can prove?

The bar's pretty low for summa y'all.

Excuse me but are you under the impression that no illegals voted? Even in states where no voter ID is even required or the laws are very lax? Like California with its millions of illegals?

Do you really believe that especially when a candidate was running that opposed illegal immigration?

Are you really that naive?

You Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much for stupidity and this is a great example.
We don't need an alternative.

We do, but the OP hasn't presented any, and apparently is not in possession of sufficient creative juices to do so.
No, we don't need an alternative. Leftwing butthurt is the only reason this is even being discussed.

Actually Fingerboi, the reason it's being discussed is it's an election year, and specifically that period between Election Day and the day the EC votes --- which makes it a buzz topic, as it does every four years. As it did four years ago when Rump called it a "disaster for democracy" and called for "revolution in the streets" (with other people doing the actual work of course, some things never change :gay: ). And as it will be four years from now when the whole thing comes up again, because this six-week period every four years is the only time it's RELEVANT.

Dumb shit.
POTUS should be by PV, end of story. That would utterly change the manner in which candidates campaign BTW and would not, IMHO, change the ability one bit for them to be elected as far as D vs R. Republicans would have a great stage to run on as they could reach millions of people at one time in cities. Dems would have to reach out to far less populated areas to win over new voters.

Zackly. Candidates would finally be seen in places they don't bother to go now because the EC has them either locked-out or locked-in. Hillary would have been in Kansas. Rump might have gone to Connecticut.

It would also mean those voters who actually live in Kansas or Connecticut --- or Utah or Oregon or Texas or New York --- would actually have a reason to leave the house on Election Day since their state would not have been already unanimously decided as "red" or "blue". All that bullshit goes away, and turnout goes way up.

How about the people that live in the rural communities if we didn't have the EC? Why even bother to vote when there is a mega city in the state teeming with welfare queens? Like the hard working people in up state New York?

Democracy can suck sometimes. It is really the rule of the mob. The EC goes a little ways to temper that. Quit your bitching. That is the Constitutions of the US. If you don't like it then go to Cuba. They have direct vote, supposedly.

Reeeeally. The EC should do that just because some wag on the internet invented a bullshit story about "illegals voting" --- that nobody can prove?

The bar's pretty low for summa y'all.

Excuse me but are you under the impression that no illegals voted? Even in states where no voter ID is even required or the laws are very lax? Like California with its millions of illegals?

Do you really believe that especially when a candidate was running that opposed illegal immigration?

Are you really that naive?

You Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much for stupidity and this is a great example.

Classic Argument from Ignorance.
"I can contrive a way that it could have happened -- therefore it did happen".

Poster please. :lol:

California's still vetting its last votes. If it hadn't been vetting them it wouldn't have taken so long. :eusa_hand:
POTUS should be by PV, end of story. That would utterly change the manner in which candidates campaign BTW and would not, IMHO, change the ability one bit for them to be elected as far as D vs R. Republicans would have a great stage to run on as they could reach millions of people at one time in cities. Dems would have to reach out to far less populated areas to win over new voters.

Zackly. Candidates would finally be seen in places they don't bother to go now because the EC has them either locked-out or locked-in. Hillary would have been in Kansas. Rump might have gone to Connecticut.

It would also mean those voters who actually live in Kansas or Connecticut --- or Utah or Oregon or Texas or New York --- would actually have a reason to leave the house on Election Day since their state would not have been already unanimously decided as "red" or "blue". All that bullshit goes away, and turnout goes way up.

How about the people that live in the rural communities if we didn't have the EC? Why even bother to vote when there is a mega city in the state teeming with welfare queens?

Democracy can suck sometimes. It is really the rule of the mob. The EC goes a little ways to temper that. Quit your bitching. That is the Constitutions of the US. If you don't like it then go to Cuba. They have direct vote, supposedly.

Actually every country that popularly elects their head of state does so directly, with two exceptions:
  1. The United States of America
  2. Pakistan
How about the people that live in the rural communities if we didn't have the EC? Why even bother to vote when there is a mega city in the state teeming with welfare queens?

Because their vote would actually mean something that's why. Because they couldn't be outvoted by their cities into irrelevance. Because four or five million Californians voted for Rump and their vote got tossed in the shitcan.

Democracy can suck sometimes. It is really the rule of the mob. The EC goes a little ways to temper that.

--- by decreeing rule of the slaveholders? :lol:
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Classic Argument from Ignorance.
"I can contrive a way that it could have happened -- therefore it did happen".

Poster please. :lol:

California's still vetting its last votes. If it hadb't been vetting them it wouldn't have taken so long. :eusa_hand:

More classic response from you Moon Bats; "Ma Baby didndu nutin". No illegals voted in the election, right Libtard?

Actually every country that popularly elects their head of state does so directly, with two exceptions:
  1. The United States of America
  2. Pakistan

So move out of the US if you feel oppressed by the EC. You probably shouldn't move to Pakistan.
People who argue against the PV against the EC always argue that that the President will always be elected by the big cities and the rest of the people's votes won't matter. What they refuse to address, is that under the EC, pretty much the entire election most years is decided by a handful of swing states. This election alone was decided by MI, WI, PA, OH, NC, and FL. Each year, most states vote the same party... every year, and essentially they don't matter. So how is that any different?
People who argue against the PV against the EC always argue that that the President will always be elected by the big cities and the rest of the people's votes won't matter. What they refuse to address, is that under the EC, pretty much the entire election most years is decided by a handful of swing states. This election alone was decided by MI, WI, PA, OH, NC, and FL. Each year, most states vote the same party... every year, and essentially they don't matter. So how is that any different?
Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania were supposed to be blue states so your claim that no State changes is a lie
People who argue against the PV against the EC always argue that that the President will always be elected by the big cities and the rest of the people's votes won't matter. What they refuse to address, is that under the EC, pretty much the entire election most years is decided by a handful of swing states. This election alone was decided by MI, WI, PA, OH, NC, and FL. Each year, most states vote the same party... every year, and essentially they don't matter. So how is that any different?
Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania were supposed to be blue states so your claim that no State changes is a lie

"Suppose" to be? They are not what most people consider traditional Democrat or Republican states.

Classic Argument from Ignorance.
"I can contrive a way that it could have happened -- therefore it did happen".

Poster please. :lol:

California's still vetting its last votes. If it hadb't been vetting them it wouldn't have taken so long. :eusa_hand:

More classic response from you Moon Bats; "Ma Baby didndu nutin". No illegals voted in the election, right Libtard?

There would be absolutely no way to conclude that while the same votes that are supposedly infected --- are still being counted, shit-fer-brains.

Here's what really happened.
Internet fake news author: "Oh shit! Clinton's gonna win the popular vote, easily!"

Internet fake news author's assistant: "by how much?"

Internet fake news author: "Prolly two million. Maybe two and a half!"

Internet fake news author's assistant: "Here's what you do. Put out a story that a bunch of "illegals" voted. Make it 'three million' to cover the spread".

Internet fake news author: "But won't it occur to people that there's no way to know that?"

Internet fake news author's assistant: HELLO?... these whizbangs just voted for Donald Fucking Rump. They're not about to figure out complex concepts like linear time!"

Classic Argument from Ignorance.
"I can contrive a way that it could have happened -- therefore it did happen".

Poster please. :lol:

California's still vetting its last votes. If it hadb't been vetting them it wouldn't have taken so long. :eusa_hand:

More classic response from you Moon Bats; "Ma Baby didndu nutin". No illegals voted in the election, right Libtard?

There would be absolutely no way to conclude that while the same votes that are supposedly infected --- are still being counted, shit-fer-brains.

Here's what really happened.
Internet fake news author: "Oh shit! Clinton's gonna win the popular vote, easily!"

Internet fake news author's assistant: "by how much?"

Internet fake news author: "Prolly two million. Maybe two and a half!"

Internet fake news author's assistant: "Here's what you do. Put out a story that a bunch of "illegals" voted. Make it 'three million' to cover the spread".

Internet fake news author: "But won't it occur to people that there's no way to know that?"

Internet fake news author's assistant: HELLO?... these whizbangs just voted for Donald Fucking Rump. They're not about to figure out complex concepts like linear time!"

So you are so naive, stupid or just plain lying as to claim that there were no illegal votes for that Crooked Hillary asshole? LOL! Thanks for reinforcing the stereotype of an idiot Moon Bat.

Typical stupidity from a Moon Bat. Always in denial. "Ma Baby didin du nutin".
The States can change it.

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The bill has been enacted by 11 jurisdictions possessing 165 electoral votes—61% of the 270 electoral votes necessary to activate it
If there's a vote to accept the popular vote then the Electoral Vote is meaningless. You're trying to replace the EV with the popular vote.
Leave the EC alone. It's working just fine.

Classic Argument from Ignorance.
"I can contrive a way that it could have happened -- therefore it did happen".

Poster please. :lol:

California's still vetting its last votes. If it hadb't been vetting them it wouldn't have taken so long. :eusa_hand:

More classic response from you Moon Bats; "Ma Baby didndu nutin". No illegals voted in the election, right Libtard?

There would be absolutely no way to conclude that while the same votes that are supposedly infected --- are still being counted, shit-fer-brains.

Here's what really happened.
Internet fake news author: "Oh shit! Clinton's gonna win the popular vote, easily!"

Internet fake news author's assistant: "by how much?"

Internet fake news author: "Prolly two million. Maybe two and a half!"

Internet fake news author's assistant: "Here's what you do. Put out a story that a bunch of "illegals" voted. Make it 'three million' to cover the spread".

Internet fake news author: "But won't it occur to people that there's no way to know that?"

Internet fake news author's assistant: HELLO?... these whizbangs just voted for Donald Fucking Rump. They're not about to figure out complex concepts like linear time!"

So you are so naive, stupid or just plain lying as to claim that there were no illegal votes for that Crooked Hillary asshole? LOL! Thanks for reinforcing the stereotype of an idiot Moon Bat.

Typical stupidity from a Moon Bat. Always in denial. "Ma Baby didin du nutin".

You gotta be damn dense to be called out for an Argument from Ignorance fallacy and then counter that callout with ---- the same Argument from Ignorance fallacy.

Same thing expecting different results?


Reeeeally. The EC should do that just because some wag on the internet invented a bullshit story about "illegals voting" --- that nobody can prove?

The bar's pretty low for summa y'all.

Excuse me but are you under the impression that no illegals voted? Even in states where no voter ID is even required or the laws are very lax? Like California with its millions of illegals?

Do you really believe that especially when a candidate was running that opposed illegal immigration?

Are you really that naive?

You Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much for stupidity and this is a great example.

Classic Argument from Ignorance.
"I can contrive a way that it could have happened -- therefore it did happen".

Poster please. :lol:

California's still vetting its last votes. If it hadn't been vetting them it wouldn't have taken so long. :eusa_hand:

Vetting their votes? Oh, well then, I guess it HAD to be 100 percent legit!

Just for the sake of argument, though, why don't you draw me a sketch of how you go about ensuring, after the fact, that your votes were all cast by legal citizens, when you didn't require them to prove their identity at the polling place? Please, explain that to me, I always like to watch a good mental gymnastics routine.
People who argue against the PV against the EC always argue that that the President will always be elected by the big cities and the rest of the people's votes won't matter. What they refuse to address, is that under the EC, pretty much the entire election most years is decided by a handful of swing states. This election alone was decided by MI, WI, PA, OH, NC, and FL. Each year, most states vote the same party... every year, and essentially they don't matter. So how is that any different?

You've made it part way to the logical conclusion of all this, well done. What you've done here is pointed out that, with the electoral college, it is possible to pander only to the swing states and rely on the predictable and monolithic voting patterns of the rest of the states to ensure that those swing states along have the power to get you over the top. So, essentially, both the EC and the PV have the potential to siphon all federal benefits to a few areas. Same-same, right?

Wrong. Here's the difference. If, at some point, the swing state pandering goes too far, and enough people in the right non-swing state(s) get properly fed up with it, the potential is there for them to buck the system by switching their vote and becoming, themselves, (a) swing state(s).

With the popular vote, nobody outside of the main population centers even has the possibility of recourse. The sad fact of the matter is that growing your city larger than Houston is a considerably less practical course of action than switching your vote.
Liberal nation wants to change the game because they lost. Lost in their emotions, they lack the ability to comprehend there's good reason we don't allow metropolises to dictate how the entire country is run. The larger the city the greater the decay. That's just how shit works. The citizens are more likely to fall prey to propaganda, and they're more likely to be socially dependent. In other terms, they're more likely corrupt, they're followers. Imagine the cost, chaos and rapid dumbing down if these people dictated how every county is run. Perhaps an alternative is one of these, though Trump would have won regardless:
NYC is a megalopolis, try to get one thing correct...
Liberal nation wants to change the game because they lost. Lost in their emotions, they lack the ability to comprehend there's good reason we don't allow metropolises to dictate how the entire country is run. The larger the city the greater the decay. That's just how shit works. The citizens are more likely to fall prey to propaganda, and they're more likely to be socially dependent. In other terms, they're more likely corrupt, they're followers. Imagine the cost, chaos and rapid dumbing down if these people dictated how every county is run. Perhaps an alternative is one of these, though Trump would have won regardless:

Any old excuse of why to keep the status quo, after spending months saying the system was rigged and needed change.

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