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Am I right to be really nervous about all of this or what?

How would you characterize claims that the NSA is spying on all our communications?

That's pretty much fact. But the OP in this thread has been thoroughly debunked.

Point being that what is now "pretty much fact" was, once upon a time, thoroughly debunked as paranoia.

Was the NSA spying on our communications ever thoroughly debunked as paranoia? I thought it was a fairly common concept. The uses of that information would be more where people would be seen as paranoid I would think.
I'm intimately acquainted with Pentecostalism, Jeremiah. I was raised to be one.

While a tiny minority of "evangelical" denominations are beginning to come around to the realization as to just how big a role US foreign policy concerning Israel has already played in the takeover end game, the vast majority of evangelicals (including most Pentecostals) seem totally oblivious to that fact, as their unwavering support for "God's chosen people" has served as the key impetus for waging wars against the globalists' stoutest enemies.

Ever wonder why Sharia Law has been so demonized by the MSM in the west?

The real reason, which is never mentioned in the defamatory western articles, is because interest is considered usury or riba and is thereby forbidden in the Quran and by extension in Islamic Sharia Law. Since charging interest on monies printed by the central banking authorities is how many nations (including our own) have effectively been brought under multinational control, Islamic countries have thus far avoided that fate, which makes them a major thorn in the side of the architects of globalization.

You were raised to be one but you don't mention if you were ever a believer, Capstone. There is a difference. I can sit in a garage all day but it won't make me a car either. Similar analogy. I don't bring that up to dismiss your viewpoint on pentacostals but truly we are different from charismatic pentacostals who have now infiltrated some of the church with prosperity gospel. It is a different group. A true Pentacostal is not supposed to allow politics of any kind to enter the church. I can show you a sermon about it from the ministry I follow. It is considered a personal matter. Not for church discussion. That has changed. In the big evangelical churches many of them are becoming used for politics and it is a serious error in judgment.

With that said, I support Israel being a sovereign nation entitled to all the rights that other nations enjoy. This is my personal belief. As a christian I stand with the Jews and defend their right to keep Israel because God gave it to them and now it has been returned to them.

On the matter of sharia banking. I do know that charging interest is forbidden. I can understand how this would be an obstacle for the IMF and World Bank Globalist Agenda. I also see how you can make the case for global conflict due to US foreign policy on Israel. Due to the fact that the enemies of the globalists are also the enemies of Israel. But is this a logical reason to walk away from Israel?

If you say yes then by all means America should have joined Hitlers side in the war against the Soviets. We made an error in judgment.

If you say that we did not make an error in judgment by not joining Hitlers side then you must admit you are the one making an error in judgment by suggesting that joining the side of Israels enemy will save us in the end. It is not only illogical but a decision totally void of good conscience.

We do not abandon our friends and allies when they become a burden. We get in the trenches with them. That is what it means to be a friend and an ally. We cannot change the truth when it becomes inconvenient.
The Patriot Act has been there for over a decade now, Montrovant. They could listen in on phone calls back then.
Our because there is widespread distrust of our government.

Skepticism is healthy ... paranoia is paranoia.

How would you characterize claims that the NSA is spying on all our communications?

Ignorant and uninformed, given the fact that the surveillance programs are both legal and Constitutional, where the information garnered cannot be used pursuant to a criminal prosecution.

There is no expectation of privacy with regard to information voluntarily provided to a private third party, and the 4th Amendment doesn’t protect a ‘right’ to not be embarrassed; rather, it protects a right to not be in jeopardy of losing one’s liberty at the hands of the state absent legally obtained evidence. That someone ‘thinks’ that the surveillance programs ‘might’ violate citizens’ civil liberties is not Constitutionally valid (Clapper v. Amnesty International (2013)), nor are the notions that the surveillance programs are ‘wrong’ or the people ‘distrust government' Constitutionally or legally valid.

Indeed, ‘ignorance’ and ‘paranoia’ are often closely related.

And, in the case of the OP, there are those who are motivated by partisanism, seeking only to sow discord via demagoguery.
Alex Jones has exaggerates news stories from his own point of view many times. That is very troubling.
The Patriot Act has been there for over a decade now, Montrovant. They could listen in on phone calls back then.

The comprehensive surveillance programs have been around since the 70s, going on 40 years; telling how only now it’s become an ‘issue.’

And the PA has been subject to extensive judicial review, with many provisions invalidated by the courts, where Congress has rewritten those provisions to conform to the Constitution.

But the PA exists at the behest of the people, it is their creation, and it remains in effect in accordance with their wishes; it is naïve and ignorant, therefore, to perceive the PA as something ‘forced’ on the people by a ‘tyrannical’ government, when in fact the American people are solely responsible for its existence, and only the people have the authority to rid themselves of it.
Skepticism is healthy ... paranoia is paranoia.

How would you characterize claims that the NSA is spying on all our communications?

Ignorant and uninformed, given the fact that the surveillance programs are both legal and Constitutional, where the information garnered cannot be used pursuant to a criminal prosecution.

And that provides you with adequate assurance that the program won't be abused? Your trust in government seems extreme in my view. They're just people, with all the same foibles and vices as the rest of us.
That's pretty much fact. But the OP in this thread has been thoroughly debunked.

Point being that what is now "pretty much fact" was, once upon a time, thoroughly debunked as paranoia.

Was the NSA spying on our communications ever thoroughly debunked as paranoia? I thought it was a fairly common concept. The uses of that information would be more where people would be seen as paranoid I would think.

When this first came out they were talking about a building that hadn't even been built yet. so yes it was just people talking shit. 5 years later NSA started the illegal recording of our phone records. When the Pat Act first started we were told that it gave NSA authority to listen in on phone conversations that came in from outside the country...And my son and I used to screw with them, Still do. When either of them call from Germany we make a point of using all those key words like guns, box cutters, planes, explosions, anything we can think of to use in a conversation, sometimes one of us will just start listing things....

What is not really known is when this evolved into what Snowden released.....
I have been rethinking Snowden. It seems very strange to me that someone of his intelligence would have chosen Russia as the place he'd flee to. Was he that naive or were we?
How would you characterize claims that the NSA is spying on all our communications?

Ignorant and uninformed, given the fact that the surveillance programs are both legal and Constitutional, where the information garnered cannot be used pursuant to a criminal prosecution.

And that provides you with adequate assurance that the program won't be abused? Your trust in government seems extreme in my view. They're just people, with all the same foibles and vices as the rest of us.

Nowhere did Jones say or imply any assurance that the PA can't or won't be abused. As you seem to know the people empowered to use it are just people and may abuse their authority. As Jones noted "the surveillance programs are both legal and Constitutional, where the information garnered cannot be used pursuant to a criminal prosecution."
The courts and our gov't must be vigilant in guarding against abuse.
You were raised to be one but you don't mention if you were ever a believer, Capstone. There is a difference. ...

I understand the difference, only too well.

The question as to what I might have believed as a child has become increasingly complicated, as my understanding of epistemology has developed over the years. If you don't mind, that's a can of worms I'd rather not open in here.

Suffice it to say: I'm not a Pentecostal believer (or a Christian of any stripe) today.

I can sit in a garage all day but it won't make me a car either. Similar analogy. ...

No, but if you were to pay close enough attention, you might just become "intimately acquainted" with the comings and goings of that car and its drivers.

...I don't bring that up to dismiss your viewpoint on pentacostals but truly we are different from charismatic pentacostals who have now infiltrated some of the church with prosperity gospel. It is a different group. A true Pentacostal is not supposed to allow politics of any kind to enter the church. I can show you a sermon about it from the ministry I follow. It is considered a personal matter. Not for church discussion. That has changed. In the big evangelical churches many of them are becoming used for politics and it is a serious error in judgment. ...

Well, in spite of the doctrinal differences between the sects you've mentioned, the cross-denominational agreement as to the identity of "God's chosen people" and the consequent unwavering support for anything sold as "pro-Israeli" outside of the church ...fits my assessment to a T.

Case in point:

...With that said, I support Israel being a sovereign nation entitled to all the rights that other nations enjoy. This is my personal belief. As a christian I stand with the Jews and defend their right to keep Israel because God gave it to them and now it has been returned to them. ...

You've been herded into the pen right alongside all those crazy charismatics from whom you seem so anxious to distance yourself.

The conditioned acceptance of this divinely inspired racial superiority of the Jews is so ingrained in the evangelical mindset that it can never be seen by the indoctrinated for what it is: the worst imaginable form of racism -- the kind that God "HIMSELF" has supposedly dictated!

The Jewish People are just that: people. No better or worse than the people of any other ethnicity on the planet. Until that philosophy is widely reflected in Christian/Judeo religious thought, the policies that bloom as the natural fruition of such religion-based racism will likely continue to stain the Earth with the blood of whatever nations our leaders tell us are standing in the way of Israel's security.

On the matter of sharia banking. I do know that charging interest is forbidden. I can understand how this would be an obstacle for the IMF and World Bank Globalist Agenda. I also see how you can make the case for global conflict due to US foreign policy on Israel. Due to the fact that the enemies of the globalists are also the enemies of Israel. But is this a logical reason to walk away from Israel?

Perfectly logical, although maybe not morally justifiable in terms of abandoning the innocent Israelis. They're not all in on the globalist agenda, after all.

In my view, most Israelis are nearly as clueless as their unwitting supporters in the US, the main difference being: they're on the front-line of the globalists' phony war of attrition in the Middle East. This isn't about abandoning an ally; it's about liberating that pawn from the clutches of those who've misplayed it time and again over the past 60-odd years.
I respect your right to privacy, Capstone and won't ask anything further about the Pentacostal experience. To be clear I have never said the Jews were racially superior nor have I ever said they are better or worse than anyone else. Although I must point out they have been more brutally treated than any other people group on earth and I feel great compassion for their sufferings. To suggest that Israel does not have the right to exist, to be known as a Jewish State, a Sovereign State with all the rights all the Islamic States enjoy - is to be racist in my opinion.

I am not a member of any evangelical - charismatic church. Pentacostal or otherwise. As a private US Citizen I have every right to support Israel as you do to decline the invitation. I respect your rights and you should respect mine. That is fair.

Note* There is nothing phony going on about a war against Israel. She is surrounded by on all sides by enemies that would like to drive her people into the sea. This is a very serious matter and I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I believe Gods Word whereas by your own admission you do not, Capstone.

So while you may find it of no importance that God was specific in Isaac & his descendants being the heir to Israel I find it of the utmost importance. Indeed it settles the matter for me.
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I'm not trying to irritate you, Capstone. I just have to be honest with you. If it still troubles you? Deep breaths might help.. ( smile... )

This is scarier than the previous video!

A police chief is advising people to get guns now while you can.
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Jesse's writers did a good job of it...

Unless you will be there to physically protect the people you are trying to calm or ridicule, why don't YOU just relax.

Unless you get your jollies by appearing to be omniscient and omnipotent.

Which we all know you aren't.

If you are correct, you will still be correct if you just keep it to yourself, ya know?

And if you aren't correct you will be causing some folks to be caught defenseless with their guard down..

Think 9/11.

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