Amarosa Credibility - Zero

This will be brief. If Amarosa heard Trump use the N word, and that understandably would have disturbed her, then why did she hang around after that so long ? Just for the money ? Doesn't seem logical. If she would have left on her own accord, she would have had great esteem from her former job, and could have had her choice of high-paying jobs, galore.

So now, having been fired instead, she is badmarked, and is left with little more than making money from writing a book - which would sell only if something sensational were attached to it. Like accusing the president of the United States of being a racist. I wouldn't pay 10 cents for this woman's book.

Maybe she can rent a cart and sell peanuts.
What goes around comes around. Trump is reaping what he has sown.

None of Trump's supporters have a moral leg to stand on any more. :lol:

It's awesome watching this dumpster fire. Trump being burned by someone he trained and encouraged in his ways.

Karma is fucking beautiful poetry.
Look at the biggest douchebag in this entire forum defend the biggest douchebag Trump hater in the country.
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This will be brief. If Amarosa heard Trump use the N word, and that understandably would have disturbed her, then why did she hang around after that so long ? Just for the money ? Doesn't seem logical. If she would have left on her own accord, she would have had great esteem from her former job, and could have had her choice of high-paying jobs, galore.

So now, having been fired instead, she is badmarked, and is left with little more than making money from writing a book - which would sell only if something sensational were attached to it. Like accusing the president of the United States of being a racist. I wouldn't pay 10 cents for this woman's book.

Maybe she can rent a cart and sell peanuts.
Maybe why she audio taped....

There are no 'tapes' anymore dufus.
poor ignorant Omarosa.....she is being sued millions...

and with reason

how will she pay? I guess she will have to be jailed for a long time...unless Clinton/Obama/Soros come to her rescue.:dunno:
Wacky Omarosa can defame and smear our president all of a sudden. Gets the pass by fake news. Then plays victim after the slander is catching up to her after breach of security recording conversations. But Keith Ellison can gets a pass with abusing women. Thanks, fake news!
I was a kid in Virginia in the 1960s. Nig-Ger was in wide use everywhere.

Now it's a blue state, and by their own rules, none of them can hold office. :auiqs.jpg:
poor ignorant Omarosa.....she is being sued millions...

and with reason

how will she pay? I guess she will have to be jailed for a long time...unless Clinton/Obama/Soros come to her rescue.:dunno:
Maybe she can connect with Stormy Daniels and they can form a movie company.
Remember when we were kids and said " the F word"?

Somehow we regressed and are now using "the N word".

So much for maturity as you age.
Yeah, I gotta agree. She ranks right up there with tRump on the credibility scale.
I once asked USMB libs to present one lie that Trump ever told. None came forth.
Calling Trump a liar is just standard liberal hot air.
What goes around comes around. Trump is reaping what he has sown.

None of Trump's supporters have a moral leg to stand on any more. :lol:

It's awesome watching this dumpster fire. Trump being burned by someone he trained and encouraged in his ways.

Karma is fucking beautiful poetry.
So you're jumping to conclusions without seeing evidence ? I'll keep that in mind.
Trumpbots actually have the stones to bring up credibility after Goldilocks set the world record for spewing lies?

give me one good reason why I should care if Omarosa lies through her teeth ....
Hey, y'all heard "rapists" and "banning Muslims" and "blood" and "I like people who weren't captured" and "thousands dancing on rooftops" and watched gyrations mocking a congenital disability -- why have y'all hung around so long?

Exactly. Makes no sense.

But hey, you're right. That was indeed brief.
We've hung around because unlike you, who falls for media scam talk on those things, we know the truth behind them.

We know that Trump was correct that McCain WAS NOT a war hero. He was a collaborator with the North Vietnamese, earning the nickname "Songbird" for all the military information he passed on to them.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

We know that, in his famous "When Mexico sends us" speech, Trump mentioned more than Mexicans. In his very next 2 sentences, he said "And it's coming from more than Mexico. It's coming from all over South & Latin America, and it's coming probably from the Middle East." And yes, he was talking about "rapists".

But Trump didn't say ALL the immigrants were rapists. He focused his statement by saying >> "And some, I assume are good people" But of course the media, anxious to disparage Trump, rarely ever mention that part. Instead they, and leftist blabbermouths, change the narrative to make it appear that Trump talked about ALL Mexicans (clearly not the case)

But even if Trump had been talking about all of Latin America and the Middle East, and we could throw in India as well, he would have been right, if his point was that rape, in these 3rd world areas is commonly more accepted by men than it is in the US, and is far more prevalent.

This is a well known fact outside the US, where populations are not subject to media censorship of rape by non-whites, as it is in the US. According to Professor Carlos Javier Echarri Ca'novas of El Colegio de Mexico, a professor of demography who studies violence against women: "The fact is that the rape rate in Mexico is higher than in India." While Mexican statistics do indicate this, the rape rate is Mexico is likely far higher than the government reports. Reports of rape in 3rd world countries are hampered by corruption, and a cultural willingness to ignore violence considered “normal”.

Women Alert to Travel’s Darker Side

In a report from the InterAmerican Children's Institute, they explained that Latin America is second only to Asia in sexual exploitation of women and children, because sex abuse is "ingrained into the minds of the people." Women and children are "seen as objects instead of human beings with rights and freedoms." CSEC Overview_Latin America (English).pdf

Some of those things you said are true. Mexicans by and large, relative to Americans, ARE "rapists", and ARE symptomatic of sexual abuse, more so than Americans. Think Mexican men are about the same as Americans when it comes to sex abuse of women ? Guess again. Things are so bad in the 3rd world (including Mexico), that authorities have had to segregate buses by sex, to keep men from groping women.

Mexico City Rolls Out Sex-Segregated Buses

As for your disingenuous (to say the least) comment about "mocking a congenital disability", you know damn well that's not true, since I corrected you on that just a few days ago, and you have thus have no excuse to be still posting the false Hillary lie, when you now know the correct truth. For anybody else who still doesn't know, here it is >>

NO, here YOU ARE trying to cover for lying Serge Kovaleski, lying Hillary Clinton, lying Democrats running TV ads and pretending that Trump was mocking Kovaleski's disability. Even some Democrat posters in this forum have used the Kovaleski scam, some even as a signature, but they eventually removed it.

So, here are Kovaleski's words from his September 18, 2001 article in the Washington Post, exactly as what Trump said he said. And these are exactly the words Kovaleski wouldn't admit he said/wrote (note: none of this had anything to do with any quantity words like hundreds or thousands), which prompted Trump to mock him for that disingenuous denial >>>

"In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners' plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river."

Northern New Jersey Draws Probers' Eyes

PS - This article was also written by Fredrick Kunkle, but Kunkle never denied he had written the part about "number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops", so he didn't get mocked by Trump for it. Only Kovalelski did.

Yes, Kovaleski got mocked by Trump, not about any disability, but because Kovalseski lied about what he wrote. He got mocked by Trump, because he DESERVED to get mocked.

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I second that wholeheartedly!!! ^^:clap:

That's all this is .....another false narrative by the Mockingbird/MSM/CIA media.

They will not succeed.
They won't succeed. They tried with 4 LYING TV ads to derail Trump's in the 2016 campaign. >>

1. McCain

2. the disabled reporter

3. Outsourcing

4. The gold star Muslim father (Khizir Khan)

Americans didn't fall for those lies. They probably INCREASED Trump's vote counts, as Americans got offended by being lied to.

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