Amazing chutzpah - New 9-11 museum never mentions WTC-7!!!

I see the moderators have dutifully hidden this topic under " conspiracy theories". It's not a conspiracy theory to point out the impossibilities of the 'Official ConspiracyTheory'. The impossible didn't happen on 911. The laws of physics were not suspended on 911. Only the weak minded can not face the fact that only controlled demolition could bring down a steel framed high rise building at free fall acceleration. If I am a Truther because I seek the truth, so be it, better than being a defender of an obvious lie, as that makes one a lier.
Wow, now that is there is a well reasoned reply!
Maybe he's found the missing gold?

"Some $230 million worth of gold was discovered in a lorry in a tunnel under the Center in November 2001. 21 We have seen no reports of other caches being found. However, Comex was reported to have at least $950 million worth of gold stored in its vault under the Center, and the fate of that haul remains unknown."
There are so many "anomalies"to the 'Official Conspiracy Theory' which have gone unexplained as to prove the point that the OCT is nothing but a lie. I do not offer a theory, only a real investigation by a special prosecutor with subpoena power can test the evidence to determine all the facts. But one fact is clear, Building Seven was brought down by controlled demolition. The NIST admitted that it fell at free fall acceleration which can not possibly occur as a result of accidental collapse due to "normal office fires". It is IMPOSSIBLE!
There are so many "anomalies"to the 'Official Conspiracy Theory' which have gone unexplained as to prove the point that the OCT is nothing but a lie. I do not offer a theory, only a real investigation by a special prosecutor with subpoena power can test the evidence to determine all the facts. But one fact is clear, Building Seven was brought down by controlled demolition. The NIST admitted that it fell at free fall acceleration which can not possibly occur as a result of accidental collapse due to "normal office fires". It is IMPOSSIBLE!
Much of the physical evidence needed to properly investigate the attack was disposed of long ago. Possibly, the most promising avenue of investigation today would require following the money, since those who facilitated the attack also expected to profit materially from it:

"FTW, December 6, 2001 -- On October 9th, FTW broke a story on insider trading connected to the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center that sparked worldwide controversy.

"In that story we reported how the Israeli Herzliyya Institute for Counterterrorism had documented that unknown individuals -- with accurate foreknowledge of the attacks -- had purchased an obvious and unusually large number of 'put' options on United and American Airlines shortly before the attacks."

Profits of Death - Insider Trading and 9-11
The deepest and darkest secrets of 9/11 lie buried in the records of the US National Energy Policy Development Group which was headed by Rich-Dick Cheney almost from Day One of Bush II.

"The Energy Task Force, officially the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG), was a task force created by then-U.S. President George W. Bush in 2001 during his second week in office.

"Vice President Dick Cheney was named chairman.

"This group was intended to 'develop a national energy policy designed to help the private sector, and, as necessary and appropriate, State and local governments, promote dependable, affordable, and environmentally sound production and distribution of energy for the future.'"

Energy Task Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The deepest and darkest secrets of 9/11 lie buried in the records of the US National Energy Policy Development Group which was headed by Rich-Dick Cheney almost from Day One of Bush II.

"The Energy Task Force, officially the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG), was a task force created by then-U.S. President George W. Bush in 2001 during his second week in office.

"Vice President Dick Cheney was named chairman.

"This group was intended to 'develop a national energy policy designed to help the private sector, and, as necessary and appropriate, State and local governments, promote dependable, affordable, and environmentally sound production and distribution of energy for the future.'"

Energy Task Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No doubt those records would shed much light on 911. There are certainly others with secrets to be revealed also, unfortunately without the threat of prosecution it will be very difficult to get to the truth. We need a real investigation by a special prosecutor armed with subpoena power.

Those who resist a real investigation either have something to hide or simply don't want to risk finding out their "team" was involved.

I voted for President Obama, but it is obvious that he is willfully or perhaps unwittingly perpetuating the cover up of our nations' greatest crime. Regardless, I am prepared to see all involved prosecuted to the fullest, even if my own ox be gored for I am a patriot.

Those who opposed to an investigation are either criminals or cowards.
The deepest and darkest secrets of 9/11 lie buried in the records of the US National Energy Policy Development Group which was headed by Rich-Dick Cheney almost from Day One of Bush II.

"The Energy Task Force, officially the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG), was a task force created by then-U.S. President George W. Bush in 2001 during his second week in office.

"Vice President Dick Cheney was named chairman.

"This group was intended to 'develop a national energy policy designed to help the private sector, and, as necessary and appropriate, State and local governments, promote dependable, affordable, and environmentally sound production and distribution of energy for the future.'"

Energy Task Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No doubt those records would shed much light on 911. There are certainly others with secrets to be revealed also, unfortunately without the threat of prosecution it will be very difficult to get to the truth. We need a real investigation by a special prosecutor armed with subpoena power.

Those who resist a real investigation either have something to hide or simply don't want to risk finding out their "team" was involved.

I voted for President Obama, but it is obvious that he is willfully or perhaps unwittingly perpetuating the cover up of our nations' greatest crime. Regardless, I am prepared to see all involved prosecuted to the fullest, even if my own ox be gored for I am a patriot.

Those who opposed to an investigation are either criminals or cowards.

No doubt those records would shed much light on 911.

Really? What light would they shed on Osama?

Perhaps they would reveal that Muslims don't like infidels much?
The deepest and darkest secrets of 9/11 lie buried in the records of the US National Energy Policy Development Group which was headed by Rich-Dick Cheney almost from Day One of Bush II.

"The Energy Task Force, officially the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG), was a task force created by then-U.S. President George W. Bush in 2001 during his second week in office.

"Vice President Dick Cheney was named chairman.

"This group was intended to 'develop a national energy policy designed to help the private sector, and, as necessary and appropriate, State and local governments, promote dependable, affordable, and environmentally sound production and distribution of energy for the future.'"

Energy Task Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No doubt those records would shed much light on 911. There are certainly others with secrets to be revealed also, unfortunately without the threat of prosecution it will be very difficult to get to the truth. We need a real investigation by a special prosecutor armed with subpoena power.

Those who resist a real investigation either have something to hide or simply don't want to risk finding out their "team" was involved.

I voted for President Obama, but it is obvious that he is willfully or perhaps unwittingly perpetuating the cover up of our nations' greatest crime. Regardless, I am prepared to see all involved prosecuted to the fullest, even if my own ox be gored for I am a patriot.

Those who opposed to an investigation are either criminals or cowards.
They are also well aware there is enough blame for 911 to end both major political parties in the US if an investigation like the one you propose ever took place.

On the morning of 911, General Mahmoud Ahmad the Pakistani who's alleged to be the "money man" behind the hijackers was having breakfast on Capitol Hill will the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees; both politicians, one Democrat the other Republican, were later put in charge of public hearings on "intelligence failures."

General Ahmad's leg man in wiring $100,000 to 911 ringleader Mohamed Atta was an ISI asset who went by many names including Omar Saeed Sheikh, the same man convicted for the murder of a possible CIA asset named Daniel Pearl.

If enough Americans become convinced the CIA helped finance the 911 attacks, they may come to the conclusion both major parties have outlived their usefulness to this republic.
Let the chips fall where they may. If we, the American public demand this investigation and carry it through to its conclusion we will prove our country the greatest in history.

It's time to wake ourselves from the fiction of the OfficialConspiracy Theory, the worst that could happened is that the OCT is proven true, but that isn't what will happen, once the first domino falls the truth will come out.
Going to sleep, up at 5:00. I'll check in tomorrow, try out youtube and see for yourself, you don't have to believe me
Let the chips fall where they may. If we, the American public demand this investigation and carry it through to its conclusion we will prove our country the greatest in history.

It's time to wake ourselves from the fiction of the OfficialConspiracy Theory, the worst that could happened is that the OCT is proven true, but that isn't what will happen, once the first domino falls the truth will come out.
If so, Americans will have a spiritual awakening unlike any other we've experienced so far. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the level of anger and hatred that will sweep this republic if a majority of its citizens ever become convinced their government facilitated the terror attacks of 911.
There are so many "anomalies"to the 'Official Conspiracy Theory' which have gone unexplained as to prove the point that the OCT is nothing but a lie. I do not offer a theory, only a real investigation by a special prosecutor with subpoena power can test the evidence to determine all the facts. But one fact is clear, Building Seven was brought down by controlled demolition. The NIST admitted that it fell at free fall acceleration which can not possibly occur as a result of accidental collapse due to "normal office fires". It is IMPOSSIBLE!

Of course. Bldg 7 was unquestionably controlled demo and everybody knows it. These idiots here who say otherwise are obvious paid govt shills. If the govt was smart they'd have admitted the truth about 7 right from the start. Now it's too late.
If so, Americans will have a spiritual awakening unlike any other we've experienced so far. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the level of anger and hatred that will sweep this republic if a majority of its citizens ever become convinced their government facilitated the terror attacks of 911.

A majority of the citizens came to that conclusion long ago. But nothing has happened and nothing will happen.

What happened after Bush's invasion of iraq was exposed as a based on a huge lie.? That was far worse than 911 but americans said hell with it.
If so, Americans will have a spiritual awakening unlike any other we've experienced so far. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the level of anger and hatred that will sweep this republic if a majority of its citizens ever become convinced their government facilitated the terror attacks of 911.

A majority of the citizens came to that conclusion long ago. But nothing has happened and nothing will happen.

What happened after Bush's invasion of iraq was exposed as a based on a huge lie.? That was far worse than 911 but americans said hell with it.
you should amend that to: "a majority of ill-informed, semiliterate paranoids came to that conclusion long ago."
Building 7 is the smokiest gun in history and proves beyond a doubt that 911 was an inside job. The govt and media can censor all they want but thanks to the internet, everybody knows about Bldg 7.

The 9/11 Museum's Biggest Oversight: No Mention of WTC Building 7 -

june 6, 2014

I toured the recently opened 9/11 Museum last night. There is quite a bit to report. The size and scale of the building and many sections are actually impressive. One can see how the general public will be very taken by the entire presentation, and therefore, take what they see as truth.

There was a digital presentation showing the flight paths. There where photos of Shanksville and the Pentagon. But by now you may be noticing there’s a glaring omission to this report. There is nothing on WTC7! I still can’t believe it when the museum covers so much of everything else.

No pictures or mention of WTC Building 7 is a blatant example of the 9/11 Memorial Museum keeping important information from museum goers

To add further weight to this proposition, just think how the truth about WTC7 actually changes the meaning of everything in the museum! Just think how the entire official narrative caves in on itself. It boggles the mind…


Here's the museum's timeline of events online. It's at the 5:20pm mark

9/11 Memorial Timeline
There are so many "anomalies"to the 'Official Conspiracy Theory' which have gone unexplained as to prove the point that the OCT is nothing but a lie. I do not offer a theory, only a real investigation by a special prosecutor with subpoena power can test the evidence to determine all the facts. But one fact is clear, Building Seven was brought down by controlled demolition. The NIST admitted that it fell at free fall acceleration which can not possibly occur as a result of accidental collapse due to "normal office fires". It is IMPOSSIBLE!

Of course. Bldg 7 was unquestionably controlled demo and everybody knows it. These idiots here who say otherwise are obvious paid govt shills. If the govt was smart they'd have admitted the truth about 7 right from the start. Now it's too late.


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