Amazing chutzpah - New 9-11 museum never mentions WTC-7!!!

If so, Americans will have a spiritual awakening unlike any other we've experienced so far. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the level of anger and hatred that will sweep this republic if a majority of its citizens ever become convinced their government facilitated the terror attacks of 911.

A majority of the citizens came to that conclusion long ago. But nothing has happened and nothing will happen.

What happened after Bush's invasion of iraq was exposed as a based on a huge lie.? That was far worse than 911 but americans said hell with it.
Here's a 2013 poll that indicated millions of Americans don't remember/know anything about WTC7:

"46%, nearly one in two, are not aware that a third tower collapsed on 9/11.

"Of those who are aware of Building 7’s collapse, only 19% know the building’s name;

"After seeing video footage of Building 7′s collapse:

"46% are sure or suspect it was caused by controlled demolition, compared to 28% who are sure or suspect fires caused it, and 27% who don’t know;

"By a margin of nearly two to one, 41% support a new investigation of Building 7′s collapse, compared to 21% who oppose it."

New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories ? | Sign the Petition for a new 9/11 investigation

Should 90% of Americans become convinced Bush facilitated the attacks of 911, people will be far more critical of the lies he spun to invade Iraq (and Afghanistan)
Here's a 2013 poll that indicated millions of Americans don't remember/know anything about WTC7:

"46%, nearly one in two, are not aware that a third tower collapsed on 9/11.

Poll??? It's rigged you simpleton. You really think obama will let a poll admit that 90% of americans know the official conspiracy theory on 911 is a lie.??
Let the chips fall where they may. If we, the American public demand this investigation and carry it through to its conclusion we will prove our country the greatest in history.

It's time to wake ourselves from the fiction of the OfficialConspiracy Theory, the worst that could happened is that the OCT is proven true, but that isn't what will happen, once the first domino falls the truth will come out.
If so, Americans will have a spiritual awakening unlike any other we've experienced so far. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the level of anger and hatred that will sweep this republic if a majority of its citizens ever become convinced their government facilitated the terror attacks of 911.

You got that right, but what, should we all just pretend? What of our posterity? They will look at the video of B7 and all the hundreds of obvious signs of fraud and think us fools or cowards! Previous generations of Americans had their cross to bear, this is ours. Should we not point out the obvious for fear of ridicule, "oh dear they might call me a conspiracy theorist!, accuse me of wearing a tin foil hat!" Mean while the criminals count their loot. And make no mistake, it was about money, it's always about the money....if there is anything that could lead people to mass murder , it's money.
There are so many "anomalies"to the 'Official Conspiracy Theory' which have gone unexplained as to prove the point that the OCT is nothing but a lie. I do not offer a theory, only a real investigation by a special prosecutor with subpoena power can test the evidence to determine all the facts. But one fact is clear, Building Seven was brought down by controlled demolition. The NIST admitted that it fell at free fall acceleration which can not possibly occur as a result of accidental collapse due to "normal office fires". It is IMPOSSIBLE!

Of course. Bldg 7 was unquestionably controlled demo and everybody knows it. These idiots here who say otherwise are obvious paid govt shills. If the govt was smart they'd have admitted the truth about 7 right from the start. Now it's too late.
They couldn't do that because it is obvious that B7 was part of 911, admit controlled demolition of B7 means admitting controlled demo of the TwinTowers, the missile that hit the Pentagon, no plane crash in Shanksville... Better to try and cover it up, don't show B7 on TV, don't mention it in the 911 Commission Report. But they didn't think about the fact that video of it would end up on the internet forever!
If so, Americans will have a spiritual awakening unlike any other we've experienced so far. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the level of anger and hatred that will sweep this republic if a majority of its citizens ever become convinced their government facilitated the terror attacks of 911.

A majority of the citizens came to that conclusion long ago. But nothing has happened and nothing will happen.

What happened after Bush's invasion of iraq was exposed as a based on a huge lie.? That was far worse than 911 but americans said hell with it.
you should amend that to: "a majority of ill-informed, semiliterate paranoids came to that conclusion long ago."

All you got is calling names. Weak.
Here's a 2013 poll that indicated millions of Americans don't remember/know anything about WTC7:

"46%, nearly one in two, are not aware that a third tower collapsed on 9/11.

Poll??? It's rigged you simpleton. You really think obama will let a poll admit that 90% of americans know the official conspiracy theory on 911 is a lie.??
Rigged, really?
A&E 911 is in conspiracy with Obama?
Prove it, Troll.
Let the chips fall where they may. If we, the American public demand this investigation and carry it through to its conclusion we will prove our country the greatest in history.

It's time to wake ourselves from the fiction of the OfficialConspiracy Theory, the worst that could happened is that the OCT is proven true, but that isn't what will happen, once the first domino falls the truth will come out.
If so, Americans will have a spiritual awakening unlike any other we've experienced so far. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the level of anger and hatred that will sweep this republic if a majority of its citizens ever become convinced their government facilitated the terror attacks of 911.

You got that right, but what, should we all just pretend? What of our posterity? They will look at the video of B7 and all the hundreds of obvious signs of fraud and think us fools or cowards! Previous generations of Americans had their cross to bear, this is ours. Should we not point out the obvious for fear of ridicule, "oh dear they might call me a conspiracy theorist!, accuse me of wearing a tin foil hat!" Mean while the criminals count their loot. And make no mistake, it was about money, it's always about the money....if there is anything that could lead people to mass murder , it's money.
I think you've put your finger on the question of our time. There's no doubt in my mind a generation of Americans is coming that will see the lies of 911 and ask why those who were alive in September 2001 didn't demand answers. Those answers would be much easier to find before all the principals die of old age; however, that isn't how History has been written, at least until now. If there's one key demographic in this struggle, I think it is probably the US Military and police agencies; if a majority of those with the guns start demanding answers, elites in the US will face a problem they have never seen before...just in time for the next Major Economic Collapse, maybe?:eek:
They couldn't do that because it is obvious that B7 was part of 911, admit controlled demolition of B7 means admitting controlled demo of the TwinTowers, the missile that hit the Pentagon, no plane crash in Shanksville... Better to try and cover it up, don't show B7 on TV, don't mention it in the 911 Commission Report. But they didn't think about the fact that video of it would end up on the internet forever!

The internet was fairly new in 2001 and the perps didn't appreciate what it could do. Without the internet no one would have questioned the govt story on 911.
They couldn't do that because it is obvious that B7 was part of 911, admit controlled demolition of B7 means admitting controlled demo of the TwinTowers, the missile that hit the Pentagon, no plane crash in Shanksville... Better to try and cover it up, don't show B7 on TV, don't mention it in the 911 Commission Report. But they didn't think about the fact that video of it would end up on the internet forever!

The internet was fairly new in 2001 and the perps didn't appreciate what it could do. Without the internet no one would have questioned the govt story on 911.

Exactly, without the video of B7 there would be no smoking gun evidence. All the other anomalies would have been explained away. And of course coupled with the fact that no one wants to be ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist people would have just given up.
But every time I show Building Seven to people who have never heard of it they do the same thing I did. first they can't believe it, then they won't believe it, then finally, usually after a lot of time they accept it and start showing others.
Sometimes I'm still shocked by it, I hadn't heard about, I just stumbled upon it back in '09 by accident. I'm a contractor and was researching something to do with building and then there is was! I'm like "what?! This happened on 911?! Why didn't I hear about this?!" I spent a few weeks in shock and disbelief, but I kept looking at it. I've done enough construction with steel to know the basics which is enough to know that only controlled demo explains B7.
They couldn't do that because it is obvious that B7 was part of 911, admit controlled demolition of B7 means admitting controlled demo of the TwinTowers, the missile that hit the Pentagon, no plane crash in Shanksville... Better to try and cover it up, don't show B7 on TV, don't mention it in the 911 Commission Report. But they didn't think about the fact that video of it would end up on the internet forever!

The internet was fairly new in 2001 and the perps didn't appreciate what it could do. Without the internet no one would have questioned the govt story on 911.

Exactly, without the video of B7 there would be no smoking gun evidence. All the other anomalies would have been explained away. And of course coupled with the fact that no one wants to be ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist people would have just given up.
But every time I show Building Seven to people who have never heard of it they do the same thing I did. first they can't believe it, then they won't believe it, then finally, usually after a lot of time they accept it and start showing others.
Sometimes I'm still shocked by it, I hadn't heard about, I just stumbled upon it back in '09 by accident. I'm a contractor and was researching something to do with building and then there is was! I'm like "what?! This happened on 911?! Why didn't I hear about this?!" I spent a few weeks in shock and disbelief, but I kept looking at it. I've done enough construction with steel to know the basics which is enough to know that only controlled demo explains B7.
There's a similar experience that Richard Gage had when he took a video of WTC7 to Scandinavia and showed it to a mechanical engineer who was under the impression only two towers fell in New York on 911. When the engineer first watches the video, there's no hesitation when he's asked what he's just seen: "controlled demolition." That's when Richard tells him the full story, and the look on the engineer's face says it all. If Americans ever have an opportunity to watch WTC7's collapse as often as they've seen the other two towers fall, most will come to the same conclusion as that Scandinavian engineer did.
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The US lets in massive numbers of Illegal Aliens but you all think that they would NEVER let in Terrorists? You mean like the ones they fund in the Middle East? (ISIS)?
Of course. Bldg 7 was unquestionably controlled demo and everybody knows it. These idiots here who say otherwise are obvious paid govt shills. If the govt was smart they'd have admitted the truth about 7 right from the start. Now it's too late.
They couldn't do that because it is obvious that B7 was part of 911, admit controlled demolition of B7 means admitting controlled demo of the TwinTowers, the missile that hit the Pentagon, no plane crash in Shanksville... Better to try and cover it up, don't show B7 on TV, don't mention it in the 911 Commission Report. But they didn't think about the fact that video of it would end up on the internet forever!

Ummm .... the video on the Internet proves it wasn't a controlled demolition.
Of course. Bldg 7 was unquestionably controlled demo and everybody knows it. These idiots here who say otherwise are obvious paid govt shills. If the govt was smart they'd have admitted the truth about 7 right from the start. Now it's too late.
They couldn't do that because it is obvious that B7 was part of 911, admit controlled demolition of B7 means admitting controlled demo of the TwinTowers, the missile that hit the Pentagon, no plane crash in Shanksville... Better to try and cover it up, don't show B7 on TV, don't mention it in the 911 Commission Report. But they didn't think about the fact that video of it would end up on the internet forever!

Ummm .... the video on the Internet proves it wasn't a controlled demolition.
Got a link?
They couldn't do that because it is obvious that B7 was part of 911, admit controlled demolition of B7 means admitting controlled demo of the TwinTowers, the missile that hit the Pentagon, no plane crash in Shanksville... Better to try and cover it up, don't show B7 on TV, don't mention it in the 911 Commission Report. But they didn't think about the fact that video of it would end up on the internet forever!

Ummm .... the video on the Internet proves it wasn't a controlled demolition.
Got a link?

Yeah ... the video on the Internet ...

No explosions to bring building 7 down as are visible and audible in an actual controlled demolition. Compare the video above with the one below.


Plus, the inside of building 7 collapsed before the outside. Something else which doesn't occur in an actual controlled demolition.

And the last piece of evidence is that truthers are imbeciles.
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Exactly, without the video of B7 there would be no smoking gun evidence. All the other anomalies would have been explained away. And of course coupled with the fact that no one wants to be ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist people would have just given up.
But every time I show Building Seven to people who have never heard of it they do the same thing I did. first they can't believe it, then they won't believe it, then finally, usually after a lot of time they accept it and start showing others.
Sometimes I'm still shocked by it, I hadn't heard about, I just stumbled upon it back in '09 by accident. I'm a contractor and was researching something to do with building and then there is was! I'm like "what?! This happened on 911?! Why didn't I hear about this?!" I spent a few weeks in shock and disbelief, but I kept looking at it. I've done enough construction with steel to know the basics which is enough to know that only controlled demo explains B7.

I had the same reaction when i found out about bldg7. I about fell out of my chair and said to myself "you mean there was a THIRD skyscraper that collapsed on that day and it WASN'T hit by a plane? Why aren't we talking about this?"

Plus, the inside of building 7 collapsed before the outside. Something else which doesn't occur in an actual controlled demolition.


Really? HAHAHA. You paid govt shills are too obvious.

Plus, the inside of building 7 collapsed before the outside. Something else which doesn't occur in an actual controlled demolition.


Really? HAHAHA. You paid govt shills are too obvious.

Imbecile, you can see it yourself in some of the videos. The roof collapsed into the inside of the building before the building itself came down. I also note you completely ignored my point about the sounds and sights of actual controlled demolitions and how different they are from building 7.

Truthers are such idiots.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
They couldn't do that because it is obvious that B7 was part of 911, admit controlled demolition of B7 means admitting controlled demo of the TwinTowers, the missile that hit the Pentagon, no plane crash in Shanksville... Better to try and cover it up, don't show B7 on TV, don't mention it in the 911 Commission Report. But they didn't think about the fact that video of it would end up on the internet forever!

The internet was fairly new in 2001 and the perps didn't appreciate what it could do. Without the internet no one would have questioned the govt story on 911.

No the internet allowed everyone living in their grandmas basements to spread their lunacy.

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